
Magical peppercorns, specializing in the treatment of rich diseases

author:Bright Net

The excess head is heavy with moisture, and the peppercorns can be dissolved in the dish

For modern people, although the external environment may not be so humid, many people still need peppercorns to regulate it, because the humidity in our bodies is heavy.

When stir-frying, do not put oil, put a few peppercorns in the pot, turn on the low heat, and roast the peppercorns. Wait for the aroma of the peppercorns to come out, then put the oil, still on a low heat, and fry the peppercorns slightly. Then, use a colander to fish out the peppercorns. Leave the oil and stir-fry over high heat. The dishes fried in this way cannot be eaten with hemp flavor, and they add flavor to the usual practice.

If you want to use peppercorns to get wet, another good way is to use peppercorn water to soak your feet. The method is also very simple:

You take a piece of cotton or gauze wrapped in a bag of peppercorns, which is about the size of the soles of your feet, tie the mouth with a cotton rope, and boil in a pot for 30 minutes to soak your feet. This peppercorn bun can be cooked several times, because the peppercorn flavor will be boiled many times, so this is a very economical method.

Soaking your feet with pepper water also has a function, that is, to pass through the meridians. This is derived from the second largest function of peppercorns - ventilation. Pepper has a strong effect on ventilation.

If you feel that you have held your breath, chest tightness or bad breath, you can chew a few peppercorns to smooth the breath.

Many people have such an experience: after the stomach is cold, they will feel that there is qi surging in the stomach, and some people will have diarrhea afterwards, or feel abdominal pain. When you feel flatulence in your stomach when you are cold, you can eat some peppercorns. If you still feel stomachache or diarrhea, you can take 7 peppercorns, add a bowl of water and boil for a few minutes, put some brown sugar, and drink it.

Eating peppercorns in moderation can be ventilated, but eating too much will make you hold your breath. Because the pepper has a numb taste, it will paralyze the nerves in the throat area, so we must have a limit when using peppercorns, and when we eat them, we should limit them to 7 grains, not more than 7 grains.

The gynecological sacred recipe from the court: pepper tea

Magical peppercorns, specializing in the treatment of rich diseases

The Song people have poetry self-pity: pepper wine is difficult to cure a hundred sick bodies. At that time, people liked to use pepper wine to avoid evil and dispel diseases, and if they were sick to the point where even pepper wine could not be cured, they could only sigh that they had no medicine to save.

Pepper wine is made by soaking peppercorns in white wine, which can disperse wind and cold, dispel rheumatism, dissolve stasis, and it has another benefit: it can relieve toothache in the mouth.

If you add a few peppercorns to the ginger jujube tea and cook it together, it is the peppercorn ginger jujube tea, which has a stronger effect on dispelling cold and dampness, and can also relieve abdominal pain.

Pepper ginger jujube tea is suitable for people with scorched cold and heavy humidity to drink, such as female uterine cold (vaginal discharge is more and thin, long-term dysmenorrhea), male kidney cold, as well as gastrointestinal deficiency, chronic diarrhea, people can often drink. When you suffer from cold abdominal pain, especially if you have abdominal pain after women dip in cold water during menstruation, you can also drink pepper ginger date tea to alleviate it.

Peppercorns are a common ingredient for treating gynecological problems, not only internally, but also externally. Smoking with peppercorns boiling water can not only dispel cold and dampness, but also have the effect of sterilization and antipruritic, and can regulate inflammation in gynecological areas. You can put the boiled peppercorn water in a basin and use the steam of the water to fumigate it before soaking it.

Although peppercorns can help women get rid of cold and dampness, it should be noted that if the mother is breastfeeding the baby, she cannot eat the peppercorns, and the peppercorns have the effect of returning milk. Pregnant women are also best to eat less peppercorns.

Peppercorn seeds can be introduced into the brain

Magical peppercorns, specializing in the treatment of rich diseases

Many people don't know that the peppercorns we usually eat are actually the outer skin of the peppercorn fruits, and there are also peppercorn seeds in the peppercorns.

The outer skin of the peppercorn is red, which is what we usually call the peppercorn as a seasoning. Peppercorn seeds are black, small, round.

The taste of peppercorns is fragrant with hemp, and the taste of peppercorn seeds is also a bit hemp, but it is bitter.

Putting peppercorn seeds into the dish will affect the taste of the dish, so good peppercorns should be cracked to facilitate the removal of peppercorn seeds. The closed-mouth peppercorn grains have peppercorn seeds in it, and the taste of the seasoning is worse.

One of the criteria for the grade of peppercorns is to look at the proportion of peppercorn seeds. There are more peppercorn seeds in it, which is designated as a poor grade.

But peppercorn seeds are medicinal primers, and it is the introduction of drugs into the brain. For example, there is a famous medicinal food to treat dizziness - tianma stewed fish head. Add peppercorns and simmer together to make the effect even better.

Peppercorns are moisture-removing, while peppercorn seeds have a stronger effect on dampness.

Peppercorn seeds can be water-repellent. People who often have edema can eat peppercorn seeds to help reduce swelling. Some people have asthma or chronic cough, do not dare to lie flat at night, it is uncomfortable to lie down, and the phlegm coughed up is very thin, this situation can eat some pepper seeds to regulate.

Eating peppercorn seeds can also get rid of the scorched moisture. If women have a lot of vaginal discharge, which is a thin, white one, they can eat peppercorn seeds to regulate.

Peppercorn seeds also have an insecticidal effect, which can help fight intestinal parasites.

Note: Eating more peppercorn seeds is easy to constipation, and people who are weak and hot cannot eat it. If you accidentally eat too many peppercorn seeds and cause constipation, there is a proprietary Chinese medicine that can be treated, called Ma Ren Run Intestinal Pills, which can be bought in pharmacies.

Pepper leaf sai toon

Magical peppercorns, specializing in the treatment of rich diseases

Pepper buds, that is, the young buds and young leaves of the pepper tree in the spring, are more delicious than other tree buds, have a special spicy flavor, and are not as numb as the peppercorns. Especially tender pepper bud leaves, directly blanched, cold mix to eat is very good.

Tender peppercorn leaves can also be used as spices and side dishes, and eaten with shredded meat. Peppercorn leaves with shredded chicken are particularly flavorful.

The peppercorn leaves are fried and eaten very fragrantly, and they are more delicious than the toon. The general practice is soft frying, that is, hanging egg flour paste to fry. I prefer to fry, that is, put a little salt in the oil pan, put the peppercorn leaves directly into the oil pan, fry it with a low heat, the peppercorn leaves will soon become transparent, immediately start the pot, put it in a large colander to control the oil clean, and then put it on the plate. The fried peppercorn leaves are crispy, non-greasy, and particularly delicious.

Peppercorn leaves are warm stomach and cold, it can smooth the stomach qi. Some people will have stomach pain after being cold, or have a feeling of flatulence in the stomach, and some people will be belch and burp, so they can eat some pepper leaves to relieve it.

The ancients also used peppercorn leaves as a seasoning, and the stewed chicken tasted good. Old pepper leaves can not be eaten as a dish, but can also be used to boil water to soak the feet, can remove moisture, good for people with beriberi.

The effect of peppercorn leaves and peppercorns is similar, both can dehumidify and smooth the air. It is just that the pepper leaves are biased towards the heart and lungs, and the effect of dissolving phlegm and dampness is relatively strong; the pepper is biased towards the kidneys, and the effect of scorching cold and dampness and intestinal qi is relatively strong.

Source: Wellness

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