
【Thursday, January 13, 2022】Interpretation of the zodiac horoscope

【Thursday, January 13, 2022】Interpretation of the zodiac horoscope

Xiaoyun Broadcast: Thursday, January 13, 2022, the 11th day of the lunar month (The Day of the Year of the Ugly Year), the legal working day.

Tegi Zodiac Sign: Pig, Horse, Dog

Zodiac Signs: Tiger, Rat, Chicken

Today's decline: dragons, snakes, monkeys

Hi God Direction: Southwest

Fortuna Direction: Southwest

Suitable: marriage, engagement, moving, banquet, transaction, signing, dissolution, buying a house, collecting money, shipping, money lending, going to work, opening the light, praying for blessings, asking for heirs, bathing, sweeping, shaving, plastic surgery, seeking medical treatment, moving the soil, building, renovating, breaking the ground, and saving

Taboo: Travel

Lucky numbers: 0, 7

Lucky colors: coffee, red, brown

NO.1 Hai Pig

Partial wealth, "Liuhe" auspicious star into the fate

It is a good day for pig people to add flowers, noble people are exuberant, the work is progressing quite smoothly, and they can have better communication with colleagues and leave a good impression of amiability. When there is a windfall, you may wish to take some money out to entertain or do good deeds, which will make you lucky and often accompany you.

NO.2 Noon Horse

Robbing the rich man, the "three-in-one" auspicious star entered his life

Horse people are energetic, good luck continuously, ushering in career luck, not only can stand out, create good performance, but also is expected to be praised by everyone, job search workers are also suitable for carrying out. The mood is beautiful, there are party activities, so enjoy it.

NO.3 Dogs

Partial Printing is in charge, and the "three-in-one" auspicious star is in the fate

Dog people today good luck accompaniment, get the blessing of the god of luck, all aspects of development are very vigorous, talented, excellent communication skills, whether it is negotiation or speech, there are great gains. Have fun, eat and chat with friends, and enhance your relationship!

NO.4 YinHu

God Eater is in charge

Tiger people are in a happy mood, it is a day to show talent, you can think calmly in the face of difficult problems, consider comprehensively, your advantages are easy to be found and valued by leaders, and it is easy to get unexpected rewards and points. If you have time, you can arrange some party activities and celebrate.

NO.5 Sub-rats

The rich man is in charge

Rat people are having good fortune, before the hard work, today is the time to harvest, easy to let you earn a lot of money. Energetic, charming, good at interpersonal communication, doing things more smoothly, there are always people who come out to pull you in the face of death.

NO.6 Unitary chicken

The chief official is in charge

The past bad luck of the chicken people is expected to get better today, there will be no trouble coming, and no matter what you do, you will be happy and efficient. Rising popularity is suitable for networking, because good interpersonal relationships can have a great impact on life and work.

NO.7 Not sheep

Zhengyin is in charge, and the "Tianxi" peach blossom is in his life

Sheep people are busy today, after doing one thing and immediately put into the next work, tense and orderly, busy and not chaotic. Love luck is exuberant, single people are in the peach blossom garden, wherever there is the possibility of love; there is a partner can ask lovers to travel together, so that your love is sweeter.

NO.8 Ugly Cow

Zhengyin was in charge, and the "Red Luan" peach blossom was killed

The fortunes of cattle people today are declining, the number of villains is increasing, and cooperation with people must be more careful, do not easily trust others, and do more evaluation and thinking, so as not to be deceived. Love luck is better, single people have a lot of peach blossoms, it is expected to end singleness; those who have partners quarrel for some small things, need to remain calm and patient.

NO.9 卯兔

Wounded officer in charge

Rabbit people procrastinate today, lazy, passive, the work that can be done always want to do in the afternoon, the speed is extremely slow, easy to cause dissatisfaction from the boss, and even the possibility of overtime. Procrastination is a major evil cause of serious efficiency, which is a waste of time and energy, and must be eliminated no matter what, otherwise it will greatly endanger your work and life.

NO.10 Tatsuryu

Partial Indian principal

Dragon people are in frequent conditions today, and all kinds of things appear at the same time, making you anxious, and you must maintain enough sanity and patience to solve, otherwise it will be worse. In addition, the judgment is weakened, remember the truth that speed is not reached, and relax appropriately.

NO.11 Snake

Shoulder to shoulder with the main task, "committing harm" the fading star into the fate

Snake people today are impulsive, insistent, easy to argue with colleagues at work, and need to maintain a humble and low-key attitude. Financial instability, villain interference, there is a risk of breaking the wealth, go out to keep the mobile phone, wallet, restaurant when eating with the belongings do not litter, so as not to let someone take the sheep by the hand.

NO.12 Shen Monkey

Seven kills the main thing, and the "criminal rush" fading star into the fate

Monkey people today are difficult to concentrate, the state is declining, extremely detrimental to the work, even if there is a good opportunity to perform, it is difficult to grasp. If you're in a bad mood, you may want to find family and friends to gather in the evening and have recreational activities that can help relax and relieve stress.

Thursday, January 13, 2022 in the Gregorian calendar

The eleventh day of the 2021th lunar month

On the 8th day after the little cold, the commander of the decanter water

Dry Branch Xin Ugly Year Xin Ugly Moon Ying Yin Day (Fire in the Furnace)

The sun dry is a C fire, which is combined with the moon dry xinjin into water, and the annual dry xinjin is combined into water.

The day branch is Yinmu, which is compatible with the ugly soil of the moon branch and the ugly soil of the annual branch.


Chong (Gengshen) Monkey, Xu Bei


The golden seal is the zodiac day, the fude star, and the moon fairy star.

The day of removal is the righteousness of removing the old cloth and the new, the meaning of sweeping away, the day of sweeping away evil, the day of removing the old and welcoming the new.

folk custom


Ji Shen

Tian'en, Jin Kui, Yu Yu, Shi De, Wu he, Ji Ji, Xiang Ri, Bu Ji, Ming Bark


Robbery, Heavenly Thief, Five Voids


Marriage, engagement, moving, banquet, transaction, contract signing, dissolution, purchase, wealth, shipment, money lending, appointment, opening, blessing, heir, bathing, sweeping, shaving, plastic surgery, seeking medical treatment, moving the soil, building, renovating, breaking the ground, and saving



Fortuna Southwest

Hi God Southwest

Blessed god is just to the east

Auspicious time

When the child is (23:00-00:59) When he is ugly (01:00-02:59)

Nongchen Hour (07:00-08:59) 癸巳時 (09:00-10:59)

B Wei Shi (13:00-14:59) Wu Shu Shi (19:00-20:59)

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