
Humanistic ancient villages bloom fanghua Overseas Chinese township style adds color

author:Southern Daily
Humanistic ancient villages bloom fanghua Overseas Chinese township style adds color

Hounan Village wealthy merchant Yang Chaorong returned to his hometown to build a combination of Chinese and Western architecture Haiyuan Building. Photo by Tang Binshi

Humanistic ancient villages bloom fanghua Overseas Chinese township style adds color

The Yang Family Temple of Baihou of Tai Po County is a place where the Yang clan at home and abroad worship their ancestors and seek their roots. Photo by He Senyao

Humanistic ancient villages bloom fanghua Overseas Chinese township style adds color

Walking into the tourist area of BaihouMing Town in Hounan Village, the mottled walls carry the traces of time. Photo by He Senyao

Humanistic ancient villages bloom fanghua Overseas Chinese township style adds color

Hounan Village is located in the core area of the tourist area of Baihouming Town, with many ancient houses. Photo by He Senyao

Humanistic ancient villages bloom fanghua Overseas Chinese township style adds color

The streets of Hounan Village are clean and tidy, and there are cleaners working in different areas every day. Photo by He Senyao

Humanistic ancient villages bloom fanghua Overseas Chinese township style adds color

In the exhibition hall of overseas Chinese deeds in Baihou Town, the deeds of overseas Chinese living abroad in inheriting the culture of their hometown and supporting the construction of their hometown are displayed.

Photo by Maggie Pond

Walking in Hounan Village, Baihou Town, you can enjoy the idyllic scenery and feel the quiet township life; you can explore the traces of historical relics and feel the traces of history; you can experience the humanistic customs and feel the fruitful spiritual precipitation. Its elegant ancient architecture and strong humanities make people linger.

In recent years, Based on the advantages of overseas Chinese characteristics, profound historical and cultural heritage, and many ancient residences, Hounan Village has dug deep into the resources to activate the ancient colors, optimize the environment to highlight the green, explore and innovate to create bright colors, based on ecological resources, relying on the integration of culture and tourism, and aiming at enriching the people through tourism, and strives to create a new path of rural revitalization with characteristics.

Exquisite countryside, regrouped. Recently, looking for the vanguard of Guangdong and American villages - the third "Guangdong Top Ten Beautiful Villages" series of activities ended the online voting session, of which Hounan Village, Baihou Town, Dapu County, participated in the "Guangdong Top Ten Beautiful Overseas Chinese Villages" selection, so that this ancient village that realized the beautiful butterfly transformation once again entered people's vision.

●Ma Ji Chi Yu Hao

Based on overseas Chinese

Overseas Chinese compatriots help the development of public welfare undertakings and cultural tourism industries in their hometowns

Starting from the Baihou Town Government, along the winding village road of the ancient town, into the town center of Hounan Village, Zhaoqingtang, HaiyuanLou, Qinanxuan and other exotic Chinese and Western buildings appear in front of you. These buildings originated from the Hakka overseas Chinese who broke out of Hounan, and with their different experiences and aesthetics, they gave a unique coat to the buildings towering over the fields of Hounan.

Hounan Village was built in the Song Dynasty, with a history of more than 700 years, and is the center village of Baihou Town, with a total population of 5448 people. There are more than 30,000 overseas villagers and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots in the town, including more than 1,000 overseas villagers and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots in Hounan Village, who are mainly distributed in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, North America, Australia, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and other places, so they have the reputation of overseas Chinese.

"Supporting the construction of the hometown, the overseas Chinese in Hounan Village have made great contributions, and hospitals, schools, highways, and bridges have all donated funds from overseas Chinese." Luo Qingfeng, a member of the propaganda committee of the Party Committee of Baihou Town, said that since 1978, Yang Zengyun, Yang Hongyao, Yang Chenglong and other overseas villagers have donated more than 100 million yuan to support the public welfare undertakings in their hometowns, of which more than 140 people have donated more than one million yuan, which has played a positive role in promoting the development of various undertakings in Baihou Town.

It has been learned that although the overseas Chinese in Hounan Village live overseas, through the intermediaries and bridges of water tourists and overseas Chinese, they have paid great attention to various social affairs such as the economy, culture, and customs of their hometown, and have actively participated in them, thus playing a major role in the development of their hometown society.

Among them, the Hakka residential building complex built by overseas Chinese returning to their hometowns has added a unique charm to Hounan Village, an ancient Chinese village.

