
"Five hundred" makes the struggling China more promising

author:China Jilin Net

At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, the warm wind of positive energy once again blew the Internet: on January 10, after the preliminary evaluation, re-evaluation, online voting exhibition and final evaluation, the results of the 2021 China Positive Energy "Five Hundred" Network Quality Selection Sponsored by the Central Internet Information Office were released, and a total of 500 positive energy products and 50 alternative network positive energy products were selected, and the final results were subject to announcement.

Giving, dedication, and harvesting are closely related to each of us. In his 2022 New Year message, President Xi Jinping said: "From the beginning of the year to the end of the year, farmland, enterprises, communities, schools, hospitals, military barracks, scientific research institutes ... Everyone has been busy all year, giving, giving, and reaping. In the time that has passed, the China we have seen and felt is a resilient and thriving China. From these 2021 China positive energy "five hundred" network boutiques, we can feel the preciousness of the payment, read the true meaning of dedication, and taste the joy of harvest.

Feel the preciousness of giving from the "five hundred". Where there are good years, it is just someone who is carrying the weight for us. "Mortal heroes create "infrastructure miracles"! "Praise for these Leishen Mountain builders" tells us that countless laborers have fought day and night and raced against the virus, creating an "infrastructure miracle" and creating "China's speed". "If you are afraid of danger, you should not be a policeman, and if you are afraid of death, you should not do drug control!" It also shows that it is the selfless efforts of countless anti-drug policemen who have exchanged the happiness and tranquility of thousands of families. The precious efforts of thousands of dreamers push the wheel of social development forward continuously.

Read the true meaning of devotion from the "Five Hundred". Dedication is everywhere, and struggle is always there. Carefully studying "Cui Daozhi, the recipient of the "July 1st Medal": "Retiring without rest" and repaying the party and the country in his work, the spirit of the older generation of people to allow the party to serve the country is touching. Treating orphans and children in the mountains as their own children, dedicating and burning themselves... "Zhang Guimei and Her Children" has touched countless people. On the journey of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, it is precisely the action of selfless dedication that supports us to move forward courageously towards one goal after another.

Taste the joy of harvesting from the "Five Hundred". "Socialism is done, and happiness is struggled." "Treading through thousands of mountains and rivers, only to find you - a side note on the "dynamic zeroing" work of social insurance poverty alleviation" reproduces the hard-won victory of poverty alleviation. "Realizing Sample Return and Re-establishing New Achievements in Lunar Exploration - China's Chang'e-5 Mission Has Been a Complete Success" has made people deeply remember the solid step taken in the journey of space power. Praise the "five hundred", while we taste and harvest happiness, we should also work hard, do not slacken off, and create new achievements with hard work.

Shouldering a new mission and starting a new journey, it is urgent for us to dedicate new deeds and harvest new achievements. "The First in the Country!" 40 deaf brothers running in Shanghai, silent express delivery to fight for a better tomorrow" makes the struggle and dedication more visible. In fact, it is precisely because of the dedication and dedication of countless dreamers that the cause we have created and fought for has been able to flourish and bear fruit. In the promising new era, countless ordinary heroes have worked hard and gathered into a torrent of China's high spirits and progress in the new era. Stepping on the drum of the "Five Hundred", the enterprising China is more promising, and the struggling people are more respectable. in Jiazhuang

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