
How to memorize English words efficiently (fing-fluo-)

author:Huang Chenyan English

finger['fiŋgə] finger; pointer, finger; Touch with your fingers; tease (cf. Five, Fist, and Ginger)

fingerboard ['fiŋgəbɔ:d] (fiddle, etc.) fingerboard; keyboard (board plate)

fingerbreadth['fiŋgəbreθ] finger width; finger width (about 3/4 inch to 1 inch wide) (breadth width)

fingered['fiŋgəd] finger-like; Fingered; Touch with your fingers; Pointing out; Condemnation (-ed)

Finger food Grasp food by hand, making it easy to grasp the food you eat with your fingers; small snack (food food)

Weak support for fingerhold ['fiŋgəhəuld]; hold support

fingering ['fiŋgəriŋ]; finger playing; fingering symbols; fine velvet lines

finger language Sign language

fingerless['fiŋgəlis] fingerless (-less)

fingerlike['fiŋgəlaik] finger-like (-like)

fingerling ['fiŋgəliŋ] small fish; small things; very small things (-ling small)

fingermark['fiŋgəmɑ:k] fingerprint; fingerprint (mark symbol; trace)

fingernail ['fiŋgəneil] fingernails (nail nails; nails)

fingerpaint ['figpeint] hand finger drawing (paint drawing)

fingerpost ['fiŋgəpəust] road signs;

fingerprint['fiŋgəprint] fingerprint;fingerprint; handprint (print printing; printing)

fingerprint identification Fingerprint identification, fingerprint identification

fingerprinting ['fiŋgəprintiŋ] fingerprint recognition; Fingerprints; discern

Fingersmith Pickpocket; Midwife (-Smith specializes in a certain profession)

finger-spell ['fiŋgəspel] converses or expresses in English letters; Talking with gestures (spell spelling)

fingerspelling['fiŋgə'speliŋ] sign language; gesture spelling; gesture conversation

fingerstall ['fiŋgəstɔ:l] (made of eraser, leather, etc.) finger guards, finger shields (stall sleeves)

finger-tight by hand (tight; taut)

fingertip ['fiŋgətip] fingertip; tip tip

fingery['fiŋgəri] finger-like; arranged finger-shaped (noun +y)

buttered fingers [singular plural homologous] clumsy people; people with weak fingers, people who can't hold things steadily; people who don't use them; players who are prone to conceding the ball (buttered creamed; creamed)

butterfingered [spoken] careless; easy to slip (or drop) items from the hand (-ed)

clean-fingered Incorruptible, skilled (clean-clean;-ed)

Ear finger little thumb

forefinger['fɔ:fiŋgə] index finger (before fore-=before; before)

Green fingers [colloquial] gardening craft (green green)

index finger (index pointer)

interfinger[,intə'fiŋgə] [geology] runs through each other; Wedge-clad (inter-)

interfingering[,intə'fiŋgəriŋ] finger-like interlacing; interpendent; inter-penetration; mutual wedge

Ladyfinger['leidi, fiŋgə] finger-shaped muffins (lady lady)

lift a finger (lift lift; lift)

light-fingered dexterous; pickpocketing (light)

little finger little thumb = pinky finger = ear finger (little small)

middle finger =midfinger(mid-=middle middle)

pinky finger little thumb (pinky['piŋki] with a reddish tinge)

ring finger Ring ring (ring ring; ring)

sticky fingers stealing habits; petty thieves (sticky sticky)

thumb[θʌm] thumb

finish ['finiʃ] complete; end; used up (-fin-end, bounds; -ish verb suffix)

finishability['finiʃəbiliti] readiness;

finished['finiʃt] completed; done (-ed)

finished products; finished products

finisher['finiʃə] finisher; dresser; decisive event; final winner (-er)

finishing['finiʃiŋ] final; finish

Finishing material decorative materials (material materials)

finish line (horse racing or racing) finish line

afterfinish['ɑ:ftəfiniʃ] After)

bright finished [machine] polished, mirror polished, finished (bright and distinctive)

mirror finish mirror polishing, mirror polishing

prefinish [pri'finiʃ] pre-machining (pre-pre)

prefinished [pri'finiʃd] prefabricated; pre-painted; unprocessed; Pre-oiled hardwood flooring; laminate flooring

refinish[ri:'finiʃ] reworked surfaces; rework and polishing (re-)

refinisher[ri:'finiʃə] retouched surfaces; retouched (-er)

refinishing automotive refinish coatings; repainting; rework; rework and polishing

semi-finished[,semai'finiʃt] semi-[finished]; semi-half;-ed)

underfinished under-fat deficiency

unfinishable[,ʌn'finiʃəbl] can't end (un-;-able)

unfinished[,ʌn'finiʃt] unfinished (-ed)

finite ['fainait] finite; limited; finite; finite (fin-bound; -ite table "property")

Finitely limited; qualified by personal names, numbers, and tenses; qualified verbs

Finiteness [number] finite

finitude finite; limit; limit (-tude)

Finity finite (=finitude)

fink[fiŋk] whistleblower, whistleblower; sabotage and counter-striker (cf. think, sink)

ratfink ['rætfiŋk] despicable person (rat despicable villain)

fire[faiə] fire; fire; fire; dismissal; dismissal; shooting (see tire fatigue)

Fired[faiəd] fired; fired (fire fire; fired; -ed)

firealarm[faiə,ə'lɑ:m] fire alarm;

firearm ['faiərɑ:m]; guns; in particular, light weapons (e.g. pistols, etc.) that a person can carry (arm weapons)

fireback ['faiəbæk] as the iron plate for the back wall of the fireplace;

fireball['faiəbɔ:l] (a fireball that appears in the air after the thermonuclear weapon explodes); Energetic people (ball ball)

firebase ['faiəbeis] artillery positions; heavy fire points (base bases)

Firebee ['faiəbi:] [Military] Firebee target aircraft (bee bee)

firebird ['faiəbə:d] [American] North American oriole, Firebird (birdbird)

fireboat['faiəbəut] fire boat (boat: boat)

firebolt ['faiə bəult] firebolt arrows;

firebomb ['faiəbɔm] incendiary bombs (e.g. napalm); Use incendiary bombs (bomb bombs)

fireboss['faiəbɔs] ventilator; gas detector (boss boss; foreman)

firebox['faiəbɔks] combustion chamber, hearth; Locomotive boiler furnace, fire box (box box)

firebrand ['faiəbrænd] torch; seditionist; arsonist (brand brand)

firebreak['faiəbreik] [U.S.] fire barriers, fire lines, fire belts; anti-nuclear fronts, preventive lines to stop the escalation of war (or weapons), fire lines (break break; gaps)

firebrick ['faiəbrik] refractory brick (brick brick)

firebug ['faiəbʌg] arsonist; Arsonists; Especially refers to arsonists, arsonists (bug bug bugs)

fireclay ['faiklei] refractory clay, fire-resistant mud (clay clay)

Fire company fire brigade (company company; Accompaniment)

firecracker['faiəkrækə] firecrackers, firecrackers (cracker firecrackers)

firedamp['faiədæmp] biogas; Methane; Mine gas (damp biogas)

firedoor['faiədɔ:] fire door;

Fire drill fire drill; escape and other emergency measures drill (drill training)

fire-eater ['faiəi:tə] fire-devouring magician; grumpy man (eat eat;-er)

fire-eating aggressive;

fire-engine fire engine

fire extinguisher, extinguisher


Fire-fiend Vulcan; Arsonist (Fiend Master)

firefight ['faiəfait] exchange of fire; fight fight; fight

firefighter['faiəfaitə] firefighter;

Fire-fighting ['faiə,faitiŋ] firefighting

firefly['faiəflai] [kun] fireflies (fly flies)

firefox [faiəfɔ:ks] Firefox

fireguard ['faiəgɑ:d] fire bar; firefighter (guard guard; vigilance)

firehorse ['faiə,hɔ:s] horse horse pulling train

firehose ['faiə həuz] fire hose;

firehouse ['faiəhaus] fire station; fire brigade (house house)

fire hydrant; fire hose [U.S.] (hydrant)

fireless['faiəlis] flameless; Lifeless (noun + less)

firelight ['faiəlait] fire light, furnace light (light light)

firelighter['faiəlaitə] ignition (-er)

Fireline ['faiəlain] fire line;

firelock['faiəlɔk] open gun; old gun; flintlock gunner (lock lock)

fireman ['faiəmən] firefighter;

Firemaster['faiəmɑ:stə] [English] Fire Captain (master master)

firenet['faiənet] safety net (net network)

fire-new ['faiə'nju:] brand new; new; new

firepan['faiəpæn] brazier (pan pan)

Fire pit volcanic crater; lava cave (pit pit)

fireplace['faiəpleis] fireplace; Place

fireplug ['faiəplʌg] fire hydrants, plug plugs (plugs)

firepot ['faiə pɔt] hot pot; fire pot; crucible; fire pot (pot pot; pot; pot)

firepower ['faiəpauə] firepower (power power; power)

fireproof['faiəpru:f] fireproof; of)

fireproof material l refractory material,[construction] fireproof material (material material)

fireproofing['faiəprufiŋ] fireproof or refractory materials, fireproof or refractory devices

fire pump [safety] fire pump (pump pump, pump)

firer['fairə] igniter; gunner; arsonist (-er)

fireresistant resistant of)

fireroom['faiəru:m] boiler chamber (room room; space)

fire-safety ['faiə'seifti] fire safety; Safety safety

Fire-sale Fire Damaged Materials Auction; Sale Sale

Fireside ['faiəsaid] fireside; family; fireside; informal; uninhibited

fireside chat; informal chat (chat chat)

Fire Station (station; desk)

firestone ['faiəstəun] refractory stone;

firestop ['faiəstɔp]

firestorm ['faiəstɔ:m] Storm fire, storm

firetrap['faiətræp] buildings without peace gates (or fire fighting facilities), buildings prone to fire (trap traps)

firetruck['faiə trʌk] ambulance; fire truck truck

Fire up to make a fire; incitement

firewall['faiəwɔ:l] firewall; used as a firewall (wall wall)

firewarden['faiə,wɔ:dn] (forest, public building, etc.) fire officer, fire inspector (warden keeper)

firewater['faiəwɔ:tə] [beauty] spirits, fire wine (water)

fireweed['faiəwi:d] weeds (weed weeds, weeds)

firewire['faiə'waiə] FireWire (a high-speed serial input/output technology); farn interface (wire wire)

firewood ['faiəwud] firewood;

firework['faiəwə:k] [common plural] firecrackers, fireworks, pyrotechnic flares (work work)

firing ['faiəriŋ] firing; firing; firing; firing; ignite

afire [ə'faiə] is burning; in a fire (a- in... )

all-fired ['ɔ:l'faiəd] completely, very; extremely, extremely (all of)

Ashfire Embers; Fire Ash (ASH; Ash)

backfire ['bæk,faiə] backfire, tempering; releasing backfire; pre-setting; producing unexpected and counterproductive results (back back; back)

backfired ['bæk,faiəd] backfired; counterproductive; (refers to internal combustion engine, etc.) backfire, tempering; backfire consequences (-ed)

Be on fire; misfire

blackfire ['blæk,faiə] [phytopathology] smoking horn spot; black flame (black black)

brushfire['brʌʃ'faiə] forest fire (brush bush)

