
Singing the harvest of the earth - close to lu opera

Singing the harvest of the earth - close to lu opera

□ Peng Ziliang

Since last year, the TV dramas "Jingshan Lihai", "Warm Taste", and "Good Rain Knows the Season" produced by Shandong Film and Television Institutions have been broadcast successively on CCTV and first-line provincial satellite television, setting off a wave of ratings, adding a different kind of bright color to the screen event in the centenary of the founding of the party, and bringing extremely rich visual enjoyment and spiritual nourishment to the vast number of audiences.

Looking at reality is the unchangeable choice of Lu opera

Getting rid of poverty and realizing a well-off society is an eternal dream on the land of China for thousands of years, and this dream has become a reality in the hands of the Chinese Communists today. In this magnificent historical process and with countless meteorological conditions, countless historical events of "daring to teach the sun and the moon to change the new heavens" have occurred, and a large number of people and things that "heroes everywhere smoke at sunset" have emerged, which are destined to be left in the long river of history and imprinted in the depths of people's memories. People will not forget that since the reform and opening up, the "No. 1 document" of the central authorities over the years has been related to the work of the "three rural areas", which is full of concern and attention and a large amount of real money and silver, which has become a paving stone for realizing rural poverty alleviation and moderate prosperity, and has helped tens of millions of villages to achieve "cocooning into butterflies" from poverty and backwardness to rich civilization. People will not forget that since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, while insisting on grasping accurate poverty alleviation, the central government has timely put forward the historic shift in the focus of the "three rural" work, emphasizing the comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization after the victory in poverty alleviation.

As a large traditional agricultural province, Shandong has taken solid steps on the road of getting rid of poverty by strengthening the leading bodies, rationalizing the way, solving difficult problems, and doing practical things; and groups of simple and lovely rural cadres have the courage to declare war on the poverty that weighs on their heads and use their hard work and sweat to overcome poverty. Throw away the big hat of poverty and backwardness. This pile, piece by piece, piece by piece, happens almost every moment, like a magnet to attract literary and artistic workers with a sense of social responsibility. They invariably use warm emotions and expression techniques to show the "great changes in the countryside" in the new era, use film and television art to praise the country's rural revitalization strategy and the three rural policies, present us with a colorful, three-dimensional and vivid map of rural characters in the new era, and also dedicate touching stories with unique artistic charm and life atmosphere to today's screens.

With township cadres as the protagonists, "Jingshan Lihai" reflects the story of the grassroots party members and cadres represented by Wu Xiaohao, who led the people of Kaipo Town to achieve rural revitalization. The drama connects the three villages of Shiwu Village, Anlan Village and Pinghu Village with different landforms and huge disparities between the rich and the poor, highlighting the special road to the same destination on the road of rural revitalization. This is a realistic theme work that praises the practice of the original intention and mission of grass-roots party members and cadres in the new era, embodies the spirit of hard work and responsibility for the people's feelings and initiative, and has feelings, grounding, laughter and tears, and touching people's hearts. Yang Yaya, the director of the play, said: "There is no great reason in this drama, only simple emotions, and the characters in these dramas have completed their transformation, more and more like those cadres, party members, and masses that the creative team has interviewed, and their feelings for the people and the party are real." ”

"Warm Taste" is based on the vivid reality of thousands of "first secretaries" on the land of Qilu, telling the story of Sun Guangming, editor-in-chief of The Commercial Daily and food blogger and "first secretary", leading Houshigou Village to a well-off life, showing the villagers of Houshigou Village under the leadership of the "First Secretary" who continue to overcome difficulties, explore new development models, and then run to the happiness road of "the most beautiful village". "Good Rain Knows the Season" tells the story of an ordinary rural grassroots cadre Feng Tianlan, attracted by the national policy, took the initiative to choose to return to his hometown apple village, unite the villagers to jointly develop high-quality apple planting, and step by step lead the villagers to get rich and well-off. The drama reflects the great changes in the countryside under the grand strategy of national rural revitalization, and can be called a condensed history of rural revitalization video art.

Make good works with temperature and feelings

As film and television drama creators in Shandong, they hold a deep sense of social responsibility, they focus on living rural life and characters, and they show a seemingly ordinary and extraordinary real life. They insist on recording and interpreting the new era with the lens, using touching true stories as creative materials, and deeply in line with the logic and art of rural life to create excellent works with feelings, grounding, bones and heat.

