
16 kinds of rice stir-fry, the method is simplified, the style is delicious, and it can be collected

author:Pony food diagram
16 kinds of rice stir-fry, the method is simplified, the style is delicious, and it can be collected

Chicken rice sprouts

Ingredients: Chicken, green pepper, egg liquid, minced ginger, minced rice sprouts, pepper, dried chili pepper, cooking wine, dry starch, salt.

1. Wash and dry the chicken, cut into small pieces, put it in a bowl, add egg mixture, dried starch, salt, minced ginger and pepper, mix well; green pepper, dried chili pepper, remove the seeds, wash and dice.

2. Put the pot on the fire, pour the appropriate amount of oil, cook until it is 90% hot, add the dried chili pepper cloves and stir-fry until fragrant, then put the chicken minced meat into the pot, fry on high heat until it is seven ripe, pour the diced green pepper into the pot, continue to fry on high heat for about 30 seconds, add the crushed rice sprouts, salt to taste, stir-fry for about a minute.

16 kinds of rice stir-fry, the method is simplified, the style is delicious, and it can be collected

Spicy fried crispy belly

Ingredients: pork belly, millet pepper segments, ginger slices, garlic slices, coriander segments, salt, monosodium glutamate, edible alkali powder, water starch, cooking wine.

1. Wash the pork belly, mix well with edible alkali, blanch in boiling water and cut into strips.

2. Heat the oil pot, add pork belly strips and stir-fry, add ginger slices, garlic slices, cooking wine, millet pepper segments and stir-fry until fragrant, then add salt, monosodium glutamate, coriander segments and stir-fry into the flavor, hook with water starch, and put on the plate.

16 kinds of rice stir-fry, the method is simplified, the style is delicious, and it can be collected

Stir-fried beans with olive vegetables

Ingredients: Beans, bottled olives, peppers, minced garlic, salt, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil, lard.

1. Wash the beans, cut into segments, remove the stems and seeds, wash and cut into rings for later.

2. Place the pot on high heat, add the beans and sauté until 9 minutes cooked, then set aside.

3. Heat the bottom oil in the pot, add minced garlic, olive vegetables and pepper and stir-fry slightly, then add the beans, salt and MSG and stir-fry. Drizzle with sesame oil and serve on a plate.

16 kinds of rice stir-fry, the method is simplified, the style is delicious, and it can be collected

Stewed tofu with minced meat

Ingredients: Tofu, minced meat, mushrooms, green peppers, green onions, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, cooking wine, salt, chicken essence, broth.

1: Cut the mushrooms into pieces, sit in a pot and light the heat, add shallots, ginger and garlic after the oil is hot, add minced meat, and then pour in cooking wine, soy sauce and broth.

2: Cut the tofu into pieces and put it in the pot, add the green pepper and mushroom after 10 minutes, add the chicken essence and salt after 2 minutes, and then put the pan on the plate.

16 kinds of rice stir-fry, the method is simplified, the style is delicious, and it can be collected

Tiger skin pepper

Ingredients: pepper, minced pork, green onion, sugar, soy sauce, salt, chicken essence, cooking wine.

1. Add salt, chicken essence and water to the minced pork, stir well in one direction, fry in a pan of oil until 70% oil is cooked, remove and set aside.

2. Wash the peppers, remove the stems and remove the seeds, vinegar, sugar, soy sauce and cooking wine into a sauce.

3. Heat the pot, put a little oil, add the pepper, fry over low heat until there are a few burnt spots on the skin, then add oil and sauté, cook the sauce and minced pork and stir well, cover the pot and heat for one minute.

16 kinds of rice stir-fry, the method is simplified, the style is delicious, and it can be collected

Scrambled minced meat with peeled eggs

Ingredients: Pork, egg skin, green and red pepper, coriander, egg white, shallots, salt, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate.

1. Handle the pork cleanly and minced, peel the peeled egg and chop it, and cut the green and red pepper into rings or dice.