Brush fire bushfire; small-scale military operations

brush-fire local; (Labor disputes, wars, etc.) small-scale (also known as brushfire)

bushfire ['buʃ,faiə] bushfire (bush bush; dwarf bush)

campfire['kæmp,faiə] campfire; Campfire; Campfire (Camp Camping)

campfire party

Catch fire (catch catch)

cease-fire['si:s'faiə] ceasefire (cease stop)

crossfire ['krɔsfaiə] crossfire; crossfire (cross-cross)

forest fires; forest fires;

gas-fired ['gæs,faiəd] gas;gas gas;-ed)

gunfire ['gʌn,faiə] gunfire; gunfire (gun gun)

hangfire ['hæŋ,faiə] (ammunition) late fire, stagnant fire, slow fire (hang suspension)

Make a fire (make)

misfire[mis'faiə] fails; no mis-fire

needfire['ni:d,faiə] bonfires; usually refers to fires obtained by rubbing dry wood in times of disaster; specifically refers to the bonfires lit on the night of St. John's Day to ward off diseases and their use (need needed)

oil-fired ['ɔil,faiəd] oil oil (oil oil)

outfire [aut'faiə] extinguishing fires (out in... Outside)

overfire['əuvəfaiə] overburn; overheat, burn; over-)

prefire[pri'faiə] pre-ignition; pre-ignition (pre-before)

refire [ri'faiə] rekindle (re-)

sunfire['sʌn solar fire;

surefire['ʃuə'faiə; 'ʃɔ:-] [U.S.] Reliable; almost infallible, certainly successful (sure of course)

Swingfire ['swiŋ,faiə] [Army] Whirlwind (British anti-tank missile) (swing swing)

test-fire ['test, faiə] (rocket, etc.) ignition test; test firing (test test)

Under fire was under fire, braving a hail of bullets; Under attack (or criticism\blame, etc.) (under below)

Underfired [,ʌndə'faiəd] adds fuel from below; heats from the lower part; under-fire, unburned

unfired [ʌn'faiəd] unburned; unlit (undone unlit)

wildfire ['waildfaiə] wildfire; phosphorus fire, ghost fire (wild wild)

firm root fixed; strong (example word lookup firm)

firm['fə:m] corporation; firm; firm; firm; strict; strong; solid; solid; solid; solid ;firm; solid; firm;firm; Later used to refer to companies, firms)

firmer['f ə:mə] stronger; round chisel or chisel; Round chisel; chisel

Firmly ['fə:mli] firmly, resolutely; firmly, firmly

firmness['fə:mnis] firmness; solidity; firmness

firms['fə:mz] companies, vendors (plural of firms); Become Solid (Three Singles)

firmware['fə:mweə] (electronic computer) firmware (e.g. read-only memory for microprogram control) (-ware pieces)

firmwaring firmware

family firm

Law firm

Parent firm parent (parent parent; root)

refirming skin tightening; re-stabilization; re-firmness (re-)

stand firm stand up

affirm [ə'fə:m] affirmation; confirmation; assertion (a- go, go reinforcement, extend confirmation)

affirmable [ə'fə:məbl] can be asserted;

affirmably[ə'fə:məbli] affirmably; assertively

affirmant[ə'fə:mənt] confirmer; assertor; confirmer; confirmed; asserted; confirmed; confirmed

Affirmation [,æfə'meiʃən] asserts, affirms; asserts

affirmative[ə'fə:mətiv] affirmative; positive; affirmative; pro-side

affirmatively [ə'fə:mə'tivli] affirmatively; categorically

affirmed [ə'fə:md] affirm; confirm; assert; call received

confirm [kən'fə:m] confirm; confirm; confirm; confirm; confirm; confirm; con-, i.e. consolidate together)

confirmability verifiability, determinability

confirmable; determinable

confirmation; confirmation; certification; approval

confirmative is certain; confirmed, confirmed

confirmatory confirmed; definite

confirmed confirmed; confirmed; confirmed; firm; habitual; Confirm; make firm; approve

Confirmedly firmly; deeply rooted

confirmer [kən'fə:mə] confirmer; confirmer

confirming [kən'fə:miŋ] deterministic; confirmed by the test; confirmed; confirmed

infirm [in'fə:m] weak; weak will; in-not; firm solid

Nurse of the infirmarian (nursing patients in the monastery); head of the infirmary (attached to the monastery, etc.).

infirmary [in'fə:məri] infirmary; hospital; nursing home

infirmation [,infə'meiʃən] negation, overturn (argument)

Infirmatory [in'fə:mətri] weakens, tends to weaken, makes ineffective, invalidates; makes weak; makes unreliable; tends to overturn; tends to deny

infirmity [in'fə:məti] weakness; disease; weakness; shortcomings

infirmly [in'fə:mli] weakly; indecisively

infirmness [in'fə:mnis] is weak

interfirm [,intə'fə:m] intercompany; Inter-enterprise (inter-)

intrafirm intra-enterprise (intra-inside)

refirm pores

refirming[ri'fə:miŋ] skin tightening; Re-stabilize; Re-solid (re-)

unfirm[ʌn'fə:m] unstable; unstable (un-)

first [fə:st] first; first; priority; champion (cf. fire, best, -st most)

first-aid['fə:st eid] first aid (aid help; assistance)

First aid; first aid care

firstborn ['fə:st'bɔ:n] firstborn, eldest daughter; Initial results; Born born

First-chair ['fə:stʃeə] Leading (chair chair) in orchestra

first-chop ['fə:stʃɔp] first-rate, first-class, superlative (chop chop; ribs; trademark)

firstclass['fə:stklɑ:s] first class; first class; first class

First cost Initial cost; main cost (cost cost)

first-degree ['fə:stdi'gri:] the mildest; the lowest; the first (degree level)

first draft, first draft (draft draft)

first-ever ['fə:st'evə] first example; unprecedented (ever)

First floor (US) 1st floor;

first-foot ['fə:stfut] First visitor on New Year's Day (foot foot)

First grade first grade; first grade; first class grade

first-grade Grade 1; Grade A

First-gradish first-year freshmen

firsthand['fə:st hænd] direct; Personal; first-hand (hand)

firsthand information

First Lady First Lady; Lady President

first-line ['fə:st'lain] first-class, first-order (line line)

firstling ['fə:stliŋ] first creatures; first things, first harvest (-ling small; not important)

firstly['fə:stli] first; first (mainly when listing articles and arguments)

first name, first name (first name) = given name (name name)

first-name ['fə:stneim] familiar; directly by name (as a sign of affection)

First of all; first (of... Of; all of them)

first or last sooner or later, sooner or later (last last)

first-order ['fə:st'ɔ:də] [cartography] first order, first order, first class (order order)

First Place 1st Place

First Prize (prize prize; award)

First-rank Best; First Class; Excellent (rank rank)

first-rate ['fə:st'reit] first-rate, best-in-class; Top-notch, excellent (rate ratio; Rating)

first-rater ['fə:streitə] first-rate people; first class (-er)

first-run ['fə:st,rʌn] first round; first round (run run; run)

first-strike ['fə:ststraik] strike first; strike first; strike strike

first-string ['fə:st'striŋ] is positive; first-rate, excellent (string line)

firsts [fə:sts] first-class; first-class (first-plural form)

First-tier top; tier 1

first time

First-time first, first

first-timer for newbies; (School) first-year students; inmates serving their first sentences (in prison); soldiers in their first service; members of parliament who have just taken office; people who do something for the first time (-er)

At first at first, first; initially

from first to last from start to finish, consistently, from start to finish (from... to... from... arrive... )

headfirst['hedfə:st] regardless of the front and back; the head forward (head head)

In the first place first; first, originally, at first

quality first (quality quality; quality)

Fisc root from Latin, table "money basket, cash box, treasury", with fisci

fiscal [fiskəl] accounting, fiscal; treasury (fisc- treasury)

Fiscally [fiskəli] financially

FISC[FISK] The Treasury of Ancient Rome; the Cash on Hand by the Roman Emperor

confiscate; confiscation; confiscation; confiscation; confiscation of con-; confiscation to treasury when placed with what is in the treasury; reference to deficit deficit; insufficient amount)

Confiscation; expropriation; confiscation

confiscator confiscation of people

Confiscatory confiscated; confiscated; expropriated

fish[fiʃ] fishing; fishing (refer to dish plates)

fishable ['fiʃəbl] suitable for fishing;

fish alive [fiʃ ə'laiv] alive fish

fish-bellied ['fiʃ,belid] such as the belly of a fish bulging downwards; the lower part is swollen (bellied with a large belly)

fish-blooded cold-blooded; blood-ed

fishbone ['fiʃbəun] fishbone (bone bone)

fish bowl [fiʃ bəul] fish bowl (bowl bowl; bowl-like object)

fishdom ['fiʃdəm] mini aquarium; Dream Aquarium (-dom)

fisher ['fiʃə] fisherman; fishing boat (-er)

fisherman ['fiʃəmən] fisherman; fisherman; angler (man man)

Fisherwoman Fisherwoman;

fishery ['fiʃəri] fisheries; fisheries; aquaculture (-ery sites)

fisheye ['fiʃ,ai] fisheye; eye eye

Fish-eye fish-eye lens; eye suspicious

fishhook ['fiʃhuk] fish hook (hook hook, hook)

fishily ['fiʃili] fishy; expressionless; dull (adjective +ly)

fishiness['fiʃinis] fishy; fishy; fishy; expressionless (-ness)

fishing ['fiʃiŋ] fisheries; Fishing; fishing; fish-related

Fishing gear; gear gear

Fishing Ground

fishing net (net net; net)

fishing pole, fishing rod;

Fishing populationFish population

fishing port (port port)

Fishing season Fishing season; fishing season (season season)

fishing tackle; fishing gear; tackle

fishing village

fishkill ['fiʃkil] (caused by water pollution) fishing; fish difficulty (kill murder)

fishlike['fiʃlaik] fishlike; cold (-like like... Same)

fishline['fiʃlain] (hooked) fishing line, fishing line (also known as fishing line)

Fishman Fisherman (Man Man)

fishmeal['fiʃmil] fishmeal (ground dried fish and fish scrap) (meal meal)

fishmonger['fiʃ'mʌŋgə] fishmonger;

fishnet['fiʃnet] fishnet; mesh cloth; camouflage net (net net; network)

