
Cooking at home is how to turn waste in the kitchen into treasure

author:Food Day Day said

Make a cabbage root soup

Cabbage is basically waste, but can it be used? Of course, boiling cabbage root soup is a good way - washing cabbage root, cooking soup with medicines such as honeysuckle, purple-backed duckweed, and soil poria, adding brown sugar, and also treating acute rheumatoid eczema.

Stir-fried beef with hollow cabbage roots

Can hollow cabbage root be eaten? The answer is yes. Stir-fried beef with hollow cabbage root is a delicacy. The hollow cabbage root is washed and cut into sections, and sautéed with spices such as beef, red pepper shreds, and garlic, which are not only delicious, but also have a great taste. Skillful use of spinach root to boil porridge Spinach root is a substance with high iron content, so it is a pity to lose it. Using spinach root, chicken inner gold and rice to boil together into porridge, it is a good therapeutic product. It is beneficial to the five internal organs, quenching thirst and moisturizing the intestines, and is very suitable for diabetic patients to eat.

Celery root can be cooked to make pickles

Celery is a treasure in the whole body, and the root of celery is not only rich in nutrients, but also has diuretic, antihypertensive, and stomach effects. The way to eat it is to remove the roots and whiskers, wash and salt, and make pickles to eat; it can also be cut into strips and mixed, and the taste is very delicious.

Celery root and sliced meat are fried sweet and tender

Celery root and sliced meat are stir-fried together and are a delicacy. The celery root must be cleaned, washed, and stir-fried with lean meat, red pepper with salt and monosodium glutamate, which is not only sweet and tender, delicious and delicious, but also nutritious.

Spinach root with a healthy way to eat red dates

Spinach root is high in iron and is a delicacy for anemia patients; red dates are rich in calcium and iron, which play an important role in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis and anemia. Therefore, boiling soup with spinach root and red dates is a very beneficial food for health.

A variety of ways to eat leek root

Leek root has rich nutritional value, and it is not worse than the leek itself, and the dishes made with leek root are equally delicious and delicious:

The first is to fry the leek root: dig out the leek root, wash it, steam it and dry it in the sun. Sauté in sesame oil before eating, add some salt, and taste crisp and fragrant.

The second is pickling: dig out the leek root and wash it, marinate it in the altar with salt, and add tempeh and pepper when eating, which is crispy and delicious, and has a unique flavor.

The third is to cook porridge with leek root and rice and sugar, which has the effect of tonifying kidney temperature and aphrodisiac.

Leek roots are cleverly made into specialty sauerkraut

Leek root made into sauerkraut is a rare flavor dish. The method is to dig out the leek roots, wash and dry them into 70% or 80%, mix well with an appropriate amount of sticky rice and a small amount of finely chopped ginger and garlic, serve the wine and then put it into a porcelain altar. Leek root sauerkraut can be added with salt, pepper noodles, pepper noodles cold mix, can also be used to make clear soup or boil sour soup fish; it can also be mixed with sauerkraut made of green vegetables, together with soup, steamed meat, fried bamboo shoot slices, etc., eat crisp, fragrant, sour there is a little sweetness, there is a little bitter coolness in the incense, this is the right taste of leek root sauerkraut, appetizing and delicious, often eat tired.

Eat the root of the cabbage

People are accustomed to making dumplings with cabbage, and when making cabbage filling, the root of cabbage is mostly discarded. In fact, it is a pity to throw away the root of the cabbage. In fact, the root of the cabbage can also be made into dumplings and stuffed dumplings to eat. From a nutritional point of view, the root of the cabbage is not inferior to the nutrition of the cabbage itself; from the cooking point of view, the dumplings wrapped in the root of the cabbage have a more unique flavor. Therefore, when eating cabbage again, be sure to keep the roots. It can be eaten not only as dumplings, but also as a cold dish. A cold dish made by adding mustard, garlic, sesame oil, salt, vinegar, soy sauce and other spices together with amaranth root can be said to have a unique flavor and excellent taste. It is both nutritious and a delicious dish to serve.

Magic use of bitter root

Bitter vegetables, also known as bitter herbs. Brewing "bitter root tea" with bitter root to drink has a good effect of clearing heat and detoxification. This is done by:

1. When choosing bitter vegetables, remove the fine hairs and black skin on the roots (old bitter root is best).

2. Soak the bitter root for 10 minutes.

3. Wash it clean, put it in a teacup and soak it in boiling water for about 10 minutes (you can rinse it two or three times continuously until there is no bitter taste) and drink.

Eat amaranth root

Amaranth is rich in protein, fat, sugar and a variety of vitamins and minerals, and is loved by people. But the value of amaranth root has been overlooked. In fact, amaranth root also has rich nutritional value, and the dish is not inferior to the taste of amaranth itself. Here's the simplest way to eat it, stir-fry amaranth roots in oil – dig out the roots, wash them, remove the root skin and cut them into segments, like processing lettuce, put them in a container, sprinkle with salt – and marinate for half a day. Stir-fry in oil and add some chicken essence, the taste is excellent.

