
These seven ancient coins, only the size of a thumb, are expensive but cannot afford to buy

In the current coin market, the bigger it is, the more valuable it is, and the thicker it is, the more valuable it is. The common Qingqian Spring Source Bureau sample, as long as it is a yellow and bright extremely beautiful product, can break a thousand yuan. Earlier copper coins, the diameter is generally more than 3.5 centimeters, that is more expensive than one, so that people can not afford to buy.

These seven ancient coins, only the size of a thumb, are expensive but cannot afford to buy

Xianfeng Tongbao

In people's impressions, small money is generally inconspicuous, most of them are under 2.6 centimeters in diameter, collectively known as "Xiaoping money", and the huge number of five baht, Kaiyuan, Song Sisi, and Qing Xiaoping are synonymous with "cheap". However, in ancient times, there was also a particularly small copper coin, generally less than 2 centimeters in diameter, called elm pod money, chicken eye money or goose eye money.

They are only the size of a thumb, and most of them appeared in the war-torn years, which were used by the government for "emergency". These coins are not only small in quality, but also average in quality, can be preserved intact, but also have a rare corner of extremely beautiful quality. Therefore, in the market, when encountering the following small money, we should pay attention to it, as long as the quality is good, it is far from being comparable to the small money of Xianfeng Tongbao for a few dollars.

01 Koizumi Naoichi

These seven ancient coins, only the size of a thumb, are expensive but cannot afford to buy

This money is one of the six springs of Wang Mang, the hanging needle seal text is exquisite, the diameter is about 1.5 cm, the weight is only 1.5 grams, and the circulation time is very short. Because the purpose of Wang Mang's large amount of money is to use inflated money to loot wealth, Koizumi Naoichi is very inconspicuous in all kinds of big money, and there are often a few mixed in a pit and a big spring, and the number is rare but the market is tepid.

Koizumi Naoichi is also one of the few small coins that is comparable to the big money such as the Fifty Ofes in the degree of exquisiteness. At present, there is a steady rise, low-key upwards, the general appearance can see the font clearly, the wear is not so serious, about 200 ~ 300 yuan. The ground seal is flat, the text is clear, and the rust color is beautiful, which can reach about 1500 to 1800 yuan. If it is a rare version of "transmission money" and "back money", the extremely beautiful product can reach thousands of yuan.

02 Shu guo straight one money

These seven ancient coins, only the size of a thumb, are expensive but cannot afford to buy

Don't confuse with Naoichi Koizumi, this money only has the word "Straight One", which was cast by the Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms period. Liu Bei was really not covered, he learned Sun Quan to mint big money, but no matter how big the face value, it is suspected that Taiping Hundred Dollars and Dingping One Hundred Are All Shu Han Minting, but the weight diameter is pitifully small, and the looting wealth has been done to the extreme. Of course, the minimum denomination of zhiyi money is not valued, the diameter is only about 1.2 centimeters, the weight is less than 0.5 grams, and it may break with a little force in the hand. Therefore, most of the things left to the present day are in tatters, and very few can be completely preserved. The above picture is even a beautiful product, at least worth seven or eight thousand yuan, more products can only barely see the text, selling one or two thousand or no price. The audience is relatively small, so the most beautiful products are popular.

03 Hanxing money

These seven ancient coins, only the size of a thumb, are expensive but cannot afford to buy

The use of era names by Chinese emperors began with emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty, but the earliest era name money in history was the Hanxing money minted by Li Shou during the Sixteen Kingdoms period. This money is thin and small, weighing about 0.7 to 1 gram, and the diameter is between 1.6 and 1.7 centimeters, inheriting the mantle of reducing weight and straightening out hundreds of dollars in the late Years of the Shu Han Dynasty, and "carrying forward and expanding" Liu Bei's set, but it is the turning point of ancient Chinese money from weight notation to year number.

According to the qianwen arrangement, it can be divided into two types: straight book Hanxing and horizontal harvest Hanxing, that is, vertical reading and horizontal reading of text. There are more stocks of vertical Hanxing, about 100 to 200 yuan of poor products, about 300 to 500 yuan of beautiful products, and more than 1500 yuan of extremely beautiful products with clear text. The Henghanxing difference product can reach about 1,000 yuan, the beauty product is 3,000 to 5,000 yuan, and the extremely beautiful product is more than 15,000 yuan. The difference in phase is huge.

04 Eternal Light

These seven ancient coins, only the size of a thumb, are expensive but cannot afford to buy

During the Southern and Northern Dynasties period, the various former dynasty coins and private coins on the market were mixed together and very chaotic, in order to launch a war, the major regimes competed to mint small "evil money", and Yongguang Money was born in this context. It was first cast in the first year (465) of the deposed emperor Liu Ziye yongguang before the Song Dynasty of the Southern Dynasty, with a diameter of about 1.8 centimeters and a weight of about 1.2 grams.

The whole circulation process is only five months, so it is rare in existence, listed as "fifty treasures", and it is also one of the most well-known small coins, with a general appearance of about 13,000 to 15,000 and more than 30,000 beautiful products. It is worth noting that although it is expensive as a famous treasure, it was worth more than 50,000 yuan more than a decade ago, and now it has fallen a lot, but it is still a must-have for collectors who pursue to collect famous treasures.

05 scenery and

These seven ancient coins, only the size of a thumb, are expensive but cannot afford to buy

In the same period as Yongguang Qian, after Yongguang stopped circulating, Liu Ziye minted Jinghe Qian, but he was also a "short-lived ghost" and also a treasure of the Spring Realm.

With a diameter of less than 2 centimeters and a weight of just over a gram, it is small and thin, and the clarity of the strokes is greater than that of eternal light, so it is much more expensive. The general product phase is more than 30,000, and the extremely beautiful product phase is more than 70,000, and the value has been firm for many years.

06 Two baht

These seven ancient coins, only the size of a thumb, are expensive but cannot afford to buy

Liu Ziye single-handedly minted three kinds of rare small money, even if he reigned for only one year, he also left a strong mark in history. The two-baht coin and the Yongguang coin were minted at the same time, with a diameter of about 1.7 to 1.9 cm and a weight of about 2 grams.

Turning five baht into two baht, the people naturally do not recognize, the existence is rare, but there is no eternal light, scenery and fame, the general product can reach about 10,000 yuan, and the extremely beautiful product is more than 30,000.

07 Filial piety four baht

These seven ancient coins, only the size of a thumb, are expensive but cannot afford to buy

This money was first minted in the first year (454) of the Southern Dynasty Song Dynasty Song Xiaowu Emperor Liu Junxiaojian, and at first the diameter could reach about 2.2 centimeters, but soon began to lose weight, the production was shoddily, the edges were flat, the writing was unclear, and there were countless folk pirates. Today, most are around 1.6 centimeters in diameter, and a few are more than 2 centimeters in diameter, but weigh only a little more than 0.5 grams.

In terms of value, large diameters are naturally more expensive, with general products of about 300 to 500 yuan and extremely beautiful products of more than 1500 yuan. Most of the small diameters are around 100 yuan to 300 yuan. There are also back straight, back upside down text, back four pillars, inverted four and other editions, all of which are about a few hundred yuan.

These seven ancient coins, only the size of a thumb, are expensive but cannot afford to buy

The reason why we have always emphasized the difference in appearance is because when we encounter such coins in reality, a small negligence will be destroyed, which is too small and the quality is mostly very poor. Therefore, those who can retain the beauty are "people with hearts", bad products are honestly not to be seen, good products are expensive but can not afford to buy, the charm of small money is not worse than big money.

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