Fish oil; cod liver oil (oil oil; oil)

fishplate['fiʃ,pleit] (for connecting rails or sleepers) fishtail board, joint board; [plural] (for mountaineers) grappling hook; pedal board (plate dish)

fishpond['fiʃ, pɔnd] fish pond, fish pond; aircraft panoramic radar (pond pond)

fishpot['fiʃ,pɔt] fishing cage (pot pot)

fishscope['fiʃ,skəup] fish swarm oscilloscope (scope range)

fishskin['fiʃ,skin] fish skin;

fishtail['fiʃ, teil] fishtail; swing tail driving; fishtail (tail tail)

fish tank, goldfish tank (tank tank)

fishway['fiʃ,wei] (to get fish up the waterfall or dike) [aquatic] fishway; fish ladder (way road)

fishwife['fiʃ, waif] fish woman; female fishmonger; rough woman, swearing street shrew, wife wife

fishwoman['fiʃ,wumən] female fishmonger;

fishworm['fiʃ,wə:m] fish parasite; worm worm

fishy ['fiʃi] fishy; fishy; fishy; fishy; sluggish (noun + y)

fishy smell fishy smell, fish smell (smell smell)

balloonfish [bə'lu:nfiʃ] [fish] pufferfish, pufferfish(= globefish) (ball ball)

billfish ['bilfiʃ] long-beaked fish (e.g. finches, etc.); pointedfish (e.g. marlin, sailfish, etc.) (bill bill)

blackfin ['blækfin] [fish] blackfin whitefish (black black)

bloodfin ['blʌdfin] [fish] redfin fish, redfin carp (blood blood)

blowfish ['bləufiʃ] pufferfish; jute perch (blow blow)

blueback ['blu:bæk] blueback fish; blueback ticket (blue blue; back back issued by the Southern government during the American Civil War)

bluecat longfin forktail (fish) (blue blue; cat cat)

bluefin ['blu:fin] (bluefin) tuna; fine fish for sashimi (blue blue)

bluefish ['blu:fiʃ] horse mackerel (bluefish from the Atlantic coast of the Americas)

bluegill ['blu:gil] (from the Mississippi River Basin, USA) light blue edible large sunfish (gill gills)

bluegill sunfish; sunfish

bondfish ['bɔnd fiʃ] with fish, knife fish (bond rope, belt)

bonefish ['bəunfiʃ] northern barracuda (bone bone)

boxfish ['bɔks,fiʃ] A species of hard-scaled fish from the tropics; boxfish = trunkfish (box box)

butterfish ['bʌtəfiʃ] pomfret, orynut;

carp [kɑ:p] carp

catfish ['kætfiʃ] catfish (cat cat)

clownfish ['klaunfiʃ] clownfish;

cowfish['kau, fiʃ] manatee; hornfish; dolphin (cow cow)

cuttlefish ['kʌtlfiʃ] squid; cuttlefish (cuttle squid, cuttlefish)

dogfish ['dɔgfiʃ] dog shark; giant whale; horn shark (dog dog)

dollarfish ['dɔləfiʃ] silver-white round fish (dollar dollars)

dragonfish ['drægənfiʃ] deep-sea dragonfish;

drumfish ['drʌmfiʃ] drumfish, drum fish (drumming)

fly-fish['flaifiʃ] fishing with false flies (fly flies; two-winged insects)

fly-fishing['faifiʃiŋ] fishing with false flies

Fresh fish Fresh fish; [slang] new prisoners; young prisoners (fish fish)

globefish ['gləubfiʃ] [fish] pufferfish (globe sphere)

goldfish ['gəul(d)fiʃ] goldfish (gold gold)

grass carp, carp carp

groundfish ['graundfiʃ] benthic fish; refers to fish that live on the seabed, such as cod , etc. (ground surface)

hairtail ['heəteil] with fish (hair hair; tail tail)

inkfish['iŋkfiʃ] squid, cuttlefish (ink ink)

lionfish['laiənfiʃ] lionfish (lion lion)

overfish [,əuvə'fiʃ] 對... Over-fishing

Overfishing[,əuvə'fiʃiŋ] overfishing

pearl-fishery pearl

pickled fish; cold vinegar fish (pickled marinated)

shellfish['ʃelfiʃ] Crustaceans; shellfish and other shelled aquatic animals (shell shells)

sleeve-fish ['sli:vfiʃ] squid; gun squid (sleeve sleeve, sleeve)

snakefish['sneikfiʃ] striped fish (snake-like fish) (snake snake)

sportfishing['spɔ:t,fiʃiŋ] for fishing;

starfish ['stɑ:fiʃ] [animal] starfish (a star-like fish animal) (star star)

stonefish ['stəunfiʃ] stonefish (poisonous spines on the dorsal spine, delicious fish) (stone stone)

sunfish ['sʌnfiʃ] sunfish, small freshwater fish; sunfish (sun sun)

swordfish (sword sword)

tropical fish

trunkfish ['trʌŋkfiʃ] a trunk fish from the tropics

weakfish ['wi:kfiʃ] twill canine totoaba; A type of edible fish (weak and weak)

whale fishery; whale whale

whitefish ['waitfiʃ] beluga whale; White salmon meat (white white)

zebrafish ['zi:brə,fiʃ] zebrafish (zebra zebra)

fist [fist] fist; fist; clenched; clenched into fist; punched with fist (etymology same as five, finger; reference list list; mist mist)

Fisted ['fistid] clenched into a fist; punched

Fistful ['fistful] one, one pinch

fistfight ['fist, fait] fight each other (fistfought is a variant of fistfight) (fight fight)

Fistiana[,fisti'ænə] boxing world; anecdotes about boxing and boxers

Fistic ['fistik] is about boxing, boxing (artic); boxing

fisticuff['fistikʌf] one-hit; boxing; mutual fighting; boxing; punching, boxing (cuff boxing)

Fisting['fistiŋ] punching; clenching; fist refers to sexual intercourse

barefisted (bare naked)

clenched fist clenched fist (clenched clenched)

closefisted stingy; stingy (close off)

Ham-fisted fist is very large; (boxing) shot is particularly powerful (ham overheated)

Hand over fist smoothly and quickly; [mouth] effortlessly; (especially money) in large quantities

Hardfisted Selfish; Miserly (Hard Hard)

Heavy-fisted severe; heavy

ironfisted miserly; cruel; violent; dictatorial (iron iron)

Make a fist clenched; (fingers) clenched into fists

narrowfisted miserly; stingy (narrow narrow)


Fit root do, with fit (checkfic and primary version of the word fit. Reference-it walking)

benefits, benefits; benefits; Benefit, benefit; Beneficial, for... Beneficial (bene-ok)

profit['prɔfit] profit; interest; Beneficial; profitable; beneficial (pro-forward; -fit to do, i.e. the benefit of doing things)

fit [fit] healthy; fit; Fit, Fit; Fit (refer to Fat Fat)

Fit as a fiddle very healthy, energetic, full of spirits (as image; fiddle violin)

fitball['fitbɔ:l] ball ball

Fit for something makes you competent for something, adapts (or fits) something

fitful['fitful] irregular; intermittent, intermittent; bursty (noun + ful)

fitfully['fitfəli] intermittently; episodic (adjective +ly)

fit in with adaptation; conforms; and... unanimous

fitly ['fitli] just right; properly; neatly (adjective +ly)

fitment ['fitmənt] furniture; equipment; accessories = equal to fittings(-ment)

fitness['fitnis] health; appropriateness; fitness (-ness)

fitness center; gym (center center)

fitness club (club club)

Fitness instructor bodybuilder; fitness instructor

fitout ['fitaut] preparation; travel equipment (fit out equipment; equipment; supply)

fitted ['fitid] suitable; custom-made; there are... Equipment (-ed)

fitter ['fitə] assembler; Competent; more appropriate (verb + er; adjective + er)

fittest [fitist] the most competent; the most suitable (adjective + est)

fitting ['fitiŋ] with, device; Suitable, suitable

fittingly ['fitiŋli] fits, fits (adjective +ly)

fittingness['fitiŋnis] fits (adjective +ness)

fittings ['fitiŋs] equipment; furniture; fittings

fitup ['fitʌp] moving stage, temporary stage; first assembly (fit up assembly, fitting; equipment)

Befit[bi'fit] is suitable for; Appropriate (be yes)

befitting[bi'fitiŋ] is suitable; fit

befittingly[bi'fitiŋli] appropriately; appropriately (adjective +ly)

benefits, benefits; benefits; Benefit, benefit; Beneficial, for... Beneficial (bene good)

cutfit['kʌtfit] alternate tool (cut cut)

feel fit feel good body (feel feel)

gasfitter['gæsfitə] gas installer (gas gas)

Keep fit

ill-fitted inappropriate, ill-negative

ill-fitting ['il'fitiŋ] is incompatible

Kitchen fittings kitchen equipment

misfit['misfit] does not fit; does not fit (mis-)

Outfits ['autfits] full outfits; a set of costumes (out on the outside; outside)

outfitter ['aut,fitə] travel goods dealer; sports equipment dealer; decorative goods store; machine installer (-er)

pressfit['presfit] press in; press press

refit [,ri:'fit] refit; refurbishment (re-)

Refitting[,ri:'fitiŋ] modification; redecorated

refitment[ri'fitmənt] modification; repair (-ment)

tightfitting ['tait'fitiŋ] (clothes) close-fitting, tight-fitting (tight)

unfit [ʌn'fit] inappropriate; unqualified; unhealthy; Make undesirable; make inappropriate (un-)

unfitly[ʌn'fitli] inappropriately; inappropriately; unhealthily (adjective +ly)

unfitted [ʌn'fitid] does not fit; Not suitable (undone no... of)

unfitness[ʌn'fitnis] incompetent; inappropriate (-ness)

unfitting[ʌn'fitiŋ] inappropriate; disproportionate; making inappropriate

Five [faiv] five (f-five; -ive live; same give, live, river, etc.; reference to fast fist, finger finger)

Five-by-five short, fat

fivefold['faivfəuld] fivefold;

fivepence ['faivpəns] (British currency) fivepence;

fiver ['faivə] $5, $5 bill (-er)

five-roller ['faiv'rəulə] five-roller roller press, five-roller machine (roll rolling; -er)

fivescore ['faiv'skɔ:] one hundred; 5 by 20 (score twenty)

fiveshooter ['faiv 'ʃu:tə] revolver (shoot shot;-er)

Five sides of the side (sided has... (

Fivesome ['faivsʌm] five things; groups of five; games with five people participating (-some)

five-spot ['faiv, spɔt] [U.S.] five dollar bills; cards with "five points", dice, etc.; 5 points (spot spots; spots)

Five-star ['faiv'stɑ:] five-star; first-rate, top -- (star star)

fifth [fifθ] fifth (of); one-fifth (of) = 5th (number word + th to form ordinal words)

fifteen ['fifti:n] fifteen (teen between 13 and 19)

fifteenfold ['fifti:nfəuld] fifteen times (-fold multiple)

fifteenth ['fifti:nθ] fifteenth (of); fifteenth (of) (cardinal word + th to form ordinal words)

fifteenthly ['fifti:nθli] fifteenth place; fifteenth place

fifty ['fifti] fifty (of)

fifty-fifty ['fifti'fifti] is halved; pros and cons are halved; equally divided into two

fifty-first fifty-first; one fifty-first; fifty-first

fiftyfold['fiftifəuld] fifty times (-fold multiple)

Fifty-one; hot chocolate

fiftyish['fiftiiʃ] around fifty years old; nearly fifty years old (-ish)

fiftieth ['fiftiiθ] fiftieth (pc); = 50th

Give me five and I high-fives (high-fives, celebrating victory, cheers)

go fifty-fifty (on) [US] half and half, divided equally, divided equally; equally apportioned

high-five raise your hand and high-five (high)

nine to five normal office hours (nine nine)

Nine-to-five ['naintə'faiv] work hours are 9 to 5; 9 to 5 office workers

fix [fiks] repair; installation; fixation; dilemma; orientation; bribery (finger finger + mix mix)

fixable['fiksəbl] fixed; determinable; installable (-able)

fixate[fik'seit] fixed; Gaze (-ate)

fixated[fik'seitid] obsessed; Strong relationships; Make Fixed (-ed)

fixation [fik'seiʃn] fixed;positioning; fixing (-ion)

fixative ['fiksətiv] fixed; fixing agent; fixative; fixing agent (-ive)

fixature ['fiksətʃə] Fixing hairspray(-ure)

fixed [fikst] fixed; [Meikou] situation... of; Ready; OK (-ed)

fixed asset Fixed asset (also known as capital asset)

fixed capital fixed capital (capital funds)

fixed charge Fixed expense

fixed cost [accounting] fixed cost, constant cost (cost cost)

fixed idea stubborn thoughts, fixed ideas

fixedly['fiksidli] fixedly; intently (adjective +ly)

fixedness[fikstnis] fixed; solid; unchanged (-ness)

fixed point point;fixed point

fixer['fiksə] fixer;[photography] fixer; fixing agent (-er)

