
The second lecture of the online open class of the Xiaoluo Practice Team was successfully held


In order to improve everyone's awareness of environmental protection and understand how to correctly classify garbage, the Xiaoluo Practice Team launched an open class with the theme of "Striving to Be a Little Guardian of Environmental Protection" online on the afternoon of January 13, this open class was led by member Zou Yuhan, and all members of the Xiaoluo Practice Team participated in this open class.

First of all, the keynote speaker Zou Yuhan played a thought-provoking video about garbage pollution, which led to the pollution problem in the reality of garbage, the method of garbage classification, the significance of garbage classification, and the protection of the environment. Next, she let everyone know about the harm caused by garbage accumulation to the environment and the effectiveness of garbage sorting in Shanghai. She then gave us a detailed introduction to recyclables, kitchen waste, hazardous waste and other wastes, and used videos to deepen how to sort garbage. She then explains the significance of garbage sorting and how we can protect the environment by reducing the use of disposable tableware and recycling old clothes. Finally, she advocates that we should correctly sort garbage, save resources and protect the environment in our lives.

Through this open class, we learned how to sort garbage, and realized that everyone can do many things to protect the environment in which we live and create a beautiful and harmonious environment for human life. Let's start now to protect our planet and protect ourselves!