
Shanxi Travel Guide

author:Shōshu Miscellaneous Studies
Shanxi Travel Guide


Shanxi, located east of the Yellow River and west of the Taihang Mountains, nourishes a distinctive style by the endless flowing Mother River. There are roots here, the legendary "Yaodu Pingyang", "Shundu Puban", "Yudu Anyi" are all in this land, and the Ming Dynasty Hongdong locust tree has always pinned on the chinese descendants' nostalgia for the roots. Hengshan Mountain, Northern Wudang Mountain, Wutai Mountain, Taihang Mountain and the Yellow River in the west and south of the river shine together. In the 500 years since the Ming and Qing dynasties, a number of Jinshang compounds have emerged everywhere embodying the spirit of Jia Dao, who is rich and benevolent. The land of the Three Jin Dynasties is a place where soldiers and families must fight for generations, and many war relics can still faintly see the brand of the Jinge Iron Horse of that year. The long history has blessed many ancient buildings, grotto statues, painted murals, ancient cities and passes, and cultural sites in Shanxi, and wander through them, deeply feeling that the spark of civilization is still shining.

It has an area of about 160,000 square kilometers, ranking 20th in the country.

The total population is 35.01 million, ranking 19th in the country.

The capital of the province is Taiyuan.

The climate is temperate continental, with cold winters and warm summers, with four distinct seasons. The difference between north and south and vertical is large. It is characterized by long and cold and dry winters, short and hot and rainy summers, large daily temperature differences in spring, wind and sand, and a short and mild climate in autumn.

Topography: Located in the eastern wing of the Loess Plateau in western North China, located in the west of the Taihang Mountains and east of the Yellow River. The terrain is more complex, with mountains, hills, plateaus, basins, terraces and other landform types, and mountains and hills account for more than two-thirds of the total area.


Shanxi Travel Guide

China Coal Museum: 60 yuan. There are coal generation hall, coal and human museum, coal art museum, coal archive museum, etc., of which four-dimensional dynamic film and underground simulation mine are the two highlights, providing visitors with the most intuitive experience from coal formation to mining, and there is also a Shanxi ancient fine mural exhibition in the museum, which has high value.

Food: The most famous noodles are fried dragon noodles, cat ears, fish rubbing, meat stir-fried and sharpened, knife-cut noodles, fried knots and other unique characteristics. Specialties include Taiyuan Mind (Eight Treasures Soup), and delicacies include Steamed Dumplings, Taigu Cake, Six Flavor Sauce Meat, Ruicheng Hemp Slices, Haggis Soup, Gaoping Grilled Tofu, Pingyang Bubble Cake, etc. The food street located at the mouth of The East Street is a great place to taste delicious snacks.


Shanxi Travel Guide
Shanxi Travel Guide
Shanxi Travel Guide
Shanxi Travel Guide

Wutai Mountain: 135 yuan. With an average altitude of more than 1,000 meters, it integrates natural scenery, historical relics, ancient building art, Buddhist culture, folk customs, and summer recuperation. The mountains are stacked on top of each other, the scenery is pleasant, and the five main peaks in the east, west, south and north can see the sunrise of the sea of clouds and the delicate colors of the bright moon. There are also heavenly wonders such as hot melt lake, ice swelling hill, stone sea ishikawa, dragon turning stone, writing cliff, Buddha mother cave and so on. Wutai Mountain is one of the four major Buddhist shrines in China, is the ashram of Manjushri Bodhisattva, and there are 48 existing monasteries, with ancient buildings, sculptures and paintings.

The four buddhist holy sites are Mount Wutai in Shanxi, Mount Emei in Sichuan, Mount Putuo in Zhejiang and Mount Jiuhua in Anhui, which are the dojos of Manjushri Bodhisattva, Puxian Bodhisattva, Guanyin Bodhisattva and Jizo Bodhisattva, respectively.

Warm tips: in the summer, you need to bring rain gear to Wutai Mountain, you need to bring sweaters and sweaters in spring and autumn, and you have to rent cotton coats when you climb the east platform to watch the sunrise.

