
Ninth grade world history is easy to mix and easy to misplace the summary

author:History of the High School Entrance Examination

The final exam is coming, today for everyone to sort out the junior high school history of the world of ancient, modern and modern history easy to make mistakes, hurry to save the children to review!

Easy to mistake and easy to mix point:

1. The Law of the Twelve Bronze Tables is the first step in the construction of the Roman legal system, and is the source of the Roman code and even European jurisprudence in later generations. The Compendium of Roman Civil Law is hailed as the foundation of European civil law.

Easy Test Point:

1. Christianity was founded in Palestine in the 1st century, and the founder is said to be Jesus the "Savior", and the relevant work is the Bible.

2. The manor was a typical form of organization in the medieval countryside of Western Europe, a relatively independent and self-sufficient economic and political unit.

3. Common means of the rise of Western European cities include: money redemption and armed struggle.

4. With the development of the city and the prosperity of industry and commerce, the class of citizens gradually formed.

5. The autonomous status of medieval universities in Western Europe is mainly reflected in: tax-free privileges, judicial privileges, and educational autonomy

6. The curriculum of medieval universities in Western Europe was influenced by the Christian Church and economic and social development.

7. The courses of medieval universities in Western Europe include: basic courses: grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, music; specialized courses: law, medicine, theology

8. The Compendium of Roman Civil Law includes: The Code of Justinian, the Compendium of Jurisprudence, the Compendium of Jurisprudence, and the New Code.

Beginning in 9.646, Emperor Takatoku of Japan carried out reforms following the example of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, and the history called Dahua Reform, which developed Japan into a centralized feudal state.

Error-prone points:

1. "Heavenly Night Tan", the word "Tan" is easy to write wrong, not "talk".

2. The founding of Islam and the propagation of monotheism favored the unification of the Arabian Peninsula; after Muhammad's death, his successors founded the Arab Empire.

3. The Arabs are the messengers of cultural exchanges between the East and the West.

Around the 4th and 14th centuries, monetary rent replaced servitude rent, products were market-oriented, and forms of production organization had the characteristics of capitalist relations of production.

5. The Renaissance movement was a movement of ideological emancipation set off by the emerging bourgeoisie. At its core is humanism.

6. With the opening of new shipping routes, the world began to be connected as a whole, and the concept of the world was established from then on.

7. After the opening of the new shipping route, the prototype of the world market began to appear. The colonial expansion that began in the 16th century further expanded the world market, and the world market gradually formed.

8. Triangular trade embodies the barbarism and cruelty of the primitive accumulation of capital.

9) The British bourgeois revolution opened up a new era of bourgeois revolution and promoted the course of world history.

10. The Bill of Rights merely limited the power of the king, not abolished it. Constitutional monarchy is characterized by the supremacy of parliamentary power and the rule of the monarchy.

Easy mixing point:

1. The conditions for the opening of new shipping routes are the prevalence of the theory of earth circles, the use of the compass, and the advancement of shipbuilding technology. Not the reason.

2. Columbus sailed to the Americas, opened the European sea route to the Americas, opened the prelude to the colonization of the Americas by modern Europeans, brought disasters to the Indians, aggravated their poverty and backwardness, but objectively accelerated the primitive accumulation of capital and promoted the development of European capitalism.

3. Cromwell was honored as the "Protector of the Nation", and his power was above parliament. After the Glorious Revolution, the power of parliament was higher than that of the crown.

1. The root causes of the Renaissance movement and the opening of new shipping routes and their impact on European society.

(1) The root cause: the emergence of the embryonic capitalism in Europe.

(2) Influence: Both promoted the emergence and development of European capitalism.

2. Understand that "the Renaissance discovered man, and new shipping routes opened up the 'world'".

(1) The Renaissance movement opposed the Church's control over the spiritual world, promoted humanistic ideas, advocated the establishment of a human-centered rather than God-centered philosophy of life; advocated the development of human personality and the pursuit of enjoying this worldly life. So the Renaissance discovered "man."

(2) The opening of new shipping routes has broken the previous situation of isolated and isolated development of various regions of the world, so that the world has begun to be connected as a whole, and the concept of the world has gradually been established. Therefore, the opening of new shipping routes has discovered the "world".

3. The new route opened up the difference between the seafaring activities of Middle Columbus and others and Zheng He's voyage to the West.

