
Combination of planting and breeding to help farmers increase income- a small note on the development of special planting and breeding industry in Lehong Village, Baoshan Town, Xuanwei City

author:Palm Qujing

In the autumn, at the Shaoqishan Potato Breeding Base of the Lehong Village Committee of Baoshan Town, Xuanwei City, the reporter saw that the villagers were collecting potatoes in the field. I saw villagers digging with hoes, they turned a pile of potatoes in the field to the ground, some villagers were busy picking potatoes, some were busy bagging, and the scene was a harvest scene.

"I work at the base, I can work for 5 months a year, the noon cooperative also provides a meal, and there is more than 10,000 yuan of migrant income a year." I also planted 6 acres of potatoes myself, the annual output value is nearly 10,000 kilograms, the income from selling potatoes is 10,000 yuan, the family feeds 8 pigs, the income from selling piglets is 1,600 yuan, and I have to kill two big pigs in the New Year. Hui Zuoqiong, a villager in Lehong Village who was collecting potatoes in the base, said happily.

Combination of planting and breeding to help farmers increase income- a small note on the development of special planting and breeding industry in Lehong Village, Baoshan Town, Xuanwei City

Grass abundant cattle fat .

Lehong Village is located in the northeast of Baoshan Town Government, 20 kilometers away from the town government, and the Xuanwen Line passes through the border, with convenient transportation. The land area is 14 square kilometers, the total cultivated land area is 3439 mu, the per capita cultivated land area is 1.3 mu, the grass mountain area is 13000 mu, the average altitude is 2400 meters, it is a typical agricultural village, the villagers have to rely on traditional agriculture to increase income is very difficult, in order to increase the income of villagers, Lehong Village actively explores and vigorously develops characteristic planting and aquaculture.

In 2020, Lehong Village built a potato seed potato base of 1,000 mu, which is a project supported by the Xuanwei Municipal Agriculture and Rural Bureau, provided by the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau, carried out infrastructure construction, and then contracted to the Xuanwei Baole Planting Professional Cooperative for planting. The main varieties planted in the base are Yunshu 202, Qingshu No. 9 and so on. Yu Mingliang, head of the Xuanwei Baole Planting Professional Cooperative, introduced: "Our base planted 1,000 mu of potatoes, Ziyunbao planted 100 mu, and another 320 wuyang was introduced this year, planting 30 mu. Ziyunbao mu yields 200 kg, ordinary potato mu yields 2000 kg, Ziyunbao 10 yuan per kg, other potatoes 3 yuan per kg, the output value of the base this year is 3 million yuan. The base is a seasonal labor, to the busy season of farming, an average of 25 people work in the base every day, female workers 70 yuan a day, male workers a day 100 yuan a day. In the next step, we also want to expand the planting area of seed potatoes, sell good seed potatoes to the people at a reduced price, let more people plant with us, and if the potatoes they grow can't be sold, we will help them sell, hoping to lead more people to get rich together. ”

Combination of planting and breeding to help farmers increase income- a small note on the development of special planting and breeding industry in Lehong Village, Baoshan Town, Xuanwei City

Potato harvest.

Yu Mingliang told reporters that Lehong Village belongs to a high cold and cool climate, planting potatoes has a unique geographical advantage, there are laterite, purple soil and black soil, three different colors, different nutrients of the soil can grow different taste of potatoes. The growth cycle of potatoes is long, there is no industrial pollution, and the most important thing is that the local government still maintains the traditional farming method, no pesticides, no pollution, so the potatoes grown have a good taste and good quality. At the same time, Lehong Village is a typical karst landform, but all the plots suitable for growing potatoes are basically slopes, so even in years with heavy rain, the potatoes here are not heavy in moisture and are resistant to storage. Ziyunbao is a brand of agricultural products in Baoshan Town, also known as Wuyang yam or Zhuanxin Wu, is the only characteristic potato seed in the country formed by the unique geographical climate of Baoshan Town, which has been praised by customers and experts at the Kunshan Fair for many times, and won the gold medal of the 2003 Guangzhou International Food Industry Exhibition.

Walking into the farm of Yunnan Jianshuihai Agricultural Biotechnology Co., Ltd., the reporter saw that the farm was built on the grass mountain of 10,000 mu in Lehong Village, and hundreds of cattle leisurely ate grass on the wide grass mountain, a scene of grass and cattle fat. Zhu Qing, the person in charge of the company, introduced: "Our farm has been raising cattle for 8 years, and there are 186 cows in the existing pen, helping 15 people solve the problem of labor and employment, and paying more than 300,000 yuan in labor wages every year. The cattle of the farm are usually stocked in the grassland, and the green storage feed is mainly used for winter backup, and the green storage feed is planted by the company itself. ”

In recent years, Lehong Village has adapted to local conditions, given play to the leading role of cooperatives, continued to consolidate and enhance traditional advantageous industries, actively cultivated characteristic agricultural products, strived for higher-level support policies, and made use of unique geographical and climatic advantages and 10,000 mu of grass mountain resources to vigorously develop characteristic planting and breeding industries. Lehong Village has 5 professional cooperatives, planting 1500 mu of Chinese medicinal materials, developing 1810 mu of potato planting, and cooperatives breeding 326 goats and 186 cattle. He Rui, general secretary of the party branch and head of the village committee of Lehong Village, said: "We will expand the potato planting area in the next step, rely on 10,000 mu of grass mountain to vigorously develop aquaculture, create 10,000 mu of grass mountain tourist attractions, develop eco-tourism, and increase the income of the masses." ”

Qujing Daily special reporter Qin Lingyu Hu Daoxiong correspondent Zhou Kejiang text/photo