
A delicacy that can't be eaten outside, fried ravioli, one bite at a time, tender on the outside

author:Small taste

What's the biggest headache every day? That is what to eat for the family in the morning, want to make delicious, but also do a lot of nutrition, is a test of craftsmanship, then the following to share with you this fried ravioli, you want to make vegetarian, meat can be, rich family breakfast is no better. Each time you pack more and freeze it, you can take it out for breakfast and fry it.

A delicacy that can't be eaten outside, fried ravioli, one bite at a time, tender on the outside

You can see the fried wontons filled with the crust, the skin is thin and filling, and it is particularly appetizing to look at it crystal clearly. The outer skin is crisp and tender on the inside, the taste is delicious, in fact, its method is not complicated at all, similar to the method of frying buns, with the skin of the dumplings or wontons, simply adjust a filling, without noodles can be easily completed.

A delicacy that can't be eaten outside, fried ravioli, one bite at a time, tender on the outside

【Dish name】: Fried wontons

【Ingredient List】: Dried tofu, minced meat, green vegetables, shiitake mushrooms, squeezed vegetables, salt, soy sauce, shrimp skin powder, cooking wine, oyster sauce, eggs, cooking oil, chopped shallots, white pepper powder, black sesame seeds, wonton skin.

【Cooking steps】:

1, green vegetables I prepared is a small rapeseed, you can also prepare cabbage, or other greens. After the green vegetables are cleaned, put them into the pot to blanch the water, boil the water and add a small amount of salt, and when the greens are cooked, the blanched greens are fished out after the color changes, and the blanched greens are put into cold water.

A delicacy that can't be eaten outside, fried ravioli, one bite at a time, tender on the outside
A delicacy that can't be eaten outside, fried ravioli, one bite at a time, tender on the outside

2, after chopping the greens, and then use the sushi curtain to squeeze the water of the vegetables dry, if there is no sushi curtain, you can directly dry it by hand.

A delicacy that can't be eaten outside, fried ravioli, one bite at a time, tender on the outside

3, the dried shiitake mushrooms are best soaked in advance, it is best to use dried shiitake mushrooms, the aroma is more intense, if there is no preparation of fresh shiitake mushrooms can also be, the shiitake mushrooms are chopped, cut into minced, and dried beans are also cut into small cubes ready. Add the right amount of cooking oil to the pan, heat it up, and then put the mushrooms and dried beans into it, and set aside after stir-frying.

A delicacy that can't be eaten outside, fried ravioli, one bite at a time, tender on the outside
A delicacy that can't be eaten outside, fried ravioli, one bite at a time, tender on the outside

4. Then prepare the oyster sauce, chicken powder, soy sauce, cooking wine, sugar, salt, and chopped vegetables. In addition, the shrimp skin is chopped up and the white pepper is prepared.

A delicacy that can't be eaten outside, fried ravioli, one bite at a time, tender on the outside

5: Put the minced meat into the basin and prepare a slightly larger basin so that it can be stirred open. Add soy sauce, oyster sauce, cooking wine to the minced meat, stir clockwise with chopsticks, then crush the green vegetables, shiitake mushrooms, dried beans, crushed vegetables, shrimp skin, chicken powder, raw eggs, sugar, salt, and stir well.

A delicacy that can't be eaten outside, fried ravioli, one bite at a time, tender on the outside
A delicacy that can't be eaten outside, fried ravioli, one bite at a time, tender on the outside

6. After stirring the filling, put it in the middle of the ravioli skin and wrap the wontons. I prefer to eat such chubby wontons, if the package is not good, it is recommended not to wrap so much stuffing into it, it is easy to break.

A delicacy that can't be eaten outside, fried ravioli, one bite at a time, tender on the outside
A delicacy that can't be eaten outside, fried ravioli, one bite at a time, tender on the outside

7: Add an appropriate amount of cooking oil to the pan, heat the ravioli into the pot, deheat over medium-low heat, and fry for about 2 minutes.

A delicacy that can't be eaten outside, fried ravioli, one bite at a time, tender on the outside
A delicacy that can't be eaten outside, fried ravioli, one bite at a time, tender on the outside

8, then pour the water into it, the amount of water is half of the wontons, keep the medium heat and continue to heat, wait until the water in the pot is dried, sprinkle with black sesame seeds and shallots to garnish it, so that it is ready.

A delicacy that can't be eaten outside, fried ravioli, one bite at a time, tender on the outside


1, the skin of the wontons is relatively thin, the frying time should not be too long, and the brown can be sprinkled with some water and simmered. After the water is dried, take out the water frying bun, and after cooling, the skin is crisp and crisp, and the taste is very special.

2, it is recommended to eat at one time Oh, can not eat the end of the sealed refrigeration preservation. When you eat it again, use a pot to heat it up.

3, about the filling can be selected according to their favorite taste to choose any combination.

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