
Zhu Yin is more and more dashing, thin down jacket with fluorescent sweater, a little wrinkle is also quite natural

In daily life, you will find that many middle-aged women will always neglect their own dress and maintenance, often beauty is to create, the word beauty is regardless of age and occupation, whether you are a young beautiful girl, or a middle-aged woman, the same is to dress yourself.

Zhu Yin's dress is simple and casual, and the seemingly simple private clothes wear contains a lot of color and design matching details. How middle-aged girls want to wear, this article about the middle-aged women's dressing skills and eyebrows must not be missed.

Zhu Yin is more and more dashing, thin down jacket with fluorescent sweater, a little wrinkle is also quite natural

Key points for middle-aged women

Simple and not simple collocation

Regarding the winter wear of middle-aged women, many women in order to ensure maturity and stability, often choose a basic and classic down jacket to match, because the style of down jacket is the wear of a coat, if you want to ensure maturity and stability, then in the choice of down jacket collocation, it will be subject to a lot of limitations.

In this form, the matching of the undershirt and pants inside the crush, and even the accessories of the scarf, must have a certain matching skill. First of all, for the early winter, in order to avoid the swelling style of the down jacket, we must choose a light and thin down jacket for wearing.

Zhu Yin is more and more dashing, thin down jacket with fluorescent sweater, a little wrinkle is also quite natural

Zhu Yin is more and more dashing, thin down jacket with fluorescent sweater, a little wrinkle is also quite natural. In the color matching of the down jacket, we must choose the dark color or the black color, to use the thin style of the color to achieve a shrinkage effect.

In the upper body inside the undershirt with the above, in order to make the overall style more beautiful and bright visual feeling, the crush can choose a certain bright color or fluorescent color to brighten the dull feeling brought to us by the coat.

For the design of the inner leggings, we must present the style with color, retain the classic solid color style on the style, and do not use too much design to shape other elements.

Zhu Yin is more and more dashing, thin down jacket with fluorescent sweater, a little wrinkle is also quite natural

Details of the overall collocation

If girls want to dress more intellectually and gently. It is to choose a knitted legging for use, if middle-aged women want to wear more casual and more casual and comfortable.

In the inner collocation, to choose a sweatshirt without a hat style, in the sweatshirt style of the color, if the middle-aged woman chooses the fluorescent color collocation, then the overall clothing must be only one color.

Don't have too many colors to blend, or too exaggerated and jumpy colors to express the style.

Zhu Yin is more and more dashing, thin down jacket with fluorescent sweater, a little wrinkle is also quite natural

Middle-aged women in color can choose green as a bright color collocation, because compared to warm colors, green will be more lively and more vital, but also with a certain refreshing style.

Compared to blue and purple, green is more youthful and more girly. Green is the overall image, middle-aged women can choose some cartoon small patterns to match, without affecting the style can bring surprises to the style.

Zhu Yin is more and more dashing, thin down jacket with fluorescent sweater, a little wrinkle is also quite natural

Scarf matching skills

Zhu Yin is more and more dashing, thin down jacket with fluorescent sweater, a little wrinkle is also quite natural. On the scarf color pattern, middle-aged women should match the solid color style to set off our temperament. You can wear it with a pure blue scarf to add to our overall sophistication.

And the color of blue and green is the same color collocation, so in terms of collocation, the connection between color and color is very comfortable visually, about the blue collocation, middle-aged women are to choose with a light blue system, refreshing and elegant blue scarf.

For girls who are middle-aged in age, it is possible to wash away the dullness brought to us by the seasons and coats and clothing.

In addition to the refreshing style, the gray tone of blue will bring some high-grade and elegant temperament to the style performance, gray blue for middle-aged girls to wear in winter is a better color choice.

Zhu Yin is more and more dashing, thin down jacket with fluorescent sweater, a little wrinkle is also quite natural

A pairing of winter pants

If middle-aged women want to dress casually, middle-aged women can also choose black sweatpants, because of a collocation of the upper body, we are stacked in fluorescent colors and blue.

Choosing black sweatpants can not only make the overall image more casual and comfortable, but also give people a visual affinity, which will make middle-aged girls more girly in daily life. If you want a more handsome tooling style is also a very good match.

Zhu Yin is more and more dashing, thin down jacket with fluorescent sweater, a little wrinkle is also quite natural

How middle-aged women should create a sense of fashion

Coat with tight hip skirt

Middle-aged women in the wear, is to be advanced at the same time to have a temperament style, but if the temperament is too strong will give people a sense of distance, how to match in between, in order to show the temperament of the style.

First of all, whether it is a coat or an inner collocation, the style should be unified first, and then decorate the expression style, and women should choose a tight hip dress to show the dignity and atmosphere of middle-aged women.

On top of the coat, we chose a long black coat to match, and at the neckline of the dress, we combined it with the elements of diamond sequins to create a noble and luxurious style.

Zhu Yin is more and more dashing, thin down jacket with fluorescent sweater, a little wrinkle is also quite natural

Elegant and girly dress matching

In the skirt collocation, how elegant and girly style, in order to make the elegant style performance better, for the presentation of the girlish style we use elements to express, do not need to be presented through color, so that the presentation of the skirt is high-grade and elegant, breaking the traditional definition and easy to get a girlish feeling.

In the design of the skirt, our wide pleats and fine pleats of the style can be spliced, the part of the wide pleats is less than the fine pleats, the length of the wide pleats splicing is longer than the fine pleats, in the position of the skirt we use the design of the splicing, it will be more personalized style.

Zhu Yin is more and more dashing, thin down jacket with fluorescent sweater, a little wrinkle is also quite natural

Beauty exists at every age, middle-aged women quickly dress up, even if youth is not there we can make youth stay forever.

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