
Decision Magazine | let the thickness and lightness of the bronze dance together! Why does this city on the Yangtze River "go out of the circle"

Catch the young!

In the era of traffic, no city wants to be obscure. But with a deep culture of 3,000 years, how can we find a younger, more fashionable way to unlock it?

"Out of the circle" may just be a distance of IP.

Decision Magazine | let the thickness and lightness of the bronze dance together! Why does this city on the Yangtze River "go out of the circle"

Tongling landmark "Gate of Landscape and Water"

Why cast city IP

An urban IP cultural and creative design competition with the theme of "copper crown the world, gathering 'ginger' to come" is widely distributing "hero posts". As a model of God's appreciation of rice and eating, Tongling, Anhui, which has its own characteristic label in its name, has a strong and inseparable fate with copper.

The bronze history of Tongling dates back to the Xia and Shang dynasties, and since then successive dynasties have set up official copper mining and smelting institutions here. After the founding of New China, the first large-scale copper mine designed and built by itself, the first furnace of copper water, and the first copper ingot were all from Tongling. At its peak, Tongling supplied half of the country's copper supply.

The copper art works that grow out of the accumulation of history can be regarded as tongling's chic image business card. Walking through the streets and alleys of the city, you can not only see large-scale urban sculptures such as "Shang Zhou Bronze Wall", "Harvest Gate", "Gate of Landscape and Water", but also taste bronze sculptures such as "Maiden" and "Sixi Copper Baby", tongling's urban built-up area has 2 urban sculptures per square kilometer, and more than 150 bronze sculptures have become the finishing touch of urban public space.

More copper works carrying thick culture and flexible creativity flew out of the city and stood on a more dazzling stage. The large bronze "Spring and Autumn Classic" that was presented to the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee as a "provincial gift", the anhui pavilion featured exhibit "East Bottle and West Mirror" that appeared at the Shanghai World Expo, and the large bronze sculpture "Nine Juns" on the central axis of the Nanjing Youth Olympic Games venue... These brilliant copper works are "made in Tongling".

Why create a city IP?

For Tongling, there is historical accumulation, realistic foundation, and more urban development upgrade needs.

In recent years, Tongling, which is built on copper and prospered by copper, has proposed to "seize copper, extend copper, not only copper, surpass copper", and the copper-based new material industry has been approved as a national-level new industrial cluster to accumulate new momentum for urban transformation and upgrading.

If the resources and industrial base build the skeleton of the city, then the copper culture that nurtures it is the soul of the city. Behind the ambition of making the "profound" copper culture more and more "approachable" and creating a "copper art capital" super IP is the mining and reorganization of characteristic resources by a city from the height of its development strategy.

Decision Magazine | let the thickness and lightness of the bronze dance together! Why does this city on the Yangtze River "go out of the circle"

"Four Happy Copper Dolls"

Dreams of how to blossom into new flowers

Behind the shiny "copper" signboard, what are the high-quality and characteristic resources?

At present, Tongling has gathered more than 30 copper art enterprises, of which 6 are regulated enterprises, forming a cluster development driven by leading enterprises such as Tongguanfu, New Jiuding, Bronze Age, Jufuyuan, Golden Snail, Tongxinxiang, etc., and the products involve urban sculptures, figure statues, religious artifacts, art collections and architectural decorations, totaling thousands of varieties, and the products are exported to home and abroad. In the whole year of 2021, the output value of copper art cultural enterprises above designated size in Tongling City exceeded 200 million yuan.

Shouzheng innovation is the key to the sustainable development of the copper art industry, while adhering to the traditional process, taking advantage of the intelligent transformation to become a booster for copper art enterprises to run out of acceleration. In Tongling New Jiuding Cultural Industry Co., Ltd., three-dimensional printing technology, seven-axis engraving robot and traditional technology are combined, and the innovation ability is continuously improved. Tongguanfu Cultural and Creative Co., Ltd. innovated the filigree process and realized the transformation from 1 piece in 30 days to 3 pieces in 1 day.