Fixing['fiksiŋ] fixing; installation; equipment; repair

fixing device fixer (device device device)

fixings ['fiksiŋz] device; side dishes; accessories

fixity ['fiksiti] fixation, invariance; fixation (-ty)

fixture['fikstʃə] device; fixture; fixed to something unlikely to move somewhere (-ure)

fixup['fiksʌp] fixed; Corrections; Repair; Fix up repair; Settlement; Improvements; for... Make arrangements)

Fix sth on/upon sb to solve things about someone

affix [ə'fiks] glued; signed; adds guilt to; [language] affix; attachment (a-)

cryofixation [cell] cryo-fixation (cryo-cryogenic)

hotfix['hɑtfɪks] [computer] hot fix; fix patch (hot)

infix [in'fiks] put... Printed; put ... Insert (in... (

interfix ['intəfiks] correlation; reciprocal dropout; intermediate positioning; [Computer] inter-plug (inter-)

match-fixing Match-fixing; Match matchmaking

postfix ['pəustfiks] [language] suff; ending = suffix (post-, in... After)

prefix [,pri:'fiks] prefix; prefix; prefixing something before

prefixed[pri:'fikst] prefixed; plus... as a prefix; preceded by (-ed)

quick fix (quick fast)

Quick-fix ['kwik'fiks] emergency; expedient

refix[ri:'fiks] re-established; re-installed (re-)

refixation [ri:fik'seiʃən] reinstalled, re-set (-tion)

Semifixed Semi-fixed, semi-fixed, semi-fixed (semi-semi-semi)

subfix ['sʌbfiks] subscript (or lower corner) symbol; subscript (or lower corner) letter (sub-)

suffix ['sʌfiks] with suffix; Suffix; subscript; (after suf-=after)

suffixal [sə'fiksəl] suffix of (-al)

transfix[træns'fiks] nailed; punctured; frozen (trans-traverse; through)

transfixion [træns'fikʃən] through; piercing; nailing (-tion)

unfix[,ʌn'fiks] untied; take off; (un-)

unfixed ['ʌn'fikst] not fixed, undetermined; liberated; relaxed (-ed)

Consonant clump flexural roots fly, flutter; flutter; blow; drum; toss, flap (simulate the sound of these movements. Examples of lookup flag, flap, flick, fly, etc. Homophonic plexus bl-)

Flag[flæg] flag; flag-like objects, flat objects; signs; markings (fl-fly; fluttering; wag swinging; i.e., things that swing like animal tails, fluttering. Refer to tag tags)

flag-bearer flag bearer, bearer porter

Flag down Flag (or gesture) to stop; flag (or gesture) to greet

Flag-fall flag (indicating the start of the game) (fall down; descend)

flagged [flægd] flagged in...; Indicated by markers; (drunk) can no longer drink (-ed)

Flagging ['flægiŋ] drooping; debilitating; flag hanging in; slate roads; paved slate

flaggy ['flægi] calamus; multi-flattened; withered (noun +y)

flagman ['flægmən] flag bearer; signal flag bearer (man man)

Flag of truce (surrender to the enemy or request for truce negotiations) white flag, truce flag (truce armistice)

flagpole ['flægpəul] flagpole (pole pole)

flagship ['flægʃip] flagship;

Flagship products

Flagship Store Flagship Store (Store Store)

flagstone['flægstəun] slate;

flag-waving ['flæg,weiviŋ] fanatical patriotism; fanatical patriotism (waving)

Black flag Black flag (indicating that the prisoner has been executed); Pirate flag; Black flag order (the car may be malfunctioning)

house flag The yacht's private flag; Company flag (house house) (merchant ship)

National Flag Flag (National Flag)

red flag Revolutionary Red Flag; symbol of revolution; (Railway, range, etc.) indicates a warning flag (red red)

reflag [,ri:'flæg] changes the State of incorporation (for merchant ships) to another flag of nationality (or flag of convenience) (re-)

signal flag:flag (signal signal)

unflagging [ʌn'flægiŋ] indomitable; unflagging, un-slackening (un-)

unflaggingly [ʌn'flægiŋli] indomitablely;

white flag White flag (indicating surrender); lowering flag (white white)

flake[fleik] flakes; sparks (fly + bake; Etymology is the same as flat plane)

flakeboard['fleikbɔ:d] particleboard; crushing board, compression board, wood-based board (board plate)

Flaked[fleikt] sleeps; exhausted; unconscious

flakelet['fleiklit] small flakes (-let small)

flaker ['fleikə] [wood] planer; slicer

flakey['fleiki] crazy; weird (noun + y)

Flakier ['fleikiə] flakes; thin and flaking; guri quirky

Flakiest ['fleikiist] is deranged; the most flaking

Flakiness['fleikinis] flakes; into thin flakes

flaking ['flækiŋ] flaking; flaking; making... into thin flakes

flaking machine [wood] planer (machine machine)

Flaking mill flattener; mill press

Flakiness flakes; flakes

flaky['fleiki] flakes; thin and flaking; guri quirky (noun + y)

cornflake['kɔ:nfleik] corn flakes (corn corn)

snowflake ['snəufleik] snowflake; snowflake; snow witch (snow snow)

Flam root burning, flame (derived from fl-fly, fluttering), with flagr-; example word cha flame

flam [flæm] lies; trickery; Deception; deception (deceptive words are beautiful and gorgeous; reference to the silent man of Clam, glam charming, charismatic)

Flimflam nonsense, nonsense; deception; absurdity

flimflammer Liar; Fraudster

flame [fleim] flame; enthusiasm; radiance; incineration; redness (-flam burning, flame; Reference blame blame; blame)

flambe [fla:m'bei] burned; burning; Food burned on the fire

flambeau['flæmbəu] torch; decorative, ornate candelabra (beau beautiful)

Flamboyance[flæm'bɔiəns] gorgeous; ostentatious

flamboyancy[flæm'bɔiənsi] flame-like; flashy = flamboyance

flamboyant ['flæm'bɔiənt] flamboyant; flame-like; ostentatious; phoenix wood

Flamed [fleimd] on fire

flameholder [navigation] flame stabilizer; holder holder holder

Flameless['fleimlis] flameless

flamelet['fleimlit] small flame unit (-let small)

Flameout ['fleim,aut] [vehicle] stalls; (jet engine) combustion is interrupted

Flaming[fleimiŋ] burning; fiery; fiery

flammable ['flæməbl] flammable; flammable; flammable; flammable; flammable

flammability flammability, flammability

Flame out bursts into flames

Flameproof fireproof; make fireproof (or fire resistant, fire resistant) (-proof)

Flamer ['fleimə] flamethrowers; miscalculators; failures, mistakes; annoying, weary people; people who are rude to others (in computer networks), people who attack others with emails

flameresistant; resistant

flame-retardant flame retardant (retardant)

flame retardant [additive] flame retardant

Flamethrower ['fleim, θrəuə] flamethrower; flamethrower; [figurative] (skillful with pungent and harsh words) abusive (or swearler) master (thrower thrower)

aflame [ə'fleim] burning; agitated; fiery red; exuberant; burning (a-in)

afterflaming stops burning after oil supply; continues to burn, replenishes combustion; burns out (after)

enflame [in'fleim] burning (en-make; enter)

inflame [in'fleim] irritate; make burning; make inflamed; burn; inflame; agitate (in flame flame, passion)

inflamed [in'fleimd]; red and swollen; Make it inflamed; make it burn; make it fiery; stir it up

inflammable flammable; irritable; irritable; irritable; Flammables

inflammability Flammability, Flammability; Excitability

inflammableness Flammability, Flammability

inflamably irritated; irritable; irritable

Inflammation [pathology] inflammation; inflammation; burning; anger

Inflammatory inflammatory; inflammatory; inflammatory; inflammatory

flap [flæp] flap, clap; nervousness; [aero] ailerons (onomatopoeia, fl-flutter, clap, clap)

flapdoodle ['flæp,du:dl] nonsense, stupidity,, nonsense (doodle graffiti; stupid people)

flapdoor['flæp,dɔ:] hanging doors, trapdoors (also known as falling doors)

flap-eared ear drooping; ear ear

flaperon ['flæprən] [aeronautical] flaperons

flapjack['flæp,dʒæk] small powder box; flapjacks, large thin pancakes (jack hawkers)

flap-mouthed lips wide and sagging (mouth mouth)

Flappable['flæpəbl] is easy to be annoyed; easy to get excited about

flapped [flæpt] flap; swing

Flapper ['flæpə] fly flapper; frivolous woman; fowl just learning to fly

Flapperish['flæpəriʃ] of the little girl; frivolous

flapping ['flæpiŋ] swinging; waving; Flapping; rocking movement; Pat, pat

Flappy['flæpi] sagging; slack; loose; swinging; fluttering

earflap ['iəflæp] with hat or separate ear cups (ear ears)

flyflap['flaiflæp] shoot flies; Fly fly

Pocket flap bag lid (pocket pocket)

skin flap (skin skin)

valve flap (valve valve)

Unflappable [spoken] is not easily agitated; calm, calm, calm

Unflappability calm; calm, composed

unflappably unhurried (un-)

flare[fleə] flash, shine; flare; flare; burst; flares; flares; burning; sudden anger (-fl; Refer to glare's glare; declare, declare)

Flareback's fierce rebuttal; trailing flames; unexpected transient resurgence (or relapse) (back return)

flared[fleəd] unfolded outward (skirts, pants); flash

flareout['fleəaut] [aviation] flattened; expanded; homogeneous; flared

flares[fleəs] flared trousers

Flareup ['fleər'ʌp] burns suddenly; flare-up = flare-up

flaring burning; glowing; striking; flashing; flashing; flickering; [Machine] flaring; the port edge is tilted outward

Flaringly gorgeously and vulgarly; swaying and burning

flash [flæʃ] flash, flash; a moment; reflection; Flashing, fiery (onomatopoeia; -fl-; fly +dash dash or crap; reference flesh meat; lash whipping; eyelashes; slash reduction; slash slashing)

Flashable ['flæʃəbl] flash; flash

flashback (novel, drama, etc.) flashback; flashback; psychedelic effect hallucination replay (back return)

flashboard [civil engineering] sluice board, temporary retaining sluice gate, weir board (board plate)

flashbulb flash bulb; magnesium bulb = flash bulb

Flashcard for teaching flashcards

flashcube (four-light rotation for four shots) stereo or square flash (cube cube)

Flashed flash; flash

Flasher ['flæʃə] emits a flashing object;

Flash flood flash floods; surge floods

flash-forward advance narration of future events (in novels, movies, etc.) (forward forward)

flashgun [beauty] [photography] flash gun, flash manipulator (gun gun)

Flash in the pan is short-lived; reflection in a gold pan (describing empty joy, good times are not long)

flashily ['flæʃili] vulgar; brilliantly; instantaneously; flashy

Flashiness ['flæʃinis] brilliant; instantly

flashing ['flæʃiŋ] flashing; flashing; flashing; waterproof board; rain shield

flashlamp['flæʃ,læmp] lamp;

flashlight ['flæʃ,lait] flashlight

Flashman ['flæʃmæn] inferior gentleman; flash man (man man)

flashpoint['flæʃpɔint] flashpoint; flashpoint action (point point)

flashtube['flæʃ,tub] flash tube (lamp) (tube tube; electron tube)

