
Nephritis patients need to limit salt in their diet, and these seven kinds of porridge soups help you be healthier

author:Saint Guardian

Although we often say that we sell kidneys for mobile phones, the function of the kidneys is very powerful. It maintains the stability of our body's internal environment to guarantee normal physiological functions. However, if you suffer from nephritis, we must treat it in time, and we must also do a low-salt diet in terms of diet, and usually eat more dietary remedies.

  There are many causes of nephritis, but the kidneys mainly regulate the water, electrolytes and acid-base balance in the human body, so nephritis patients should consider whether what they eat brings a burden to the kidneys. Therefore, in daily life, nephritis patients should pay attention to eating habits and maintain a low-salt diet.

  Patients with nephritis have frequent edema because of impaired urination, and every 1 gram of salt brought into the body is about 110 ml of water, so if the intake of salt is not restricted, it will worsen the edema. If the symptoms of edema worsen, it can cause heart failure. Therefore, a low-salt diet is necessary for patients with nephritis, and the daily salt intake should be controlled below 2-4 grams to prevent aggravation of edema and increased blood volume, resulting in accidents. It is also necessary to limit the intake of plant protein and high-fat foods.

  Patients with acute nephritis may still be worried about what they eat so that they will not worsen their condition, and the following are seven kinds of porridge soup suitable for the diet of nephritis patients.

  1. Carp winter melon soup

Nephritis patients need to limit salt in their diet, and these seven kinds of porridge soups help you be healthier

  Ingredients: carp, red beans, winter melon, green onion.

  Directions: Remove and wash the scales and offal, add water and cook red adzuki beans, winter melon and green onions together to 3 bowls of soup. Take 1 dose a day for 7 to 8 days continuously, and sweat after eating fish and drinking soup.

  Second, watermelon peel drink

  Ingredients: watermelon peel, red adzuki beans, fresh grass roots.

  Directions: Remove the green part of the watermelon peel, cut into slices, and fry the soup with water with red adzuki beans and grass roots. Drink 1 to 2 times a day for several days.

  3. Lychee grass juice

Nephritis patients need to limit salt in their diet, and these seven kinds of porridge soups help you be healthier

  Ingredients: Lychee grass.

  Directions: Wash the lychee grass and chop it and fry it in water to make a juice. Take 3 times a day, you can add white honey when taking.

  Fourth, fresh white thatch root drink

  Ingredients: fresh white thatch root, corn whiskers.

  Directions: Wash the white grass root and corn and fry it with water to make a juice, or you can only fry the white grass root into juice. Make a tea drink 3 to 5 times a day.

  5. Porridge with white porridge

  Ingredients: White Poria powder, japonica rice, pepper, salt, a little MSG.

  Method: First wash the japonica rice, then put the japonica rice and poria powder into the pot, add an appropriate amount of water, boil over high heat and then simmer until rotten, add MONOS glutamate, salt, pepper, stir well and serve. Take 2 times daily, in the morning and dinner.

  6. Chinese cabbage rice porridge

Nephritis patients need to limit salt in their diet, and these seven kinds of porridge soups help you be healthier

  Ingredients: Chinese cabbage, amaranth rice.

  Directions: Cook the rice into porridge, then add the chopped cabbage, and wait for the dish to mature, but do not cook for a long time. Twice a day, for breakfast and dinner, can also be made unsalted or low-salt.

  7. Duck juice porridge

  Ingredients: duck soup, japonica rice.

  Directions: Wash the japonica rice first, then put the japonica rice and duck soup together in a pot, bring it to a boil over high heat, and then cook it over low heat. Take 2 times a day, preferably in the morning and dinner.

  Just as the so-called disease comes from the mouth, nephritis patients should pay more attention to a healthy diet and usually reduce the intake of salt. The above seven kinds of porridge soup is also very suitable for nephritis patients, and it is okay to eat more.

Nephritis patients need to limit salt in their diet, and these seven kinds of porridge soups help you be healthier