
Draw the wrath of the crowd! CCTV reporter Wang Bingbing was "human flesh", and a large amount of private information was leaked

In recent days, there have been some rumors on the Internet about the past experience of CCTV reporter Wang Bingbing, probably because Wang Bingbing's crazy fans posted on a forum, saying that they had "collapsed" and exposed a large amount of private information suspected of Wang Bingbing.

Draw the wrath of the crowd! CCTV reporter Wang Bingbing was "human flesh", and a large amount of private information was leaked

Wang Bingbing graduated from the College of Letters of Jilin University in 2012, majoring in broadcasting and hosting arts. In 2016, he entered the Central Radio and Television Station and became a journalist on camera. In September 2020, Wang Bingbing became popular with the news video broadcast by CCTV News on Station B, attracting the attention of netizens.

Draw the wrath of the crowd! CCTV reporter Wang Bingbing was "human flesh", and a large amount of private information was leaked

Compared with the dignified and atmospheric image of other female hosts of CCTV, Wang Bingbing has a sweet smile and the kindness of the sister next door, and her appearance breaks the inherent impression of everyone on the female host and reporter of CCTV, and for a time became a national Internet celebrity, and gradually became a new generation of CCTV forces.

Draw the wrath of the crowd! CCTV reporter Wang Bingbing was "human flesh", and a large amount of private information was leaked

However, recently, it is said that some crazy fans have pulled out Wang Bingbing's early grade IV examination results in the process of "chasing stars", saying that their results are not excellent. At the same time, photos of Wang Bingbing's wedding scene were also exposed.

After these rumors appeared, some fans called themselves "collapsed". He began to attack Wang Bingbing with ugly words and humiliated him verbally.

Draw the wrath of the crowd! CCTV reporter Wang Bingbing was "human flesh", and a large amount of private information was leaked

Netizen: The atmosphere of the rice circle needs to be rectified

Wang Bingbing's "human flesh" by crazy fans has been sympathized by many netizens, and he did not expect that the bad atmosphere of the rice circle was so grand that even the CCTV host could not be spared, and it seemed that he had to continue to vigorously rectify it.

Many netizens left a message saying that the fourth level has not been passed only once, which cannot explain anything, "after all, there is a second chance." More rational netizens said that leaving aside the rumors of true or false, good grades, marriage or good, these are a person's past, and there is no conflict with his achievements today. Those fans who shout "collapse" are nothing more than wishful thinking to impose their "perfect vision" on their idols.

Draw the wrath of the crowd! CCTV reporter Wang Bingbing was "human flesh", and a large amount of private information was leaked

Another netizen said, "This makes me like Wang Bingbing more, which shows that she is a person who has experienced the ordinary and then told everyone through hard work that 'life has a lot of possibilities' and 'as long as you work hard enough to change mediocrity', she is also like the flesh and blood majority of us." ”

Media: Pathological star chasing is not advisable

In this regard, the Yangtze Evening News commented:

Some "bastard meals" are crazy, excessive star chasing, "peeping" star daily life, "grilling" star personal privacy. This kind of rice circle chaos has also shifted to other public figure groups such as sports circles and host circles.

It is undoubtedly undesirable to overexpose the personal privacy of celebrities and hosts, and to chase stars in a pathological manner. Although celebrities and hosts are public figures, their personal behavior and personal information, as long as they do not involve violations of laws and regulations, should be protected by law like ordinary people.

"Human flesh" and exposing the privacy of others touch the bottom line of laws and regulations. Deliberately exposing someone else's privacy is an immoral act in itself. Star chasing should also maintain rationality and respect, and regulate their own behavior.

Lawyer: "Human flesh search" is illegal

According to another report by China News Network, a lawyer said that the State Internet Information Office issued the "Provisions on the Ecological Governance of Online Information Content". According to the regulations, users, producers, and platforms of online information content services must not carry out illegal activities such as online violence, human flesh searches, deep forgery, traffic fraud, and account manipulation.

In addition, Article 111 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China stipulates: "The personal information of natural persons shall be protected by law. Where any organization or individual needs to obtain others' personal information, it shall lawfully obtain and ensure information security, and must not illegally collect, use, process, or transmit others' personal information, and must not illegally buy, sell, provide, or disclose others' personal information. ”

Synthesized from China News Network, Morning News, Yangtze Evening News

Edited | Johnny Q

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