
Zhu Maichen divorced his wife: Who killed Cui Shi?

author:History tells us

Zhu Maichen divorced his wife

During the Western Han Dynasty, there was a man named Zhu Maichen, whose family was very poor, but he especially liked to read, and at the age of forty he was still a depressed Confucian student, and he could only rely on chopping wood to make a living.

In 154 BC, the Wu king Liu Hao joined forces with other princes to rebel, and Zhu Maichen and his wife Cui Shi fled to Huiji Commandery to escape the chaos of the war, and built a thatched tent in the deep mountains and lived there. The husband and wife rely on cutting wood to sell to make a living, Zhu Maichen often does not forget to recite poems when picking firewood, people around him laugh at him as a nerd, Cui Shi feels embarrassed, he advises him not to keep reading in his mouth when he bears the material, let the people around him see jokes, but Zhu Maichen does not think so, but the more he reads, like singing mountain songs, people around him come to see his hilarity.

Zhu Maichen divorced his wife: Who killed Cui Shi?

Cui Shi felt ashamed and wanted to divorce Zhu Maichen. Zhu Maichen said to her: "Don't look at me as a poor ghost now, I want to be rich and noble at the age of fifty, you and I have suffered for more than twenty years, and now I am already a person in my forties, wait for me for a few years, and repay you well when I am rich." Cui Shi said indignantly: "People like you can only starve to death in the ravine in the end, how can they be rich?" Zhu Maichen repeatedly persuaded each other, Cui Shi simply cried and made a big fuss, Zhu Maichen had no choice but to agree to divorce.

After the divorce, Zhu Maichen walked on the road with materials and recited poems as usual, Cui and her current husband were on the way to the grave Zhu Maichen, at this time Zhu Maichen was cold and hungry, and the Cui couple got Food for Zhu Maichen to eat and let him eat a full meal.

After a few years, Zhu Maichen was introduced by a friend to work as an errand boy in Huijian County, and at the end of the year, the planner of Huijian County wanted to go to Beijing to report, and sent Zhu Maichen to escort the car to Chang'an, and in Chang'an Zhu Maichen met Yan Zhu, a native of the same county, Yan Aid, who was the chief doctor of yan assistant officials, and Emperor Wu of Han appreciated him very much, so Yan Shu recommended Zhu Maichen to Emperor Wu of Han. Zhu Maichen explained the "Spring and Autumn" to Emperor Wu of Han and commented on the "Chu Ci", and Emperor Wu of Han was very satisfied, so he named Zhu Maichen as the Doctor of Zhong. Later, Zhu Maichen was dismissed from his post for committing a crime, so he returned to Huiji County, where he could only borrow food from the guards of the official residence of Huiji County.

In 111 BC, Yu Shan, the king of Dongyue, repeatedly disobeyed the orders of the imperial court. Emperor Wu of Han summoned the Minister of Culture and Military Affairs to offer a plan to fight, and at the suggestion of the Minister of Culture and Military Affairs, Emperor Wu of Han recalled Zhu Maichen, reinstated him to his official post, and ordered Zhu Maichen to offer advice. Emperor Wu of han adopted Zhu Maichen's battle plan and successfully destroyed the State of South Vietnam, and Zhu Maichen was given the title of Taishou of Huiji Commandery. Emperor Wu of Han said to Zhu Maichen: "If you don't return to your hometown after you are prosperous and rich, it's like walking at night in splendid clothes. Zhu Maichen bowed his head in thanksgiving.

Zhu Maichen divorced his wife: Who killed Cui Shi?

Zhu Maichen returned to Huijian County, deliberately put on his old clothes, hid the Taishou seal in his arms, and walked to the official residence of Huijian County, just as the officials of Huijian County were gathering to drink and dismiss Zhu Maichen's arrival, Zhu Maichen went into the back hall to eat with the shoumen as in the past. In the meantime, Zhu Maichen deliberately revealed the ribbon with the official seal. Curious, the keeper stepped forward and pulled out the ribbon, and saw that the seal was the seal of the Huiji Taishou. The keeper of the mansion quickly ran to tell the counting official. Everyone was drunk and did not believe what the keeper could say, and the keeper of the mansion let them go into the house to see for themselves, and finally found that they were really too shouyin silk, they all panicked and frightened, and quickly reported to the shou cheng, and pushed each other in a row in the atrium to pay homage to Zhu Maichen. Zhu Maichen waved his hand at them and motioned for them to stand up. When the people got up, they had already driven into the high cart of horses to greet Zhu Maichen, so he took the stagecoach and left. When the officials of the huijian heard of the arrival of the Taishou, they recruited the people to repair the road to meet the Taishou.

After Zhu Maichen took up his post in Huiji County, he met Cui Shi and her current husband, who were building roads, so he stopped the car and asked the car behind him to take them to the Taishou Mansion together, where they were placed in the garden and provided with food. A month later, his wife hanged herself. Zhu Maichen gave her husband some money and asked him to bury his ex-wife well. He also summoned all the old acquaintances of friends who had given him food and who had been kind to him, and repaid them one by one. This is the origin of the allusion of "Zhu Maichen's divorce from wife".

Zhu Maichen divorced his wife: Who killed Cui Shi?