Flashy ['flæʃi] flashy; instantaneous; vulgar; grumpy

Backflash gas flashbacks; flashbacks (= flashbacks)

counterflashing [architecture] cap flood water, cover water cover (counter-)

low-flash low-flash, low-temperature ignition; low flash point, low flash point (low low)

multiflash multi-flash device; multi-flash

news flash SMS, SMS

photoflash ['fəutə,flæʃ] flash; [Photography] with flash (photo photo)

preflash ['priflæʃ] pre-illuminated light (pre-pre)

reflash['riflæʃ] re-ignition (re-)

stroboflash flash (strobo [electronic] flash discharge tube; flash meter)

flat root blowing; expansion, inflating; flat (derived from lat-expansion; example word check flag, look up word flat)

flat [flæt] apartment; flat; flat; flat; monotonous; sluggish; crisp; flat; flat; flat; shallow (refer to bat racket, pat tap)

Flatbed ['flætbed] Trucks with platforms to load; platform, flatbed (bed beds)

flat-bed ['flæt,bed] flatbed trailer; horizontal layer

Flatbed Truck Flatbed Trucks

flatboat ['flætbəut] flat-bottomed boat (boat boat)

flatcar ['flæt,kɑ:] [U.S.] flatbeds, flat cars, open cars (car trolleys)

flatette ['flæ'tet] (Australian, New Zealand English) small apartment (-ette small)

flatfoot ['flætfut] flat foot; police (foot foot)

flat-footed['flæt'futid] flat foot; straightforward; categorical; unprepared (-ed)

flathead['flæthed] flat head; American Indian Tribes; Fools, Easily Deceived (Head Heads)

flatheaded ['flæt,hedid] flat-topped, flat-headed (-ed)

flation ['fleiʃən] price stability; period of stability; period of currency stability (-ion)

flatiron ['flæt,aiən] iron, iron iron (soldering iron)

flatland ['flætlænd] plain (land land; land)

flatlet ['flætlit] suite; small apartment (-let small)

flatline ['flætlain] (EEG) horizon; death (line line; route)

flatliner ['flætlainə] dead man; man who has just died; man without vitality (-er)

flatling ['flætliŋ] flattened, lying flat, straight; categorically, straight (-ling small)

flatly ['flætli] flat; straight (adjective +ly)

Flatmate ['flæt, meit] people who share an apartment;

flatness ['flætnis] flat; monotonous; flat attitude (-ness)

flat-nosed ['flæt'nəuzd] nose-nose;-ed

flatout['flætaut] rampage ; Flat out (do your best; use full speed; exhaustion)

flat-out['flæt'aut] blunt; frank; highest

Flat peach peach

Flat race [sports] barrier-free racing (or horse racing)

flat-rate flat rate (rate ratio)

flat-roofed['flætru:f] [buildings, etc.] flat-roofed (roof roof; top; -ed)

flatscreen['flætskri:n] display;

flatten['flætən] makes... Flattened; flattened; flattened; monotonous (-en)

flattener['flætənə] flattener; Hammer leveler(-er)

flattie ['flæti] flat shoes; flat heels; police (-ie small)

flatty ['flæti] police; Flat shoes, flat shoes (-ty noun suffix)

Flat tires are listless; leaky tires (tires)

flattish ['flætiʃ] slightly flat; somewhat mundane (-ish)

Flattop ['flæt,tɔp] aircraft carrier; flat-roofed house

flat-top flat-roofed buildings (top top)

flat-topped (-ed)

flatware['flætweə] flat tableware (refers to knives, forks, spoons, etc.) (ware utensils)

flatwise['flætwaiz] flat; Flat, flat, flat, flat, forward or downward (-wise direction)

flatwork ['flætwə:k] towels, etc.; bed linen that can be ironed by machine or electric (work work)

Flatworm['flætwə:m] flatworm; flatworm

Fall flat fails; does not achieve the desired effect (fall falls)

service flat One apartment room (service service) for grocery service

show flat sample room (house as sample) (show display)

Conflation consolidation; heterogeneous cost (con-)

deflate [di'fleit] shrinks; prices fall; Deflation; making it shrink; deflation; fleating; deflating (de-making the opposite; -flat swelling)

deflatable [di'fleitəbl] deflated; compactable

deflated [di'fleitid] deflated; Pumping; making deflation

deflating[di'fleitiŋ] [financial] deflationary deflation

deflation [di'fleiʃən] deflation; deflation


deflator [di'fleitə] deflation index; deflator; price index net of inflation

efflation blows out (e-outward)

Efflatum volcanic eruptions

inflate [in'fleit] expansion; inflatable; Make inflation; make inflation (in in, -flat blow)

inflatable [in'fleitəbl] inflatable, inflatable; proud

inflated inflation; inflated; soaring prices; (plant) swollen; Inflation; Inflation; Raising (Prices)

inflater [in'fleitə] booster pump; inflator (-er)

inflating [in'fleitiŋ] inflatable; Expansion; inflation; Inflatable; inflatable

Inflation [in'fleiʃən] inflation; inflation; exaggeration; pretentiousness

Inflationary; inflationary; inflationary; inflation-induced

inflator [in'fleitə] inflator; pump; booster pump

mudflat ['mʌdflæt] mudflat (mud mud)

perflation ventilation (per-)

reflate[,ri'fleit] re-expansion of currency; re-expansion of (re-re;-flat expansion)

reflation [,ri'fleiʃən] re-inflation; currency recovery; economic recovery

Reflationary currency re-inflated; boom recovery

Stagflation Stagflation, Deflation, Stagnant Inflation (Stag Speculative Subscribers)

Stagflationary stagflationary, stagflationary, stagnant inflationary

unflatness non-smoothness, unevenness (un-)

unflatness [ʌn'flætnis] non-smoothness, unevenness(un-;-ness)

flatter ['flætə] flattery; flattery; flattery; making happy (-fl-; -flat blowing; -er table repeatedly. Extended meanings prostrate on the ground, worship, flattery, etc.; reference after the batter; matter matter; matter matter)

flatterer ['flætərə] flatterer;

flattering ['flætəriŋ] flattering; flattering; Pleasing to the liking

flatteringly flatteringly, flatteringly

flattery ['flætəri] flattery; flattery; compliments

unflattering accurate; frank; un flattering (un-)

flaunt[flɔːnt] flaunt; fluttering; boasting; flaunt (with vaunt boasting; boasting; showing off)

Flaunt wealth shows off

Flaunty vanity

Flauntily boastfully; vainly

Flauntiness vanity

flavor ['fleivə] [beauty] sensuality, flavor; spice; taste; flavored in (-fl-floating; used to refer to floating smell, taste. Etymology with flour flour)

flavorful ['fleivəful] tasty; full of... Flavored; fragrant

flavoring['fleivəriŋ] spices; condiments; Flavored on...

Flavorless ['fleivəlis] uninteresting; [food] unscented

Flavorous['fleivərəs] has a taste; it's delicious

flavory['fleivəri] has a scented; aromatic

Flavorsome has a scent

flavour ['fleivə] [English] scent; To give... Seasoning; giving... Add to the fun

flavoured['fleivəd]; seasoned; with... target

Flavourful ['fleivəful] is funny; fragrant; delicious; flavorful; tasty

flavouring['fleivəriŋ] spices; To give... Flavored

flavouring agent; flavouring; flavoring agent

Flavourous has a scent; it's delicious

Flavoursome delicious; full of... Flavored; fragrant

flavoury['fleivəri] has a scented; aromatic

deflavour deodorization; deodorization (de-deodorization)

ill-flavored offensive, obnoxious (ill-no)

Savour Taste; Flavor; Has... Features; added to the condiment; make flavored (same as savor)

Savourless lacks flavor; it's not funny; it's uninteresting

Savory appetizers; fragrant mint; tasty; delicious

flea [fli:] fleas; inexpensive hotels; flea animals (etymology same as flying; reference to plea supplication; lea meadows)

fleabag['fli:,bæɡ] [U.S.] low-cost (or shabby) hotels, humble inns; sleeping bags; beds (bag bags)

fleabane['fli:,bein] flying puff; plants of the family Asteraceae (bane poison)

fleabite['fli:bait] slightly damaged; flea bite scars; flea bites

flea-bitten flea bites, flea bite scars; red spots (bitten bittens)

Flea-borne flea-borne (borne childbirth, bear deformation)

flea market (or fair) [joke] flea market, cheap goods and flea market (market market)

fleapit['fli:,pit] [English] flea dens (public places that are considered to have infestations such as fleas, such as humble cinemas, theaters, dilapidated buildings, etc.) (pit pits)

flea-ridden full of fleas (ridden full of... Variant of ride)

The root of the flect word means to bend, which means "bend; bend; tilt", with flex

flection['flekʃən] bends, bends; bends the part

flectional['flekʃənl] inflected; bendable

flector bending tool

conflect['kɔnflekt] crowded (con-together)

deflect[di'flekt] makes the steering; makes the deflection; makes the bend; Steering; deflection

deflectable[di'flektəbl] steerable; deflectable; deflectable; deflectable

deflected[di'flektid] deviated, biased; Crooked

deflecting[di'flektiŋ] deflected; Make a bias; strike a crooked

deflection[di'flekʃən] bias; deflection; deviation

deflective[di'flektiv] skewed; biased

deflector[di'flektə] guide;

deflectron[di'flektrɔn] static TV tube

eflected outer curve (e-outward)

genuflect yields; kneels (especially when performing religious rituals (genu-knees))

genuflection bends the knee; bends the knees

Genuflector Knee Bender; Yielder

Genuflexion bows down; yields

inflect[in'flekt] undergoes a zigzag change; bending; making buckling (in entering, making, -flect bending, zigzag, used for grammatical inflection, making end-of-word inflection change)

inflectable[in'fleltəbl] [grammar] is zigzagable

inflected[in'flektid] inflected; the end of the word is varied; curved; zigzag

inflection[in'flekʃən] bends, deforms; tone changes

Inflectional inflection; inflection; inflection;

inflective [in'flektiv] inflective;

introflection bends inward = introflexion (intro-inward)

reflect [ri'flekt] reflection; reflection (sound, light, heat, etc.), illumination; reflection (re-back; -flect bend, turn, i.e. turn back, later extended)

reflectance [ri'flektəns] [matter] reflectance

reflected[ri'flektid] reflective; derived from others; Reflection; thinking

reflectible[ri'flektəbl] reflective; reflective

reflecting[ri'flektiŋ] reflecting; contemplative; Reflections; indication; consideration

reflecting mirror

reflection [re'flekʃən] reflection; contemplation; reflection

Reflectional reflective; reflective; reflective

Reflective [ri'flektiv] reflective; reflective; contemplative

reflective mirror (mirror mirror)

Reflectively reflectively; reflectively

Reflectiveness Introspection; Contemplation

reflectivity [thing] reflectivity;[light] reflectivity;reflection ratio

reflectometer [light] reflectometer (-meter)

reflector [ri'flektə] [light] reflector, mirror

Reflectorize is machined so that it reflects light

flee [fli:] escape; disappear, dissipate; escape (fly fly; ee generation "two eyes")

fleed[fli:d] escape (flee's past tense and don structure)

Fleeing ['fli:iŋ] escapes; suddenly disappears

fled[fled] escape; vanishing (fleedone structure)

fleece[fli:s] (sheared) wool; fleece fabric; wool covering (see cheese; freeze frozen; Greece Greece)

fleeceable['fli:səbl] susceptible to fraud (-able)

fleece clothing cashmere clothing (clothing clothing)

fleeced[fli:st] fleece on canvas; from... Shearing of the body; blackmail; being slaughtered (-ed)

fleecer['fli:sə] wool, wool fabric; cover made of wool (-er)

fleecy['fli:si] covered wool; woolly; woolly; light (noun + y)

fleeceflower root He Shou Wu;He Shou Wu powder (flower flower; root root)

fleet[fli:t] fleet; harbor; small river; fast, agile; flying; galloping; skimming; consumption (word derived from flae, natural speed when fleeing, agile. Refer to feed foot)

