
Fuyang snack next

author:Classic Humanistic Exploration

Li Hongzhang smorgasbord, is a famous dish in Hefei, this dish is popular throughout the country, is cooked with a variety of ingredients, so the dish is related to Li Hongzhang, so the name Li Hongzhang smorgasbord. Li Hongzhang's smorgasbord dish is very exquisite, and it is necessary to do "preliminary work" in advance, such as chicken offal, belly slices, ham, gluten, shiitake mushrooms, mountain shoots, sea cucumber...

Wuwei Plate Duck Wuwei Plate Duck (also known as Wuwei Smoked Duck), a famous dish in Wuwei County, Wuhu City, Anhui Province, was famous as early as the Daoguang period of the Qing Dynasty, with a history of 200 years. The plate duck is the "business card" of inaction. In Wuwei, there are countless people who do plate ducks, among which the Ma family in the south of the city, the Yan family in the east of the city, and the He family in the open town can be described as the old characters known to women and children...

Lujiang rice dumplings are purely processed with rice noodles, the filling inside is generally made of pork and some other common seasonal vegetables mixed, and then made by high temperature frying, golden color, crispy and delicious, crispy and delicate, is a must for Lujiang people early, many migrant workers often take some when leaving their hometown, think that it is...

Luzhou roast duck Luzhou roast duck, is a traditional snack in Hefei, the original imperial court cuisine, mingshi into the rich to the folk, rigorous selection of materials, exquisite processing, rich aroma, crispy meat tender, salty and suitable, fat but not greasy, delicious taste, popular population.

Jianghuai restaurant duck oil roast cake duck oil roast cake, a small one, in fact, more like a mille-feuille cake, which is wrapped in green onions, duck oil and so on. There is a lot of duck oil in the baked cake, and the roasted brown is crispy, and it is even better to eat it while it is hot. Take a bite, a little salty, the fragrance of green onions, the delicious taste of duck oil mixed with the fragrance of sesame seeds, very delicious.

Tofu brain marrow tofu brain marrow is a traditional Snack of the Han people in shexian area of Anhui Province. Easy to digest and absorb, because the tofu balls are very tender, so it is named tofu brain marrow. It is said that in the Ming Dynasty, it was famous for its tender and delicious soup, milky white taste, and low price.

Yimen mutton soup Yimen mutton soup is a special cuisine of Woyang County, and most of the Yimen mutton soup restaurants are located in the Mosque Huimin Area of Yimen Town, mainly Huimin people operate mutton soup. The most distinctive shop is "General Mutton Soup", the owner of the shop is surnamed Li, the nickname is General, so it is called "General Mutton Soup". There are branches in Bo, Vortex and Mengdu, and the business is not...

Tongcheng Caixin Tongcheng Caixin is a traditional breakfast with a unique flavor of Tongcheng City, which has been famous as early as the Ming and Qing dynasties. At that time, the most favorite breakfast of the residents of the ancient city was a bowl of clear tea, a plate of smooth and crystal clear vegetable hearts. There are breakfast shops and tea houses selling vegetable hearts and tea shops on both sides of the streets of the county town, and the business is very prosperous. Tongcheng cabbage heart is made of extremely...

Vortex Yang dry button noodles Vortex Yang dry button noodles, is a unique flavor of The pasta in Woyang, with cooked soybean sprouts as a cushion, with garlic juice, green onion, monosodium glutamate, pepper, vinegar, sesame oil, soy sauce, etc. as the base material, cooked noodles like Nestle covered on it, and then with oil squeezed pepper as the feed, fully stirred after the mixture can be. Dry buckle noodles become the ...

Fengyang stuffed tofu Fengyang stuffed tofu, also known as royal tofu, is a traditional dish in the coastal areas of Anhui, is made of tender tofu as raw material cut into slices, sandwiched into minced pork, shrimp, etc., wrapped in egg powder paste under the frying pan fried until golden brown, and then with sweet and sour hook sauce to make. The production method of stuffed tofu is exquisite and elaborate, and when it is made, it is necessary to "put three passes" (selection of ingredients and production、...

Old Town Spicy Soup Old Town Spicy Soup is one of the special snacks of Suixi Old Town. It originated in the middle of the Qing Dynasty, flourished in the early years of the Republic of China, and has been continuously renovated since then. Depending on the soup and ingredients used, the names are different, and the common ones are gluten soup, chicken soup, eel soup and mixed soup. Spicy soup must be added to the right amount of white pepper, spicy soup is characterized by...

