
India was colonized by the British, why don't Indians hate the British? See what the British left behind

"To be backward is to be beaten", this lesson was deeply realized by the Qing Dynasty. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the Western powers took a fancy to this piece of fat meat in China, and they all wanted to put a foot in it and hunt for profits. In this regard, the Qing Dynasty was deeply persecuted and oppressed, and the people lived in dire straits.

Therefore, the mention of "aggressors" is deeply hated by everyone. In particular, I believe that few Chinese will forget this history of blood and tears in Japan's aggression against our country. However, India was also invaded and became a British colony. Similarly, the British committed many crimes in India.

But now the Indian people do not hate Britain at all, but rather have some gratitude. Why?

Could it be that the Indians were infused with some ecstasy by the British?

India was colonized by the British, why don't Indians hate the British? See what the British left behind

For now, in Asia, India still has a certain strength, and "the first power in South Asia" is not a boast. In terms of population, India's population ranks second in the world, second only to China. In terms of economic development level, although India lags behind China, India has also been catching up.

In addition, India has also made great achievements in the military field, and some high-tech has also made India dare to call out its neighbors and even world powers. You know, India often has conflicts with its neighbors and once included Sikkim in its own territory.

Later, Pakistan was also divided by India's intervention, and even India often harassed China's borders.

All kinds of actions prove that India's strength cannot be underestimated. In addition, India's ambitions are not small, and it wants to squeeze into the ranks of the world's major powers and join the "five permanents".

India was colonized by the British, why don't Indians hate the British? See what the British left behind

The reason why India can develop so fast today is actually all due to what britain has left behind. So what did Britain leave behind as an aggressor?

In fact

The unification of India was one of the gifts the British had given to India.

Before the British invaded India, India was in a state of fragmentation. It was the arrival of the British that unified India.

Under british rule, India developed rapidly and its territory grew. Later, India became independent and became an independent and unified country, while becoming the core of South Asia.

Without the help of the British, India's complete reunification would have been very difficult. For this, they should be thankful to the British.

India was colonized by the British, why don't Indians hate the British? See what the British left behind

Image from the Internet: Map of India

In addition, under the long colonial rule of the British, India is like a wild horse that has lost its reins and developed very rapidly.

Those feudal and backward ideas in India are slowly being banned, and they are replaced by British advanced ideas and systems.

Moreover, the British also brought advanced modern machines and technology, which promoted the reform of India. India was independent in 1947, a year in which it topped the list in Asia after being awarded the title of "The World's Seventh Industrial Power".

It can be seen that if it were not for the large amount of capital and machinery and technology left by the British, India would never have developed by leaps and bounds. It is precisely because of the soaring strength of the country that India dares to cause trouble on the Sino-Indian border.

However, even if India had developed faster than china at that time, India had lost in border conflicts. The blow did not deprive India of all self-confidence, but turned its attention to South Asia, where a series of victories were achieved.

The premise of this victory was naturally based on the solid family foundation left by the British to India. How could the Indians, then, hate the British?

India was colonized by the British, why don't Indians hate the British? See what the British left behind

Image from the Internet: India's rapid development

In addition, when the British occupied India as a colony, it also gave India more room for development. then

India also uses the UK as a "bridge of communication" and has established close ties with Canada, Australia and other countries

These are the diplomatic resources of India after independence.

To this day, India still benefits. Thanks to the blessings of Britain, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has made a lot of efforts.

In the end, the British also left India with a special benefit, that is, Indians want to study in the United Kingdom is very simple, without so many cumbersome procedures.

And indians don't have as many barriers if they want to buy British companies. For example, the British Land Rover Company was acquired by the Indian Tata Group, which enjoyed the treatment of this special policy. It can be seen that India after being colonized by the British is like a hanging life.

India was colonized by the British, why don't Indians hate the British? See what the British left behind

Image from the Internet: India

Without these "capitals" left by the British, India would not be arrogant now, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that it had "no sense of existence". It was with this asset left by the British that the Indians "made the best use of their resources" and gradually developed the country.

Therefore, even if India was once colonized by the British, the Indians did not hate the British at all.

Of course, there are also some Indians who believe that British colonization is the "shame of the country", although the British have brought many benefits to India, but one yard to one yard, thanks to the matter is another matter, this colonial years can not be forgotten.

Just like our country's treatment of Japan, many people may no longer hate Japan, but that "gray history" can never be forgotten. Our generation is not even qualified to forgive the Japanese for their dead ancestors!

Article author: Dahui

The entire graphic was produced by the team of the Big Cafe Say History Studio!

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