Ningwu Ice Cave: 120 yuan. The largest ice cave found in China so far, the temperature has always been maintained at -4 ° C. The cave is full of icicles, ice curtains, ice falls, ice shoots, ice flowers, ice clocks, ice Buddhas, etc.

Ningwu Tianchi: 40 yuan. The water surface is 1771 meters above sea level, and the lake does not overflow under rain or drought. There are also Scenic Spots such as Luya Mountain, Small Hanging Temple, Ten Thousand Buddha Cave, Ten Thousand Years Ice Cellar, Ningwu Guanlou, ancient Great Wall and so on.


Hengshan: 55 yuan. Famous for its northern part of the Five Mountains, it is a famous Taoist holy land and tourist attraction. It stretches for more than 200 kilometers from east to west, and the main peak TianfengLing is 2016.1 meters above sea level. With the twin peaks facing each other, Tianfeng Ridge and Cuiping Peak are the center, forming scenic spots such as Tianfeng Ridge, Cuiping Peak, Thousand Buddha Peak, hot springs, as well as the scenic spots of Hunyuan City and the Longshan Nature Reserve. Beiyue Temple is the most magnificent Taoist temple in Hengshan, and the Hanging Temple brings architectural aesthetics and mechanics to the extreme.

Hanging Temple: 130 yuan. It was founded in the Northern Wei Dynasty. Skillfully using the cliffs and adapting to local conditions, there are 40 temple pavilions, consisting of the east courtyard and the second floor of the north and south. Inside the temple, the Jade Emperor, Shakyamuni and Confucius were placed side by side on a high platform, forming a scene of the unity of the three religions of Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism and Confucianism. There are many statues, including 78 bronze, iron, clay and stone statues.

Shanxi Travel Guide
Shanxi Travel Guide

Yungang Grottoes: 120 yuan. It was founded in the Northern Wei Dynasty. One of the largest groups of ancient grottoes in our country. The grottoes are excavated on the mountain, stretching for 1,000 meters from east to west, there are 45 main caves, 252 large and small niches, more than 51,000 stone statues, the highest is 17 meters, and the smallest is only 2 centimeters. The Buddha statues combine the characteristics of Indian Buddhism and the Northern Wei Dynasty at that time, highlighting the characteristics of tallness, grandeur, dignity and kindness. Among them, the five caves of Tan Yao were excavated the earliest and the most magnificent. The fifth and sixth caves and wuhua caves are rich in content, rich and magnificent, and are the essence of Yungang art.

Cuisine: Mount Wutai is a Buddhist holy place, remember not to bring meat into the parish. The local Mushroom is very famous, you can taste the meat slices fried mushroom, stir-fried Taiwan mushroom, chicken stewed Mushroom and other traditional famous dishes, special snacks such as Hequ sour porridge, the original pan helmet, the noodle nest, Xinzhou tile crisp, Shenchi twist flower, Fanzhi Rice Cake, Daixian Hemp Slice and so on. Datong cuisine includes oil cake, hundred flowers roasted sale, Hunyuan cold powder, Yingzhou beef loin and so on.


Shanxi Travel Guide
Shanxi Travel Guide

Qiao family compound: 72 yuan. The residence of the third generation of the Qiao family, Qiao Zhiyong, "in the middle hall", was built in the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty. Covering an area of more than 8,000 square meters, it consists of 6 large courtyards and 19 small courtyards with a total of 313 houses. Viewed from a high place, the castle-like building as a whole has a double "hi" glyph layout. Brick carvings in the courtyard, ridge carvings, wall carvings, screen carvings, and railing carvings have their own styles.

The Qiao Family Compound has now been set up as the Qixian Folk Customs Museum, reflecting the folk customs of the Jinzhong area in Shanxi during the Ming and Qing dynasties. The movie "Big Red Lantern Hanging High" was filmed in the Qiao family compound.

Qujia compound: 40 yuan. The country's rare five-entry style piercing courtyard has a total of 8 courtyards and 240 houses, including the largest stage and theater garden in Shanxi folk houses. It is now opened as the Jinshang Cultural Museum.