Fleeter['fli:tə] small steam trawlers;

fleet-footed fast legs; walking fast (foot feet)

Fleetful ['fli:tful] large; large fleet

fleeting['fli:tiŋ] flies; instantaneous; Move fast

Fleetingly['fli:tiŋli] galloped; fast; briefly

Fleetly['fli:tli] quickly; fleetingly

Fleetness['fli:tnis] is fast; impermanent

flesh [fleʃ] meat; flesh; feed meat to... Make fat; gain weight (cf. flash flash; fresh; fish fish)

fleshcolor flesh color (color color)

flesh-eating (eat eat)

Flesher meat animals; butchers; skinners (produced in tanning); scraping tools (used in skinning animals).

fleshiness ['fleʃinis] succulent; obesity

fleshing ['fleʃiŋ] meat; scraping during tanning; Make long flesh; get fat

fleshings['fleʃiŋz] flesh-colored tights; slices of meat cut off

Fleshless [fleʃlis] fleshless; emaciated; immaterial

Fleshliness succulent; fat; indulgent; carnal

Fleshly['fleʃli] fleshly; carnal; vocal

fleshpot ['fleʃ,pɔt] boiling pot, container for meat (pot pot)

Fleshpots['fleʃ, pɔts] extravagant living, material enjoyment; gastronomy

Flesh wound (wound wounds) epidermal wounds( wounds , flesh wounds , wound wounds )

fleshy [fleʃi] fleshy; fleshy; plump (noun +y)

Gooseflesh goosebumps; goose goosebumps (cold, fearful, or agitated) goosebumps

horseflesh (especially horse meat used as food); horse flesh colored wood (horse horse)

In flesh fat, plump; healthy

In the flesh is alive and vivid; personally, personally

lose flesh wasting, weight loss (lose lose)

put on flesh fat, put on ... Up)

flew [flu:] fly (fly's past tense)

The root of the flex word means to bend, meaning "bend; tilt", with flect

flex [fleks] to bend; make shrink; Bending; shrinkage; Buckling; wires; elastic bands; Flexible working system (flex-bending)

flexa root curved (derived from the flex-;a-connection symbol)

flexadux soft duct (dux top grade students)

flexagon paper folded portrait (-gon bend)

flexatone sounder

flexecutive has the flexibility to schedule managers who work and place their own hours and locations

flexed tortuous; folded

flexer[fleksə] deflection tester

flex-fuel flex fuel

flexi root curved (derived from the flex-;-i-connection symbol)

flexibility; flexibility; flexibility; adaptability

flexible['fleksibl] flexible; flexible; flexible; easy to bend

Flexibleness Flexibility; Softness

flexibly['fleksibli] flexibly; easily curved; soft; elastically

flexile['fleksail] bendable; flexible; flexible (-ile)

flexion['flekʃən] bending, bending state; bending part (-on)

flexitime['fleksi,taim] Flexible working hours = flextime (time time)

flextime ['fleks,taim] flexible working hours

flexo root curved (derived from the flex-;o-connection symbol)

flexographic elastic printing

flexography aniline printing, surface printing (technical) (-graphy)

flexor ['fleksə] [anatomy] flexor muscles

flexu root curved (derived from the flex-;u-connection symbol)

flexuose['flekʃuəus] curved; zigzag (-ose)

flexuous['fleksjuəs] is shaky; curved; wavy; [biological] zigzag; unstable

flexura['fleksjurə] zigzag = flexure

flexural['flekʃərəl] is curved; zigzag

flexure['flekʃə] buckling; folding; bending parts

antiflex bending resistance (anti-)

circumflex ['sə:kəmfleks] suppressed symbol; Long diacritics; curved; With tonal symbols (circum-surround)

conflex['kɔnfleks] cladding steel (con-)

deflex[di'fleks] (Spanish) makes downward bending (de-down)

deflexed[di'flekst] [botany] (petals, leaves, etc.) curved outward, folded outward; Steered; deflected; deflected; flexed; made downward bent

The deflexibility bends downwards

deflexion[di'flekʃən] deflection, deflection; deflection = deflection

hyperflexion overflection (hyper-above)

inflex[in' fleks] bending, flexing (inward; -flex bending)

inflexed [in'flekst] [plant] folded inward; curved inward, curved inward; bent; deflected

Inflexible stubborn; unbendable; unyielding; untransforming

inflexibleness is indomitable, inelastic; stubborn; immutability

inflexibility is indomitable, inelastic; stubborn; immutability

inflexibly unyieldingly, stubbornly

inflexion[in'flekʃən] bending; transposition; inflection; turning back to the vertex

inflexional[in'flekʃənəl] inflectional change =inflectional; inflection point

Inflexionless is not bent

Combination of interflex tube and crystal detector (inter-)

introflexion bending inward = introflection (intro-inward)

multiflex variant flexible attack (American football) (multi-)

preflex['pri:fleks] pre-added bending force; Pre-bending (pre-)

reflex['ri:fleks] reflex; reflection; reflection; retraction; habitual thinking; reflective; reflective; reactive; re-angled (re-back; flex tilt, bend)

reflexed [planted] folded back; bent down; handful... Twist and turn... Retraced

reflexes['ri: fleksiz] reaction; conditioned reflex; fire-save response (goalkeeper); radiation (plural)

reflexibility reflectivity

reflexible[ri'fleksəbl] reflective; reflective

reflexion [ri'flekʃən] reflection; reflection = reflection

reflexive [ri'fleksiv] reflexive; [thing] reflective; Reflexive pronouns; reflexive verbs

reflexiveness reflexive pronouns; reflexive verbs

reflexivity[ri'fleksiviti [number]self-repellence;reflectivity

reflexly['ri:fleksli] reflexively; introspectively

Reflexogenic [neuroscience] reflexive, proreflexogenic (also known as reflexogenous)

reflexological reflexology; Reflexive (-logy)

Reflexologist reflexologist

reflexology [physiological] reflexology (the belief that behavior is the result of a series of reflexes); Reflexology (massage of the feet).

semiflexible semi-flexible; [binding] (book cover) semi-soft (semi-)

flict root The word is of Latin origin and means "whip, strike; torture"

afflict torture; make pain; make distress (a-go, -flict hit, i.e. torture)

Afflicting is painful; making distressed

Affliction suffering; distress; torment

Afflictive is uncomfortable; distressed; painful

conflict [kən'flikt] conflict, contradiction; Struggle; Disputes; Resistance; Fighting (con-together; flict strikes, i.e. both sides hitting each other)

conflicting[kən'fliktiŋ] conflicting; contradictory; inconsistent; Conflict; controversy

confliction [kən'flikʃən] conflict, conflict; contradiction, opposition, disagreement

conflictive [kən'fliktiv] contradictory

conflictual[kən'fliktju:l] with conflicting; Controversial

inflict inflicted; inflicted (injury, pain, etc.); giving (blow, etc.) (in-in, make, flict blow, torture)

inflictable punishable

inflicter perpetrator; punisher

infliction imposed; punishment, punishment

inflictive to strike; sad

flig root hit, hit, and flict (cf. feather fight)

profligacy ['prɔfliɡəsi] profligacy; debauchery; waste (pro-forward, -flig hit, -acy noun suffix)

profligate ['prɔflieit] debauchery, unruly; profligate; Debauchers; hedonists

flight [flait] flight; flight; escape; Migration (fly + light)

flight attendant air service personnel; Attendant attendant

flight chart;flight chart

flight control;flight control;flight control;management)

Flight crew; flight crew; crew crew

Flight deck; cockpit (deck deck)

flighter ['flaitə] fighter;

Flighting; flight routes; intermittent or jumping ads

flightism ['flaitiəm] escapism (-ism)

flighty ['flaiti] frivolous; frivolous; frivolous; moody (noun +y)

flightily ['flaitili] impetuously; frivolously; frivolously (adjective +ly)

flightiness ['flaitinis] crazy; frivolous (-ness)

flightless ['flaitlis] [birds etc.] cannot fly (noun + less)

flightline ['flaitlain] route; photographic route

flight logFlight logbook (log log; log)

flight map Route Map Flight map (map map)

flight path

flightplan['flait'plæn] flight plan (plan plan)

flight-test ['flaittest] Aircraft test flight (test test; inspection)

flight ticketFlight ticket

flightworthy ['flait' wə:ði] capable of flying, flightable (participating); available for flight, applicable to flight; safe flight conditions (worthy worthy)

flightworthiness (-ness)

direct flight; direct flight; direct flight

inflight ['in'flait] in flight; occurs in flight (in... Medium)

preflight [pri:'flait] before takeoff; pre-before (before-=before)

reflight[ri:'flait] test flight again; Re-flight (re-)

Scheduled flights; scheduled flights (scheduled)

Spaceflight ['speisflait] Spaceflight; Spaceflight (space universe; space)

Take(to) flight escape, escape

topflight ['tɔpflait] [spoken] first-class, best; top; highest level ;top level (top top)

flint[flint] flint; flint; extremely hard stuff (glint flicker; flash; lint soft linen; splint splint; thin)

flint clay hard refractory clay; flint clay; scorched stone (clay clay)

flintify['flintifai] makes it flint (-fy makes...)

flintlock flintlock gun; lock lock

flintily ['flintili] was ruthless; hard; cold

Flintiness ['flintinis] is hard; cold; flinty

flintstone (stone stone)

flinty['flinti] hard; flinty; unwavering (noun + y)

Skinflint ['skinflint] miserly; a dime a dozen (skin skin)

flip[flip] bullet; tendon bucket; Flick with your fingers; jump; Throw; tap (fl-toss, flap, clip cut; clip)

flip a coin (coin coin)

Flip-flop clicks; rolls backwards; does backhand flips; suddenly changes; clicks and clicks

Flippancy ['flipənsi] was flippant; rude; verbally harsh

Flippant ['flipənt] is flippant; mouth-breaking; impolite

flippantly ['flipəntli] was rude; flippantly

Flipper ['flipə] is rude; flippers; fins; scones; fat cans; moves by flipper feet (or duck decks).

flipping ['flipiŋ] very; terrible; Flick; jerk; bounce

backflip ['bæk, flip] (diving, gymnastics, etc.) backflip (such as movements in synchronized diving, etc.); The Great 180-Degree Transformation (Of Faith or Position) (back)

egg flip (made from egg, milk, sugar and wine) eggnog = eggnog

flit[flit] skimming, flying briskly; moving; hiding debts; moving non-stop; changing quickly; flying briskly; moving; hiding from debt; sneaking away at night (consonant clump fl-fly; -it walking; etymology fleet, float, flap, flabby, flag)

Flitter swept by; Flying around; hurrying back and forth

float[fləut] floating; fluttering, scattering; floats, floats; drifters; floats; floating boats; duckweed (consonant bush fl-fly; fluttering; boat boats. Refer to bloat swell; swollen; gloat schadenfreude)

float bridge pontoon bridge; vehicle ferry lead bridge (bridge bridge)

float glass (glass glass)

float grass (grass grass)

floatable ['fləutəbl] floatable; navigable; flotationable

floatability [financial] floatability

floatage['fləutidʒ] buoyancy; floating, floating objects; train ferry fee = flotage

floatation[fləu'teiʃən] [materialization] flotation; floatability

floatboard ['fləutbɔ:d] (waterwheel) webpan, wood-bearing board, wheel wing (board plate)

floated ['fləutid] floating; floating; distributed; distributed

floater ['fləutə] floater; floater; [financial] liquid securities

floating ['fləutiŋ] flowing; floating, floating; float

a floating body [flow] floating body

Floating crane [boat] floating crane; floating crane (crane crane)

