
From the 2021 tiger briefing to see the main tone of "strict"

author:Overseas network

Source: Website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission

Central Commission for Discipline Inspection State Supervision Commission website Zhang Yan

The clock is set back to a year ago.

On January 4, 2021, the first working day of the New Year, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission simultaneously published a notice that four central management cadres were punished by party discipline and government affairs. Towards the end of the year, on December 30, 2021, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission published a notice: Liu Chuansheng, former secretary of the party committee of Beijing Normal University, was expelled from the party for serious violations of discipline and law.

From the beginning of the year to the end of the year, the fight against the tiger in 2021 will not stop. The website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission published a total of 25 central management cadres who were subject to review and investigation, and 30 central management cadres were punished by party discipline and government affairs for serious violations of discipline and law.

Yan is a high-frequency word in the work report of the Fifth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Discipline Inspection Commission. The rhythm of fighting tigers in 2021 fully demonstrates the firm determination and victory belief of the Party Central Committee to deeply promote the comprehensive and strict management of the party, the correct style and discipline and the fight against corruption, and releases a strong signal that it will be consistent and unswerving in grasping the ideology strictly, supervising strictly, enforcing discipline strictly, administering officials strictly, working in a strict style, and fighting corruption strictly, and adhering to the main tone of "strictness" for a long time.

Strictly investigate and deal with violations of political discipline, focusing on investigating and handling corruption cases where political and economic issues are intertwined

In 2021, 27 of the 30 central management cadres punished were pointed out to have violated the party's political discipline. For example —

Deng Guolin, former vice mayor of Chongqing Municipality and former director of the Public Security Bureau, lost his ideals and convictions, had no "four consciousnesses," deviated from the "two safeguards," and participated in the formation of gangs and gangs within the party, sought political capital, was keen on political speculation, vainly discussed the major policies of the party Central Committee, and engaged in superstitious activities.

Xiao Yi, former member of the CPPCC Jiangxi Provincial Committee and vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, has serious deviations in the implementation of the major decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee, violating the new development concept, abusing his power to introduce and support enterprises to engage in virtual currency "mining" activities that do not meet the requirements of the national industrial policy.

Wang Like, former member of the Standing Committee of the Jiangsu Provincial CPC Committee and former secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission, has never truly established ideals and convictions, has never been loyal and honest to the party, has no political principles, has lost the "four consciousnesses," participated in the formation of gangs and gangs within the party, engaged in political speculation and clinging to personal posts, and deliberately resisted organizational review.

To maintain the unity and unity of the party, the whole party must be loyal to the party. Our party strictly enforces political discipline and political rules, promptly discovers and resolves the "seven haves" problem, and ensures that the whole party is united and in unison. In the year of the change of office, iron discipline rules should be carried out throughout the entire work process, and violations of discipline and law such as canvassing and bribery, fraud, and malicious slander should be quickly investigated and severely punished. Those who seize the interests of the state and the people, erode the foundation of the party's ruling power, and shake the socialist state power, as well as those who engage in political gangs, small circles, and interest groups within the party, are not soft and resolutely investigated and punished.

Strictly investigate and deal with the problem of not knowing whether to stop and not to converge and not to give up

In 2021, among the 30 cadres who were punished by the Central Discipline Inspection Commission and the State Supervision Commission, 26 of them had the situation of "not converging and not taking over after the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China", accounting for 86.7%, and some even did not converge or accept after the 19th National Congress.

Li Wei, Deng Guolin, Wen Guodong, Hu Wenming, Xiao Yi, and others "did not restrain and did not rein in their hands after the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China"; Liu Guoqiang "still did not restrain and did not accept after the Eighteenth and even Nineteenth National Congresses of the Party"; Meng Yongshan still did not know how to restrain during the period when the political and legal contingent was carrying out education and rectification...

This reflects the stubbornness and repetitive nature of the problem of corruption, and also makes us soberly aware of the long-term and arduous nature of the anti-corruption struggle. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, a large number of party members and cadres have been seriously investigated and dealt with, but the stock has not yet been cleared, and the increase still occurs. The task of reducing the stock of corruption and curbing the increase in corruption remains arduous.