Stew meat or chicken stew with broccoli root

Broccoli root can be used to stew meat or stew chicken. Minnan people like to cook yellow cauliflower root (they call it "golden needle") and lean meat together in soup, cool down the fire, very suitable for autumn eating. It should be noted that yellow cauliflower root, like yellow cauliflower, contains "colchicine", so it must be processed before it can be eaten.

Goulash with pumpkin root

Most of the roots of plants can become a delicacy for humans. It's just that many of them haven't been developed yet. Goulash with pumpkin root is not only a new recipe, it's also a therapeutic recipe. Indications for the treatment of damp heat yellowing, people with this disease, may wish to eat more.

Lily root mixed with plum meat

Lily root is a traditional Japanese cooking ingredient, and lily root with plum meat is a very special dish. The method is also very simple: wash the lily root, cut off the root whiskers, peel it into slices, and blanch it with hot water; the plums are cored and chopped. Mix wine and soy sauce in a dish and mix the lily root and plum meat well.

The magic of fig root

Can fig roots be eaten? Of course. Stew lean pork with fig root, which tastes pretty good, or boil eggs with fig root. These two foods can also treat bone pain, rheumatism and numbness. It can be said that food and treatment are both balanced.

Loofah root stew

Loofah root stew is a unique therapeutic recipe. Eating often has a good therapeutic effect on the treatment of atrophic rhinitis and chronic paranasal sinusitis. When eating, take the root of the loofah and a few centimeters above the root, wash and cut into sections, and stew with the lean pork, with a unique flavor.

A different way to eat papaya root

Green papaya root, ribs boiled soup: washed with green papaya root and stewed with ribs, not only delicious taste, but also has the effect of breast enlargement and beauty. Women eat it often and the benefits are endless.

Cooking at home is how to turn waste in the kitchen into treasure

How to cold mix houttuynia cordata

The delicacy of the cold dish - houttuynia cordata: wash the roots, pinch into inches and plate, drizzle with pre-made sauce, mix well and eat, the more chewy the more fragrant, the aftertaste is endless.

Cooking at home is how to turn waste in the kitchen into treasure

Eat celery leaves

In the past, people always used to choose the leaves when eating celery. Others think that celery leaves are a bit bitter. In fact, these are all caused by incorrect habits. In fact, celery leaves are not only not bitter, but also quite nutritious. So we shouldn't throw it away. Here are some great ways to take advantage of them:

1. Cold mix celery leaves - wash the celery leaves, marinate in salt for about 15 minutes, drain to remove the water that oozes, add chicken essence, minced garlic, vinegar and sesame oil and mix well to eat.

2. Garlic parsley leaves - wash the celery leaves and mix an appropriate amount of dry flour and stick noodles, the ratio of the two noodles is 1:1; steam on high heat, 5 minutes after opening the pot; garlic mashed into a puree, add salt and a small amount of cold boiling water, and eat with celery leaves.

3. Celery leaf paste - wash and chop the celery leaves, beat into an egg; 50 grams of flour into the celery crushed egg liquid, add an appropriate amount of water to make a paste; add an appropriate amount of salt and pepper to the batter, add a small amount of oil to the pan and heat the paste, keep the medium heat; the batter condenses and turns over, and then burns for another 1 minute to plate.

4. Chopped pepper and celery leaves eggs - wash and chop the celery leaves and set aside, slice two cloves of garlic; beat two eggs; heat the oil in a wok, stir-fry the garlic slices, stir-fry the celery leaves; after the celery leaves change color, chop the pepper two tablespoons, in order to prevent water, drain as much as possible. Place the egg mixture, stir-fry after basic solidification, and finally add an appropriate amount of chicken to the pot.

Cooking at home is how to turn waste in the kitchen into treasure

How to make a delicious leek flower

Leek flowers, also known as leek flowers, are white flower clusters that grow on leeks in autumn, and generally people do not have the habit of eating leek flowers. In fact, leek flowers can make a lot of dishes, here are some very characteristic ways to eat:

1. Salty and spicy leek flowers - leek flowers, salt, ginger to taste. Wash the leek flowers and ginger first, then add salt and mash, mix well and seal the jar for a few days to eat.

2. Silver sprout leek flower

(1) Wash and drain the silver buds, wash and cut the leek flowers into long sections.

(2) Heat 2 tablespoons of oil, add silver buds, add salt and sauté until just cooked.

(3) Heat 2 tablespoons of oil, fry the leek flowers, add the silver buds and stir-fry well, then add the seasoning, quickly stir-fry evenly.

3. Leek flower fillet

(1) Wash the leek flowers, choose about 3 cm long segments; wash the fish fillets and cut into strips.

(2) Heat 2 tablespoons of oil, sauté minced pesto, add fish fillets and stir-fry until fragrant, put leek flowers and stir-fry quickly, season to taste. Leek flowers are used to fry, apply hand-selected segments, sweeter than the taste of knife cutting.

4. Stir-fried meat with leek flowers

(1) Wash the leek flowers and cut off the roots into 2-inch segments, cut the pork strips with salt and cooking wine for 10 minutes

(2) Heat the oil in the pot to 80%, heat it high, and sauté the pork until it is broken.