(1) The purpose is different: the former is to find a new route to the East and plunder wealth; the latter is to expand the influence of the Ming Dynasty and strengthen ties with overseas countries.

(2) The scale is different: the former is small in scale and small in number; the latter is the opposite.

(3) Different nature: the former belongs to colonial expansion activities, and the latter is a righteous act of friendly exchanges with various countries.

(4) Different influences: the former strengthens ties around the world and promotes the emergence and development of capitalism, but brings disasters to the peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America; the latter promotes friendly exchanges between China and Asian and African countries.

4. The far-reaching historical significance of the Bourgeois Revolution in England:

(1) The overthrow of the feudal autocracy by the British bourgeois revolution was a major victory of the capitalist system over the feudal system in human history. The capitalist system, in comparison with the feudal system, is a major advance in human history.

(2) The British bourgeois revolution cleared the way for the rapid development of British capitalism, and more than 70 years later, an industrial revolution occurred in Britain, which became the birthplace of large machine industry.

(3) The British bourgeois revolution also opened the prelude to the bourgeois revolutionary movements in Europe and North America, opened a new era of bourgeois revolution, and promoted the course of world history.

Error-prone points:

1. Important historical terms written: Lexington, Washington, Saratoga, Yorktown, Jefferson, Programmatic Documents, Separation of Powers, Bastille, Restoration, Robespierre, Coalition, Hargreaves, Jenny, Watt, Steam Engine, Stephenson, Alexander II, Peter I

2. (1) The landmark event of the eventual victory in the North American War of Independence was The British recognition of American independence in 1783.

(2) Compared with the British bourgeois revolution, the biggest feature of the American Revolutionary War is that the revolutionary task is to overthrow colonial rule.

(3) The earliest inhabitants of the Americas were Indians, and the anti-British struggles of the 13 colonies of British North America were transformed into a united American War of Independence at the end of the 18th century, and this transformation was mainly due to the beginning of the formation of a unified American nation.

(4) The stipulation that Washington would be the first president of the United States would not be written in the Constitution of 1787.

(5) The revolutionary action of the French Revolution to overthrow the monarchy was the armed uprising of the people of Paris in August 1792.

(6) The French First Republic, founded in 1792, and the English Republic, established in 1649, have similarities in that both were established in the bourgeois revolution and both had their kings executed.

(7) During the early period of bourgeois revolutions, the common denominator of "the demands of England and France" was that the overthrow of feudal monarchies and the development of capitalism were that the "demands of the whole world" at that time were to oppose feudal absolutism and establish bourgeois power.

(8) The progressive spirit embodied in the French Declaration of The Rights of Man is to oppose absolute monarchy and feudal hierarchy, and its core content is to clarify the human rights requirements of the bourgeoisie and the proposition of governing the country according to law, which promotes the french bourgeois revolution.

(9) The most concrete manifestation of the thoroughness of the French bourgeois revolution in the revolutionary measures of the Jacobins was the solution of the peasant land question.

(10) The main reason for the fall of the Napoleonic Empire was that foreign wars harmed the interests of many people.

(11) In the process of the transformation of mankind from the rule of man to the rule of law, Washington, Napoleon, Sun Yat-sen and others have made outstanding contributions.

(12) The direct cause of the British Industrial Revolution was the inability of the workshop industry to meet the ever-expanding market demands.

(13) The precondition for the first industrial revolution to take place in England was the establishment of bourgeois rule.

(14) The approximate order of the Industrial Revolution: continental Europe, North America, Japan.

(15) The decisive factor in britain's development into a developed capitalist country in modern times is the plundering of colonial wealth.

(16) The main factor in Britain's victory over France in the colonial wars of the 18th century was the superiority of the social system.

(17) In England, the final triumph of the capitalist mode of production over the feudal mode of production marked the completion of the Industrial Revolution.

(18) The Russian Reform of 1861 was a reform of a bourgeois character, the main basis of which was the reform and abolition of feudal serfdom.

(19) The fundamental purpose of Russia's reforms of 1861 was to preserve the tsarist autocracy.

1. The nature of the American Revolutionary War is both a bourgeois revolutionary movement and a war of national liberation

2. The nature of the Russian Reforms of 1861 – a reform of a bourgeois character carried out by the Tsar from the top down.

3. The reason for the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War - British colonial rule suppressed the development of the North American economy.

4. The cause of the outbreak of the French Revolution – the development of capitalism was severely hampered by the feudal autocracy.