The common feature of these film and television dramas is to have a serious creative attitude, to go deep into life, and to perceive the joys and sorrows of the people. As Zhao Defa, the original novel writer of the TV series "Jingshan Lihai", said: "It is the mission of our creators to go deep into the frontline of rural revitalization, deeply observe the group portraits of characters on the road of rural revitalization, and keenly capture the typical characters among the newcomers of the times." As a result, what is presented to the audience is full of strong breath of life, perceiving the homely shortness of the countryside, and interpreting the new era of rural maps of life.

These three dramas are based on the complex rural society's concern for the actual contradictions and conflicts in rural construction, record the rural changes in the new era, and convey the spiritual values of the new era. In particular, facing the contradictions and problems in it reflects the hardships and complexities in the process. For example, the ideological concepts of the rural masses are not liberated enough, the family contradictions and entanglements of interests left over from hundreds of years are intertwined, and the conditions for economic development are different. Like every undertaking of our party, poverty alleviation and rural revitalization cannot be achieved easily by beating a gong and a drum, they must not only cross the mountains and seas in geography, but also conquer the mountains and waves in life. This is where the value and charm of realist creation lie, and it is also the original intention and origin that Lu opera must always adhere to. Like "Jingshan Lihai", it not only involves the common problems of grass-roots governance such as rural relocation, rainstorm disaster relief, and safe production, but also pays attention to "trivial matters" such as rising prices and family feelings. The character Wu Xiaohao in the play is also constantly seeking a new balance in various games and competitions, showing the difficulty and difficulty of rural construction. As screenwriter Lei Juan said, "Our creation is in the mountains and the sea, why is our country not in the mountains and the sea?" Our rural revitalization is such a great change. "The Taste of Warmth" truly reflects the practical problems that most of China's rural areas will face, that is, how to let farmers participate in the national strategy of rural revitalization, how to transform and upgrade rural industries, how to turn "green waters and green mountains" into "golden mountains and silver mountains", how to make villagers long-term wealthy, and so on. Lead actor Jin Dong said: "I and the main creative team of this drama look forward to growing up with the audience through a warm story, working hard side by side, and striving to grow into the bearer and disseminator of the 'Chinese spirit', the creator and popularizer of the 'spirit of the times', and the participant and builder of 'rural revitalization'." And the protagonist Feng Jiuwang in "Good Rain Knows the Season" was ordered to develop modern agriculture and large-scale agriculture in a big way, rationally lay out the development of rural industries, and turn an apple village with only apples into a well-known diversified and modern new countryside. Feng Jiuwang also realized his personal ambition and value in the rural revitalization of industrial transformation, and grew into the leader of an excellent grass-roots party branch.

It can be said that these dramas are not only an artistic reflection of real life, but also contain the rich connotations of all aspects involved in grassroots party building, cadre growth, industrial development, and ecological rural construction in rural revitalization.

With the spirit of craftsmanship to create high-quality masterpieces

Art originates from life, and is higher than life, it is a high degree of refinement, sublimation and reprocessing of real life. In this process, Shandong film and television drama creators have always held a realistic creative attitude, not simply pursuing good looks, good selling, and fun, but striving to truly reflect the rural changes in the current historical period, so that the majority of audiences can understand the countryside, understand the countryside, go deep into the countryside, and love the countryside. It can be said that it is the intentions and efforts of the creators of Shandong film and television dramas that have achieved the good dramas and colorful scenes in Shandong that reflect the theme of "three rural areas" in Shandong recently.

In order to get close to the reality of the countryside, Yang Yaya, director of "Jingshan Lihai", and the main creative team have interviewed more than 120 grassroots party members and cadres, listened to their inner feelings, and integrated the real materials into the story; in the stage of script polishing, grassroots cadres were also invited to participate in the discussion of the script, repeatedly deliberated on every detail, and strived for truth in the creation, so as to infinitely approach the soul of the interviewee.

In these film and television dramas, it also reflects and reflects the innovative development of deep Qilu culture. Shandong is the place where inland farming culture and marine commercial culture converge, and the excellent Qilu culture not only has the Confucian values of Lu culture, but also contains the Qi culture's economy and pragmatic openness. Shandong film and television drama creators have devoted themselves to excavating the profound connotation of Qilu culture, carefully interpreting the genes and codes of Qilu culture, and letting rural revitalization dramas release cultural forces that touch people's hearts. Wu Xiaohao's frank personality in "Jingshan Lihai" hides spiritual values such as honesty and benevolence, and the people of the world, and "Warm Taste" expresses the harmony between people, people and society, and people and nature, so that rural theme TV dramas have reached a new height with both cultural heritage and spiritual connotation.

