
From these 4 points, go and see if a person is smart or not!

From these 4 points, go and see if a person is smart or not!

Today, we are in the information age, and the overload of information is seriously more than ordinary people absorb. Many people, who are bombarded with fragmented knowledge all day long, live ignorant lives in seemingly fulfilling information.

What's more, browsing information on the Internet replaces the time when books should be read, and they believe that the purpose of reading is only to broaden the scope of knowledge. Instead of spending a week or two reading a book, browse the Internet for an hour. With this idea, they spend a busy day in Weibo, WeChat, and Baidu.

In fact, such a person is stupid and undesirable.

Smart people, read books first to accumulate knowledge. When knowledge and ideas are deep enough, resources are evaluated and selected on the web. Takashi Saito once pointed out in the book "Deep Reading": "If the book is not read enough, if you only rely on the Internet, you can only drift on the surface of the information, and you cannot go deep into it at all." "If you want to use the Internet more effectively, you must first make sure that your spirit and thoughts reach enough depth.

In today's information age, how to determine whether a person is smart? And how do you become smart?

From these 4 points, go and see if a person is smart or not!

1. How to judge smart people?

In today's society, smart does not mean good academic performance, but the ability to quickly grasp the essence of things, determine priorities, make judgments based on their own abilities, and properly choose how to act.

1. Quickly grasp the essence of things

Smart people need to have a wide range of information and be able to think and judge independently.

In today's society, smart people need to think fast enough and absorb strong enough to accumulate information extensively. If you are poor in information, it is easy to be overwhelmed by the torrent of information or enter the point of not knowing the clouds.

Smart people can react and judge quickly whenever they see a real problem or article. He attaches great importance to the essence behind the information and constantly exercises his thinking by means of rhetorical questions. What is this about? Why write about this? Does this article have any practical significance? When a smart person constantly asks these questions, he will actively create scenarios and opportunities in future life to apply and output the accepted information.

Smart people spend more time thinking than the average person. Many people read a piece of news or gossip and laugh at it, while smart people will explore the social problems and hype purposes of such events, or summarize such copywriting to accumulate experience for the creation of explosive articles in the future.

In short, the smart person never superficially receives knowledge, he always thinks after receiving it and accumulates potential energy for the future. By constantly exploring the nature of things, smart people constantly improve their thinking and judgment.

2. Prioritize

Smart people need to have the ability to prioritize quickly.

The so-called prioritization, that is, when there are a large number of options in front of them, the smart person can quickly calculate the advantages and disadvantages of each choice, so as to choose the best path for themselves.

Using the shortest path to solve problems is also a common quality of smart people. Because of the accumulation of previous knowledge and the improvement of thinking ability, smart people can use their strong judgment and analysis skills to set priorities for themselves.

Many people are helpless in the face of choices or waste all day on tedious things. Smart people, on the other hand, can deal with the relationship between long-term interests and short-term interests when faced with choices or time, thereby reducing the worry of choice and the waste of time.

Perhaps, smart people can't guarantee that every choice is correct, but smart people have a strong ability to think and deal with problems, so that they can quickly adjust direction and constantly correct deviations before the mistakes go deeper. In the process of constant error correction and attempt, gradually approach the target.

In short, smart people are people who can prioritize anything and solve problems with the shortest path.

3. Make judgments based on your own abilities

Smart people can make judgments based on their own abilities, so as to avoid risks and seize opportunities to the greatest extent.

Many people, who know very little about themselves, are overly optimistic or extremely inferior. A person who is difficult to objectively judge himself is difficult to seize every opportunity in a rapidly iterative society. They are either overly proud and look down on any opportunity to broaden themselves, or they are extremely inferior and cower in the face of any opportunity.

Smart people can objectively analyze themselves at different stages and accept external information with humility and without inferiority. When you encounter an opportunity that you can grasp, quickly judge and take the initiative. And after getting the opportunity to remain humble, continue to learn from the seniors, and further complete a new round of self-iteration.

In short, smart people are people who have the ability to make judgments based on their own abilities, they are not blindly optimistic or self-inferior, and they have a keen and calm judgment on every opportunity.