Decision Magazine | let the thickness and lightness of the bronze dance together! Why does this city on the Yangtze River "go out of the circle"

Tongling New Jiuding Cultural Industry Co., Ltd. handicrafts

With a soil foundation, how do dreams blossom?

For Tongling, the copper art industry is an important industry to enhance regional economic competitiveness and cultural centripetal force, and it is also a strategic fulcrum for forging the "copper art capital" super city IP, continuously expanding the connotation and tension of the city, and activating the deep momentum of high-quality development.

Let the urban culture form assets and industrial chains, Tongling's planning is not too late. In 2013, in the "Tongling Copper Culture and Related Industry Development Plan", Tongling clearly proposed to build a "copper art capital" and build a "copper culture and art capital, industrial highland, tourism base." ”

The blueprint becomes a real scene, and the key is to land. Around the development of the copper art industry, Tongling and leading enterprises have worked together to build a number of platforms for agglomeration and development.

Located in the Big Dipper Star City's Copper Street, it is the first high-quality copper culture characteristic block in China named "Copper", which gathers many copper art enterprises such as "Copper +" Life Aesthetics Hall, Jufuyuan, Copper Fu shengshi, Haibeier Copper Art, Nine Colored Deer, and introduces the only copper-themed hotel in China, Zhufu Copper Art Hotel, which has become a display window for copper culture.

Located in the Lion Mountain High-tech Zone, tongguanguan copper art cultural industrial park brings together three large-scale copper art production enterprises such as tongguanfu, jinxing copper and Daming coppersmith. As a landmark building of the industrial park, the exquisite emblem-style architectural copper house made of 500 tons of pure copper shines with dazzling golden light in the sun, fully demonstrating the beauty of copper art.

Decision Magazine | let the thickness and lightness of the bronze dance together! Why does this city on the Yangtze River "go out of the circle"

In the Copper Art Culture Industrial Park, the copper house of the exquisite emblem building made of 500 tons of pure copper is exquisitely emblem-style

Relying on the platform, Tongling has increased the intensity of double strokes and double introduction. "Tongling is the ancient bronze capital of China, and I feel the deep cultural accumulation here and the sincerity of the development of Tongling city's service enterprises." Zhu Bingxin, head of Hangzhou Zhufu Copper Art, invested in the construction of Zhufu Copper Art Hotel and Zhufu Copper Art Exhibition Store in Tongling, and is negotiating with Tongling City on the transfer of industry in Hangzhou.

What to rely on to crack the pain points

"Copper craftsmanship is a cultural product, what is most needed is talent and craftsmen, and it is hoped that it can be included in the talent cultivation and support project of Tongling City." "It is necessary to strengthen the construction of a research and exchange platform and better exert Tongling's influence and appeal in the country." On December 3, 2021, at the Cultural and Creative Symposium sponsored by the Publicity Department of the Tongling Municipal Party Committee, representatives of copper art enterprises offered suggestions for empowering the industry and forging urban IP.

In view of the pain points in the development of the industry, Tongling is also working hard to make up for the shortcomings. In 2013, relying on Tongling Vocational and Technical College, Tongling (cross-strait) Copper Sculpture Art Research Institute was officially established, focusing on the construction goal of "one platform, four bases", the institute planned a series of cultural exchanges, talent education and training, design and research and development, display and promotion activities.

In order to lay a solid foundation for talents, Tongling Vocational and Technical College has set up a tourism handicraft design and production major, purchased a complete professional copper production line equipment from gypsum casting to cleaning and polishing, and set up a large lacquer process, forged copper technology, gypsum casting process, color copper craft and other studios, successfully declared the national national cultural heritage innovation demonstration professional point, aiming to cultivate high-quality skilled talents in the copper art industry.

Starting from 2019, Tongling Vocational and Technical College has set up a social recruitment class to open to the society and cultivate technical and application-oriented talents. In 2020, Tongling Municipal Finance allocated special funds to open a centralized practical training course of "Big Country Craftsman Copper Art Product Design", introduced master-level teachers in the industry, and taught free of charge, attracting a large number of students inside and outside the province, playing a positive role in the dissemination of bronze culture and bronze forging technology.