In 2021, discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels will continue to highlight the key points of reducing stocks, zero tolerance to curb the increase, and do not relent after the Eighteenth National Congress of the Party, especially after the Nineteenth National Congress, they are still unsustainable and bold, and they are found to investigate and deal with them together, continue to maintain a high-pressure posture, and adhere to the main tone of "strictness" for a long time.

Strictly investigate and deal with spiritual problems that violate the eight central regulations

In 2021, a number of punished central management cadres were pointed out to have violated the spirit of the eight central regulations. The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission have publicly reported on several occasions typical problems of violating the spirit of the eight central regulations, involving at least 10 cases of serious violations of discipline and law in which the cadres in charge of the central management have changed from wind to corruption and have been integrated with the work style and were finally sanctioned by party discipline and state law.

Judging from the case report, the problem of illegal eating and drinking is still prominent. For example, Yang Fulin, former deputy commander of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, former member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and former secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission, repeatedly accepted banquets and "one-table meals" arranged by private business owners from 2014 to July 2021, spanning up to seven years.

Some people have a serious idea of privilege and a luxurious and corrupt life. Wang Like occupied the office space of the Jiangsu Provincial Public Security Department for a long time in violation of the law when the Political and Legal Committee of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee had already equipped him with office space. Wang Fuyu, former secretary of the party group and chairman of the Guizhou Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, arranged for private business owners to pay more than 267,600 yuan to hire a family nanny for them.

The "four winds" problem tree is rooted and stubborn, and the risk of turning from wind and rot to rot always exists. The serious investigation and handling of these problems has fully demonstrated the political determination of the party Central Committee to persevere in promoting the building of work style and the firm determination to investigate violations of discipline and enforce discipline strictly.

Strictly investigate and deal with key areas and links such as strong policy support, intensive investment, and concentrated resources

2021 is the beginning of the "14th Five-Year Plan". The work report of the Fifth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Discipline Inspection Commission pointed out that it is necessary to focus on the areas and links with strong policy support, intensive investment, and concentrated resources, and resolutely investigate and deal with corruption in infrastructure construction, project approval, state-owned enterprise reform, public resource transactions, and scientific research management.

Judging from the circular, most of the cadres in charge who have been punished have used their positions to facilitate and influence their positions to engage in power and money transactions, most of which involve project contracting, land development, enterprise operation, case handling, financing loans, and job promotions.

For example, Luo Jiakui, a former member of the party group and chief accountant of COFCO Group Co., Ltd., disposed of state-owned assets at a low price, interfered in and interfered in engineering projects in violation of regulations.

Shi Wenqing, former member of the party leading group and deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Jiangxi Provincial People's Congress, regarded public power as a tool for profit, engaged in power-for-money transactions on a large scale, used his position to facilitate the pursuit of benefits for others in the areas of enterprise operation, handling of criminal cases, and financing loans, and illegally accepted huge amounts of money and property.

Xiao Yi colluded with unscrupulous private entrepreneurs, abused his power for personal gain, used his position to facilitate the promotion of posts, contracted projects, and developed projects for others, and illegally accepted huge amounts of money and property.

Liu Chuansheng used the public resources of the colleges and universities where he worked to amass wealth for his relatives, used his power or the influence of his position to seek benefits for others in terms of enrollment and employment, and infringed on the interests of the state and the collective in the purchase of housing.

Reaching out will be caught, corruption will be investigated, even if you leave office and retire, don't think of "landing safely"

Among the central management cadres who will be examined and investigated in 2021, there are many party members and cadres who have left their posts and retired, such as Song Taiping, former deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Hebei Provincial People's Congress, Pan Jiahua, head of the discipline inspection team of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission and former member of the party group of the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration, and Li Wenxi, former vice chairman of the Liaoning Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

After the party members and cadres retire, the "East Window Incident" occurs, some of them have the problem of violating discipline and the law when they are in office, and after retirement, things have been exposed; some have used their influence to seek private interests after retiring. The successive dismissals of senior leading cadres who have left office and retired have sounded the alarm bell again: stepping down and retiring is not a safe landing, and there are no blind spots in the fight against corruption.

Corruption is the biggest threat to the party's long-term rule. Resolutely punishing corruption is a clear manifestation of self-revolution. These cases show that the struggle against corruption and anti-corrosion is still severe and complicated, that there is no way out of anti-corruption, and that we must forge ahead in spite of difficulties, maintain our concentration, make achievements for a long time, and persist in the main tone of "strictness" for a long time.