4. Choose how to act

Smart people can choose how to act when faced with problems.

If a smart person has the above three abilities, but lacks the ability to act properly, he is still not a smart person. Smart people ultimately need to support decision-making with their actions, confirm their choices with actions, and accumulate experience.

Many people know a lot of success books, but ultimately lack the ability to act. The more such people know, the more painful they are, and the opportunities they miss because they do not act properly, and the pain they bring at this moment is more heartbreaking than ignorance. As Wang Yangming said: "Knowing but not doing, in fact, unknown."

In short, smart people have the ability to act properly after decisions and know how to act to consume less time.

From these 4 points, go and see if a person is smart or not!

2. How to become a smart person?

1. Get along with great people

Kazuo Murakami, an authoritative professor of genetic research at the University of Tsukuba, once said: "99.5% of human genes are exactly the same, and the uneven ability of individuals is determined by the degree of activation of each gene." Reaching out to first-rate characters is a means of activating genes. ”

With outstanding people, you can learn their good work style and the way they deal with problems. Outstanding people usually inspire you and give you a new perspective on the problem. When you continue to imitate and internalize, you can solve real-world problems in a similar way of thinking that is more appropriate to yourself.

When you get used to the great perspective of great people, the way you see the world will change dramatically. You may be more critical about anything and have your own unique way of thinking about problems. And when this mindset is constantly improved, you will become smarter, and you will become a "maverick" person in the eyes of others.

2. Listen to university courses

If you're around hard to find outstanding people or outstanding people busy at work when you don't have a chance to get in touch, going to college for lectures from time to time is a good choice. Of course, the university mentioned here is not limited to the physical classroom, such as the open class of a well-known university or TED is a kind of high-quality school that inspires the mind.

Make full use of high-quality physical and network resources, and keep learning in your free time. Listen more to the content transmission and thinking expression of excellent teachers in the classroom, and constantly integrate them into the self-knowledge system.

Do not listen to the left ear and the right ear, but combine your own preferences to grab courses that are conducive to developing the mind and broadening horizons, such as psychology, philosophy, sociology and history.

When you continue to inhale excellent ideas into your own bone marrow, you will find that the angle of looking at problems gradually becomes more and more, and the depth of thinking gradually deepens, so as to continue to move closer to smart people.

3. Read

There is a house of gold in the book, but not all books make you smart, be good at reading classic quality books.

Reading can be said to be the most convenient and the most obvious way to improve the effect. Reading books can make your own thoughts take shape and continue to go deeper, and you can bravely face yourself and listen to the good words and teachings of the people in the book.

Reading, not only for entertainment, allows us to spend time alone and restores mental balance.

Reading can also help us hone our indispensable determination and execution, and can make up for the desolation of our spirit. Of course, reading must be based on reading quality books.

For example, books such as "Analects", "Crime and Punishment", and "One Hundred Years of Solitude" need to be repeatedly studied by each of us to guide real life. Avoiding classical masterpieces and blindly reading superficial books is tantamount to asking for fish.

When you read high-quality books ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, you will find that your thinking has been improved as never before. You have the benevolence and humility of Confucius, the meticulousness of Nietzsche, and the source of Soglas's wisdom, and you will find yourself wiser and wiser.

4. Output and summary

If you want to be smart, you also need to constantly output and summarize.

For example, if you see a high-quality book or a classic theory, you can tell it to your friends in your own words. Telling it to others is an excellent way to achieve self-internalization, and by constantly sharing and explaining, your knowledge reserve is more stable. Of course, you can also export your own experience and deepen the use of knowledge through writing.

You also need to be good at summarizing and abstracting the core from the complexity of the problem. Extracting and classifying different surface phenomena will help to continuously complete their own thinking system. When you continue to output and summarize, you can also build your own mental model.

When you have your own mental model, and constantly iterate and improve, you will find that many superficial problems can be classified into one category. You're getting smarter by getting smarter with the ability to handle problems efficiently.

From these 4 points, go and see if a person is smart or not!

In the information age, if you want to be smart, you need to continue to learn, internalize and train.

May you get smarter and use resources efficiently in the information age!


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