
Poet Lu Ping publishes a collection of essays: she seems to have "face-changing techniques"

Poet Lu Ping publishes a collection of essays: she seems to have "face-changing techniques"

Lu Ping has long published a number of poems and documentary literature, and now some of her prose collections are published, making up for the lack of authors' works. Her prose, concise text, sincere emotions, changeable structure, huge and complex but returned to the presentation of human disposition and destiny, and there are many hidden and colorful chapters, worth reading.

She writes about the exchanges with chinese and foreign literary predecessors and literary friends, integrates lyricism into the narrative, and sees the ability to create atmosphere and cook words and sentences, and also has the dual value of literature and historical materials. For example, "Love, is to give", the writer's brief interaction with Indian poets such as Ala Vient, the warm hugs they demanded in their poetic activities, the words "I love you" and "give me your love", etc., are cultural differences that express emotions, but also the spiritual resonance evoked by the beauty of poetry. The story is extremely simple, but it is written in twists and turns. The article is not a causal order, flashbacks, interludes, flashbacks, foreshadowing, suspense, contrast, etc., and sadness and relief are mixed, exotic styles dotted in between, seemingly disorderly, but the infusion is always deep emotions and open realms. In addition, "Teacher Xie Quanming" is an article that fondly remembers the article that met Bole when learning to walk in the literary world, and it is sighing and touching to read.

Lu Ping's prose often wins with unique and vivid details, making the article rich in meaning and making people long-lasting.

Her Xu Chi, after the test ride at the newly passed Shanghai subway station, said, "I am 82.5 years old this year, and we all have to prepare two passes to the 21st century." One is in English and one is on the computer." At that time, Xu Chi was a writer who "changed pens" earlier in the Chinese mainland and replaced traditional paper and pencil creations with computers. Such an advanced age and still ambitious literary circles have made my generation admire and shame. She wrote about Niu Han's two tears during the years of unjustly exiled labor reform, showing the weak side of this big "tough guy poet". Ye Man, the founder of "Huaxia Poetry Daily" and the "World Chinese Poets Conference", is still working for poetry at the age of 95, and he tried to call Lu Ping several times, but he didn't get in touch, and later learned that Ye Man lao firmly believed that the phone number of "no mistake" was actually the postal code of Shanghai...

Lu Ping writes family and has high-quality poems. The prose is also not short of masterpieces of family affection and nostalgia. The small alley of Duojia Road in Shanghai's southern district is the place where the author's body grows and his poetry sprouts, although it is shabby, it is full of warm memories. The old mother's work on clothes, pants, and shoes for four generations of grandchildren is a common scene full of affection.

She wrote the painter's brother Lu Ting's "Reading Painting Shorthand" and other articles, which are people, but there is no figurative; it is to appreciate paintings, nor does she focus on the canvas, and the writing is splashed with ink. "Things that are extremely beautiful often have violent tendencies..." Is this more than a treatise on painting? It is also the thesis science, on art, on life, on the beauty of all things in heaven and earth.

Lu Ping is a person with a temperament, will not or disdain to cover up, and advocates nature. His composition is often more spontaneous, unwilling to accept too many rules and regulations, and has formed his own style.

If Lu Ping writes about the painter's younger brother, it is a strange text with light shape, heavy god-likeness, and flying pen and ink; she writes that her sister is difficult to give birth, nine deaths, and finally a mother and daughter are safe, it is a sincere and sincere emotion, and the blood is weeping. "Touching the Line of Life and Death" is bland and has a tear-jerking appeal. Without the ability to accurately express words, it is not so delicate and true to write. The article turns and twists, highs and lows, and finally the peaks and turns, the wind and waves are calm, but the colors are colorful.

Lu Ping has traveled extensively, and in her travelogues, there are various kinds of narrative essays; there are narrative essays that participate in literary activities; there are landscape essays in North America, Europe, and China; but they are often a fusion of writing people, memories, lyricism, and painting scenes.

Articles on poetry papers, including some prefaces to poems, epilogues, and speeches of poetry meetings, are a key to understanding the author and his text, and readers who like Lu Ping's works must read them. There are also stories of the author and those of us, readers across the country, who have been befriended by poetry.

There is a category of documentary literary works of the legal system that "literature should begin where the law ends", and the achievements are extraordinary. Among them, the female prisoners of heavy sentences, love and hate are mixed, and the sun and shadow intersect, which is a field of life that the general reader has no chance to understand. In some cases, the author spent ten years to follow up the interview, and wrote a story, feelings, courage, and responsibility.

"Crossing the Police Line" writes about the various manifestations of dozens of women who have completed their sentences or released on parole after the prison commutation conference and walked through the police cordon to get out of prison and regain their freedom: there are women who cross the police cordon and prison gates and run outside the free world; there are women who lift their feet to cross the cordon and hesitate; there are women who stare at the cordon, stare at the police cordon, stare at the police cordon for a long time, close their eyes, and look up at the blue sky when they open their eyes again, like dreaming; there are women who stand on the edge of the cordon, because of their past sins, abandoned by their relatives, homeless, and ask to stay in prison for another night... It's really colorful. On the other hand, there are female prison guards who write routes home for the released persons and take the route of cars and boats; there are female prison guards who take out one-dollar coins, fifty yuan and one hundred yuan bills to be detained for nearly twenty years, and who are seriously disconnected from the outside society to popularize common sense... It embodies the humanitarian heart and social responsibility of legal workers. All kinds of close-up shots, the author uses a police cordon as a stage to unfold, and the article is conceived with a strange coincidence. Death Row. desert. Picasso is a very alternative way of writing the author's documentary literature, with whimsical writing, such as stream of consciousness, such as distorted and deformed painting styles, such as film shots that change scenery step by step. The whole article, the rhythm is intense, one will write about the lights and wine of the international metropolis of Shanghai; one will write about the vast desert in the countryside of Inner Mongolia, sparsely populated, and the eternal horizon; and the tragic process of the life of a female death row prisoner will be written for a while. In the upside-down narrative, it is written violently, violently, and with full sex.

Reading prose written by poets often involves a topic: poetic prose, or poetic prose. Lu Ping's poetry and prose do not lack poetic attributes, ranging from the unconventional grammatical combination of words and short sentences, the jumps with situations and images, the occasional omission, blank space or short but necessary lyricism; from the depression of the emotion of the article, the loop of the structure, and the poetic sentiment that pervades and runs through the whole article.

"Exotic Lost" records a beautiful mistake, with a thrill, and is representative of the author's poetic prose. The writing is fresh and handsome, and the whole process is written at the intersection of loneliness and novelty, leisurely and flustered, helpless and helpless. It turns out that there is a common goodness and friendship between people of different nationalities, languages, and different ages; and all of this is linked by the innocence and enthusiasm of a little girl, and it is full of the brilliance of human beauty. The whole article is full of emotions of joy and worry, the rhythm of slow and urgent, the rich and changeable pictures, the ethereal and lofty poetic breath and realm.

Looking at Lu Ping's works, it seems that she has face changing techniques, with poets, documentary literary writers, essayists and other superimposed faces. The first two are already well known to the world, while the latter has not been publicly displayed. She writes in a variety of genres, all of which are excellent chapters that readers can read and make their own judgments.

Poet Lu Ping publishes a collection of essays: she seems to have "face-changing techniques"

"There's a Tree in the Bed"

By Lu Ping

Wenhui Publishing House