
When making meatballs, remember to put 3 kinds of spices, the balls are fragrant and fishy, fresh and tender Q bombs, so delicious

author:Big Mouth Chef

When making meatballs, remember to put 3 kinds of spices, the balls are fragrant and fishy, fresh and tender Q bombs, so delicious

Hello everyone, thank you for reading the article I shared, this time I want to say to you: " When making meatballs, many people do not put 3 spices, no wonder the balls taste old and fishy, not delicious!'

When making meatballs, remember to put 3 kinds of spices, the balls are fragrant and fishy, fresh and tender Q bombs, so delicious

In the summer, the temperature is high, sweating a lot, I like to make some soup for my family, delicious and nutritious, the most popular is the meatball soup. The taste of meatballs is fresh and tender, used to make soup delicious, but also to supplement a variety of human body needs of nutrients, my family drink at least 3 times a week, too delicious.

Speaking of making meatball soup. Many people like to buy some frozen balls from the supermarket to cook soup, and it is recommended not to buy them again in the future. This kind of ball does not know how long it has been frozen, the meat quality has seriously declined, and there is no nutrition, and there are a variety of additives, eating too much is not good for the body.

When making meatballs, remember to put 3 kinds of spices, the balls are fragrant and fishy, fresh and tender Q bombs, so delicious

To make meatball soup, it is best to use freshly made meatballs, the taste is the most tender, high nutrition, delicious taste, suitable for all ages.

Meatballs are delicious but not easy to do, the most critical step is to adjust the meat filling, many friends told me that the reason why they buy frozen balls, because the balls they make are not tender at all, the fishy taste is also relatively heavy, it is difficult to eat. Whether the balls are delicious or not depends on whether the meat filling is well adjusted or not, not to crush the pork, add some spices and you're done.

Today I share with you the skills of making meatballs, the good meatballs can be made into soup, but also can be made into meatballs, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, not finished eating and put in the refrigerator to freeze, half a year will not be bad.

When making meatballs, remember to put 3 kinds of spices, the balls are fragrant and fishy, fresh and tender Q bombs, so delicious

The meatballs made with this method are soft and tender, the taste is fragrant and fishy, and friends who like to eat will learn from me.

【Homemade meatballs】

Prepare fresh front leg meat, chives, ginger, eggs, starch, salt, soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar, peppercorns, etc.

When making meatballs, remember to put 3 kinds of spices, the balls are fragrant and fishy, fresh and tender Q bombs, so delicious


The first step, to make meatballs, if you want to taste good, you have to choose fat and lean pork, pork belly, front leg meat can be. The front leg meat is half fat and half lean, oily and fragrant, strong water absorption ability, most suitable for making meatballs.

The second step, the front leg meat is washed and peeled, twisted into meat filling, add green onion, ginger, and then add an appropriate amount of salt, soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar, pepper powder, with chopsticks clockwise stirring until the meat filling is strong, is a very viscous state. Soak some shallots and ginger water with shallots and ginger slices, pour them into the meat filling several times, stir so that the water is all absorbed, and the meat filling becomes full and tender.

When making meatballs, remember to put 3 kinds of spices, the balls are fragrant and fishy, fresh and tender Q bombs, so delicious

Step 3: Beat an egg, add an appropriate amount of sweet potato starch, and stir well with chopsticks.

Tip: When making meatballs, in addition to the seasoning seasoning, you also need to add the same ingredient, that is, sweet potato starch. After adding sweet potato starch, the meatballs are more tender, and after frying, they are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, which is particularly delicious.

When making meatballs, remember to put 3 kinds of spices, the balls are fragrant and fishy, fresh and tender Q bombs, so delicious

Step 4: Dip some oil in the palm of your hand, roll the mixed meat into balls, and put them on a plate for later. Bring a pot of boiling water, add slices of ginger and green onion, add the balls and cook until set. Add some winter melon, green vegetable leaves, vermicelli, add some salt, chicken essence to taste, continue to cook for 2 minutes, drizzle with some sesame oil, soft and delicious winter melon ball soup is ready.

When making meatballs, remember to put 3 kinds of spices, the balls are fragrant and fishy, fresh and tender Q bombs, so delicious

If you want to eat meatballs, the method is also very simple

Pour in the appropriate amount of oil in the pan, add the balls when it is 60% hot, fry until the color is slightly yellow, and then remove. The oil temperature rises to 80% heat, pour in the balls and fry for half a minute, the color is golden and then drain the oil. The croquettes are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, fragrant and delicious, and also very tasty.

When making meatballs, remember to put 3 kinds of spices, the balls are fragrant and fishy, fresh and tender Q bombs, so delicious

【Chef has something to say】

There are many methods of meatballs, in addition to cooking soup, you can also make steamed vegetables, stews, etc., the key to delicious is to adjust the meat filling.

When mixing meat filling, the reason for the big fishy taste is that there is no added chopped onion and ginger, and many people think that soy sauce and oyster sauce can go fishy, so they do not add minced onion and ginger. Minced green onion and ginger have the effect of removing fishy flavor, and adding balls is more fragrant. There are 3 spices that can not be less, that is, sugar, eggs, starch.

When making meatballs, remember to put 3 kinds of spices, the balls are fragrant and fishy, fresh and tender Q bombs, so delicious

White sugar is sweet, can reconcile the salty taste, enhance the umami taste, the taste is more fresh. Eggs and starch can make the meat filling more fluffy and tender, and the balls are more compact and have a better taste. When boiling the balls, it is necessary to open the underwater pot to make the balls set quickly, and the cold water boiled balls are easy to disperse.

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