For industrial development, as important as talent, there is also capital.

"The Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee plans to join hands with the Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, the Municipal Local Financial Supervision Bureau, and the Bank of China to create the 'Wenjinhui' brand and open a 'cultural and creative loan', and copper art enterprises that need loans should contact us." Recently, tongling copper art enterprises have received such a text message.

In addition to traditional credit instruments, it is equally important to cultivate a sense of capital in enterprises. Send copper art enterprises to participate in the special training of the capital market of 10,000 enterprises, and plan to promote the establishment of the Tongling Cultural Industry Fund, tongling is using practical actions to insert capital wings for the development and growth of the copper art industry.

Decision Magazine | let the thickness and lightness of the bronze dance together! Why does this city on the Yangtze River "go out of the circle"

What is the new way to play "out of the circle"

For Tongling, after years of accumulation, the "human foundation" for creating a copper art capital has been established, and it is urgent to unlock the new way of playing "out of the circle".

With the layout and development of ecological thinking, it can create a "tropical rainforest" suitable for urban IP.

In Longquan City, Zhejiang Province, in order to launch the city business card of "Celadon Sword, Dragon Spring in the World", the Celadon Sword Industry Bureau was specially established to take the lead in grasping the general, which is the condensation of ecological thinking.

The creation of Tongling super city IP also needs to lay out the future with ecological thinking. At the government level, multiple departments work together to form an efficient linkage of industrial policies, and guide the "grassroots contribution" with "top-level design"; at the enterprise level, change "individual combat" to "connection and symbiosis", and form a new industrial pattern of "great division of labor, great cooperation, and large-scale production" by strengthening the role of industry associations.

Staging cross-border with integrated thinking also contains unlimited potential space.

Cross-border capabilities have increasingly become a weapon to break the circle, reshaping products and extending the industrial chain with integrated thinking innovation, which will undoubtedly inject new vitality into urban IP.

Walking into the "Copper +" Life Aesthetics Hall located in Copper Street, copper is combined with wood, jade, porcelain and other materials to generate elegant and practical household items such as copper pens, copper chopsticks, incense burners, lamps and lanterns, which makes people shine. With the development opportunities of the revival of the national tide, copper art works with the traditional impression of "precious" and "simple" are breaking the inherent cognition, flying into the homes of ordinary people and entering the circle of young fashion.

Decision Magazine | let the thickness and lightness of the bronze dance together! Why does this city on the Yangtze River "go out of the circle"

At the same time, the consumption preferences of society are changing from single -- "material consumption" to compound "spiritual consumption". With the help of the bridge of cultural and tourism integration, through the "road under the feet" to the "copper in memory", in the Tongling City Museum, 1978 Cultural and Creative Park immersive experience, trace the "where does copper come from", you can also find "where copper goes" in copper street and copper culture industrial park.

In the next step, Tongling can "string beads as a chain" to create high-quality routes such as industrial tours and study tours, forming more Internet celebrity punch cards and explosive products.

Attracting powder with traffic thinking may be regarded as a new move with the characteristics of the times.

"The incense in the Boshan furnace, the double smoke lingers in Zixia." The bamboo knots under this Boshan furnace represent the step-by-step ascension, and the Boshan mountain above is a sacred mountain, which has a good meaning. The live video of Tongling Golden Snail Artwork Co., Ltd. attracted a large number of netizens to watch. More and more copper art enterprises stand on the live broadcast outlet, in 2021, golden snails to achieve sales of 30 million yuan, of which more than 90% from network live broadcasting.

Of course, whether it is "out of the circle overnight" or "long red", if you want to turn traffic into an increment, the opportunity only belongs to the prepared city.


Editor: Ji Haitao / Reviewer: Wang Yunbao

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Decision Magazine | let the thickness and lightness of the bronze dance together! Why does this city on the Yangtze River "go out of the circle"

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Decision Magazine | let the thickness and lightness of the bronze dance together! Why does this city on the Yangtze River "go out of the circle"