
In ancient times, titles were inherited by the eldest son, and if the eldest son was also knighted, who would inherit the original title?

Ancient Chinese titles generally adopted an inheritance system, that is to say, when the father died, the father's title would be inherited by the son, so what was the specific inheritance situation?

In ancient times, titles were inherited by the eldest son, and if the eldest son was also knighted, who would inherit the original title?

Who inherits the title?

In ancient China, the "polygamous concubinage system" was adopted, although a man could marry multiple wives, but there was only one wife, and the others, although legal, had the same status as lovers.

The legal inheritance system is the "primogeniture inheritance system", that is, the first son born to the wife is the legal heir to the father's title.

In ancient times, titles were inherited by the eldest son, and if the eldest son was also knighted, who would inherit the original title?

What should I do if I am knighted?

After the death of the father, the title is inherited by the eldest son, if the eldest son is also knighted, what should be done with the title he inherited?

Generally speaking, after inheriting his father's title, it is difficult for the eldest son to have a higher title than his father.

If the eldest son receives a lower title than his father, he will give up the lower title to his brother to inherit, because the father's title is high, the welfare is good, and then it will be left to his son to inherit.

In ancient times, titles were inherited by the eldest son, and if the eldest son was also knighted, who would inherit the original title?

If the title is equal to or higher than that of the father, the eldest son will choose to keep his title himself and give the father's title to the second son or other brother.

But the title means privilege, and the temptation is extremely great, and many brothers fight openly and secretly in order to compete for the title of their father, but in general, the title is generally inherited by the eldest son.