
Pattern trends | understated luxury faux lace

author:Costume Design Competition
Pattern trends | understated luxury faux lace

Lace, sensuality and intricate beauty of the ultimate.

From its origins in the 14th century to the present day, lace has never dissipated its light in the fashion world.

Even in the contemporary fashion circle where sexlessness is constantly stirring up, the lace element, which has always been considered a symbol of femininity, is still active, appearing on the clothing of men and women in a new situation of imitation lace patterns, and telling new words in the context of the new era.

Madame de Pompadour's lace


Lace originated in the European aristocracy in the 14th century, because of its complex and cumbersome production process and layered design, until the 18th century, lace this intricate and exquisite handicraft has been the exclusive property of the European aristocracy.

Lace really made her debut in the fashion world thanks to Madame de Pompadour, "the famous mistress and socialite of Emperor Louis XV of France".

Pattern trends | understated luxury faux lace

Madame de Pompadour, François Boucher, 1756

Madame de Pompadour is the protector of French art and culture. Thanks to a good education and a good artistic position, she also laid an important foundation for the art and fashion of Rococo paris.

Lace is one of the fashion trends set off by Madame de Pompadour.

Pattern trends | understated luxury faux lace


Pattern trends | understated luxury faux lace

Full body portrait of Madame de Pompadour, Maurice Contan de La Tour, 1755

This pastel full body portrait of Madame de Pompadour, painted by Maurice Contan de Latour, depicts in detail the ornate dress of Madame de Pompadour, and is a typical representation of the Rococo style of court women's clothing and salon women's clothing at that time.

Lace dots the exposed chest and arms, with a hint of aggressive sensuality but also elegance.

Pattern trends | understated luxury faux lace
Pattern trends | understated luxury faux lace

This gorgeous and intricate cuff also has its own name - pagoda sleeves, three layers of pleated lace sewn on the sleeves that fit inside, and the sleeves are narrow and wide, stacked like a pagoda.

Pagoda sleeves are an important symbol of Rococo period clothing, providing unlimited inspiration for the flared sleeves and lotus leaf sleeves of later generations.

Pattern trends | understated luxury faux lace

Madame de Pompadour, François Hubert De Rue, 1763

As a representative of art and fashion at that time, Madame Pompadour's clothing style was an object of emulation by aristocratic women.

After Madame de Pompadour's "cargo", lace quickly spread throughout France and even Europe, appearing on the chest and wrists of aristocratic women. Lace, which combines sexy femininity and elegance, once became the most feminine symbol.

Pattern trends | understated luxury faux lace

In the subsequent 19th century, during the neoclassical and romantic periods, lace continued to be heavily used in the production of clothing, becoming a symbol of romance and elegance, purity and beauty.

In the 1830s, the era of lace machine production arrived, and lace machines of various weaving methods were introduced. At this time, the production of lace really spread, and it was no longer the exclusive property of the court and the nobility.

Lace in modern fashion


In the early 20th century, the widespread use of lace looms made lace no longer expensive and there were more and more patterns. Because of its brisk, elegant, dreamy and pure characteristics, lace is more used in evening dresses and wedding dresses.

Madonna, on the other hand, interprets lace in a different style – the black lace shirt stimulates people's voyeurism and image worship.

Pattern trends | understated luxury faux lace
Pattern trends | understated luxury faux lace

Dressed in black and white lace, Madonna is sexy, dangerous and charming

Lace is no longer just a scrap or decoration of clothing, but has officially entered the center stage of the fashion world.

Pattern trends | understated luxury faux lace

Tom Ford S/S 2022

Pattern trends | understated luxury faux lace

Alexander McQueen S/S 2022

At the same time, imitation lace patterns have also become a new trend.

The imitation lace pattern, that is, the flat pattern of lace, makes it romantic and flexible while making it romantic and flexible in the large area of clothing, abandoning the complex stacking of lace materials.

Pattern trends | understated luxury faux lace
Pattern trends | understated luxury faux lace
Pattern trends | understated luxury faux lace

Victoria Beckham S/S 2022

What's even more interesting is that the imitation lace pattern is not only suitable for women's clothing, but also for men's clothing.

Pattern trends | understated luxury faux lace

KENZO F/W 2021

Pattern trends | understated luxury faux lace
Pattern trends | understated luxury faux lace
Pattern trends | understated luxury faux lace

Palomo Spain S/S 2022

"If you are far away", you may be able to describe the relationship between lace and the fashion industry.

People are always paying attention to something newer and trendier, or the retro feelings of emotional times. And lace has never left, has always existed in a hurry, and has not received too many praises and praises, but if you look closely, every season of fashion week will not be missing its figure.

In the spring and summer of 2022, lace continues to exist in a low-key way, a large area of imitation lace patterns, inheriting the lace romantic gene, but with a calm temperament. The so-called "low-key luxury" is like this.

Pattern trends | understated luxury faux lace
Pattern trends | understated luxury faux lace
Pattern trends | understated luxury faux lace
Pattern trends | understated luxury faux lace

Valentino S/S 2022

The imitation lace pattern of the garden


Pattern trends | understated luxury faux lace


Pattern trends | understated luxury faux lace


Pattern trends | understated luxury faux lace


Pattern trends | understated luxury faux lace


Pattern trends | understated luxury faux lace


Pattern trends | understated luxury faux lace


Pattern trends | understated luxury faux lace


Pattern trends | understated luxury faux lace

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