Sankou Tang Lao Goose Soup Sankou Tang Lao Goose Soup is a local farmhouse brand dish with a unique flavor in Hanshan County, located in the south of Taihu Mountain Scenic Area, not more than a few miles away. As early as the mid-1980s, farmer Huang Jinsong opened the Old Goose Soup Restaurant in Sankoutang according to the ancestral secret recipe, which was famous for its authentic production, unique flavor and reputation...

Yashan lotus candy, is an elegant and delicate traditional food, the outside of the formation of a cylindrical shape, the length of the same cigarette, the thickness of the fingers, because of its inner holes, shaped like a lotus knot and named. Yashan is not only rich in history and culture, but also intriguing in food culture, this place is famous for processing lotus sugar, in the neighboring Tongling City, Qingyang County are very large...

Sake brewed water sub wine brewed water, is a snack unique to Wuhu, in Wuhu has a history of 100 years. It uses the finest white glutinous rice flour to mix and knead with hot water, and uses a flat sieve to form a small ball the size of cotton. In addition, the sake is mashed and sugar are placed in a bowl, and the cooked balls are served in a bowl with soup. Sake stuffed cotton seeds round soft glutinous sweet, is the public's delicious small...

Hand-grabbed cake, formerly known as onion grab cake, originated in Taiwan. Evolved from Tianjin shallot oil cake. Its thousand layers, layers such as thin paper, grasped by hand, thousands of noodles, its outer layer is golden and crispy, the inner layer is soft and tender, and the fragrance of onion oil and gluten comes to the nose, so that everyone has no time to wait, grab it and eat it. So far it has been popular all over the country, and it can be taken...

Auspicious cake auspicious cake, is a specialty of Haocheng place in Guzhen County, Anhui Province, once as a tribute, hung a golden plaque, known as "the world's first cake", is the screening of Huaibei mung beans, after soaking, shelling, turning paste, paste, spreading, shading and other processes, hand refined. Its cooking methods are diverse, can be fried, can be burned, can be fried, can be put into soup, can be...

Jintushan roasted whole chicken Bengbu "Jintushan roasted whole chicken" is a patented invention product with a unique flavor. Raw materials are selected from farmers in northern Anhui, eastern Henan, Lunan and other places for more than one year of robust male grass chicken, with more than 30 kinds of precious spices, salt, vegetable oil, spices and so on. After twenty-one processes, it is fired with a long time of wenwu fire. Features: Product heavy color...

Jiuhua Vegetarian Cake Jiuhua Vegetarian Cake is a famous Han snack in Jiuhua Mountain, Anhui Province, a well-known local specialty, which is made of vegetarian food, yellow essence and mung bean powder on Jiuhua Mountain. The outer crust of Jiuhua vegetarian cake is crisp and non-greasy, and the wild yellow essence of Jiuhua Mountain is added, not a seasoning, but a lily herb grown on Jiuhua Mountain, with a large flesh. Yellow finishing...

Fin Cake is a special snack of Huainan and is made with glutinous rice. Use steamed glutinous rice, mix with shallots and spices, and then press into a special mold about 1 cm thick and cut into cubes about 8 cm long. When you eat it, fry it in a frying pan to a golden brown. This thing is fried crispy on the outside, sprayed with incense, glutinous on the inside, salty and nourishing...

Mixed soup wine brewed Lantern mixed soup wine brewed Lantern, is a special snack in Anhui, the practice has a long history, in the production process you can also feel the charm of these special cuisines, with glutinous rice flour noodles, wrapped in sesame sugar, five kernels, bean paste, hawthorn 4 kinds of filling made of Lantern; another with honey, sugar, wine, sugar osmanthus and sugar color, etc. cooked into cherry-colored mixed soup, put ...

Salted duck roasted soybeans Salted duck roasted soybeans is a local special dish in Hefei and is very popular in Hefei. It is best to eat salted duck and roasted soybeans in winter, especially at home, where you can steam up and burn for an hour or two.