5. The reason for the outbreak of the Industrial Revolution - the establishment of bourgeois rule, the expansion of the market, and the shortage of commodities.

1. Independence of the United States

1. process

(1) Outbreak: Gunshots in Lyxington in 1775

(2) Establishment of the Army: In May 1755, the Continental Army was formed and Washington was appointed commander-in-chief.

(3) Nation-building: On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was published, which became known as the "First Declaration of Human Rights".

(4) Turning point: Saratoga Victory (campaign) in 1777.

(5) End: The End of the American Revolutionary War in 1781.

(6) In 1883, Britain was forced to recognize the independence of the United States.

2. The nature of the war: it is both a war of national liberation and a bourgeois revolution.

3. Constitution of 1787:

(1) In 1787, a Constituent Assembly was convened to formulate the Constitution of the United States. The Constitution designed the Federal Republic on the basis of the principle of separation of powers and checks and balances.

(2) Contents: The executive, legislative and judicial powers are separated, and the president, parliament and supreme court and their related institutions perform their respective functions and checks and balances; the federal government and local governments share power; and the president and members are elected.

(3) Significance: It is the world's first written bourgeois constitution.

The French Revolution and the Napoleonic Empire

1. Enlightenment: A great intellectual emancipation movement that made important theoretical preparations for the French Revolution.

2. French Revolution

(1) Outbreak: On July 14, 1789, the people of Paris captured the Bastille.

(2) In August 1789, the Constituent Assembly promulgated the Declaration of the Rights of Man.

(3) In 1791, the First French Republic was established. In 1793, the Jacobins, led by Robespierre, brought the French Revolution to a climax.

3. Napoleonic Empire: In November 1799, Napoleon staged a coup d'état and formed a new government. In 1804 the Napoleonic Code of the Civil Code was promulgated. In 1804, France was renamed an empire, known historically as the "First French Empire", and Napoleon was crowned emperor. Napoleon's expedition to Russia failed in 1812 and the first French Empire collapsed in 1815.

Third, the first industrial revolution

1. Beginning: Starting with the textile sector first, marked by Hargreaves's invention of the Jenny machine.

2. Modification of the steam engine: In the mid-18th century, Watt transformed the steam engine.

3. Invention of the train: In 1825, Stephenson designed a steam locomotive that was successfully transported in England, marking the beginning of the railway era.

4. The impact of the Industrial Revolution: the level of social productivity was greatly increased, and mankind entered the "steam age"; Britain became the world's first industrial country.

The birth of Marxism and the rise of the international workers' movement

1. Marx and Engels critique inherited the essence of the ideas of their predecessors and formed Marxist theory.

2. In 1848, the communist manifesto, a program drafted by Marx and Engels for the Communist League, was officially published in London, marking the birth of Marxism.

3. In 1864, workers' representatives from Britain, France, Germany and other countries united to form the International Workers' Association, known in history as the "First International".

4. In 1871, the paris commune, the world's first proletarian power, was established.

V. Reform in Russia

1. Peter I reformed

(1) At the beginning of the 18th century, Tsar Peter I began to carry out reforms.

(2) Reform measures:

Politics: Reorganization of the executive branch and establishment of a centralized administrative system Military: The creation of a new and disciplined standing army 

Economy: The establishment of handicraft workshops was encouraged, and the owners of the workshops were allowed to purchase serfs from all over the village for selection: the nobility was required to serve the state in the army or administrative apparatus, and to be promoted according to merit and talent

Cultural education: sending students, establishing academies of science, opening schools, starting newspapers, and promoting cultural education 

2. Abolition of serfdom reform

(1) In the mid-19th century, serfdom severely constrained the development of the capitalist economy in Russia. In 1861, Tsar Alexander II issued a decree abolishing serfdom.

(3) Contents: Serfs were given personal freedom, could change their identity, and freely changed occupations; serfs could obtain a share of land when they were liberated, but they had to be redeemed at a high price.

(4) Evaluation: It was an important turning point in the history of Russia that led Russia to the road of capitalist development; but the remnants of serfdom still existed, affecting the economic and social development of Russia.

Multiple choice test sites

1. The event that marked the beginning of the North American Revolutionary War was: the sound of gunfire in Lexington.

2. The leader of the American Revolutionary War was: Washington.

3. The event marking the independence of the 13 North American colonies from British colonial rule was the publication of the Declaration of Independence

4. The turning point of the American Revolutionary War: Saratoga Victory

5. The figure known as the "Founding Father of america" is: Washington

6. The beginning (outbreak) of the French bourgeois revolution was marked by the capture of the Bastille by the People's Revolt in Paris on 14 July 1789.

