
Miscellaneous wear is really tasteful, black, red are quite advanced, workplace leisure can wear

Share the most classic fashion wear, so that you can be beautiful in all seasons, women never lack attraction, only lack of skills to stimulate charm, will wear, let you become a tasteful elegant woman!

Black and red are two colors that are indispensable in daily wear, and in winter dress, there are many black and red outfits. But many people find that black wear is dull and old-fashioned, and red wear is too ostentatious to accurately show the charm of color.

The study of color is deep enough to be Japanese wear, the daily miscellaneous will accurately show the charm of color matching, and it is really practical to learn black and red wearing skills with the daily miscellaneous.

Winter black wear can increase personality and elegance, red wear can show festive, intellectual and other charm, understand the characteristics of the two colors can wear the corresponding temperament.

Nizyaki really understands the essence of black and red, simple collocation is quite temperamental, and the taste of learning will not be bad. Miscellaneous wear is really tasteful, black, red are quite advanced, workplace leisure can wear.

Japanese black is fashionable

The type of black dress

Miscellaneous wear is really tasteful, black, red are quite advanced, workplace leisure can wear

All-black wear: All-black collocation highlights the fashion sense and personality charm of black wearing, all-black wearing can use the skin tone to increase the contrast between skin tone and clothing color, such as choosing V-neck wear, round neck wear, legless wear, etc.

All-black wear is more classic, there is no color matching troubles, winter can choose the combination of sweater + coat + boots or down jacket + skirt + short boots, showing the liveliness and freshness of Japanese wear.

Miscellaneous wear is really tasteful, black, red are quite advanced, workplace leisure can wear

Black and white wear: black and white is the most conventional color scheme, you can use black pieces with white pieces, increase the color contrast effect, and show the elegance and classic fashion charm of wearing.

You can also choose black and white color clothing, such as a chidori half dress, the chidori checkered costume is classic and of high quality, which can make the dress show an elegant charm, and then match it with black, white or gray clothing.

Miscellaneous wear is really tasteful, black, red are quite advanced, workplace leisure can wear

Black and gray wear: black and gray can combine a light, noble charm, both colors can show a high cold fashion temperament, and the color is dark, with a very low key, this color matching is suitable for mature women.

The gray itself has a black charm, so the harmony of color matching is very high. Black can be combined with dark gray and light gray clothing, and the color changes without looking dull.

Black piece recommendation

Miscellaneous wear is really tasteful, black, red are quite advanced, workplace leisure can wear

Black down jacket: down jacket belongs to the often worn single product, winter almost every day will be used, so it must be highly resistant to dirt, black down jacket has such an advantage, Japanese wear can choose a short black down jacket, increase the sense of refinement, but also optimize the proportion of body shape.

The black bread jacket is very distinctive, can make the body look round and cute, as long as it is matched with thin bottoms, it will not lead to fat dress.

Miscellaneous wear is really tasteful, black, red are quite advanced, workplace leisure can wear

Black sweater: Sweater can also choose black, color design can increase the elegant, literary temperament, and Most Of the Japanese sweaters are very slim, the choice of black design can make the thinning effect amplified.

Tight and simple short sweaters can be worn with skirts, or you can choose a long sweater skirt to create an elegant, retro wearing image.

Miscellaneous wear is really tasteful, black, red are quite advanced, workplace leisure can wear

Black skirt: Skirt is a clothing that can express the feminine advantage temperament, and there is also a wide space for wearing in winter, and skirts or dresses are very well matched.

In winter, skirts can be worn with thick coats, down jackets, coat combinations are good, and under the skirt can be paired with boots, boots or high heels.

Japanese red is fashionable to wear

The color type of red

Miscellaneous wear is really tasteful, black, red are quite advanced, workplace leisure can wear

Positive red: Positive red is Chinese red, is an indispensable color in the New Year's Festival, wearing bright colors can show more pleasant emotions and image charm.

Chinese red dresses, sweaters, coats, etc. can all be typical winter red items, which are beautiful and warm, and can also highlight the advantages of skin color.

Miscellaneous wear is really tasteful, black, red are quite advanced, workplace leisure can wear

Brick red: Brick red is a red with brown characteristics, relatively dark, but the color is classic and durable, brick red is suitable for mature and gentle women.

Brick red is not bright enough, but the color is similar to the color of the earth, there is a deep, broad feeling, the color is very generous, and do not pick people.

Miscellaneous wear is really tasteful, black, red are quite advanced, workplace leisure can wear

burgundy: burgundy is a rich color, giving people a particularly expensive feeling, burgundy is very temperamental, the same is suitable for mature women's color, the personal temperament is still very picky.

Burgundy is also festive, if the skin color is not fair enough, or it is not suitable for eye-catching wear, you can replace the positive red with burgundy.

Classic color scheme of red

Miscellaneous wear is really tasteful, black, red are quite advanced, workplace leisure can wear

Red with black: red and black collocation is the most conventional, positive red is most suitable for matching black, can highlight the classic temperament, the charm of the color can also complement each other, maintain the balance of image charm.

Burgundy is not suitable for black, black will appear burgundy darker, affecting the divergence of image charm, with a lighter color or metallic color is better.

Miscellaneous wear is really tasteful, black, red are quite advanced, workplace leisure can wear

Red with gray: the combination of red and gray is also good, the difference in brightness and saturation between gray and red is not so large, there will be no strong sense of contrast, and it can avoid collocation glare.

Burgundy or brick red are suitable for matching gray, under the gray decoration, the image will appear more advanced, more attractive, fashionable and expensive.

The black and red wear in the Japanese wear are very attractive, and the fashion classic is also attractive, and it can be attractive if worn according to the Japanese miscellaneous plan.

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