
The American drama that has always touted its own daring to shoot must admire this British drama

author:The handsome third uncle film and television

Some people may tell you that the British are old-fashioned, conservative, rigorous, and arrogant, but if you apply these three words to their film and television works, it is really ridiculous. Because in reality, they may have given people such an impression, but in the film and television jianghu, even the American dramas that have always touted their own touching scales, British dramas dare to laugh at it, because in this regard, British dramas have never been afraid of anyone.

The American drama that has always touted its own daring to shoot must admire this British drama

unbelief? That can be explained by the same work that has been filmed by American dramas and British dramas at the same time, both countries have made a work called "Skin Bag", in this work with a clear theme, it is clear that British dramas show the true display of youth, alcohol, D-products, psychedelic parties, more vividly.

For American dramas, these are still "cautious use" shots, but in British dramas, they are everywhere and commonplace.

Still not convinced? Then you must have not seen "Tudor Dynasty", "The Secret Diary of ying z girl"... and other dramas.

In addition to these, the British high-level humor of British dramas is also incomparable to American dramas. The most important point is that it can also add low-level fun to British high-level humor, supplemented by touching scale, self-deprecation, and the ultimate.

The American drama that has always touted its own daring to shoot must admire this British drama
Still not convinced? So today, I will tell you a British drama that has both high-level humor and spoofs, self-deprecation, and more "touching pictures".

Little Britain

The United Kingdom calls itself the British Empire, and it can be seen from the title that this is already the creator ridiculing his own country.

Speaking of this play, we must first talk about these two benevolent brothers, Matt Lucas and David Williams David Walliams, although they are both academics, but they are interesting, dare to try, often do some seemingly spoof, but can see the sense of high quality of the work.

In this drama, the two have both jobs, both as the creators of the play and as the main actors in the play.

In the play, through superb acting skills, excellent makeup, exaggerated interpretation of a variety of British people, merciless, undisguised to all of them. Up to the prime minister's assistants, down to ordinary people, and all kinds of strange people...

The American drama that has always touted its own daring to shoot must admire this British drama

So, when they are doing their best to be funny, don't those who are spoofed dislike it? This is the charm of the two of them, no one wants to sit in the seat, and when people laugh and scold them for being obscene and invincible, they enjoy watching it tirelessly, so the show is a great success.

When I first started watching the first season, I honestly thought that it was all a particularly exaggerated technique, and the reality should be different, but when you didn't pay attention to watching more seasons, you found that you would be brainwashed by these two genius fans, and you would feel that this should be an accurate portrayal of the daily life of the British. Behind the spoof and exaggeration is the real life.

At the same time, for friends who are not familiar with the United Kingdom, this is simply in all aspects of popular Science In Britain, starting from accents, dialects, slang, and then to some incomprehensible anecdotes, and of course, some boldness that makes people blush.

The American drama that has always touted its own daring to shoot must admire this British drama

Finally, you will sincerely admire this funny duo, they are simply geniuses, the originators and kings of cosplay. They can always catch the most accurate point and essence of the imitated person in their imitation, and then infinitely enlarge it, with the most spoof, with the most lively, with the most nonsense, but at the same time can also combine the British high-level black humor, hateful, really let them pretend.

This British drama is too much, more connotative than the American drama that simply shows off the ruler, more advanced than the simple spoof American drama, and more senseless than a serious popular American drama.

Heavy taste of British humor, directly turn people over! Many of the classic memes come from the show, for example, you know too much.

The American drama that has always touted its own daring to shoot must admire this British drama

Those who are full of arrogance, even those who have been to London, who always talk about their days in London, have a heinous sense of pride, in this play, they have nothing to hide, what are you arrogant? The play speaks to those people. Art definitely comes from life!

The show was originally just a very successful radio show, but the BBC invited two gods, Matt Lucas and David Williams, to bring it to the screen, and it was very popular!

By the way, don't look at David's touching makeup in the play, in reality, it is a proper British handsome man.

Original article, please do not infringe, look forward to your attention!