7. The important documents promulgated in the French bourgeois revolution are: the Declaration of the Rights of Man

8. The political slogan of the First French Republic was: "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity"

9. The king executed in the French Revolution was: Louis XVI

10. The climax of the French Revolution was: the Jacobin dictatorship (leader: Robespierre)

11. The founder of the First French Empire (bourgeois military empire) was Napoleon.

12. The first slave trade was carried out in Portugal and Spain.

After the middle of the 13th century, the largest slave trader was Britain.

14. By the 19th century, colonies had spread all over the world, and the country that became the "Empire of the Sun Never Sets" was: Britain.

15. The so-called "liberator of Latin America" during the Latin American War of Independence was: Bolívar.

16. The outstanding heroine of India's anti-British national uprising is: Queen Zhangxi

17.The first country of the Industrial Revolution to take place was: Britain.

18. The first sector of the Industrial Revolution was: the cotton textile industry.

19. The hallmark of the first industrial revolution is: the widespread use of the steam engine, which brought mankind into the "steam age"

20. The achievements of the first industrial revolution in the field of transportation were: the American Fulton invented the steamboat; the British engineer Stephenson invented the train.

1. The Dahua Reform was japan's transformation into a centralized feudal state, and the Meiji Restoration was Japan's gradual transformation from a feudal society into a capitalist country.

2. The Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente --- world war broke out; the Axis powers and the anti-fascist allies --- World War II; NATO and the Warsaw Pact organization-U.S.-Soviet bipolar military bloc.

3. The February Revolution and the October Revolution: The February Revolution was a bourgeois revolution that overthrew the tsarist dictatorship; the October Revolution was a socialist revolution that overthrew the bourgeois Provisional Government.

4. The Versailles system established the imperialist ruling order in Europe, West Asia, and Africa; the Washington system established the imperialist ruling order in East Asia and the Pacific.

5. The role of scientific theory: Science and technology promote technological progress Newtonian mechanics theory is the theoretical basis of the industrial revolution; Faraday's principle of electromagnetic induction provides a theoretical basis for the second industrial revolution; Einstein's theory of relativity promotes the development and utilization of atomic energy, which is the theoretical basis of the third scientific and technological revolution.

6. The most revealing content of the Treaty of Versailles, which best reflects the nature of the Paris Peace Conference, is that all of Germany's overseas colonies were divided between Britain and France.

7. The American Revolutionary War removed the external obstacle to the development of capitalism — British colonial rule ; the American Civil War removed the internal obstacle to the development of capitalism — black slavery.

8. The Meiji Restoration in Japan was a reform of a bourgeois nature, and the content that best reflected its nature was "colonization and prosperity" and vigorously developed the modern economy.

9. After the opening of the new shipping route, the rudiments of the world market centered on Western Europe began to appear; the colonial expansion of the Western powers further expanded the world market; the industrial revolution promoted the basic formation of the world market; after the second industrial revolution, the world market was finally formed.

10. The first industrial revolution, mankind entered the "steam age"; the second industrial revolution mankind entered the "electric age". "Qi" and "Qi" are easy to write mixed.

1. The role of the American Revolutionary War and the Civil War in the historical development of the United States.

2. Analyze the role of the Meiji Restoration in the historical development of Japan in light of the specific contents of the Meiji Restoration.

3. Combined with the two industrial revolutions, analyze the social progress and social problems brought about by the industrial revolution.

4. The root causes, fuse and turning point of the outbreak of the First World War, the impact of the First World War on European countries.

5. The Nine-Power Pact fulfilled the long-sought goal of opening the door and other purposes pursued by the United States, but Japan's attempt to monopolize China was not realized, maintaining the situation in which several imperialist countries jointly dominated China.

6. The October Revolution was an impact on the world and China.

(1) The essence of the Paris Peace Conference was a meeting of the imperialist victories to divide the spoils. The colonial issue was most evident in the Treaty of Versailles.

2. The formulation of the new Constitution of the USSR in 1936 marked the establishment of the socialist system in the USSR. China established the socialist system in 1956, marking the basic completion of the three major transformations.

3. The "new" in Roosevelt's New Deal refers to the strengthening of state intervention and guidance in the economy, which provides a precedent for capitalist states to intervene in economic life.

