
This fragrant beef shortbread is served and loved by the whole family

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
This fragrant beef shortbread is served and loved by the whole family

Made with traditional lard and made into a beef shortbread, the puff pastry is crispy and the beef filling is delicious, so delicious.

By flower kittens


Shortbread Ingredients:

High gluten flour 250g

Amando pure fragrant lard 40 g

Water 130ml

Yeast 3 g

Sugar 3 g

Puff pastry

Low gluten flour 250 g

Amando pure fragrant lard 125 g

Beef filling:

Beef minced beef 250g

1 scoop of cooking wine

Pepper 1/3 scoop

Salt 3 g

Oyster sauce 10 g

1 scoop of light soy sauce

1 tsp of peppercorn powder

1 tsp of sugar

2 scoops of water

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

This fragrant beef shortbread is served and loved by the whole family

1, crispy dim sum or to use traditional lard to make more crisp

This fragrant beef shortbread is served and loved by the whole family

2, in the middle is salty and delicious beef filling

This fragrant beef shortbread is served and loved by the whole family

3. Layer by layer crispy

This fragrant beef shortbread is served and loved by the whole family

4, now you can buy the finished lard directly, very convenient.

This fragrant beef shortbread is served and loved by the whole family

5, I use love mando pure fragrant lard, cold chain transportation, summer do not have to worry about melting spilled out.

This fragrant beef shortbread is served and loved by the whole family

6, white and delicate

This fragrant beef shortbread is served and loved by the whole family

7. Add the oil skin material to the stirring bucket

This fragrant beef shortbread is served and loved by the whole family

8: Knead into a relatively soft dough, put it in a warm place and cover the lid to ferment

This fragrant beef shortbread is served and loved by the whole family

9: Mix the short gluten flour and lard with the puff pastry and stir well, the weather is relatively hot, put it in the refrigerator and refrigerate for 20 minutes.

This fragrant beef shortbread is served and loved by the whole family

10: Add spices to the beef filling and stir into meat filling.

This fragrant beef shortbread is served and loved by the whole family

11. Set aside the meat filling.

This fragrant beef shortbread is served and loved by the whole family

12, the oil skin is fermented well, the volume increases

This fragrant beef shortbread is served and loved by the whole family

13, this is the state of fermentation

This fragrant beef shortbread is served and loved by the whole family

14. Divide into 8 portions

This fragrant beef shortbread is served and loved by the whole family

15: Roll round each serving.

This fragrant beef shortbread is served and loved by the whole family

16. The puff pastry is also divided into 8 parts

This fragrant beef shortbread is served and loved by the whole family

17: Take a round roll of oil and wrap it into a puff pastry, pinch it tightly and close it.

This fragrant beef shortbread is served and loved by the whole family

18: Roll out into an oval shape

This fragrant beef shortbread is served and loved by the whole family

19. Fold in half

This fragrant beef shortbread is served and loved by the whole family

20. Roll out again

This fragrant beef shortbread is served and loved by the whole family

21. Roll up from top to bottom.

This fragrant beef shortbread is served and loved by the whole family

22. Cut into two doughs from the middle

This fragrant beef shortbread is served and loved by the whole family

23: Cut down, use your thumb to press and rotate to hollow out in the middle, add beef filling, seal and wrap tightly.

This fragrant beef shortbread is served and loved by the whole family

24: Place the seal down on the baking sheet and flatten

This fragrant beef shortbread is served and loved by the whole family

25: Bake at 150 degrees in a preheated oven for 40 minutes.

This fragrant beef shortbread is served and loved by the whole family

26. Pure lard can make a variety of Chinese and Western-style pastry snacks.

This fragrant beef shortbread is served and loved by the whole family

27. Layers of crispy

This fragrant beef shortbread is served and loved by the whole family

28. The beef shortbread that fell off the dregs as soon as I ate it was finished.


When the filling is finally wrapped, the puff pastry can be refrigerated for 20 minutes after one step before proceeding to the next step. It can also be cooked in a pan or electric cake pan.

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