Floating garden (built on bamboo rafts in the lake in places like Mexico City) Floating garden (garden garden)

floating roof tank floating roof tank, floating roof tank (roof roof; tank container)

floatman float manager (man man)

floatplane = float plane

floatstone pumice, drifting stone, (polished masonry, etc.) grinding stone (stone stone)

floaty ['fləuti] shallow draught; can float

afloat [ə'fləut] at sea(of); floating (of); immersed in water(of); in propagation(of))

milk-float ['milkfləut] milk milk carriage

flotage['fləutidʒ] buoyancy; floating; floating objects

flotation['fləu'teiʃən] flotation =floatation

Flotilla[fləu'tilə] small fleet; small fleet

flotsan['flɔtsən] waste; floating; displaced persons; bits and pieces

flotsam['flɔtsəm] waste; drifting cargo (of shipwrecked ships); floating cargo; fragments

flood[flʌd] flood; flood; Flooded; full; overflowing (consonant clump fl-, onomatopoeia, reference to fly + blood blood; same flow, float)

Floodable['flʌdəbl] soakable

Floodability [flʌdə'biliti] non-sinking, immersion

Flooded, flooded; flooded; flooded; flooded; irrigated; Flooding;

floodgate ['flʌdgeit] sluice gate;

Flooding ['flʌdiŋ] flooding; postpartum hemorrhage

floodlight ['flʌdlait] lighting; floodlight; searchlight; illumination with floodlight (light lamp)

floodlighting power lighting; [build] flood lighting; Illuminate with floodlights

Floodlit ['flʌdlit] illuminated, floodlit illuminated

Floodmark High Tide Marker, High Water Mark; Flood Remnant (Mark Marker)


floodplain flood plains (plain plains)

flood season flood season, flood season; flood season (season season)

flood tide; tide tide

floodtime ['flʌdtaim] during high tide (time time)

floodwall ['flʌdwɔ:l] [civil engineering] flood control stone embankment, flood control bank wall (wall wall)

floodwater ['flʌdwɔ:tə] flood, rising tide;

floodway ['flʌdwei] spillway, flood channel, overflow trough (way road)

floodwood ['flʌdwud] driftwood, driftwood (wood)

Flash flood Flash floods; soaring floods (flash moments)

photoflood overpressure strong overflow light; photographic flood light; photo taken with photo flood light (photo photo)

Waterflood to... Water Injection; Flooding

floor[flɔ:] floor; Floors; Substrate; Parliamentarian seat; Flooring; Knocked down, knocked down; (difficult) difficult (reference to doormen, boor farmers, poor poor)

floorage ['flɔ:ridʒ] floor area; floor area (-age)

floorboard['flɔ:bɔ:d] floor; (often plural) (car cab, etc.) floor plate; foot (accelerator pedal of car) (board plate)

Floorboards [built] floors (in plural form); car floors

floorboarded['flɔ:bɔ:did] putting the car's throttle to the bottom (-ed)

floorcloth ['flɔ:klɔ:θ] floor moisture cloth ( = ground cloth)

Floorcovering (covering cover; blanket)

Floor drain [build] floor drainage; floor drainage; Floor drain (drain drainage)

floored['flɔ:rd] floored; at... Top bunk floor; knockdown (-ed)

floorer['flɔ:rə] floor paver; defeat, knock down; puzzle (-er)

flooring ['flɔ:riŋ] flooring materials; indoor flooring; flooring; at... Bunk floor; beat

floorlamp['flɔ:læmp] floor lamp

floor-length ['flɔ:leŋθ] hanging to the floor (length length)

floorless ['flɔ:lis] floorless (noun + less)

floorman ['flɔ:mən] driller; doorman (man man)

Floormat mats on the car; carpets (mat mats; mats)

Floor of the Home (UK Parliament)

Floorplan Floor Plan; Plan Floor Plan

Floor planning floor agreement; component layout; pre-layout; layout planning

floorscape ['flɔ:skeip] ground environment; plan diagram (-scape view)

Floorstand stand, stand stand

Floorwalker [Beauty] (inspector in department stores who guide customers and supervises the clerk), waiter (walking)

floorward ['flɔ:wə:d] towards the floor (of), toward the ground (of) (-ward towards)

Dance floor

Factory floor Workers' workplaces (factory factories)

First floor(US) 1st floor;

Ground floor, ground floor; ground floor

Hold the floor for obnoxious long speeches; hold control for lengthy speeches

kiss the floor 认输(kiss吻)

Second floor (US and China) 2nd floor;

Shop floor workplace (shop store)

subfloor['sʌbflɔ:] [build] subfloor;

subflooring [sʌb'flɔ:riŋ] [collectively] laying material for the subfloor (or floor).

Trading floor (trading floor) trading floor; trading floor (trading)

underfloor ['ʌndəflɔ:] [built] under the floor (under... Below)

walk the floor hesitates, walking around the room

wood floor (wood wood)

Wood flooring wooden floors; wooden floors

Flor root The name of the flower god in Flora Roman mythology, flora means "flower, flora, flora", flor- as the root of the word, denotes flower, it also derives many words. Same with flour. See flower for more examples

Flora flora; flora

Floral ['flɔ:rəl] flowers; plants, flora; flower-like

Florescence ['flɔ:'resəns] flowering (state); flowering period; flourishing period, prosperity

florescent [flɔ:'resnt] flowers blooming, flowering (-esce begins)

floriculture floriculture; floriculture; floricultural horticulture; Floral art (culture)

Floricultural planters; those who raise flowers

Floriculturist flower cultivator; florist

Florid gorgeous; good-looking, flower-like (-id)

Floridly gorgeously; flashy and tacky

Floridity is bright; good looks

Floridness was bright; good looks

florist['flɔ:rist] florist, flower grower; flor-=flower researcher

Floristic [flə'ristik] of plants; flowers

flour ['flauə] flour; powdery substance; sprinkle flour on; put ... Ground into powder

Flourish (man, animal, other organism) flourishes, flourishes

Flourishing prosperous; flourishing; flourishing; flourishing; flourishing;

deflorate[di:'flɔ:reit] has passed the flowering period; Fallen flower (de-;flor=flower)

defloration[,[di:'flɔ:reiʃən] picking flowers;

deflower[di:'flauə] destroys... Flowers; absorb the essence; pick flowers; ravage; defile (de-)

effloresce[,eflɔ:'res] weathering; flowering (e-outward; -flor flower)

efflorescence[,eflɔ:'resəns] weathering; flowering; pulverization (-esce begins)

efflorescent [,eflɔ:'resənt] weathered; flowering; frosting (referred to as salt frost)

inflorescence [,inflɔ:'resəns] inflorescence;

inflorescent [,inflɔ:'resənt] blossoms

prefloration flower quilt rolled (pre-)

reflorescence re-flowering (re-)

Reflorescent flowers again

floss[flɔs] floss; silk cotton; Flossing with floss; flossing (etymology same as flock "group; cotton tow", fleece "wool, velvet fabric"; reference boss protruding)

floss silk embroidery silk thread (silk silk)

Flosser floss; silk wool; scrambled silk

flossier['flɔsiə] silk cotton-like; charming; light and soft (comparative level)

flossiest['flɔsiist] silk cotton-like; charming; light and soft (superlative)

Flossy ['flɔsi] silk cotton-like; charming; soft

candyfloss (flocculent) marshmallow = cotton candy (candy)

dental floss floss (dental teeth)

flour['flauə] flour; powdery substance; sprinkle flour on; put... Ground into powder (originally referred to consonant congfl-; etymology with flowerer pollen, flour meaning derived from pollen, refined)

Floured['flauəd] powdered; sprinkled with powder; powdered; ground

flourine ['flauərain] powder sugar agent (-ine adjective suffix)

flourish ['flʌriʃ] (man, animal, other organisms) flourished and flourished; Fancy

flourishing ['flauriʃiŋ] flourishing; flourishing; flourishing; flourishing

flourometer (-meter)

floury ['flauəri] powdery; flour (noun + y)

cornflour ['kɔ:n'flauə] corn flour

glutinous rice flour glutinous rice flour (glutinous; rice rice)

pea flour (pea pea)

rice flour rice rice (rice)

flow [fləu] flow; flow; high tide, flood; flood, overflow (chalow, lateral thinking. Fl is mostly related to "flying"; fly+low)

flowable['fləuəbl] flowable, flowable (-able)

flowability['fləuə'biliti] [fluid mechanics] fluidity (-ability)

flowage ['fləuidʒ] Flow, flood, outflow (-age)

flowchart['fləutʃɑ:t] [industrial] flowchart;

Flowcharting flowchart drawn

flow control flow control ; Flow control (control control)

Flowing['fləuiŋ] flowing; rising; flowing; origin; rising

Flowing water

Flowing well (petroleum engineering) self-blowing well; artesian well (well)

flowingly['fləuiŋli] flows; unconsciously (adjective +ly)

flowline['fləulain] flowline; flowchart flowline (line line; route)

flowmeter['fləumi:tə] [engineering] flowmeter (or meter); flowmeter (-meter)

Flow of conversation (or talk)

Flow of soul

Flow of spirits Spirits

Flow of words, good at talking (words words)

flow-off overflow, [machine] overflow port


flow rate['fləureit] flow rate;

flowrator flow meter; rotameter; buoy flowmeter (-or)

flowsheet[fləu'ʃi:t] process flow diagram; block diagram (sheet sheet)

Flow shop flow shop; flow type; flow shop (shop store)

backflow['bæk,fləu] backflow; backflow (back return)

Blood flow; blood flow (blood blood, blood)

Capital Flow Capital Flow (capital flow)

cashflow['kæʃfləu] cash flow; Cash Flow Statement; toward... Provision of liquidity (cash cash)

contraflow ['kɔntrəfləu] reverse flow; countercurrent; [English] reverse traffic diversion system (temporary driving system) (contra opposite; relative)

crossflow ['krɔsfləu] cross-flow, cross-flow (cross-crossing)

debris flow (debris debris, wreckage)

downflow ['daunfləu] downflow, downflow; downflow (down down)

earthflow['ə:θfləu] [geology] mudslide (earth land)

free-flowing can flow freely; free and fluid (free and free)

Gas flow (gas gas)

Go with the flow; follow the experiences of life

inflow ['infləu] inflow; inflow; Currency withdrawal; cash inflow (in entry)

interflow['intfli] alternating current;confluence (inter-)

multiflow ['mʌltifləu] multi-stream (multi-)

overflowing excess, overflowing; full; Overflow, excess; spill (over-)

reflow[ri'fləu] flows back; (tide) rises again; low tide (re-)

Steam flow (steam)

streamflow ['stri:mfləu] flow rate and flow volume (stream creek)

underflow['ʌndəfləu] [hydrological] underflow; [count] underflow (under-)

uniflow ['ju:nifləu] unidirectional flow; unidirectional flow (uni-)

upflow['ʌpfləu] upstream; Updraft (flow up)

workflow['wə:k,fləu] workflow, workflow (work work)

flower ['flauə] flower; essence; flowering plant; Ripening, developing; flowering; flourishing; exuberant (root flur, derived from flow, pollen-transmitting stuff, also fly + power power)

flowerage ['flauəridʒ] flowering, flowering process, flowering state; flower exhibition, flower ornament (-age)

flower arrangement, arrangement arrangement

flowerbed ['flauəbed] flower beds; flower beds

flower bud flower bud, flower bud (bud bud)