4. Italian fascism was founded in 1922, before the Great Economic Crisis of 1929-1933.

5. The massacre of Jews by The German Nazis and the Japanese massacre in China were all atrocities against mankind.

6. The turning point of the First World War was the Battle of Verdun, and the important turning point of the Second World War was the Battle of Stalingrad.

7. The First World War was a war of plunder between unjust imperialist countries, and although Serbia fought for national independence, it could not change the nature of the war.

1. The great economic crisis that broke out in 1929 occurred mainly in the capitalist world as a whole, not globally, and did not affect the Soviet Union at that time.

2. The order in which the fascist regimes of Germany, Italy and Japan were established was: Italy was the earliest, Germany was the second, and Japan was the latest. Of these three countries, Germany and Japan all established fascist regimes against the backdrop of a major economic crisis, but Italy was not, and Italy established fascist regimes before the economic crisis.

3. Roosevelt's New Deal and the establishment of fascist regimes in Germany and Japan represent different ways of getting out of the crisis chosen by the world's major capitalist countries in the face of the great economic crisis. The approaches were different and the impacts were varied, one consolidating the capitalist system and the other polarizing it, leading to a world war.

4. Roosevelt's New Deal is a partial adjustment of production relations under the premise of maintaining the capitalist system, which does not change the essence of capitalism, so it is impossible to fundamentally eliminate the economic crisis; Roosevelt's New Deal created a precedent for capitalist state intervention in the economy, indicating that the capitalist system has the function of self-regulation.

1. The difference between the Washington Conference and the Paris Peace Conference. The Versailles system was based on the disposition of the defeated by the victorious powers, while the Washington system was the result of the adjustment of relations between the victorious powers. The former revolves around the Political Layout of Europe, especially the question of how to deal with Germany, and has an obvious nature of sharing the spoils; the latter revolves around the struggle for the Pacific region and the naval arms race between the United States, Britain, and Japan, especially the handling of the issue of A country, and has an obvious hegemonic nature.

2. Recognize Gandhi's non-violent non-cooperation movement.

(1) The non-violent non-cooperation movement is mutually reinforcing and inseparable, the former used to prevent the people from violently overthrowing the existing social system, the latter used to oppose British colonial rule in order to force its concessions,

(2) The non-violent non-cooperation movement reflects the interests and demands of the Indian bourgeoisie, as well as the weakness of the Indian bourgeoisie. While promoting the development of the Indian national liberation movement, it also seriously restricted the further development of the national movement, resulting in the incompleteness of the Indian national democratic movement.

3. The Non-Violent Non-Cooperation Movement in India and the Waffle Movement in Egypt rebelled against British colonial rule.

4. The way in which capitalist countries emerge from economic crises. Under the blow of the economic crisis, two paths have emerged in the world's major capitalist countries: one is the road represented by the United States to get rid of the economic crisis through reform; the other is the expansion represented by Germany and Japan through the establishment of fascist regimes, the launch of wars of aggression to pass on the economic crisis, which eventually led to the outbreak of the Second World War.

5. The reasons for the victory of the world anti-fascist war.

(1) The justice of the anti-fascist war of the peoples of the world.

(2) German, Italian, and Japanese fascism is unjust, and "many acts of injustice will kill themselves."

(3) Safeguarding world peace is an irresistible historical trend, and the cause and strength of peace will triumph.

(4) The establishment of the International Anti-Fascist League is the fundamental guarantee for the victory of the anti-fascist war.

6. Peace is not easy to come by, and the tragedy of the world war cannot be repeated. The people are the decisive force in the victory over fascism and the real motive force for moving history forward. Countries with different ideologies and social systems can unite on an equal footing to meet the challenges facing humanity. States should coexist peacefully among themselves. The fate of mankind is closely linked, and international cooperation should be strengthened in order to achieve common development.

7. The reasons why Roosevelt's New Deal was successful

(1) The hegemony of the world economy and strong economic strength enabled the Roosevelt administration to intervene in the national economy.

(2) The democratic traditions formed since the Revolutionary War provided a strong political guarantee for its successful implementation.

(3) Drawing on the successful experience of the Soviet planned economy.

8. The similarities between Lenin's New Economic Policy and Roosevelt's New Deal, the manifestations of the "new" and the enlightenment given to us.

(1) Similarities:

(1) All adopt the method of state intervention in the economy to develop the economy.

