
NBA - Official! Gerald Green officially made a comeback and joined the Development League, but did not have the opportunity to join the Rockets

Gerald Green announced his retirement from the NBA last October and soon found his new job as a player development coach for the Rockets. Perhaps seeing that many veterans have regained their opportunities, he chose to make a comeback, transforming from assistant coach to coach and wanting to return to the NBA. After all, watching these young players play every day, I will definitely think of playing again.

NBA - Official! Gerald Green officially made a comeback and joined the Development League, but did not have the opportunity to join the Rockets

Soon Green decided on his next home, and would join the Rockets' Ogrand Valley Vipers, and soon they officially announced the signing.

Green didn't wait directly for the NBA team to call him, after all, he hasn't officially played in a while, and he needs some games to get back in shape. And joining the development league, he can get plenty of playing time, but also to show his status to some NBA teams, once there is a good performance, it will definitely attract the attention of some teams.

NBA - Official! Gerald Green officially made a comeback and joined the Development League, but did not have the opportunity to join the Rockets

Another key factor in Green's choice to return is that the NBA is still plagued by the epidemic this season, and many teams have suffered from understaffing, which has given many free agents the opportunity, and many players have been re-signed, including Thomas Jr., Joe Johnson, Stevens and other veterans. It is also for this reason that Green has the idea of a comeback, but unfortunately, he is known as the "son of Hugh City", but he cannot join the Rockets this season.

NBA - Official! Gerald Green officially made a comeback and joined the Development League, but did not have the opportunity to join the Rockets

According to Rockets reporter David Weiner, Green is not eligible to return to the Rockets this season due to salary cap circumvention rules and the fact that he is already on the team's payroll as a player development coach. It's a shame not to be able to join the Rockets, because he has a special affection for the environment (that is, a Houston native). But he is eligible to join other teams other than the Rockets, to the Nets to join Deng ge? The Nets do need a shooter these days, and after Harris was injured, the team hit the league's bottom three-point shot.

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