2. Put the pot on the fire, add the right amount of oil to heat, add the minced pork and stir-fry until cooked, add the pepper and green onion and stir-fry until fragrant, add the skin egg and stir-fry, add salt, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce to taste, sprinkle with coriander.

16 kinds of rice stir-fry, the method is simplified, the style is delicious, and it can be collected

Shredded kimchi meat

1. Wash the kimchi, soak in cold water and remove the shredded. Shred the tenderloin and set aside.

2. Heat the oil in a pan and sauté the kimchi until fragrant.

3. Add an appropriate amount of starch, ginger and shallot water, monosodium glutamate, cooking wine, and a small amount of water to the shredded meat.

4. Heat the pan under the oil, under the dried peppercorns, ginger and onion garlic stir-fry, then the meat silky loose frying, under the kimchi stir-fry evenly, you can come to some sugar, the side of the pot drizzle a little cooking wine, stir-fry evenly out of the pot.

16 kinds of rice stir-fry, the method is simplified, the style is delicious, and it can be collected

Kimchi minced meat

1. Pickles soaked in cold water and chopped, pork belly chopped and set aside.

2. Start the pot under a little oil, fry the minced meat until dry and fragrant, crush the kimchi, stir-fry evenly, season with a little MSG chicken essence, sugar, cooking wine, a little pepper oil, sprinkle a little green onion and stir-fry out of the pot.

16 kinds of rice stir-fry, the method is simplified, the style is delicious, and it can be collected

Eggplant with minced meat

Ingredients: long eggplant, green onion, ginger, garlic, pork, yellow sauce, soy sauce, sugar, rice wine

1. Prepare all the ingredients, this dish of eggplant is best to use long eggplant, the taste is soft and tough, round eggplant is easy to rot.

2. Cut the long eggplant into long strips without peeling; mince the pork, chop the green onion, ginger and garlic and set aside.

3. Hot oil to 80% fried eggplant, the surface is golden brown fished out to control the oil; stir-fry minced meat until the water vapor becomes dry, under the yellow wine, onion ginger garlic minced and diluted yellow sauce simmered, under the soy sauce and hot water, the amount of water is enough to soak the minced meat and then a little more on it, after the water is boiled, the sugar and the oil-controlled eggplant strips, the high heat can be boiled for three minutes to hook the pot.

16 kinds of rice stir-fry, the method is simplified, the style is delicious, and it can be collected

Stir-fry the rice

Ingredients: pork, garlic, red pepper, shiitake mushrooms, green onion, squeezed vegetables, salt, chicken essence, soy pepper oil.

1. Wash the pork and chop it into minced pieces; wash and dice the vegetables and garlic; wash the mushrooms and red peppers separately (the red peppers also need to be seeded), cut into cubes, and set aside.

2. Heat the oil pan and sauté the minced pork until fragrant.

3. When the minced pork changes color, add the diced squeezed vegetables, diced garlic, diced red pepper and diced shiitake mushrooms and stir-fry.

4. When all ingredients are cooked thoroughly, season with salt, chicken essence and soy sauce.

5. Sprinkle a little green onion and stir-fry slightly before cooking, and serve on the plate.

16 kinds of rice stir-fry, the method is simplified, the style is delicious, and it can be collected

Minced sprouts

Ingredients: pork, sprouts, green onions, monosodium glutamate, a little cooking wine.

1. Chop the sprouts.

2. Wash the pork, make minced meat, add an appropriate amount of cooking wine and mix well, marinate for 10 minutes.

3. Put the pot on the fire, add the appropriate amount of oil, when the heat is 70%, pour the minced sprouts into the pot, and when the minced pork is cooked thoroughly and the sprouts are flavored, add the MSG and stir-fry evenly over medium-low heat, then you can put the pot on the plate.

16 kinds of rice stir-fry, the method is simplified, the style is delicious, and it can be collected

Mapo tofu

1. Prepare a piece of tender tofu and an appropriate amount of beef foam. Garlic seedlings to taste.

2. Cut the tofu into pieces, blanch the water in the pot to reduce the bean smell, add some soy sauce and a little salt to the pot when blanching. Remove and cool dry water.

