
What causes enamel hypoplasia?

1. Systemic nutritional disorders, especially the deficiencies and deficiencies of calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, d and C.

2. The influence of systemic diseases, pediatric diseases, such as chickenpox, scarlet fever, can make glaze-making cell development disorders, serious indigestion can become the cause of enamel dysplasia. Pregnant women with rubella sepsis or medication can cause the fetus to form enamel hypoplasia during this period, because the enamel calcification of deciduous teeth is the stage of development and maturity from pregnancy to one year after birth. Most of the changes in the permanent teeth are done between the three years of age after the birth of the child, so pregnancy and infant disease are prone to enamel hypoplasia.

What causes enamel hypoplasia?

3. Apical periapical inflammation of deciduous teeth, repeated attacks of periapical periaponsitis may also lead to enamel hypoplasia.

4. Tooth trauma of deciduous teeth may also affect the development of permanent teeth.

5. Genetic factors, in the generations of members of the continuous appearance of enamel dysplasia of customers, the incidence of this disease is also relatively high.

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