
"Under 20% Speeding" no more points are deducted! The 2022 driver's license scoring rules are subject to adjustment

On December 27, 2021, the newly revised Measures for the Administration of Scoring of Road Traffic Safety Violations was released, which has been greatly adjusted and optimized for the scoring of traffic violations.

Among them, there are several important adjustments in the speeding and overcrowding of private cars, which we must pay attention to:

Speeding in private cars: no points will be deducted for less than 20%.

Speeding is the most frequent of all violations.

Excluding the reasons why individual car owners like to drag racing, the reason why owners are recruited is that there are too many speed measurement methods and too superb.

Not only is there radar speed measurement, split track speed measurement, but also the most easily captured interval speed measurement; and the maximum speed of each lane on the highway is different, and it is possible to change lanes when overtaking.

"Under 20% Speeding" no more points are deducted! The 2022 driver's license scoring rules are subject to adjustment

According to the scoring rules for speeding in private cars in the past:

Speeding more than 50%, deduct 12 points;

Speeding 20%-50%, deduct 6 points;

If you exceed 20% or less, 3 points will be deducted;

Speeding below 10%, warning handling.

It can be said that as long as you speed, you will face penalties, and the score is very strict!

However, in the newly revised "Scoring Management Measures", the penalty for speeding in private cars has been reduced. The specific changes are as follows:


Score changes


Under 20% of speeding", no more scoring

In the past, speeding of "less than 20%" would be deducted 3 points, but in the newly revised rules, there is no longer this deduction. In other words, "under 20% of speeding" will no longer be scored from April 1, 2022.


For speeding on different highways, different scoring is given

In the previous speeding regulations, whether the vehicle was driving on a high speed or an ordinary highway, as long as it was speeding, it faced the same penalty. However, in the newly revised rules, speeding on different roads is treated differently.

For example, if a private car speeds 50% on a high speed, the penalty for a private car speeding 50% on an ordinary road is not the same.

"Under 20% Speeding" no more points are deducted! The 2022 driver's license scoring rules are subject to adjustment

In general, the new traffic regulations on the private car speeding penalties are reduced, but everyone should not be so big on the accelerator, after all, safety is the most important.

The table below shows the new scoring rules for speeding in different vehicles in 2022:

"Under 20% Speeding" no more points are deducted! The 2022 driver's license scoring rules are subject to adjustment

The penalty for speeding is reduced, but in overcrowding, it is more stringent.

Overcrowding of private cars: up to 12 points are deducted

According to the previous scoring rules for overcrowding of private cars:

More than 20% of the overcrowding, 6 points;

If the overcrowding is less than 20%, 3 points are deducted.

It can be seen that for private car overcrowding, the highest score is 6 points.

"Under 20% Speeding" no more points are deducted! The 2022 driver's license scoring rules are subject to adjustment

In the newly revised "Scoring Management Measures", the overcrowding behavior of private cars has become more stringent. Specifically, there are the following changes:


Overcrowding in private cars: 12 points maximum

In the newly revised overcrowding scoring rules, private cars can score up to 12 points for overcrowding.

According to the new regulations: when driving other passenger cars carrying people, more than 100% of the approved number of people, 12 points are deducted at a time.

Overcrowding of private cars: divided into 3 levels of standards

Second, it is a more detailed classification penalty for overcrowding.

In the past, there was only one standard for overcrowding: 20% of overcrowding (above or below).

In the newly revised rules, it is adjusted to a three-level standard:

More than 20% overcrowding, not 50%

More than 50% overcrowding, not reaching 100%

Overcrowding 100%

The specific deductions are as follows:

"Under 20% Speeding" no more points are deducted! The 2022 driver's license scoring rules are subject to adjustment

In addition, the scoring clause for "passenger vehicles with more than 7 seats" has been added and refined.

"Under 20% Speeding" no more points are deducted! The 2022 driver's license scoring rules are subject to adjustment

Overall, the penalties for overcrowding of private cars under the new scoring management are more stringent! Remember: Don't try the Fa by yourself!

Finally, here are the new scoring rules for overcrowding/overloading of different vehicles in 2022:

"Under 20% Speeding" no more points are deducted! The 2022 driver's license scoring rules are subject to adjustment

The newly revised Measures for the Administration of Scoring of Road Traffic Safety Violations will be implemented from 1 April 2022, until then, penalties for speeding, overcrowding or overloading of vehicles will still be implemented in accordance with current laws and regulations.