3. Heat the pot into the oil to taste, put in the minced beef stir-fried crisp, down into the bean paste, tempeh, stir-fry out of the red oil under the chili powder stir-fry incense, pour in the right amount of hot soup or boiling water, boil into the tofu, mix in cooking wine, soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, hook three courses, high heat to collect the soup, put in garlic sprouts, sprinkle an appropriate amount of small

Onion, out of the pot and plate, and finally sprinkle some pepper noodles evenly on top of the tofu.

16 kinds of rice stir-fry, the method is simplified, the style is delicious, and it can be collected

Diced chicken with crushed rice

Ingredients: baby chicken breast, salt crisp peanut kernels, chopped chili pepper, green onion, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, monosodium glutamate, water bean powder, fresh soup, lard.

1. Peel and chop the salt crisp peanut kernels and chop them into small particles. The chicken is washed, cut into cubes about 0.6 cm in size, and mixed with salt, soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, monosodium glutamate, water bean powder, and fresh soup to make a sauce.

2. Heat the oil in the pot to 50% oil temperature, add the chicken cubes and fry them, add the minced chili peppers and stir-fry them until fragrant, spray in the juice, add green onions and peanuts and stir-fry evenly into the pan and plate into a dish.

16 kinds of rice stir-fry, the method is simplified, the style is delicious, and it can be collected

Stir-fried duck with sour radish

1. Dice the pickled radish. Dice the duck, add ginger and shallots, cooking wine, a little salt, and an appropriate amount of water starch to pick well.

2. Start the pot to burn the oil, under the dried peppercorns, ginger and shallots, stir-fry fragrant, under the duck diced slippery and blanched, a spoonful of watercress sauce stir-fry fragrant, and then add the diced pickled radish, stir-fry evenly, pour in cooking wine, adjust chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, pepper to taste, pour in the appropriate amount of water starch out of the pot and plate.

16 kinds of rice stir-fry, the method is simplified, the style is delicious, and it can be collected

Spicy diced meat

Ingredients: pork, lettuce, chopped chili pepper, ginger slices, garlic slices, diced green onion, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, cooking wine, monosodium glutamate, water bean powder, fresh soup, mixed oil.

1. Cut the lettuce into 1 cm square cubes, kill the water with salt, cut the pork into dices of about 1.4 cm, and mix well with salt, cooking wine and water bean flour.

2. Mix soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, water bean powder, vinegar and fresh soup into a sauce.

3. Put the wok on high heat, put the mixed oil to 60% of the oil temperature, put in the diced meat and fry the seeds, put the minced chili pepper and fry until the oil is red, add ginger slices, garlic slices, diced green onion, lettuce diced and stir-fry the aroma, spray into the juice, after the juice is brightened, put the pot on the plate.

16 kinds of rice stir-fry, the method is simplified, the style is delicious, and it can be collected

Fishy minced and smooth meat

Ingredients: lettuce, two-knife meat (fatty meat is less than lean meat), fungus, green onion, ginger, garlic, red pickled pepper or watercress, sugar, balsamic vinegar, salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, soy sauce, water bean powder, cooking wine, pepper, salad oil.

1. Cut the meat into small pieces, the lettuce into small pieces, the fungus into small pieces, the green onion, ginger and garlic are chopped, and the red pickled pepper or watercress is finely chopped.

2. Mix the sauce: add a little salt to the bowl, add a little salt to the bottom, sugar, balsamic vinegar (vinegar can be slightly covered with sugar), pepper, soy sauce, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, cooking wine, fresh soup or water, water bean powder and stir well.

3. Add salt, cooking wine, ginger and shallot juice wine and water bean powder to the minced meat to marinate the taste.

4. Put the pot on the high heat, pour the oil to the pot first, then add the onion, ginger, garlic, watercress or pickled pepper and stir-fry the red oil, add the minced meat and stir-fry, add the lettuce, fungus, stir-fry evenly, stir-fry well, sprinkle the green onion and turn it upside down and evenly out of the pot to put it on the plate.