
What are the Ji characters during the Three Kingdoms period at the end of the Han Dynasty?

What are the Ji characters during the Three Kingdoms period at the end of the Han Dynasty?

It has gone to the fame of the four seas, and has occupied the scenery of the three springs. The opening chapter still reminds everyone to pay attention to protection when traveling. At the end of the Han Dynasty, there were many famous clans with surnames, who actively or passively made choices when turmoil came, and from then on they prospered or declined. This article will talk about the Ji characters in the late Han Dynasty.

The characters with the surname Ji in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and the Book of Jin were sorted out, and a list was made: Ji Ben, Ji Miǎo, Ji Mu, Ji Mao, Ji Huang, Ji Bo Fang, and Ji Lang. Among them, the more well-known in later generations is Jiben, most of whom are from the same family, and the Feng Yiji clan also belonged to the surname in the late Han Dynasty.

"In the first month of the spring of the twenty-third year, the Han Taiyi physician Ling Jiben and The Shaofu GengJi and Si Zhi Wei Huang counterattacked, attacked Xu, burned the chancellor Shi Wang Biying, and must beheaded Yan Kuang with Yingchuan Diannong Zhonglang" - "Romance of the Three Kingdoms , Emperor Wuji"

[Ji Ben, the Tai Yi Ling of the late Han Dynasty, he was a member of Ji Mao's clan, indicating that they were all from Feng Yi.] Yoshimoto once joined forces with Geng Ji, Wei Huang, and others to launch a rebellion in Xudu, resulting in the death of Shi Wangbi, the chief minister of the chancellor, which is his only record, and it is also a deep impression on later generations.

"Seeing that Han Zuo was about to move, it was said that Ke Jixing was angry, so he conspired with Geng Ji, Wei Huang, Ji Ben, Ben Zi Miao, And Di Mu and others" - Commentary on the Chronicle of Emperor Wu of the Three Kingdoms

[Ji Miao and Ji Mu, both of whom are the sons of Ji Ben, were also involved in the rebellion, and most of them were buried in this turmoil]

"You Yin was victimized by Hu Yi, and Guo Gongxiu of the same county Jibo Fang was kind to Yin of the same age, and was for the Three Months of Huangma"——Taiping Imperial Records citing the "Three Auxiliary Decisions"

[Ji Bo Fang, the case "Taiping Imperial Records" You Yin is a Feng Yi person, then the Ji Bo Fang in the same county as him should also be a Feng Yi person, after You Yin was framed and killed by Hu Yun, Ji Bo Fang and Guo GongXiu served him for three months of mourning]

"Ji Ru, Zi Zu Chong, Feng Yilian Peony Also." Zu Lang , Emperor Huan was emperor of the Imperial History" – "Jin Shu Zhongyi Biography"

[Ji Lang, Ji Ru's grandfather, who served as a royal historian in the Jin Emperor, should also have been born in the Three Kingdoms period, and was still a Feng Yi person]

"Ji Mao Zi Shu Chang, Feng Yi Chi Yang Ren Ye, Shi Wei surname" - Commentary on the Biography of Chang Lin of the Three Kingdoms Chronicle

[Ji Mao, feng yi ji clan in the late Han Dynasty was already a surname, Ji Mao once lived in seclusion with Su Ze in Wugong Nanshan, and after his departure, he was imprisoned by Tongzong Ji Benlian, and he thought it was because he collected forbidden books. Although Zhong Xuan testified to save Ji Mao, he did not appreciate it, because his brother Ji Huang died because of Zhong Xuan.

"In the beginning, Mao Tong's brother Huang took the title of Changling Commander from the Gongfu in the past twelve years. It was when the chief officials of the Shike were forbidden to go to the officials, and Huang Wen Situ Zhao Wenxue, who thought that he was a former official, violated the discipline and ran to the funeral, and was accepted by the Si Li Zhong Xuan Chung, and then he was ambushed"——Commentary on the Biography of the Three Kingdoms Chronicles of Chang Lin

[Ji Huang, Ji Mao's brother, as the former official of Situ Zhao Wen, after hearing the news of Zhao Wen's death, insisted on abandoning the official and running for funeral in spite of the prohibition at that time, so he was dealt with by Zhong Xuan according to law. ]

If there is any omission, we hope to add it.

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