Water is hard to harvest

Later generations put this story on the stage of the drama, in order to enhance the dramatic effect, Zhu Maichen's ex-wife was portrayed as a person who hated poverty and loved the rich, because Zhu Maichen's family was poor and wanted to divorce him, and later Zhu Maichen became a Taishou, and Cui Was annoyed and cheekily wanted to remarry Zhu Maichen. Zhu Maichen ordered someone to bring a basin of water to splash in front of the horse, and told Cui that if he could take the water back, he would agree to remarry. Cui Shi was ashamed and committed suicide. Later generations wrote a poem for this purpose:

A hill by the grass pond, a thousand years of buried bones do not bury shame.

Ding Ning instructed the woman to pay the human world, and the chaff since ancient times was mixed to the end.

Zhu Maichen divorced his wife: Who killed Cui Shi?

We can't help but ask, is Cui Really a woman who hates poverty and loves the rich? Did she really commit suicide because it was difficult to collect water?

Who killed Choi?

Let's analyze this matter in depth, first of all, when Cui and Zhu Maichen divorced, they had been together for 20 years, if Cui Shi was a woman who hated poverty and loved the rich, then Cui Shi had left Zhu Maichen long ago, so Cui Shi was not a person who hated poverty and loved the rich. On the contrary, she is an honest and responsible, hard-working and capable woman, and she can live with Zhu Maichen for so many years is the best explanation. The reason why Cui And Zhu Maichen divorced was because Zhu Maichen made a move that was different from ordinary people, let the people around him see jokes, Cui Shi persuaded him, but he did not change, Cui Shi could not bear to divorce him, and now it is a three-view disagreement.

Zhu Maichen worked hard to read, this is not wrong, but Zhu Maichen can not recognize the reality, in the case of his own can not support the situation still think that reading can fly yellow Tengda, this in the eyes of others is crazy, is whimsical, put in the present Zhu Maichen is not a good life of people, always want to get rich overnight. You know, in ancient times, divorcing a wife was generally a very humiliating thing, and the reason why Zhu Maichen's wife took the initiative to divorce him can be seen that the wife has completely failed to understand the husband's approach before making a choice.

Zhu Maichen divorced his wife: Who killed Cui Shi?

In Cui's view, as a woman, marrying someone is to hope to live a stable life, rather than doing unrealistic things all day long. Besides, the Han Dynasty did not have a examination system, and if you want to become an official, you can only be recommended by someone, and it is difficult for Zhu Maichen, who has no connections and no money, but Zhu Maichen can't see clearly, which is the most important reason why Cui wants to divorce him.

If it were not for the help of his friends later, Zhu Maichen would not even have to do the work of the messenger, and there would not be a recommendation from Yan Zhu from the same county who was reused by Emperor Wu of Han, which can only show that Zhu Maichen's blind cat met the dead rat and walked the luck, which is not an inspirational case. Inspiration is at least to achieve under the premise of their own survival, Zhu Maichen This is a good lofty, unrealistic fantasy, once Qingming went to the grave, Zhu Maichen was cold and hungry, if it were not for the encounter with Cui and her current husband, Zhu Maichen was afraid of freezing to death and starving to death, which was enough to show that Cui Shi was kind in heart.

Zhu Maichen divorced his wife: Who killed Cui Shi?

Zhu Maichen is actually very hypocritical, as can be seen from the fact that Emperor Wu of Han let Zhu Maichen return to his hometown in rags, Zhu Maichen deliberately dressed in rags and returned to his hometown, the neighbors first ignored him, and then knew that he was too defensive to please him, and he was extremely satisfied with Zhu Maichen's inferiority complex, he enjoyed this process, and it also showed that Zhu Maichen had a strong sense of vanity, a good face, and finally had the opportunity to show off in front of them in the face of those who had once looked down on him.

In fact, Zhu Maichen is a narrow-minded villain, from zhu Maichen's death can be seen, Zhu Maichen and Zhang Tang have a contradiction, Zhu Maichen joined forces with others to frame Zhang Tang, Zhang Tang was killed, and finally Emperor Wu of Han knew the truth and killed Zhu Maichen, so Zhu Maichen is a villainous act, a set on the surface, a set behind, how can someone like Zhu Maichen who is blind and must repay let Cui Shi, a woman who once abandoned herself.

Cui's abandonment was a great shame for Zhu Maichen. Zhu Maichen took his wife into the Taishou Mansion after he developed, seemingly repaying her, but in fact, he humiliated her in disguise, humiliated her for abandoning himself, if Zhu Maichen really wanted to repay the Cui family, he should secretly help her, rather than bringing her back to the Taishou Mansion in public, what does this mean? Obviously, Zhu Maichen This is indirectly let Cui Shi suffer from the pressure of public opinion, gossip is naturally indispensable, let her have no place for herself, tell everyone that Cui Shi is a woman who hates poverty and loves the rich, this trick is really absolute, you think of a woman who even felt ashamed of her ex-husband's memorization of poetry and was ridiculed, and now Zhu Maichen has taken himself to the Taishou Mansion, which makes others think, Cui Shi can only accuse Zhu Maichen's shameless behavior by committing suicide, which is also the last straw to crush Cui Shi.

Therefore, Cui's death was caused by Zhu Maichen, and Zhu Maichen was the murderer of Cui's.

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