Mianshan: 110 yuan. Also known as "Jieshan Mountain", it stretches for more than 50 kilometers and is 2072 meters above sea level. The mountain is steep, cliff-like, and the natural scenery is very beautiful, and the attractions include Baiyun Temple, Guangyan Temple, Yunzhong Temple, Jizo Hall, Shigu Temple, Dragon King Temple, Bailong, Fatai, Checkerboard Stone, Five Dragon Tombs, Anderson Cliffs.


Pingyao Ancient City: Attractions Combined Ticket 150. Founded before 2700, Ming Hongwu iii years (1370 AD) expanded to the current scale, is China's most complete preservation of ancient county towns, composed of ancient city walls, ancient streets and alleys, ancient shops, ancient temple characters, Ming and Qing dynasty residences. Pingyao has been an important town in the north since the 16th century, and was the financial center of modern China in the 19th century. The ancient city wall is 12 meters high, with a circumference of 6500 meters, 6 gates, 4 square urns, 3000 battlements, and a Kuixing Tower in the southeast wall. There is a moat outside the wall, 4 meters deep and wide.

Pingyao Ancient County: Located in the center of the ancient city, it was founded in the Northern Wei Dynasty. The office sits north and faces south, consisting of six courtyards, with a symmetrical layout, left and right, front and back. The main and subordinate building complex is orderly and the structure is reasonable, which can be called the shadow of the imperial official line. The county tour is more informative, and there are also performances in the ascension hall. Rishengchang ticket number: 10 yuan. Founded in the Qing Dynasty, it is the earliest private bank in China, ending the backward form of China's long-term reliance on dart boards to escort cash, and operating outlets almost all over the country. It has now been changed to the China Ticket Number Museum.

Historically, Pingyao has set up more than 20 ticket numbers and opened semicolons throughout the country, creating a precedent for Chinese finance. The more influential ticket numbers are Rishengchang, Wei fengfeng, Andi xingzhong.


Shanxi Travel Guide

Yellow River Hukou Waterfall: 91 yuan. The world's largest yellow waterfall, due to the hijacking of the mountains on both sides, the yellow river water here is like entering a narrow thick neck, the river surface from 300 meters to 50 meters, forming a waterfall with a drop of 20 or 30 meters, turbid waves, magnificent. Tips: In October, Hukou Waterfall has the most water, but the temperature is low at this time, so it is best to bring thick clothes.

Pushou Temple: 70 yuan. The place where the story takes place in the Yuan Dynasty miscellaneous drama "The Tale of the West Chamber". The warbler pagoda inside the temple is strangely structured and is one of the rare echo buildings in China.

The shape of the Warbler Pagoda of the Universal Salvation Temple is similar to that of the Xi'an Little Wild Goose Pagoda, and it is one of the four major echo buildings in ancient China. 15 meters from the tower with stones to each other, from the tower will be heard like a frog call, the sound is clear and surprising.

Wulaofeng: 85 yuan. Danxia landform, centered on Wulao Peak and Gupu Prefecture, includes six scenic spots such as Wangguanyu, Yunxian Pavilion, Longtou Mountain, and the bank of the Yellow River.

Cuisine: Jinzhong cuisine includes Yuci enema, Jinzhong oil cake, oil noodles, pearl porridge and so on. Pingyao beef is made of high-quality calf leg meat cooked and marinated, the meat is tender, crispy and delicious, when buying, you must look for the "Guanyun" brand. Pingyao Bowl Saucer is a flavorful pasta snack with gluten, smooth and delicious texture. Linfen's special snacks include Empress Dowager's Imperial Bubble Cake, Haggis Braised, Fried Braised, Pig Blood Enema, etc. Yuncheng cuisine has lamb carrots, the north of xiangzhen people do the best, flavor snacks such as Wenxi boiled cake, roasted wheat, old jinzi twist flower and so on.

The underground civilization looks at Shaanxi, and the aboveground civilization looks at Shanxi. The traces left by China for 5,000 years have left a strange color on this loess land. And this color is overshadowed by the name of the modern province as a major province of resources. Welcome everyone to travel to Shanxi and let the millennium civilization shine again.