For example, the Haiyuan Building, built in 1917, is a combination of Chinese and Western architecture built for Yang Chaorong, a wealthy merchant in Hounan Village, who earned huge sums of money in Malaysia as a businessman and a waterman, which is the "post office" connecting Nanyang and Hounan Village from the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, and is also a symbol and witness of many water customers in the hometown of Overseas Chinese in Baihou. In recent years, Baihou Town attaches great importance to the historical protection of overseas Chinese batches, and in 2014, it completed the repair and installation of the overseas Chinese batch hall relying on Haiyuan Building, selected and compiled the background, operation mode, rescue and protection, and value reproduction pictures of Guangdong overseas Chinese batches, and preserved and displayed many overseas Chinese batch archives at home and abroad.

In order to show the patriotic heart of the vast number of overseas Chinese, the United Front Work Department of the Tai Po County CPC Committee and the county overseas Chinese affairs department also raised funds to build an exhibition hall of overseas Chinese deeds in Baihou Town, showing the deeds of overseas Chinese living abroad in inheriting their hometown culture and supporting the construction of their hometown. It aims to unite the people's hearts, build friendship, form a joint force, and make more and greater contributions to the revitalization and development of the countryside and the construction of a beautiful home in Baihou Town.

It is worth mentioning that in recent years, Baihou Town has taken "Humanistic Hundred Hou" as the main purpose, and has carried out hierarchical protection of ancient residences and intangible cultural heritage in the town. Among them, Hounan Village has built more than 10 traditional cultural exhibition halls such as Hanlin Pavilion, Farming Hall, Guoxue Hall, Overseas Chinese Cultural Hall, and Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition Hall on the basis of repairing and protecting more than 90 ancient residential buildings since the Ming and Qing dynasties, such as ZhaoqingTang, Haiyuan Lou and Qi Nanxuan. Relying on these historical treasures, Hounan Village has become a famous historical and cultural town in Baihou China and the core area of the national 4A-level tourist area, laying the foundation for the development of the village's cultural tourism industry.

Enhance your appearance

The construction of beautiful villages not only shapes but also casts the soul

"After the transformation of this road, the villagers walked well and safely, thanks to the government for Baihou villagers to do a great thing." Yang Qiaolan, a villager in Hounan Village, Baihou Town, said that the transformation of Houzhong Road has greatly improved the traffic environment of surrounding residents and teachers and students of Baihou Middle School, and the masses all clapped their hands and applauded.

Walking on the village road of Hounan Village in Baihou Town, the first feeling is that it is quiet, clean and comfortable. The ponds in the village are clear, the roads are flat, and the evergreen grass beside the road is full of life. Murals and slogans can be seen everywhere, creating a fiery atmosphere for improving the living environment in the whole village.

To develop rural tourism, we must first improve the appearance of the countryside, and the construction of beautiful villages must be in the forefront.

To this end, as the first batch of new rural pioneer demonstration villages in the county, in recent years, Hounan Village of Baihou Town has improved the appearance of the main attack village. Cadre organizations took the lead and the masses participated together, setting off a boom in the comprehensive improvement of the living environment.

"Focusing on the 'three demolitions, three cleansing and three rectifications' and the control of the township style, Hounan Village mobilized the villagers to do a good job in cleaning up the front and back of the house, and guided the villagers to develop the idle plots at the entrance into small vegetable gardens, small orchards, small gardens and small parks." Implement and complete a series of projects such as the improvement of Qilou Street and the 36th Lane pipeline, the construction of the ecological oxidation pond contiguous construction of tourist trails, and the transformation and upgrading of Houzhong Road, so as to protect the style and cleanliness of the ancient village to the greatest extent. Yang Zhiqi, deputy mayor of Baihou Town, said.

Comprehensively controlling rural garbage and sewage treatment is a powerful measure to improve the rural environment and enhance the living environment, and it is also the desire of the masses. In order to achieve a clean, tidy and orderly village environment, Hounan Village proceeded from reality, improved water quality standards through oxidation pond purification treatment, and gradually established a long-term cleaning mechanism.

It is reported that Hounan Village has a permanent population of about 2,700 people, about 1.5 tons of garbage per day, 18 village-level cleaners, environmental sanitation and garbage removal and transportation invest about 350,000 yuan per year, and the transfer is carried out by a third-party company. At the same time, a new sewage treatment plant was built to treat 1500 cubic meters of sewage per day. With the implementation of one remediation project after another, the garbage in the village has become clean and tidy.

The construction of beautiful villages must not only shape, but also cast the soul.

To this end, Hounan Village makes full use of profound historical and cultural resources to create a "family style family training hall", promotes family style and family training into ten thousand family activities, inherits good family style and family training, and cultivates a new style of civilization.

