
Good! The Pearl River Choir of Guangzhou Choral Association 2022 Spring Festival Concert was successfully held

On the evening of January 9, the Xinghai Concert Hall sang. Under the guidance of Guangzhou Literature and Art Federation, Guangzhou Choral Association and Guangzhou Yiming Culture and Art Development Co., Ltd., the "Pearl River Choir Spring Concert of Guangzhou Choral Association" was successfully held.

Good! The Pearl River Choir of Guangzhou Choral Association 2022 Spring Festival Concert was successfully held

Three adult choirs of the "Pearl River" series perform together

The Pearl River Choir of Guangzhou Choral Association "Spring Concert" was created on January 24, 2021. On January 9, the brand's second concert was held, co-performed by three adult choirs from the "Pearl River" series. The conductors were five senior and young vice presidents of the Guangzhou Choral Association: Miao Xiangyang, Zhang Xin, Lai Yuankui, Chang Qing, and Deng Qun.

The "Pearl River" series is composed of the Pearl River Choir, the Pearl River Choir NO. 2, and the Pearl River Senior Choir. On December 5 last year, the "Pearl River Good Boys' Choir", jointly organized by the Pearl River Choir and the Pearl River Ageing Choir, won the special prize in the same voice group of the first Yangcheng Elderly Choir Festival, and the Pearl River Elderly Choir won the first prize in the mixed voice group.

Good! The Pearl River Choir of Guangzhou Choral Association 2022 Spring Festival Concert was successfully held

18 Chinese and foreign classic chorus songs are wonderful

The concert of the evening opened with the melodious song of "I love the Five Finger Mountain, I love the Wanquan River...".

This concert sang 18 Chinese and foreign classic chorus songs. Among them, the main theme works account for more than 2/3, while the original and adapted works in Guangdong account for more than 1/2. Among them are the newly created works last year to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the Party - "Remembering the Earth", "Medal" and "We" in the original symphonic scene suite of the Guangdong Provincial Music Association, "The Old Dock" in the Guangzhou original group song "I Believe in You" jointly organized by the Propaganda Department of the Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China and the China Musicians Association, and the Shenzhen work "China in the Lights".

Good! The Pearl River Choir of Guangzhou Choral Association 2022 Spring Festival Concert was successfully held

In terms of carrying forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, there are the chorus works of ancient poems composed by two professors, Yan Dong and Li Fang of the Xinghai Conservatory of Music, for Su Shi's "Nian Nu Jiao Chibi Huaigu" and Cao Cao's "Short Song Line"; there is the Peking Opera chorus adapted by Zhuhai author Zhao Haiwei based on the song "Singing Mountain Songs to the Party"; and there is the choir master Yan Liangkun's adaptation of "Putting Down the Three Sticks Drum and Carrying the Red Gun" based on the interlude of the national opera "Honghu Red Guards".

In particular, it is worth mentioning the a cappella without words mixed chorus of the same name adapted from the Cantonese music "Pinghu Autumn Moon", which was first sung by the old "Pearl River Choir" in 1995, and thus won the gold medal of the fifth national "Stars Award" chorus. After 26 years, the beautiful scenery of "Pinghu Lake like a mirror and autumn moon like water" was once again presented to the audience on the stage with pure vocals.

Good! The Pearl River Choir of Guangzhou Choral Association 2022 Spring Festival Concert was successfully held

In addition, there are classic songs such as "Motherland You Are the Eternal Song in My Heart", "I Am Like a Snowflake from heaven", "Magnificent Yan'an", "Hulunbuir Grassland" and so on.

Finally, the concert ended successfully with 180 members of the "Pearl River" series of three adult choirs singing the new version of "Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No New China".

Good! The Pearl River Choir of Guangzhou Choral Association 2022 Spring Festival Concert was successfully held

Embrace tomorrow with song and meet the future with melody. Mr. Li accompanied his mother in her 70s to watch the concert, he said: "My mother likes to sing, often with the elderly in the community, today's concert, there are many songs she is familiar with, some new songs she also feels very good." Kobayashi, a young audience member, said: "For wine as a song, life is geometric." The big river goes east, and the waves are exhausted. These poems are expressed in the form of choruses, which I think is very fresh. ”

Text/Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City Reporter: Zhang Suqin

Photo: Courtesy of Guangzhou Choral Association

Video/Guangzhou Daily New Flower City Reporter: Zhang Suqin

Guangzhou Daily New Flower City Editor: Li Yani

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