
Guo Allen is absent! Liaoning 2 festivals to play Tianjin, Zhang Zhenlin 22 points, wonderful dunk ignited the audience

CBA regular season continues, Tianjin team against Liaoning team game began, the last game Liaoning faced Beijing, in Guo Allen's crazy play of 36 points, Liaoning team won this focus battle, this season's Liaoning played a heroic, currently they have achieved a record of 17 wins and 2 losses, the team has locked up the regular season halfway championship, while the first stage of tianjin side of the play is very bad, the second stage of foreign aid Burton and Rochester return, the team's record is slightly better, currently they are 6 wins and 13 losses, Ranked 16th in the league.

Guo Allen is absent! Liaoning 2 festivals to play Tianjin, Zhang Zhenlin 22 points, wonderful dunk ignited the audience

Today's game due to the strength of the two teams in the strength of the gap, Yang Ming guidance is also the rotation of Guo Allen, Liaoning starting lineup: Zhao Jiwei, Ferge, Zhang Zhenlin, Li Xiaoxu, Han Dejun, Tianjin starting lineup: Tian Yu, Jin Xin, Zhang Zhaoxu, Gao Senbao, Lin Tingqian.

Guo Allen is absent! Liaoning 2 festivals to play Tianjin, Zhang Zhenlin 22 points, wonderful dunk ignited the audience

After the start of the first quarter of the game, the two teams played more glue, the score once came to a 14:14 draw, the two teams outside the three-point line did not feel very good, Tianjin team only hit 1 goal with 8 shots, Liaoning team hit all 5 shots, Gu Zeyu threw shots, Liu Zhixuan responded with three points, this is also the first three-point shot in this game in Liaoning, Zhang Zhenlin hit under the basket, Li Xiaoxu also had three points, Liaoning team achieved a lead in the score, Zhang Zhenlin did not pay attention to the three points, with an excellent three-point feeling during this time, Liaoning continued to widen the score, Fu Hao played 2+1 consecutively under the basket, and Liaoning led Tianjin by 17 points at 35:18 in the first quarter.

Guo Allen is absent! Liaoning 2 festivals to play Tianjin, Zhang Zhenlin 22 points, wonderful dunk ignited the audience

In the second quarter of the game, Liaoning team a wave of small climax to expand the lead to 20 points, sent to the foreign aid of the Tianjin team attack is still not ideal, the point difference to 24 points, half of the game, Liaoning 60:36 lead Tianjin 24 points, Liaoning half of the game to spend Tianjin, the second quarter of the double foreign aid Tianjin only scored 18 points. Liaoning Zhang Zhenlin scored 22 points, and the wonderful dunk detonated the whole field.

Guo Allen off the field is also not idle, when Zhang Zhenlin went off the field to rest, Guo Allen continuous fake action and high-fived, Zhang Zhenlin wanted to high-five many times to pounce, fortunately, the last two successfully high-fived.

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