Mengcheng Sprinkle Soup is a snack in northern Anhui, the main morning snack of the people in northern Anhui, originating from Mengcheng County, Bozhou City. Sprinkled as broth, meat miscellaneous meaning, because of its strange words, the common people mistakenly wrote as "sprinkle soup", "kill soup" and so on. The soup is made of old hens, pork chops, etc., after stewing, beat the raw eggs in a bowl, stir well, and use the boiling broth...

Huainan Tofu Feast Bagongshan is the birthplace of tofu, with the Bagongshan clear and sweet ancient spring water to brew high-quality soybeans in the Huai River Basin, especially the exquisite production process passed down from generation to generation in the birthplace of tofu, making Bagongshan tofu unique, long-lasting, enjoy the "Bagongshan Tofu A world" reputation. Bagongshan tofu can be meaty and vegetarian, and there is freshness hidden in the light...

Qi Ji Bean Circle Qi Ji Bean Circle, also known as mung bean round, small bean round, paste shrimp round, is one of the "three beans of the Huai River", huainan along the huai river on both sides of the production of manufacturers, workshops and shops of different sizes. Mung bean balls are mixed with mung bean flour, Huaihe shrimp skin, flour, mung bean sprouts or soybean sprouts, made into small balls and put into a 60% hot oil pot, fried...

Tongling Chicken Noodle Soup Chicken Noodle Soup is a special snack in Tongling.

Steamed mushroom mushroom is a local specialty of Suzhou.

Du Guangxing plate duck Du Guangxing plate duck is a professional duck breeding household in Xiba Village, Wuhe County, Anhui Province, which processes self-fattened and tender ducks into plate ducks. Select healthy and disease-free, muscle plump, fat even and moderate, sternum is not exposed, 20 hours before slaughter the duck will be stopped, only fed water.

Shrimp noodles shrimp seed noodles, a traditional snack with a strong local flavor in Anhui, was once the most cherished "luxury" of the locals in Wuhu, Anhui, and even can only be eaten when they are sick and birthdays, but now, it has become the "affordable enjoyment" of ordinary people. It is the use of the seeds of the Yangtze River shrimp, with a variety of condiments, made of paste...

Teppanyaki Squid Teppanyaki Squid is a street snack made by frying the squid on an iron plate, then cutting the squid into sections with a shovel and sprinkling it with a special sauce. Dish features: the teppanyaki squid eaten on the street, smelling from afar, watching the vendors use small shovels to divide the squid, constantly flipping the squid, listening to the sound of the oil-stained squid, with...

Stinky Mandarin Fish Stinky Mandarin Fish is a famous dish in Qingyang County, with a unique flavor. It is collectively known as "barrel fresh fish", also commonly known as "pickled fresh fish". The so-called "pickled fresh" means stink in the local dialect. This "flavored mandarin fish" smells smelly and delicious to eat, which not only maintains the original juice of mandarin fish, the meat is mellow and mellow, while the bone bones are separated from the fish meat, and the meat is in pieces...

General cuisine is a special green food specialty of Jinzhai County, produced in Dabie Mountain. It is a large family of plants in the Asteraceae family. It is called bitter vegetables in various parts of China, including more than ten kinds of bitter lettuce, lettuce, bitter lettuce, chicory and so on. , ancient books record its aliases in a variety of ways, such as the Bitter Book of Poetry, the Di "Original YaShi", the Bitter Thorn "Book of Jin", You Dong...

Yingjiang Temple vegetarian dish Yingjiang Temple vegetarian dish, is an Anqing Yingjiang Temple tea house specialty, more than 100 years ago well-known in the Yangtze River Basin, the late Qing Dynasty by the temple abbot Yuexia opened a vegetarian dish refreshment supply, Yingjiang Temple tea house vegetarian food has nearly 400 varieties, to vegetarian substitute meat, to fake the real, beautiful shape, refreshing taste, praised by domestic and foreign diners. Yingjiang Temple vegetarian cuisine history is more tea...

Huangshan stinky mandarin fish Huangshan stinky mandarin fish, also known as pickled fresh mandarin fish, the so-called "pickled fresh", in the Huizhou dialect is the meaning of stink, this "flavor mandarin fish" smells smelly, eat fragrant, both maintain the original flavor of mandarin fish juice, meat and mellow taste, while bone bones and fish meat separated, meat into a lump. Stinky osmanthus is a traditional dish of Han Chinese in Huizhou, Anhui Province,...

