
The new leading group of the Xiamen Municipal People's Congress and Municipal Government was elected

author:Taiwan Strait Net

Source: Taiwan Straits Network

Yang Guohao was elected chairman of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, Sun Mingzhong, Chen Zixuan, Chen Chen, Zheng Yuelin and Wang Chengquan were elected vice chairmen of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, and Chen Hongping was elected secretary general of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress

Huang Wenhui was elected mayor of the Municipal People's Government, and Li Huiyue, Huang Xiaozhou, Huang Yantian, Zhang Zhihong, Chen Yuhuang, Liao Huasheng and Zhuang Rongliang were elected vice mayors of the Municipal People's Government

On the morning of 10 January, the first session of the 16th Xiamen Municipal People's Congress held its fourth plenary session to elect by secret ballot the chairman, vice chairman, secretary general, and members of the new Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the mayor and vice mayor of the Municipal People's Government, the director of the Municipal Supervision Commission, the president of the Municipal Intermediate People's Court, and the chief procurator of the Municipal People's Procuratorate.

The meeting shall be attended by 300 delegates, and 295 delegates shall be present, in accordance with the quorum. The meeting elected Yang Guohao as chairman of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, Sun Mingzhong, Chen Zixuan, Chen Chen, Zheng Yuelin, and Wang Chengquan as vice chairmen of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, and Chen Hongping as secretary general of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress. Elect 32 members of the Standing Committee of the 16th Municipal People's Congress.

Huang Wenhui was elected as the mayor of the Municipal People's Government, and Li Huiyue, Huang Xiaozhou, Huang Yantian, Zhang Zhihong, Chen Yuhuang, Liao Huasheng and Zhuang Rongliang were elected as vice mayors of the Municipal People's Government.

Yan Zhiming was elected as the director of the Municipal Commission of Supervision.

Xie Kaihong was elected president of the Municipal Intermediate People's Court and Wu Jinxi was elected chief procurator of the Municipal People's Procuratorate. According to the provisions of the Local Organic Law, the elected chief procurator of the municipal people's procuratorate must also report to the provincial people's procuratorate for approval of the appointment by the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress.

The meeting also voted to approve the Chairman, Vice-Chairmen, and Members of the Legislative Affairs Committee, the Financial and Economic Committee, the Supervision and Judicial Committee, the Urban Construction Environment and Resources Committee, the Education, Science, Culture, and Health Committee, the Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee, and the Social Construction Committee.