Nowadays, in the 36th Lane area of Hounan Village, you can see the family style and family training displayed on the gate of every household, as well as the ancestral hall that serves as a base for spreading civilized rural style and family style. By guiding the villagers to change customs and customs, strictly practice economy, carry forward the new style of the times, advocate a civilized, healthy, green and environmentally friendly lifestyle, and break stereotypes and bad habits, the folk customs of Hounan Village have gradually become beautiful.

Change is quietly happening in the hearts of the villagers. "In recent years, the villagers have responded to the call to change customs and customs, and everyone has simplified the red and white things, and their hearts are on the line." Villager Yang Zhaoxiang said.

A portrait, two bouquets of flowers, a folding table, an incense burner, no firecrackers, no tribute, this is Yang Zhaoxiang's memorial service at home. It is reported that in order to facilitate the villagers to mourn the ancestors, Hounan Village built a memorial hall in the village, provided the villagers with the ashes of the ancestors, and advocated that everyone choose more green and environmentally friendly sacrifice methods such as flowers.

In addition, the 36 lanes area of Hounan Village has also set up a lane chief system to promote the civilized governance of rural areas.

"We encourage the mobilization of old party members, old cadres, old teachers and other villagers who are politically competent and have a good mass foundation to take the initiative to claim to serve as street chiefs, responsible for environmental sanitation, public sentiment collection, and conflict mediation in the jurisdiction." Yang Zhiqi said that because the alley grows up and is familiar with the villagers, it not only has a good driving effect, but also handles affairs more down-to-earth.

Under the influence of the alley chief, the villagers' lives have undergone great changes. "Now the villagers will take the initiative to clean the streets and alleys, clean up the garbage at any time, the neighbors have difficulties and take the handle in time, and the contradictions and disputes will be coordinated and resolved by the alley chief for the first time, and the goal of 'small things not leaving the alley, major matters not leaving the village, and contradictions not being handed over' has been vigorously realized, and the neighborhood relations have become more harmonious." Yang Zhiqi said.

Strengthen the industry

Build 4A-level scenic spots to promote the development of the cultural tourism industry

The environment has become better, the quality of the villagers has improved, and the desire for development in Hounan Village has become stronger.

The ancient buildings of the Ming and Qing dynasties that have been preserved through time, the cobblestone roads of 36 Lanes that wind and twist like a labyrinth, the unique Hakka folk culture landscape... Walking into the tourist area of BaihouMing Town in Hounan Village, it is like entering a huge Hakka building and folk museum. Strolling through it, the scenery with a Hakka style is dazzling.

Based on the advantages of profound historical and cultural heritage and many ancient houses, Hounan Village has vigorously developed the rural tourism industry in recent years, and the village has become the core area of the national 4A-level tourist attraction BaihouMing Town Tourism Zone.

"Feel the historical heritage of ancient residential buildings in the Ming and Qing dynasties, and there are rich activities such as Hanfu performances, carp lantern dance intangible cultural heritage performances, and guessing lantern riddles, so it is too comfortable to take children for a walk." During this year's National Day, when the weather is sunny and the heat is fading, there is an endless stream of self-driving tourists who go to the Baihou Ancient Town Scenic Area to experience rural tourism. During the game, the profound cultural heritage makes tourists frequently praise it, and the colorful special performances attract people to stop.

"From the very beginning as a docent to now, the tourists have changed a lot. With the opening of the Meishan high-speed railway and the Dachao expressway, not only local tourists, but also tourists in the Pearl River Delta and Chaoshan region have also increased significantly in recent years. Sun Yanling, a staff member of the tourist area of Baihouming Town, said.

In order to highlight the humanistic characteristics of the ancient town and enhance the humanistic taste of Hounan village, the village takes the characteristic ancient residences as the carrier and introduces the Heduli (Meizhou) Tourism and Culture Management Co., Ltd. to build a characteristic homestay for the ancient residential building enterprise Nanxuan.

"Creating a characteristic homestay is in line with the concept of enterprises to revitalize and utilize idle houses in rural areas, and there is a radiation drive of scenic spots." Through the 'homestay + scenic spot' model, it is hoped that more tourists can be left in scenic spots, driving economic consumption and achieving win-win benefits with the local area. Chen Kai, operation manager of Heduli (Meizhou) Tourism culture management Co., Ltd., said that driven by the scenic spot, the occupancy rate of the homestay during this year's National Day was more than 80%, and tourists praised it continuously.

It is reported that Baihou Town has built a tourist area in Baihou Town with "tourism +" as the engine, and has successively implemented and completed the renovation and revitalization project of the former site of the Zhude Headquarters and the movie theater, the landscape construction of the 36 lane boutique routes, the transformation of the façade of some residential houses in the town, and the improvement of the landscape of the main road and the improvement of pipelines. The basic supporting facilities of the cultural tourism industry are becoming more and more perfect, and the scenic spots have achieved leapfrog development from scratch, from existing to 3A levels, and from 3A levels to 4A levels. Relying on the radiation effect of scenic spots, there are currently 6 homestays and 1 star-rated farm stay, which directly drives the employment of more than 100 villagers. Hounan Village has also been identified as a cultural and tourism characteristic village in Guangdong Province, and the cultural tourism industry has ushered in the spring of development.

