
Summary of the 2021-22 Season Volleyball Super League: 4 areas are done well, 3 aspects are not done properly

Two or three days have passed since the 2021-22 Premier League season, and the wonderful games during this period are still memorable.

Every competition, no matter how carefully planned by the organizers, and no matter how well the management behind it is, there is always something good and bad. So what is the good work done in this volleyball super league, what can be continued to be carried forward in the future, and what are the general and need to be improved in the future?

Summary of the 2021-22 Season Volleyball Super League: 4 areas are done well, 3 aspects are not done properly

Xiang Chu paid attention to this tournament almost the whole time, and he still knew more about this competition. Let me summarize a bit and take stock of the tournament.

First, let me talk about what I did well.

First, the event was successfully held.

Under the current circumstances, the greatest success is to be able to hold the event smoothly. From the start of the first round of the competition on November 25 to the end of the competition on January 5, coupled with the preparation of several days before and after the event, more than 40 days, 14 teams, about 300 people, holding such a large competition in the same city, the organizers are really worried.

During this period, there were no accidents and the game was successfully completed. This is the result of the efforts of the organizers. Thanks to the relevant staff in Jiangmen.

Summary of the 2021-22 Season Volleyball Super League: 4 areas are done well, 3 aspects are not done properly

Second, foreign aid has been successfully introduced.

Subject to the strict domestic epidemic prevention and control requirements, foreign athletes who want to compete in our country need to strictly implement our side of the epidemic prevention policy, such as 14 + 7 days of isolation. Some foreign athletes are reluctant to join our league. In this case, there are still 4 high-level athletes who come to our volleyball super league.

Everyone also saw that although there were not many foreign aid, their arrival made the Volleyball Super League more exciting. In the future, if conditions permit, we can invite more high-level foreign aid to make our league more exciting and attract more people to pay attention to our league.

Summary of the 2021-22 Season Volleyball Super League: 4 areas are done well, 3 aspects are not done properly

Third, Vargas's highlight performance allows us to see the gap between domestic volleyball players and international top volleyball players.

This can be said in perfect conjunction with the second point. It's just that Vargas's performance is too prominent, and it is necessary to focus on it.

A Vargas we didn't know before simply subverted our understanding of foreign aid. We knew that the big jump of foreign players was very strong, but we didn't expect our players to be so adaptable. Vargas used a strong jump to completely tear up a pass from the domestic volleyball team, causing the players to collapse and lose confidence. Due to the lack of opportunities to play against high-level players, especially with players with a men's style of play, when Vargas smashed the ball at our players, our players were completely uncomfortable. It truly embodies what is called "vigorous miracle".

Summary of the 2021-22 Season Volleyball Super League: 4 areas are done well, 3 aspects are not done properly

This is a reality that our players will have to face in the future. There are many players like Vargas abroad. These players have something in common, tall, physically flexible, bouncing high, and then strength. If our players can't pick up their big smashes, it's trouble, and we don't want to participate in international matches. Our coaches have to find ways to adapt the players to this style, preferably with that ability. Because this is the future trend.

Summary of the 2021-22 Season Volleyball Super League: 4 areas are done well, 3 aspects are not done properly

Fourth, a group of good young players have emerged.

After the Tokyo Olympics, many older players will choose to retire. Then it is necessary to train a new group of players to prepare for the Paris Olympic cycle. The league is a great opportunity to select players.

In this year's Volleyball Super League, there have been many young and outstanding players around the age of 15 to 20. For example, Wang Yifan, Wang Yindi, Wu Mengjie, Wan Ziyue, etc., are not described in detail here. The new coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team has not yet been selected. However, no matter who will be the head coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team, there is no need to worry about no good seedlings. As long as they can do their best to cultivate, they can train a very effective national team in a very short period of time.

Summary of the 2021-22 Season Volleyball Super League: 4 areas are done well, 3 aspects are not done properly

Let's talk about what we didn't do well.

First, temporarily change the format.

The format of any event is formulated before the start of the tournament. Unexpectedly, after playing two stages in this year's league, the Volleyball Association felt that there was something wrong with it, so it temporarily changed the format. Although no team has explicitly complained, it is not known whether it has been said in private. This is also a joke.

Summary of the 2021-22 Season Volleyball Super League: 4 areas are done well, 3 aspects are not done properly

Second, a single foreign aid policy.

A total of four foreign aides have been introduced this season, of which the Shanghai women's volleyball team has two foreign aides. In the past, the league has never restricted foreign aid, and this season it is preferable to pursue a "single foreign aid" policy. The pertinence is also too strong, no wonder so many fans complain. This estimate will be used as a joke for a long time.

Summary of the 2021-22 Season Volleyball Super League: 4 areas are done well, 3 aspects are not done properly

Third, the award ceremony is too simple and lacks a sense of ceremony.

The award ceremony is too simplistic. The awards ceremony did not have a little festive atmosphere, there was no podium, there was no sense of ceremony at all. A table tennis commercial event, with 30 athletes participating, will make the award ceremony very grand. Why are they doing this? It is nothing more than to make the event more beautiful, more attractive, more commercial, more people will watch it, and the influence of the event will become more and more. It's a virtuous cycle.

Summary of the 2021-22 Season Volleyball Super League: 4 areas are done well, 3 aspects are not done properly

The award ceremony of the Volleyball Super League is ordinary and simple. The on-site layout is very simple, and the lighting and choreography are not done well. The players have worked hard for a season, and it is estimated that the players who received the award will find the joy of finally getting the medal after dozens of days of struggle. It's all a task, finish early and go home early. How can such an event be attractive and how can it develop?

This is really a volleyball game that is on par with a table tennis game. Table tennis tournament organizers are looking for ways to improve the viewing, mystery and sense of ceremony of the game. The attractiveness of table tennis events will become more and more attractive, and the market will become bigger and bigger.

Summary of the 2021-22 Season Volleyball Super League: 4 areas are done well, 3 aspects are not done properly

The domestic volleyball game is completely closed to entertain itself, without considering how to look good, how to improve the influence, and increase the scale of the market. Usually I only know that volleyball games do not make money, and I don't want to improve the charm of volleyball games. No one is looking at how to improve efficiency.

What do you think is good and bad? Leave a comment in the comments section to discuss.

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