
"One pigeon wins nine chickens": Do you like to eat roast pigeons?


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A suckling pigeon is a young pigeon that is within one month of age from the time the hull is pointed out to the time it leaves the nest for sale or retention.

"One pigeon wins nine chickens": Do you like to eat roast pigeons?

The pigeons are late adult birds, newly shelled chicks, whose eyes cannot be opened, cannot walk and feed freely, and need the feeding of the hen to survive. At this time, its body temperature regulation and disease resistance are very poor, so it is the most dangerous period of the pigeon's life.

"One pigeon wins nine chickens": Do you like to eat roast pigeons?

At this time, the pigeon meat is thick and tender, the nourishing effect is strong, the pigeon meat is delicious, the meat is tender, rich in crude protein and a small amount of inorganic salt and other nutrients, is a rare food delicacy.

"One pigeon wins nine chickens": Do you like to eat roast pigeons?

Folk are known as "one pigeon wins nine chickens". At present, the meat pigeon has become one of the four poultry (chicken, duck, goose, pigeon), pigeon meat is also known as white phoenix, the famous black chicken white phoenix ball is made of no chicken and white phoenix as raw materials.

"One pigeon wins nine chickens": Do you like to eat roast pigeons?

Pigeon meat is rich in chondroitin, which can increase the elasticity of the skin, improve blood circulation, can speed up the healing of wounds, each time half a piece (80-100g), as long as you have that condition, eating every day is no problem!

"One pigeon wins nine chickens": Do you like to eat roast pigeons?

There are many cooking methods of suckling pigeons, such as fried suckling pigeon, oil braised suckling pigeon, crispy suckling pigeon, noble concubine suckling pigeon, baked suckling pigeon, steamed milk pigeon, three pots of suckling pigeon, braised suckling pigeon, five-flavored suckling pigeon, goji steamed pigeon, fried pigeon balls, fried pigeon shredded green pepper, smooth and tender pigeon meat, angelica pigeon, ginseng steamed pigeon, cordyceps stewed pigeon, bubble pepper pigeon, glutinous rice buckle pigeon and so on. The production is varied and popular with diners.

"One pigeon wins nine chickens": Do you like to eat roast pigeons?

In Cantonese cuisine, there is a "crispy pigeon" is the most classic, with crispy flesh tender, bright red color, delicious flavor characteristics, often eat can make the body strong, clear lungs and smooth.

"One pigeon wins nine chickens": Do you like to eat roast pigeons?

Fu Ruitao, a famous chef from Changyuan, the hometown of Chinese chefs, published an article entitled "Crispy Milk Pigeon" in the twelfth issue of Oriental Cuisine Magazine in 2007, which was widely recognized by the industry, so that the practice of this dish has been unified and has a perfect production standard.

"One pigeon wins nine chickens": Do you like to eat roast pigeons?