
The clinical significance of the traditional 28 pulses based on the basis of pulse science

author:TCM Han Life
The clinical significance of the traditional 28 pulses based on the basis of pulse science

1. Floating veins

【Pulse characteristics】Take lightly, press and subtract

There is more than enough, and there is not enough according to it

Cui's "Pulse Recipe": "Floating pulse law heaven, light hand, pan-flooded, like water drifting wood." ”

"Diagnosis of Sect Samadhi": "Those who float the pulse, the lower finger is the floating image, according to which it is slightly reduced and not empty"

Pulse position classification floating veins

【Clinical Significance】The main manifestation is also the main void (virtual yang outer yue)

1) The main manifestation - the invasion of external evil, the human body's righteous qi tends to the table, so the pulse floats

2) The main void - long-term illness sperm exhaustion, yin does not contain yang, void yang outside the yue.

"The three autumns should be unharmed, and the long-term illness is indeed frightening"

The difference between the two: the superficial pulse is floating but has roots; the virtual pulse is floating but has no roots

2. Sinking pulse

【Pulse characteristics】 Light should not be taken, heavy press to get

There is more than enough to cite

"The Science of Near-Lake Veins" "If a stone throws into the water, it will be extremely bottomed." ”

"Pulse Trick Identification" "has the potential to sink deeply"

"The pulse is not obtained between the skin, slowly pressed to the middle of the muscle should be pointed, and pressed to the lower part of the muscle is powerful, this deep vein is also." ”

Veins are classified as sinking veins

【Clinical significance】Evidence

Commonly found in diarrhea, puffiness, vomiting, stagnation, etc

Heavy and powerful - Li Shi: Trapped in the qi and blood; mostly caused by water, cold, and stagnation (cold main introduction, water-based immersion, stagnation is Yang Qi depression)

Deep and weak - Li Void: Yang Qi Deficiency cannot be lifted

3. Late pulse

【Pulse characteristics】The pulse is slow, less than 4 to 4 breaths per breath (less than 60 times a minute)

"Pulse Tips": "Slow exchange, three to one breath"

"Diagnosis Cardinal Essentials": "Late, not too late, between breaths, the pulse is only three to"

Pulse rate classification of late veins

【Clinical Significance】The main cold evidence is also the evidence in the main evil heat gathering

1) The main cold certificate - strong for the real cold; powerless for the weak cold

Solid cold: The cold and evil are stagnant, and the yang qi is lost in the propaganda

Weakness and coldness: Yang Qi is weak and loses its warm luck

Where the yang is insufficient, the fire of the life gate is weakened, and there are many veins of lateness and weakness. Symptoms include chills and diarrhea, abdominal pain and spitting out cold saliva and so on

"The author's clinical common five more leaks, more late and weak pulses, especially two feet, with the four god pills to supplement the fire of life, warm spleen and yang." Liu Guanjun

2) Also the main thermal evidence: evil heat aggregation, through tunnel blocking

More commonly seen in the Evidence of Rière. (Yang Ming zhen evidence, enterophilia, meningitis, etc.)

"Four Diagnosis and Decision", "The chi pulse belongs to the dirty main cold, and this certain principle is its constant." If we talk about its changes, and there is the evidence of the main heat, we must not know it. Therefore, the heat and evil are knotted, the tunnel is unfavorable, it is out of order, and the pulse is reversed and delayed. ”

"On Typhoid Fever" "Yang Ming disease, late pulse, hot flashes,...... Can attack the inside also, the big chengqi soup lord of the lord"

"Another example is meningitis, often due to increased cerebral pressure, high fever, late pulse, must be combined with the pulse, do not make a cold theory. So as not to misdiagnose "Liu Champion."

4. Number of pulses

【Pulse characteristics】The pulse comes quickly, and a breath is 5-6 to

"Endangered Lake Pulse Science": "One breath and six to, the pulse flow is thin"

"Pulse Tips Enlightenment": "It is not as fluent as the flow of slippery veins, the arteries are shaken, and the pulses are too urgent." ”

Pulse rate classification number veins

【Clinical significance】The main thermal evidence is also the main false evidence

1) Main heat evidence - due to heat forced blood to act in vain, so the pulse number

Where external fever, stomach heat, intestinal fever, pulmonary carbuncle, intestinal carbuncle, sores, or yin deficiency fire, etc. can be seen, several pulses can be seen

Difficult Passage · Nine Difficulties: "Number is hot"

"Pulse Medicine Lianzhu": "All pulses are always poisoned by fire"

2) The main false evidence - sperm and blood loss, yuan qi deficiency, pulse to the imaginary number. It is more common in people who have been working hard for a long time

