
The best way to repay: "Be a good self"

Vote for me with a peach, and repay it with a lee.

People interact with each other and know how to communicate with each other for a long time.

However, cumbersome etiquette has lost the sense of distance and become a shackle of feelings.

Sometimes, when others are good to you, you have to accept it calmly and don't feel that you owe anything.

Be gracious, but don't become a burden on your heart.

The best way to repay: "Be a good self"


People who are really good to you don't need to reciprocate.

There is a saying in the "Cai Gen Tan": "If the giver Ren De, the recipient Huai'en, is a passerby, and he will become a city." ”

Two people who are very good at helping each other, which is a reasonable thing. If you insist on reciprocal returns, then helping out also becomes a bargain for the small people in the market.

Let's say there are old people selling vegetables on the street, and you take care of her business. The old man felt embarrassed and sent you an extra handful of greens. Then your care for the elderly has made her lose her interests, and it also shows that you have taken advantage.

These years, people who are really good to you, except for their parents, are difficult to meet. If there is, it must be very lucky.

During the Spring Festival, my mother went to the street to buy shoes and bought a pair for me. My mother said that there was a shop that engaged in activities, and the discount on goods was very strong, and the opportunity was rare.

I asked, how much does this shoe cost?

My mother said, "I'm old and I'm not short of money. Later, the money is retained, is it not for you? ”

In a word, it made me feel at ease. They are all family, how can I see each other?

Growing up, how much benefit did parents give their children? If you want to figure it out one by one, it is very difficult and very tiring.

Parents are old, how much money and energy do you have to spend to manage them well, it is also a confused account. Calculating too clearly hurts the hearts of parents.

In this life, we are doomed to owe our parents. It's fate, and you don't blame yourself. In the future, your children will also owe you, and the word "indebtedness" will be passed on from generation to generation.

Of course, on the road of life, you will also meet well-meaning people, who will either guide you, or encourage you to move forward, or give you praise... Maybe someone will give you the money, but don't want you to return it.

Thinking about repaying favors every day, you will leave a lot of "love debts" and be overwhelmed. It really doesn't have to be this way, just talk about conscience.

The best way to repay: "Be a good self"


The best relationship is each other's achievements.

Someone said: "The most romantic thing is not that there is only love in the youth of two people, but that there is youth and a future in the love of two people." ”

To love someone is to fulfill him, not to enjoy love alone.

Let's say you buy roses for your girlfriend, and the girlfriend is happy, walks hand in hand with you, goes a long way, and talks a lot of nonsense. Such a happy time is not what she created, but your efforts and get the rewards you deserve.

In a way, the pursuit of a person is a "conspiracy", and you are trying to find a way to get her heart.

Marriage and family will make a person mature, which is not a debt between husband and wife, but growing up together.

Friendship, perhaps, is an "exchange of interests."

Many years ago, I worked in an electronics factory in Qishi Town, Shenzhen.

The work on the assembly line is really difficult to do, making people busy and the salary is very low.

One day, the supervisor called me to the office for the first time and said very kindly, "From next month, you will be the team leader, responsible for packaging this piece." ”

Afterwards, I bought a few packs of cigarettes and gave them to my supervisor. He said with a black face: "I promoted you, not to help you, but to help myself, understand?" ”

I suddenly understood that my supervisor was "using" me, not helping me. What makes me what I do is wisdom and sweat.

Do packaging work, not only packaging so simple, but also to supervise product quality, to timely feedback problems. I'm an expert in this. As long as I work a little harder, the supervisor can "sit back and relax" - he is a smart person.

Singer Li Zongsheng sang: "You and I are mortal, and the sharp characters are in the middle." ”

The person who is good to you is also a "profit first" person, he does not covet you in return, but wants you to create benefits for him and help him achieve certain goals.

The best way to repay: "Be a good self"


Your excellence is the best reward.

Long Yingtai wrote in "Eye Sending": "I slowly and slowly learned that the so-called mother-daughter mother-son relationship only means that your fate with him is that you are constantly watching his back in this life and this life. ”

Parents work hard to educate their children, force their children to study, walk into college campuses, and embark on good jobs. This is the responsibility and obligation of parents.

Adult children, long-term companionship with their parents, work is very general, the income is still very small, this is not the original intention of parents. Whenever we talk about children who are "not out of the woods", parents will be very faceless.

Why do many parents like to show off their children who have started a business and become rich in the distance, because such children have realized their parents' dreams.

Even if the children go abroad, the parents' old age life is very lonely, and they will not complain about anything.

In ancient times, there was a man named Le Yangzi, who picked up gold on the road and gave it to his wife. The wife was angry and blamed him for getting ill-gotten gains.

Happy sheep to make sense of the loss, throw away the gold, go out to study. A year later, Le Yangzi returned home because she missed her wife. His wife was very angry and forced him to continue to go out for seven years and not to return home.

In his wife's view, Le Yangzi's academic success is more important than the love of his children.

The great husband should have the ambition of the four sides.

Others are good to you because they want you to stand up, not to become an "unsupportable Ah Dou", like a puppet, at the mercy of others.

The best reward is that you are better for yourself and let life shine. You give gifts to others, invite others to eat, and it is often superfluous.

Ordinary etiquette, a waste of other people's time, also reflects your "incompetence".

The best way to repay: "Be a good self"


As an adult, your value, even your connections, will also make people who are good to you satisfied.

Frequent exchanges of courtesies will lose the truth and need to be stopped.

People who help each other are slaves who achieve each other's achievements better than feelings. Love needs to respond, but the response is not "a bag of gifts, a coin," and even remembering it is superfluous.

If you insist on gratitude, then leave this good to the society.

For example, when you were a child, you received financial support from well-wishers, and when you grew up, you actively sponsored poor students and the elderly.

Understand that the friendship of gentlemen is as light as water.

From now on, be a transparent person, not to be indebted.

Author: Cloth coarse food.

Follow my words and go into your heart.

The illustrations in this article come from the Internet.