(2) The purpose of reform is to alleviate economic difficulties and restore the national economy.

(3) Both reforms have turned the country around.

(2) "New": The New Economic Policy "New" allowed multiple economies to coexist, and Roosevelt's New Deal "New" intervened in the economy in the state.

(3) Revelation:

(1) To develop the economy, we must proceed from reality, base ourselves on national conditions, and adopt appropriate policies.

(2) We must boldly reform, dare to explore, and dare to innovate.

(3) It is necessary to put the interests of the people first and improve the people's living standards.

(4) It is necessary to persist in reform and constantly improve the social system.

1. The root cause of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union was the conflict of national interests, not the difference in social systems.

2. In the Cold War, the U.S. aid to European economies was the Marshall Plan, not the Truman Doctrine.

3. Distinction: The introduction of the Truman Doctrine in 1947 marked the beginning of the Cold War. The division of Germany in 1949 marked the formation of the Cold War in Europe. In 1955, the Warsaw Pact was established, marking the formation of a bipolar pattern.

4. The European Union in 1967 and the European Union in 1993 indicate the process of European integration, rather than the multipolarization of the world.

5. The third scientific and technological revolution is also called the information technology revolution, not the third industrial revolution.

6. World economic trends: economic globalization. World Political Trends: Multipolarization of the World.

7. The world situation after the collapse of the Soviet Union: After the collapse of the Soviet Union, a situation of "one superpower and many strong" was temporarily presented, but the trend of multipolarization was further strengthened. (Note: The new world pattern has not yet been formed, a superpower: the United States; how strong: Japan, the European Union, Russia, China, the vast number of developing countries, etc.)

8. The fundamental cause of the development of multipolarization in the world: the multipolarization of the economic pattern.

1. Three Evolutions of the World Pattern After World War I: Versailles - Washington System Post-World War II World Pattern: The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, Bipolar Pattern. The post-Cold War world pattern: one superpower, many powers, and a multi-polar trend.

2. U.S. Measures in the Cold War: (political) Truman Doctrine; (economic) Marshall Plan; (military) NATO.

3. The two pillars that underpin the world's politics and economy are the United Nations and the World Trade Organization.

4. Factors threatening world peace and stability: hegemonism, terrorism, regional conflicts, ethnic contradictions, religious disputes.

5. The purpose of European union: to get rid of the control of the United States, to unite and strengthen itself to improve its international status. Process: 1967 EUROPEAN UNION, 1993 EUROPEAN UNION. Significance: It has promoted the economic development of Western European countries and the improvement of their international status, and accelerated the process of European integration.

6. The reasons for Japan's economic development after World War II: After the war, the United States carried out demilitarization and democratization reforms in Japan; the United States actively supported Japan; after the outbreak of the Korean War, Japan received a large number of military orders; the Japanese government formulated appropriate economic policies, vigorously introduced advanced technologies, and promoted the rapid development of the economy.

7. The purpose of the establishment of the social security system: to alleviate social contradictions.

8. The common cause of the rapid economic development of Japan and Western Europe after World War II

(1) have received financial assistance or support from the United States;

(2) Vigorously introduce advanced scientific and technological achievements, develop education, and cultivate talents;

(3) Appropriate economic development policies have been formulated. The Impact of the Rise of Western Europe and Japan on the World Pattern: Accelerating the Trend of World Multipolarization.

9. Establishment of the United Nations in 1945 (in 1971 China restored its legitimate rights and interests in the United Nations)

(1) Purpose: To maintain international peace and security and promote international cooperation and development.

(2) Role: It has played an active role in maintaining international peace and security.

10. Performance of economic globalization:

(1) Rapid growth of international investment and international trade;

(2) The influence of multinational corporations is increasing, and the trend of globalization of production activities is obvious;

(3) In 1995, the World Trade Organization was formally established. (China joined the WTO in 2001) Purpose: To promote global trade and economic development on the principles of non-discrimination, openness and fairness, to ensure the growth of employment, income and demand, and to improve the living standards of mankind. Functions: Formulating and regulating multilateral trade agreements, organizing trade negotiations, and settling trade disputes.

11. The core achievement of the third scientific and technological revolution: the wide application of electronic computers. Since the 1990s, the Internet has spread rapidly around the world, marking the entry of human society into the "information age".

12. The main problems facing human society: environmental degradation has become a global problem; How to deal with it: It requires the world to work together and seriously respond.

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