5. Flood vein

【Pulse characteristics】 The vein shape is wide, gushing with fingers, coming and going

"The Doctor's Right Eye": "The flood pulse is very large, like a flood, coming and going, gushing fingers." ”

"Endangered Lake Pulse Science": "When the flood pulse comes, it is like a wave"

"Seeking Truth from the Pulse": "The Hong Pulse is both large and numerous"

The width of the veins is classified as flood veins

【Clinical significance】The main heat is very (gas heat separation is very hot)

Inside the heat, the qi is full of blood, and the old pulse comes to the flood

Hong da powerful, this is too much, mostly hot and fiery, will be accompanied by strong heat, irritability, thirst, vomiting blood, sores and hot sweating and so on.

"On Typhoid Fever": "The Great Annoyance and Thirst Are Insoluble, the One with the Great Pulse, the Lord of the White Tiger Soup"

"The Golden Curse": "The person with the intestinal carbuncle... If the pulse flood is counted, the pus has become and cannot be lowered. ”

It is also the Lord's false proof: If Hong Da is powerless, then the main qi is not hot, but the yin essence is exhausted, and the lonely yang will want to go beyond the sign.

Where there is a long-term illness and deficiency of qi, or fatigue, blood loss, long-term leakage and other medical evidence, the appearance of flood pulse is a dangerous symptom of yin damage and yang dispersion.

6. Fine veins

【Pulse characteristics】The veins are as thin as lines, which should be pointed to obvious and endlessly pressed

"Pulse Sutra": "Fine veins, smaller than micro, often have, but fine ears"

"The Doctor's Right Eye": "Thin and soft, tired and haunting, like a silk thread, more obvious"

"Endangered Lake Veinology": "Small and often existential, thin and straight and soft, if the silk thread should refer to"

The width of the veins is classified as fine veins

【Clinical significance】 The main qi and blood are two deficiencies, and the fatigue is strained; the main wet invasion

1) Insufficient qi and blood, can not fill the veins, then the pulse is thin and weak

Where long-term illness qi and blood loss, old age and weakness, blood loss, night sweats, self-sweating, yang deficiency and cold, swelling, diarrhea, etc., fine veins can be seen

"Pulse Tips Mistakenly": "The Lord's Blood Is Less Qi Decline"

"On Typhoid Fever": "Those who are cold in the hands and feet, and those who are desperate for a delicate pulse, angelica four reverse soup masters"

2) Main wet invasion: the spleen is weak and wet or feels the wet evil, and the wet evil hinders the vein, so the pulse is fine

Where wet evil hurts people, or has internal difficulties in the spleen and stomach, or leaves the meridians behind, it is often possible

See fine veins

"Golden Essentials": "Sun disease joint pain and annoyance, pulse is heavy, this name is wet paralysis"

"Diagnosis of The Three Immortals" "Wet and soft feet, self-sweating and sperm loss, all have fine veins"

7. Micro-veins

【Pulse characteristics】 Extremely fine and soft, according to the desire, if there is none

Main diseases: Qi and blood deficiency, Yang Qi weakening

Righteous qi will be extinguished, agitation is powerless, so the pulse is slightly desperate

"On Typhoid Fever": "Shaoyin disease, lower Li Qinggu, cold inside and outside heat, hands and feet are rebellious, and the pulse is weak,...... The Four Reverse Soup Lords of the Pulse"

"The Counselor's Essentials": "Micro, ... For the qi and blood are weak, for the collapse of the blood, for the lack of blood, for less qi"

8. Scattered pulses

【Pulse characteristics】 Floating large without roots, should refer to loose, according to the disappearance

【Clinical Significance】For the dissipation of vitality, the internal organs are exhausted

"Endangered Lake Pulse Science": "The number is uneven, and the scattering is not collected"

"Diagnosis of The Three Immortals": "Those whose veins are scattered die"

Pulse: Yin and yang dissipate, and the heart qi cannot maintain the blood flow

9. Imaginary pulse

【Pulse characteristics】 Weak lifting, according to the emptiness, should refer to softness, is the general term for all weak pulses

"Pulse Sutra": "Virtual pulse, late and soft, weak according to it, implicitly refers to sudden emptiness"

"Seeking Truth in Pulse Theory": "Floating is large and soft, and it is not vibrating according to it, such as looking for chicken feathers, and there is no lack of dispersion after pressing the root for a long time"

"Three Finger Zen": "The virtual pulse is large and loose, and the chi soft is less powerful"

The classification of pulse strength is false

【Clinical significance】The main hypocrisy

Blood deficiency cannot be filled, and qi deficiency is not contained and outward

