
Clay returns tomorrow, James calls himself King, and Yao Ming appears in Houston!

Clay will make a comeback tomorrow

This season's Warriors are playing better and better under Curry's leadership, and they are currently ranked second in the West and second in the league, only one more game lost than the Suns, and in the minds of many fans, the Warriors are definitely the biggest favorite for the championship this season. Just recently, the Warriors have another good news, according to the NBA famous Warwick God reported that the current indications have been that one of the splash brothers, Klay Thompson, will return on January 10, which is tomorrow's Warriors game against the Cleveland Cavaliers.

Clay returns tomorrow, James calls himself King, and Yao Ming appears in Houston!

Clay has been recuperating from injuries for 31 months, more than two years, thanks to a torn left anterior cruciate ligament and a torn right Achilles tendon, and tomorrow's game is also Clay's first appearance in the last two seasons. Previously, Clay showed the state of a hundred shots in the team training, Kerr also personally admitted that he would give Clay a start, I believe that after Clay returns, Curry will usher in a big helper, and the strength of the Warriors will be greatly improved.

Clay returns tomorrow, James calls himself King, and Yao Ming appears in Houston!

James called himself King

To say that the greatest score in the history of the NBA, I am afraid that every fan has their own answer, basketball god Jordan, death god Durant will get a lot of votes. But the NBA league at the age of 38 can still play the dominant data is probably only James, this season James has played a single game 30+ performance in the past 20 times, leading the Lakers currently ranked sixth in the West.

Clay returns tomorrow, James calls himself King, and Yao Ming appears in Houston!

On January 8, the American media posted James's score highlights from his youth, and the caption read: "The 18-year-old Chosen Son directly entered the NBA league after graduating from high school and began his nearly 20-year rule." James was so excited to see the US media report that he retweeted the highlights with the caption: "The young king." It is worth mentioning that James often likes to call himself king in public and on social media, and many stars in the league have been crowned princes by him, which makes many fans cry and laugh.

Clay returns tomorrow, James calls himself King, and Yao Ming appears in Houston!

Yao Ming appeared in Houston

January 8, for the Rockets is a special day, the Rockets in order to pay tribute to the team's official commentator Bill Worrell, the annual January 8 set up as "Bill Worrell Day", the current president of the Chinese Basketball Association, Rockets legendary center Yao Ming although not rushed to the scene, but he appeared on the rockets home Toyota Center big screen to send blessings to Bill Worrell. The Rockets set up Jan. 8 as "Bill Worrell Day" to reward Bill Worrell for 40 years of hard work in the Rockets' home commentary.

Clay returns tomorrow, James calls himself King, and Yao Ming appears in Houston!

Since retiring in the NBA, Yao Ming has been busy in China, almost no Rockets have too much contact, this time for the team's meritorious commentary, specially recorded a video to send blessings, presumably Bill Worrell is also very happy, here also wish Bill Worrell for fans to send more and more wonderful live commentary.

Clay returns tomorrow, James calls himself King, and Yao Ming appears in Houston!
Clay returns tomorrow, James calls himself King, and Yao Ming appears in Houston!

Although Clay has not played for more than two seasons, his state is recovering well, coupled with teammates such as Curry and Green, coach Kerr's starting commitment, I believe clay will soon find his form and help the team win the NBA championship again. James is capable and still the league's strongest scorer, and when he saw his 18-year-old game highlights, James described it as "young king", which was too domineering. Yao Ming appeared on the big screen of the Toyota Center to send blessings for the team's meritorious explanation, which was a very warm move.

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