
Namgang in a North Korean oil painting

Namgang in a North Korean oil painting

The Nanjiang River flows from Juji ridge in Yangde County, Ping'an South Province, and passes through Shinpyeong-gun, Gushan-gun, and Yanshan-gun, making it the first tributary of the Datong River.

Namgang in a North Korean oil painting

It is 200.5 km long and has a basin area of 3992.5 km². It originates on the southern side of Jujiling in Yangde County, South Pyongan Province, passes through Yangde County and Xinping County, North Hwanghae Province, passes through the borders of Jiangdong County, Shenghu District and Xiangyuan County, Yanshan County, and Pyongyang Special City, and flows into the Datong River between Jintanli in the Shadong Area and Lichuanli in the Shenghu Area.

Namgang in a North Korean oil painting

The Nanjiang River is also the longest of the tributaries of the Datong River. It is 5 km long, with more than 120 tributaries and 14 tributaries over 20 km. The main tributaries are the Shangyuan River (42.1 km), the Pei Mei River (44.7 km), the LongChuan River (55.4 km), the Fengming River (41 km), the Taniyama River (37.6 km), the Douwu River (33 km), the Senyan River (34.2 km), the Yakumizu River (44 km), and the Matsue River (32 km). Most of the area around the basin is Zhongshan City or Low Mountain City Mountain, with higher mountains in the northeast and gradually declining to the west.

Namgang in a North Korean oil painting

"The Woman of Namgang Village" is a Korean War film made by the North Korean Film Studio. Describe the period of the Liberation War, the adult men of Nanjiang Village actively went to the front, and the women in the rear organized to produce and save themselves. Shouldering the heavy responsibility of supporting the front, what is particularly touching is that when the Korean People's Army crossed the river to fight, the women of Namgang Village took out their marriage cloth as ropes and dragged the ferry, so that the People's Army could successfully cross the river and win the battle...

Namgang in a North Korean oil painting

This "Women of Namgang Village" is one of the many North Korean films released in China that year (that is, in the first half of the 1970s), and it is also a relatively excellent film. The stories of the women in Nanjiang Village who overcame difficulties and supported the front line depicted in the film are similar to some of the films in China that depict women before the branch, reflecting the industriousness, bravery, selflessness and fearlessness of the working women, and the broad mind of sacrificing their families for the country. What is embodied here is a spirit, a stubborn spirit that does not bow to any difficulties and pressures, and this indomitable and tenacious spirit is actually the soul and root of the nation. Revisiting the old film, time flows back with memory, and the scene of that year is still vividly remembered.

Namgang in a North Korean oil painting

Source of content (Imagasai Museum of Art)

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