
Make simple and delicious stir-fried squid in Korean hot sauce at home

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Make simple and delicious stir-fried squid in Korean hot sauce at home

By Happy XuanXuan's mother's small kitchen


1 fresh squid

Half a carrot

2 scoops of vegetable oil

1 pepper

1 green onion

A little cooking wine

June fragrant Korean chili sauce 3 scoops

Ginger slices a little

4 cloves of garlic

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Make simple and delicious stir-fried squid in Korean hot sauce at home

1, prepare the ingredients, buy live squid, so big

Make simple and delicious stir-fried squid in Korean hot sauce at home

2: Slice carrots, peppers and garlic.

Make simple and delicious stir-fried squid in Korean hot sauce at home

3: Wash the squid, cut the body and whiskers into about 4 cm segments, and marinate with 3 tablespoons of Korean hot sauce for more than 1 hour.

Make simple and delicious stir-fried squid in Korean hot sauce at home

4: Mix well with sauce and squid.

Make simple and delicious stir-fried squid in Korean hot sauce at home

5: Heat oil in a pan and sauté shallots, ginger and garlic until fragrant.

Make simple and delicious stir-fried squid in Korean hot sauce at home

6: Sauté the chili pepper and carrots first.

Make simple and delicious stir-fried squid in Korean hot sauce at home

7, then the marinated squid together with the sauce into the pot, stir-fry on high heat, see the squid meat color becomes white, no longer soft and soft on the good, about three or four minutes, because the squid fried old can not bite.

Make simple and delicious stir-fried squid in Korean hot sauce at home

8, put out the plate, each piece of squid is covered with chili sauce, the taste is very rich Oh, with a bowl of rice, delicious. Looking red, it's really not so spicy!


To make this dish must be fried on high heat, squid is a particularly well cooked ingredient, fried old like a leather band bite can not move, so fresh squid can be eaten raw.

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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