(3) Add leeks, add salt and chili oil and sauté over high heat.

(4) Add 1 teaspoon of soy sauce and stir-fry for no more than 20 seconds to get out of the pan.

The young leaves of Artemisia annua can be coldly mixed and fried

Artemisia annua young stems and leaves cold mix, stir-fry eating method - first into boiling water blanched, fished out and squeezed, chopped, add salt, monosodium glutamate and other spices cold mix or stir-fried food, fragrant and crisp, and can treat acute hepatitis.

Chef teaches you to eat turnip leaves skillfully

White radish leaves are rich in β-carotene, and the vitamin A content per 100 grams of radish leaves is more than 3 times that of the same amount of green cauliflower; while the calcium content is 4 times that of the same amount of spinach; vitamin B1 is 60% more than tempeh; vitamin B2 is 2 times that of beef. In the past, because they did not recognize the nutritional value of white radish leaves, they were basically discarded. In fact, there are many ways to eat radish leaves.

1. How to eat the fried carrot leaves - the carrot leaves are washed, blanched in a pot of boiling water, fished out and washed, squeezed dry and cut into sections; the oil pot is heated, the green onions are fragrant, add the carrot leaves and stir-fry, add salt, fry until flavorful, point in the chicken essence, out of the pot.

2. Use white radish leaves to make sauerkraut - now, many people have begun to use white radish leaves to make sauerkraut, that is, wash and dry the white radish leaves, soak them in sauerkraut water alone or with other vegetables, seal the jar, and eat it in 3 to 4 days. It tastes more delicious than other kimchi.

Goji leaves can be stir-fried, cold mixed and souped

Goji leaves are the young stems and leaves of the solanaceous plant Goji berries or Ningxia goji berries. Usually no one takes it as food. In fact, goji leaves are rich in betaine, rutin and a variety of amino acids and trace elements. It is a food of great development value. Here's a recipe for therapeutic cooking: 60 grams of goji leaves and pork liver, soup, oil and salt. It has the effect of clearing the liver and kidneys and lowering lung fire. Others, such as blanching and cold mixing with shredded tofu, stir-frying with shredded meat, etc. are very distinctive.

A trick to eat burdock leaves

Burdock is also known as beef cabbage, oriental radish and so on. Burdock has long been used as a medicinal plant in China, and basically no one eats it. In fact, burdock is edible not only with its fat fleshy roots, but also with petioles and young leaves. How to eat burdock leaves: Stir-fry burdock leaves: Wash and cut the fresh and tender burdock leaves into small pieces, add salt, monosodium glutamate, rice wine and other spices and stir-fry.

Use aloe vera leaves to make the seasoning for the cold noodles

Many people know that aloe vera leaves can be used for beauty with its juice, but few people think of using it to make food. In fact, fresh aloe vera leaves or aloe vera jelly can be used as vegetables. Such as for sweets, cold noodle seasoning, etc.; can also be eaten raw, with fresh aloe vera slices instead of sashimi dipped in soy sauce, mustard to eat, the taste is particularly delicious.

Cooking at home is how to turn waste in the kitchen into treasure

The leaf stem of sweet potato is a "healthy dish"

Sweet potato leaves not only have nutrients, but also have health care functions such as improving human immunity, stopping bleeding, lowering sugar, detoxification, and preventing night blindness. Regular consumption has the effect of preventing constipation, protecting vision, keeping the skin delicate and delaying aging.

How to eat: Garlic sweet potato leaves: wash the young sweet potato leaf stems, put them in a pot of boiling water and blanch them with cool water, cut into sections, peel the garlic and pound them into a paste, put the frying pan on the fire, put the vegetarian oil to 40% heat, add the garlic minced and fry the aroma, add the tender sweet potato leaf stem and stir-fry, add fresh soup, salt, rice wine and stir-fry into the flavor, add monosodium glutamate, sesame oil, sprinkle the remaining garlic and mix well.

The leaves of lettuce can be used as a vegetable

Lettuce leaves are much more nutritious than lettuce itself, but because lettuce leaves have a bitter taste, the way to eat it should be exquisite, and because it has a bitter taste, it has a different flavor. Here are a few ways to eat:

1. Cold mix - after removing the flowers and yellow leaves, blanch them slightly in boiling water (remove the astringency), take out to cool, slightly pinch off the water, cut into sections, add sugar, vinegar, salt, sesame oil, monosodium glutamate and mix. It can also be mixed with sesame sauce, hot sauce, etc.

2. Raw stir-fry – wash, cut into sections, stir-fry in a frying pan and add a few grains of sea rice. It has a taste more than the average green vegetable.

3. Frying - wash, cut into sections, stir in batter, add a little salt, fry in a frying pan, the batter is yellow.

4. Mixed noodles - after boiling water, cut into small pieces, make noodles brine, or fried sauce noodles green head, sweet and fragrant.

5. Cooked rice - take rice, bacon, lettuce leaves and add water to cook, the rice is cooked into bamboo shoot leaf rice.