
The silent City of Xingping

The silent City of Xingping

Text/Gao Yupeng

Half a month,

The city sank into silence,

People hide in their homes,

Don't dare to speak out,

Afraid of the terrible disease of new crown pneumonia,

Drill into the house,

Disturbing the whole family is restless.

Not a short time,

Tens of thousands of people tense nerves,

It's like strings,

There are conditions for vocalization,

No artist's hand dares to touch,

Play a song of sorrow,

Let the virus listen.

The streets are empty,

I don't know how people feel,

Stuffy at home,

Enjoy a happy life,

Don't see each other,

Protect the purity of the breath,

so as not to infect the situation.

See you on TikTok,

Chat on WeChat,

Feel free to sleep and wake up naturally,

Eating enough is a symbol of contentment,

No labor,

Press the pause button who will adapt,

It's like the temperament of Vipassana.

Someone jumped off the building,

is really happening,

Mother and son from a high building,

The discussion is very fierce,

What is the role of news,

Nothing more than a day or two to forget like the wind,

Nothing can disturb the dream of hibernation.

Always have to pass the time,

The jubilation of the Internet,

The three major do not leave a little freedom,

Look at the books and listen to the lessons,

Resources are too poor,

Mutual disrespect for what you want to see,

Internet is like Internacional's bear.

Lonely Street,

It's the journey of longing,

The road of tranquility,

It's a distant shadow,

I am home

Through the window,

Gently call for when to unseal.

INTERVIEWER January 8, 2022

The silent City of Xingping