Flower child hippies; flower hippies; (advocating "love, peace and beauty", the flower symbolizes its claim, called) "child child" (child child)

flowered['flauəd] decorated with flowers; with flowers (-ed)

flowerer ['flauərə] flowering plants; (pottery, embroidery, etc.) tracing (-er)

floweret ['flauərit] floret=flowerlet(-et=-let small)

flower garden; garden garden

flower girl; flower girl at the wedding

flowerless['flauəlis] figless (-less)

flowerlet ['flauəlet] small (flower's) flower (-let small)

flowerlike['flauəlaik] like a flower; flower-like

Flowering ['flauəriŋ] has flowers; it blossoms; it blossoms

flowering period

Flowering plants;

flowerpot ['flauəpɔt] flower pot (pot pot)

flower seeds

flower shop florist (shop shop)

flower show (show display)

flowery ['flauəri] flowery; gorgeous; gorgeous; multi-flowered (noun +y)

floweriness ['flauərinis] gorgeous; Multi-flower (-ness)

artificial flower artificial flower (artificial artificial)

ball-flower flower ball, ball heart flower ornament (ball ball)

bellflower ['belflauə] bluebell; bell bell

bloom [blu:m] [general name] flower; youth; exuberant; Blossoming; lush

blossom ['blɔsəm] (a tree or a season) all flowers; Flowering period; Boom period; The state of the blossom

bunchflower ['bʌntʃ,flauə] Lily family herbaceous plants (bunch bunch)

cauliflower ['kɔli,flauə] cauliflower, cauliflower

chrysanthemum flower chrysanthemum

extrafloral [,ekstrə'flɔ:rəl] [botany] located outside the flower (extra extra)

female flower female

fleeceflower root Ho Shou Wu;Ho Shou Wu powder (fleece velvet fabric; root root)

gillyflower ['dʒili,flauə] violet;

In flower blossoming, blossoming

inflorescent [,inflɔ:'resənt] flowering (-escent started)

inflorescence[,inflɔ:'resəns]; flowering; flowering period

in full flower at the peak (full full)

jasmine flower jasmine tea, jasmine (jasmine jasmine)

lotus flower, lotus (lotus lotus)

mayflower ['mei,flauə] May-flowering grass (May May)

multiflorous[,mʌlti'flɔ:rəs] multi-flowered (multi-many, flor=flower, -ous)

pick flowers (pick pick; pick)

Purple flower; purple (purple purple)

reflower[ri:'flauə] to make reflowing; re-flowering; (make) secondary flowering (re-)

rose flower rose rose

silk flower silk silk

starflower[,stɑ:flauə] starflower (star star)

Strawflower['strɔ:,flauə] a wildflower that does not thank you all year round (straw straw)

sunflower ['sʌnflauə] sunflower (sun sun)

tigerflower ['taigə,flauə] tiger lotus, tabby grass [tiger lotus plant or flower] (tiger tiger)

twinflower ['twin; flauə] Arctic flower, Linnaeus flower, long-tube Linnaeus flower or American Linnaeus flower (one of the twin twins; Birth twins)

twinflowered ['twin; flauəd] (-ed) of twin flowers

uniflorous[,juni'flɔrəs] single-flowered; single-flowered (uni-one; single; -ous)

very beautiful flowers

wallflower ['wɔ:l,flauə] cinnamon bamboo incense; wall flower [people who sit and watch without a dance partner at the ball] (wall wall)

wild flower

windflower ['wind,flauə] anemone;

windflowers ['wind,flauəz] Wind Flower; hyacinth (plural)

Flu root from Latin, meaning to flow, table "outflow, flow", deformed fluuctu, flux, example word see fluence (refer to consonant clump fl-;fly, flow, flew)

flu [flu:] influenza (abbreviated from influenza)

influenza[,influ'enzə] [internal medicine] influenza (abbreviated flu); influenza in livestock

Flu shot flu shot; preventive shot; cold shot (shot shot)

Flu virus [medical] influenza virus; avian influenza virus (virus virus)

flu vaccine influenza vaccine; Cold vaccination; Cold vaccine (vaccine vaccine)

Avian flu Avian influenza (avian birds)

bird flu Bird flu (bird bird; avian)

Have the flu, have the flu, have the flu

Spanish flu Spanish flu = Spanish influenza

stomach flu gastroenteritis; Gastrointestinal colds; Stomach colds; Viral gastroenteritis (stomach)

swine flu swine flu (swine swine)

fluctuant ['flʌktjuənt] fluctuating; fluctuating; undulating (flu)

fluctuate['flʌktjueit] (prices, temperatures, etc.) fluctuates up and down; ups and downs

fluctuating; fluctuating; fluctuating; fluctuating

Fluctuations, fluctuations

Flue[flu:] flue; heating pipe; fluffy stuff (flu flow.) See blue)

Flue gas flue gas; exhaust gas (gas gas)

flue pipe flue exhaust pipe; pipe pipe

Fluence['fluəns] (mysterious) effect; [matter] integral flux (flu flow)

Fluency ['fluənsi] is smooth and fluent

fluent['fluənt] fluent, fluent; liquid; free flowing

Fluently['fluəntli] fluently; unobstructedly

fluids, liquids; flowing; not fixed, variable; smooth, graceful; hydraulically driven (-id)

Fluidic, jet-flowing

Fluidics Applied Fluids

fluidisation solid fluidization (same as fluidization, often referred to as fluidization of solid metals)

Fluidity [flow] fluidity; fluidity; fluidity

fluidizable is fluidizable

Fluidization; fluidization

fluidize, liquefaction

Fluidized; boiling; liquefied

Fluidity; fluidity; irregularity, volatility

fluids [flow] fluids (the plural form of fluid); [matter] liquids

fluvial ['flu:vjəl] of rivers; born in rivers; formed by river erosion (cf. River River)

fluviatile['flu:viətail] river; born in a river (-ile)

flux [flʌks] [stream] [machine] flow; Change; Instability; Outflow; Make the melt; Treatment with flux; Melting; outflow

Fluxing ['flʌksiŋ] diluted, diluted

Fluxion ['flʌkʃən] flows; constant change; transformation; flight; disappearance

Fluxional ['flʌkʃənəl] flowing; differential; indefinite

Fluxionary ['flʌkʃənəri] is differential; indefinite = fluxional

in fluent English (in before the language for "with")

affluence['æfluəns] rich; abundant; inflow; convergence (a-orientation; going; -flu flow)

affluency ['æfluənsi] rich = affluence

affluent ['æfluənt] affluent; rich; fluid; Tributaries; the rich

affluent society;

affluently ['æfluəntli] affluently; fluently

affluenza[,æflu'enzə] [wittic] rich disease

afflux ['æflʌks] instilled; inflow; inflow; inflow

circumfluence circulation; circum-surround

Circumfluent circulates, circumferentially; circumferential, circumferential

Circumfluous is surrounded by water on all sides and surrounded by water = circumfluent

Confluence (confluence, catchment point of rivers); (con-together)

confluent; confluent; confluent; conf tributary

defluent flows downwards; downwards; downwards; Streams (by ice sheets, lakes, etc.) (de-down)

deflux [di'flʌks] desolder (flux removal)

defluxion[di'flʌkʃən] flows down; falls off

diffluence shunt; dissolution (di-minutes)

diffluent flowable; easily soluble

Disfluency is not fluent

dysfluent not fluent (dys-bad; bad)

dysfluency [dis'fluənsi] is not fluent; speech disorder = disfluency

effluence ['efluəns] outflow; effluent; emitter (e-outward)

effluent ['efluənt] outflow, issued; Sewage; effluent; exhaust gas

effluents ['efluənts] [kernel] [environment] wastewater (plural form of effluent)

effluent standard emission standards;

efflux['eflʌks] flows; fades; flows; ends

effluxion[i'flʌkʃən] outflow = efflux; (time) passed

influent['influənt] flows; Tributaries (in entry)

Influence['influəns] influence; influence; influence; influence; change

influenced['influənst] affected; effect

influencing['influənsiŋ] influenced; effect

Influential[,influ'enʃəl] influential; powerful

Influentially[,influ'enʃəli] influentially; powerfully

Influx['inflʌks] flows; converges; meets the confluence of rivers

influxion[in'flʌkʃən] flows; injects

interfluence[in't:fluns] joins;alternating current (inter-)

interfluent[in'tə:fluənt] confluence; The stream is in the middle; the communicative; the one that mixes with each other

Interfluous[in'tə:fluəs] flows in the middle; communicative; mixed with each other

interfluve['intəflu:v] divides the field;

Mellifluence smooth; luscious (melli-honey, sugar)

Mellifluent is honey-like

Mellifluous is smooth; honey-like

Mellifluously honey-like; smoothly; sweetly

microfluidic microfluidics; micro-jets

nonfluency is not fluent (non-)

outfluence['aut fluəns] out flux; egress; outflow outlet (out outward)

outflux ['autflʌks] out flux; outflow; flow outlet; Emission

reflu[ri'flu:] reflux; Reflux (re-return)

refluence ['refluəns] reverse flow, counterflow; return flow; low tide

refluent ['refluənt] backwards, countercurrents; reflux; (tides) receding

reflux ['ri:flʌks] countercurrent; low tide

refluxing ['ri:flʌksiŋ] reflux cooling; reflux action

subfluvial underwater; river bottom; sub-produced

Superfluity Luxury; Extra; Excess (Super-)

Superfluous is superfluous; unnecessary; extravagant

Superfluously excessively; excessively

Flume waterway; 笕渠; drainage trough; conveyed with trough; introduced with trough (word derived from flu-flow, same as fluent. Reference illume, plume, volume)

fluor root Fluorite (example word chafluorid)

fluorid ['flu:ərid] (German) fluoride

fluoride ['flu:əraid] fluoride, hydrofluoride; Compounds containing fluorine

fluoridate ['flu: ərideit] fluoride

fluoridation ['fluərideiʃən] fluoridation; fluorination reaction

fluoridize ['fluəridaiz] [U.S.] treated with fluoride, fluoridated (teeth) and coated with fluoridated agents to cure caries

fluoridization fluoride treatment

fluorine [chemical] fluorine (-ine chemical noun suffix)

fluorinates, making it fluorinate with fluorine

fluorinated fluorinated

fluorination [chemical] fluoridation

fluorite [mineral] fluite, fluorite (-ite properties)

fluoro ['fluərə] fluorine

fluorochrome fluorescence;[Reagent] fluorescent dye (chrome chrome)

fluoresce ['fluə'res] fluorescent (started with -esce)

fluorescence [fluə'resns] fluorescence; fluorescence

fluorescein [fluə'resi:in] [reagent] fluorescein, [reagent] fluorescent yellow

fluorescent [fluə'resnt] fluorescent; shiny; shiny; Fluorescent; fluorescent

fluorescent lamp fluorescent lamp; fluorescent lamp

fluoroscope phosphors; fluorescent screen (-scope mirror)

fluoroscopy [special] fluoroscopy; x-ray (-scopy microscopy)

autofluorescence autofluorescence, autofluorescence (auto-auto)

defluorinated (de-removed)

defluorination [chemical] defluoridation

immunofluorescence immunofluorescence; immuno-immuno-fluorescence

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