Shandong film and television drama creators also skillfully integrate party spirit and people's nature into their creations, carefully handling the relationship between macro and micro narratives, as well as "big" and "small" emotions. The macroscopic vision is the background of rural revitalization under the leadership of the party, and the microscopic is the specific event; the "big" is the feelings of grassroots party members and cadres for the people, and the "small" is the personal life, work triviality and personal growth. "Through the Mountains and The Sea" uses delicate expression techniques, through bits and pieces of real details and vivid stories, showing the group portraits of the characters of the new era, achieving film and television masterpieces in the collection of armpits and the gathering of sand into towers, so that the audience can feel the party's ideological might in the silent moisturizing, experience the concept of rural revitalization of the people first, and produce psychological empathy in the immersive scene. "Warm Taste" uses a warm artistic technique to explain the big truth through small stories, which arouses the recognition and resonance of the audience. In particular, it integrates the elements of the times such as live broadcasting, homestay tourism, and e-commerce sales, replacing the thick earthy atmosphere of traditional agriculture-related themes, as well as the stereotype of farmers wrapped in mud legs and dusty clothes, presenting a fashionable and refreshing image of modern farmers, shaping a new peasant group portrait that is close to life, close to the people, and closer to the times, and fully shows the new style of the countryside.

Treat the creators of art and the audience with sincerity, sincerity and ingenuity, and the society and the audience will also give back to them with enthusiasm and care. These TV series interpret the main theme of the TV series related to agriculture, which can also be natural, fresh, fashionable, and can reach people's hearts. The first week of "Through the Mountains and The Sea" reached a rating of 1.078% and has been at a high level. "Warm Taste" has an average rating of 0.495%, ranking first in the ratings of prime-time TV dramas on the Star Channel for several consecutive weeks, and it has gained audiences of all ages, which can be described as the "circle-breaking" work of Lu opera. Although "Good Rain Knows Season" did not achieve the impressive results of the first two dramas, it also gained extraordinary ratings and high audience recognition. This fully shows that only when film and television creation originates from life can it reflect the sense of truth, hit the softest heart of the audience, and obtain people's emotional resonance.

Give play to the "film and television +" social responsibility

Art has always been the act of the noble. As a film and television drama creator, we must especially start from the side, start from bit by bit, play the role of "film and television +", and contribute to the revitalization of the countryside. Like the rural scenery and pastoral scenery shown in the film and television drama, the audience began to yearn for the landscapes and rivers in the play and the cute characters in the play while happily chasing the drama. While each drama is popular, it has spawned a cultural tourism fever in the filming location and surrounding areas. Film and television dramas have a strong driving effect on the development of rural industries. Rizhao Ocean Aesthetics Museum, where "Through the Mountains and The Sea" was filmed, is a location with poetry and distant places at the same time. Here, people can face the sea, lean on the railing to listen to the waves, and sleep in the waves. Swimming pool, playground, sailing, beach, hotel, restaurant... With the popularity of the drama, these filming locations have become local Internet celebrity punch cards; directly driving the popularity of special tourism projects such as nautical exhibition halls, gourmet restaurants, starry sky pools, Guanlan coffee, seaside academies, children's paradises, and diving exploration.

The Fuxing Village of Qixia City, where "Good Rain Knows the Season" was filmed, is a village surrounded by mountains and beautiful mountains and rivers on three sides, which has also attracted many tourists to travel after the drama became popular. The popularity of "Warm Taste" has made Houshigou Village in Qingdao's West Coast New Area a beautiful landscape. The drama filmed the big locust tree, the Ming and Qing dynasty courtyards, the barn, the sunshine supermarket and other sets, which made many viewers yearn. With the influence of the play, Houshigou Village held the first rural tourism cultural festival and rural tourism open day activities, receiving more than 12,000 tourists, enhancing the popularity of the village and strengthening the villagers' confidence in developing "rural film and television + eco-tourism". The play also changed the thinking and production lifestyle of the villagers in Houshigou Village. Villagers increase their income and get rich by renting out their own houses and participating in group performances, and the village collective can increase their income by more than 100,000 yuan a year in terms of site use fees. Houshigou Village has developed from a mountainous hinterland to a rural film and television base, which is a true portrayal of the revitalization of qilu's land and countryside. "Guangming Daily" commented on this, saying, "Introduce a drama and invigorate a village." ”

(Dazhong Newspaper, Dazhong Daily)

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