It can be seen in long-term illness and fatigue, injury, heat, yin and yin injuries, etc

"Diagnosis of the Family": "Deficiency, qi and blood deficiency of diagnosis also, for the summer, for the fatigue and sweating, for the trance and more frightened"

"Three Finger Zen": "Many due to wounds and poison, or blood void"

10. Solid pulse

【Pulse characteristics】 should refer to the width, and press and hold

It is the general term for all powerful veins

"The Arthometry of the Lake" "Floating and sinking are large and long, and should refer to the strongness of the void"

"Diagnosis of Sect Samadhi" "Solid pulse is strong, growing up and firm"

"Pulse Sutra" "Solid pulse, large and long, micro string"

Pulse force classification of solid veins

【Clinical significance】Main empirical evidence

Evil flourishes and is true, good and evil fight each other, and the qi and blood gushing and the pulse are full of truth

Where there is more than enough evil qi, high heat and whispers caused by yang heat and internal depression, solid stool, three scorched fires, food stagnation and pain, etc., the real pulse can be seen

"On Typhoid Fever" "The Patient Is Annoyed,...... Those who are feverish by the sun, belong to Yang Mingye, and those who have solid pulses should be lowered."

"Pulse Science Justice" "The real Lord is fiery and has more than enough evidence, or crazy words, or impotent stool knots, or a swollen throat and strong tongue, or a hot spleen, or a pain in the waist and abdomen..."

11. Slippery vein

【Pulse characteristics】 Fluent in and out, such as disc beads, should refer to sleekness

"The Doctor's Right Eye" "Slippery pulse substitution, fluent back and forth, the shape of the beads, the righteousness of the lotus"

The Sutra of The Pulse "resembles several veins"

Pulse fluency classification slip veins

【Clinical significance】Evidence of main sputum drinking, food stagnation, and real heat

1) Main sputum drink: Phlegm drink is a slippery thing, phlegm wet in the body, enough to increase the yin fluid in the vein, blood flow like a grain and appear slippery

"The Theory of Subtlety in the Pulse of Su Qing" "Slippery for Yin Qi Yu Ye"

2) Staple food stagnation: the food is hot, and the qi and blood are gushing

"Golden Essentials" "Pulse number and slippery, real also, this has a meal, the present, should be a big gas soup"

3) The main real heat: the right is full of evil, and the qi and blood are gushing

"On Typhoid Fever" "Those who have a slippery and slippery pulse of typhoid fever, there is a heat, the lord of the white tiger soup"

1) The pregnant pulse of the housewife: full of qi and blood

"Jingyue Quanshu" "Women who have a pulse slip and are cut off are pregnant"

"Pulse Tips" "Ulnar pulse is slippery, pregnancy is gratifying, slippery disease is not scattered, the fetus must be in March, but the disease is not scattered, May can not be separated"

2) Seen in normal people: slippery is common in ordinary people, mostly in young adults, especially in women

"Jingyue Quanshu" "If the network of people is smooth and gentle, this is a good omen for the enrichment of self-defense"

12. Astringent pulse

【Pulse characteristics】 It is difficult to travel back and forth, such as light knife scraping bamboo

"Endangered Lake Veinology" "Like rain staining sand, like disease eating leaves"

The "Pulse Sutra" "thin and late, difficult to come and go, or stop and come again"

Pulse fluency is classified astringent

【Clinical significance】The main injury sperm, less blood, sputum and food internal stop, qi stagnation and blood stasis

1) Astringent and weak - wound sperm, less blood

It is more common in blood loss, sperm loss, amenorrhea, stillbirth, or cold impotence

"The Golden Strategy" "The man's veins are weak and astringent, for childless, and the spirit is cold"

"Diagnosis cardinal" "Astringent, for less blood, for no sweat, for blood paralysis, for sperm"

2) Astringent and powerful - empirical (sputum stagnation, blood stasis)

Qi, blood, food, and sputum obstruct the veins and do not flow smoothly

"The Outline of the Golden Plateau" "The pulse of the mouth is floating and large, and it is astringent according to it, so I know that there is a meal"

Main blood stasis: chest paralysis, abdominal mass, symptomatic fistula, dysmenorrhea, menstruation

Closure, and accessory masses, old ectopic pregnancy masses, etc., can be seen

"The Theory of Subtlety in the Pulse of Su Qing" "Astringent Heartache"

13. Long vein

【Pulse characteristics】The vein body is long, exceeding the inch

"The Doctor's Right Eye": "The long vein is long, the end is at the end, straight up and down, like following the long pole"

"Endangered Lake Veinology": "The long vein is not big or small, and it is free to go, such as following the end of the long pole, which is flat; such as the lead rope, such as following the long pole, for the disease"

"Too long veins, strings are not only tense,

The chord pulse is far away from the long struggle, and the scale of good work is from energy. ”

Vein length classification long veins

【Clinical significance】Main yang evidence, empirical evidence, thermal evidence.

