
Why did the mighty Mongol Empire collapse so quickly? The reason is mainly three points

Why did the mighty Mongol Empire collapse so quickly? The reason is mainly three points

The Mongol Empire was once one of the most powerful and vast empires in human history, and at its peak its rule stretched from the Korean Peninsula in Asia to the Polish Plain in Europe.

Why did the mighty Mongol Empire collapse so quickly? The reason is mainly three points

But it was such a powerful empire that did not have a long life, and there are three important reasons why we think there are three points, one of which is that Kublai Khan and Abrigo fought for the khanship for five years.

Although Kublai Khan succeeded to the Khan's throne in the end, it was also because of this dispute that caused great divisions within the Mongol Empire, and secondly because of economic destruction.

Why did the mighty Mongol Empire collapse so quickly? The reason is mainly three points

The Mongols imposed the barbaric nature of plunder on the Han areas, making social contradictions more acute. Their unscrupulous enclosure and wanton expropriation led to a 20-fold increase in taxes.

Why did the mighty Mongol Empire collapse so quickly? The reason is mainly three points

The third is because of ethnic oppression and cultural discrimination, after the establishment of the Yuan Dynasty, the implementation of the ethnic hierarchy system, "the people are divided into four grades", the first class is Mongolian, the second class semu people (northwest ethnic groups), the third class Han people (The jinguo people), the fourth class Southern people (the southern Song Dynasty people), such unequal treatment, but also let the Han people suffer.

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