Huizhou Cake Huizhou Cake is a traditional Han chinese name in The Huizhou area of Anhui Province, originally named Jujube Paste Dumpling. During the Guangxu period, a Huizhou food operator made this noodle cake for sale in Yangzhou, which was quite popular with eaters, so it was called "Huizhou cake" locally. Huizhou, present-day Huangshan City, Jixi County, Anhui Province, and Wuyuan County, Jiangxi, since the Eastern Han Dynasty, set up Xindu County, Xin'an County, Shezhou...

Huangshan Baked Cake Huangshan Baked Cake, also known as "Crab Shell Yellow Baked Cake", "Rescue Driving Baked Cake", "Huangyin Baked Cake", is a traditional famous food of the Han people in Huizhou, Anhui Province, which is popular in the ancient Huizhou area and parts of the surrounding areas. Stir in the finest white flour and vegetable oil to make the skin, choose tender dried vegetables and fatty meat as the filling, sprinkle the sesame seeds, and then put them into a special large oven and paste it on the wall of the stove,...

Dingyuan Qiaowei "Qiaowei" is a specialty of Dingyuan County, Anhui Province, the best among bacon. Because of the selection of fat and lean meat from the pig's rump (tail), produced in Luqiao Town, it is named "Dingyuan Bridge Tail", which has a history of more than 200 years. Dingyuan Bridge Tail, with exquisite materials, is a fat and thin room with tailbone on the buttocks of the local Dingyuan pig (a lean pig) ...

Shexian stone dumplings, Huizhou style snacks. Huizhou traditional noodles, which were famous as early as the Qing Dynasty, are well-known delicacies. In the street food stalls of the ancient city of Shexian County, you can see a kind of flat noodles in a pan, on which a smooth and shiny black stone is pressed, and the noodles emit a "snort" sound of oil, spewing out attacking people...

Wuhu Crab Yellow Soup Bun Crab Yellow Soup Bun is the traditional famous food of Wuhu, as early as the early 20s, Wuhu "Tongqing Lou", "Drunken Spring", "Yi Pin Xuan" and other large restaurants to serve crab yellow soup buns enjoyed a high reputation. The soup buns made by the famous white case dim sum masters Liu Houfu and Huang Jiazhi are particularly elaborate, and have become an indispensable point for large merchants to negotiate business and entertain relatives and friends...

Lotus clip lotus clip, also known as lotus, is a traditional dish in Tianchang City, lotus is the harmonic sound of "even", even is a pair of pairs, together is and he is as desired, the clip is a kind of "youzi", the meaning is very auspicious. Elderly people jokingly call the lotus clip "silver foreign money" because the shape of the lotus clip has holes in the circle and the shape is very similar to ancient coins. ...

Burning winter shoots is a traditional Han chinese snack in Huizhou, Anhui Province, where the shells of winter shoots are buried in firewood ashes, simmered until the hand presses the microsoft, removes the ashes, removes the shells and roots, and uses the back of the kitchen knife to insert the bamboo shoot meat into the bamboo shoot meat and pries outward into a piece of chopped wood-like strips. In addition, tomato sauce, sweet noodle sauce, hot sauce, sesame oil, soy sauce, green onion...

Baked bread sandwich loin sandwich, Anhui Bengbu famous Han snacks, from the introduction of the car to sell pulp, not to climb the elegant hall, as the name suggests is a combination of baked cakes, tenderloin, sauce and so on. It is a typical representative of modern Bengbu food culture, not only because of its unique regionality, but more importantly, it reflects the mussel ...

Hu Shi Yi pin pot Hu Shi Yi pin pot, also known as Jixi Yi Pin pot, reunion pot, Yi pin pot, originated from Shangzhuang, Jixi County, Anhui Province. Salty, slightly spicy, tender and delicious. Now Jixi Yipin Pot has become a representative dish of Hui cuisine, and after the literati Mr. Liang Shiqiu tasted the "Yipin Pot", he praised this dish and wrote a detailed description: "A big ...

Pulling silk taro is a traditional Han chinese dish in Anhui, which belongs to the Hui cuisine family. Silk pulling is mainly used to make beets, although the appearance is good, but it must be high temperature and oil, which will make the nutritional value of the taro itself lose, and even destroy the nutritional structure of the taro itself. The best way to cook taro is to steam it, or you can stew porridge to eat. handful...