In addition, in accordance with the requirements of "one village and one product" and the idea of "combining agriculture and tourism", Hounan Village has vigorously developed characteristic agricultural planting bases such as Hounan passion fruit on the basis of cultivating traditional agricultural industries such as grapefruit and peanuts, and has formed a certain scale and brand effect, and has more potential for industrial development.


Kejia is famous in eastern Guangdong

The wind of culture and education

Dating back to the Ming Dynasty

Hou Nan Village is an ancient village in China, and the historical Hou Nan was the first to lead the way in culture and education, and was famous in eastern Guangdong as a key place in Kejia.

Nowadays, walking among the ancient ancestral halls of Hounan Village, you can still see the old school and hear the story of the Hounan people's keju.

The village's thick cultural heritage is still nourishing a new generation of Hounan people.

Hou Nan's development is inseparable from the word "culture and education"

It is reported that Hou Nan's style of culture and education can be traced back to the Ming Dynasty. In the Ming Dynasty, the people of eastern Guangdong had a "Flying Dragon Kingdom" uprising, which was strongly suppressed by the imperial court, and Hou Nan was also seriously injured after this.

After experiencing turmoil, Yang Huai, the eighth ancestor of the Yang clan of Hounan, realized the importance of culture and education in maintaining local stability. During the Jiajing period, Yang Huai spent a huge amount of money to build a school in the village, "Great Study", to provide educational opportunities for the children of the clan.

Later, as the big surname in the village, Hou Nanyang successively built more than 30 large primary schools such as Lantai Library, Yanqingtang Yixue, Jian Nanxuan, and Zhilan Room, and Hou Nan's cultural and educational position gradually formed.

Since the Kangxi dynasty of the Qing Dynasty, Hou Nan's surnames have held regular literary meetings. The text will let the students write propositions and evaluate the merits and demerits, so as to select the outstanding children in the clan and increase the probability of the high school of the imperial examination. For the students of the Imperial Examination, the Wenhui, as the "prototype of the test field", provides a valuable opportunity for training troops at the test site.

After the end of the imperial examination era, Hou Nan continued the tradition of attaching importance to culture and education.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Hou Nan Yang's Yang clan used the Songtai Library as a school building to establish a higher primary school and a primary primary school, named "Yang Family Two Grade Primary School", and the school was later developed into Baihou Central Primary School.

During the Republic of China, HouNan developed an education system from kindergarten to middle school.

Good stories such as "One Belly Three Hanlin" circulated

The culture and education that has been passed down from generation to generation contributed to the prosperity of Hou Nan in the era of the imperial examination.

From Hounan Village, 3 Hanlin, Yang Yixu, Yang Yanshi, Yang Yanshi, Yang Zhixu, Yang Chengwu and other 17 jinshi, 110 people, Xiucai countless.

What makes Hou Nanren proud the most is the story of "one belly and three Hanlin".

During the Kangxi Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty, yang Zhixu married his wife Rao, and gave birth to yang yixu, Yang Yishi, and Yang Yanshi's three sons. The three of them were admitted to the Hanlin Academy during the Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong years, and merged into the Hanlin Academy as Hanlin. Among them, the elder brother Yang Miaoxu had a profound influence on Hou Nan. Hounan snacks Andihou pancakes and folk art carp lantern dances, which continue to this day, were brought back to Hounan from Xi'an by Yang Muxu during his tenure as an official in Shaanxi. Yang Also built a Lantai Library on the left side of his former residence, the Doctor of the Tonghui Dynasty, for the children and grandchildren of the Emperor to study.

It is worth mentioning that Yang Yixu's emphasis on culture and education is inseparable from the influence of his father Yang Zhixu.

Yang Zhixu's merits are far more than cultivating three Hanlins, and he also inherits the fine tradition of Hou Nan's education and education. At his call, the Hounan Yang clan used part of their ancestral property every year to fund and reward the scientific expedition children of the clan. Yang Zhixu also personally presided over the clan literary meeting, and once wrote the "Introduction to the Huiwen" to express his high hopes for the students attending the meeting.

Thanks to the promotion of the villagers and clans, Hou Nanwen sect flourished. Good stories such as "Seven Queens of the Same Hall", "One List of Three Scholars", and "Six Generations of People" are still circulating in Hounan today.

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