
Prenatal music | small jumps in the sun

Tender soothing and stress-relieving music, no noisy electric sound, no strong rock, only a faint warmth, a touch of silk, a resonance that flows into the heart, shared with your ears, strolling in a world of heart and nature, feeling the comfort brought by nature, listening to only your own mood!

Prenatal music | small jumps in the sun

Text/Prenatal Education Story

Don't worry about those who have sharp teeth, people who live well are busy enjoying life, and people who have a bad life and have a bad heart and eyes hope that others are just as unsatisfactory, and only then try to use their own meanness to cut away the happiness of others. Ignore these people and love yourself.

Prenatal music | small jumps in the sun

Life never deliberately owes anyone, life is a kind of bearing. The things of the world are not as good as they want, of course. People are alive is a mood, poor or rich, gain or loss, everything is a passing cloud, as long as the mood is good, everything is good. People who know how to rest assured find ease, people who know how to forget find happiness, and people who know how to care find friends. To live every day well is to live a good life.

Let us calm down, accompany the baby, and walk into today's prenatal education music "Little Jump in the Sun".

Prenatal music | small jumps in the sun