Most of them are caused by the prosperity of evil qi, the immortality of righteousness, and the fight of evil and righteousness

Long veins and flood number - yang poison connotation; for heat deep, epilepsy;

"Pulse Sutra": "Floating Hong Great Elder, Wind Dizziness"

The pulse is long and the string is reversed for the liver qi, and the qi stagnates and turns the fire

"The Theory of Subtlety in the Pulse of Su Qing" "Long Is Qi Governance"

Normal people are full of blood, full of essence, and surplus of pulse qi

14. Short veins

【Pulse characteristics】 only appear in the guanbu, it is not obvious

Li Zhongzi: "Both ends are low and sink, and the middle is suddenly floating"

"Endangered Lake Pulse Science" "not up to the standard, should be pointed back, can not be full"

【Clinical significance】 Short main qi disease, strong for qi depression, inability for gas loss

Qi depression cannot be developed, and qi deficiency cannot encourage the short pulse

"Diagnosis of The Three Noble Truths" "Stomach qi is congested, can not smooth the hundred pulses, or because of the accumulation of phlegm qi, obstructing the airway, so the pulse is short and astringent"

15. Chord veins

【Pulse characteristics】: Straight to long, such as pressing the strings

The Sutra of the Pulse "presses like a bow string"

"Pulse Tips Mistakenly" "Like a kite string, passing through the straight, standing under the finger, the string"

"Endangered Lake Pulse Science" "like a bow string, unswerving, nicknamed like a string"

The tension of the veins is classified as chord veins

【Clinical significance】: main hepatobiliary disease, various pains, sputum drinking, malaria, etc

The string is the liver vein, which is the image of the poor qi machine

Where liver qi stress pain, abdominal pain, cold paralysis, hernia, malaria and other more common chord veins

"On Typhoid Fever" "Those who have a pulse string will be bound by two threats"

"Golden Essentials" "Those who have a deep pulse and a string, hang and drink internal pain"

"Cough the family its veins, for there is water, ten jujube soup lord"

"Malaria veins from the string"

Neijing "Yang string headache, yin string abdominal pain"

16. Veins

【Pulse characteristics】 Floating large hollow, such as pressing the onion tube

【Clinical significance】Blood loss

Pulse: Yin blood can not maintain yang qi, yang qi floating

"Outline of the Golden Plateau" "Pulse is extremely weak and late, for Qinggu, dead blood, sperm loss"

"Jingyue Quanshu" "The vein is the waiting for the solitary yang to shed the yin, to lose blood and shed blood, to return for the qi, and to have nothing to attach to the yang"

17. Tight pulse

【Pulse characteristics】The pulse shape is urgent, such as the rope turning rope

The "Pulse Sutra" "like a cut rope"

"The Doctor's Right Eye" "Tight pulse is strong, left and right fingers, such as noose cord, such as cutting tight rope"

The tightness of the veins is classified as tight veins

【Clinical significance】Main cold evidence, pain evidence, accommodation

The cold lord is introduced, and the vasculature is tightened

It is more common in typhoid fever, headache and cough heart caused by the internal invasion of cold and evil

Abdominal pain or fullness, vomiting diarrhea, pubic hernia, etc

"Pulse Tips Mistaken" "Tight for Cold for Pain"

"Golden Essentials" "Tight pulse like a turning cord impermanence, there is also food"

"Tight pulse, headache and cold, in the abdomen also"

18. Bradycardia

【Pulse characteristics】 One breath and four to four, coming and going

There are two meanings

1) The vasculature is soft, the pulse is gentle, and it has the meaning of leisurely. For there is God, there is a flat vein of the stomach

2) Although the vasculature is slow, the pulse is sluggish

"The Pulse Sutra" "Comes and Goes Late, Little Faster Than Late"

Main disease: mostly hindered by spleen deficiency, or wet evil

19. Leather vein

【Pulse characteristics】 Hollow outer firmness, such as pressing the drum skin

"Endangered Lake Veinology" "Veins, Strings and Strings, Such as Pressing the Skin of the Drum"

"Medicine is easy" "strong outside the pulse"

Xu Chunfu: "Leather is leather, floating strings are big void, such as pressing drum skin, internal void and external urgency"

The tension of the veins is classified as leather veins

【Clinical significance】Blood loss, sperm loss, half birth, leakage, etc

Ge is caused by the weakness of the essence inside, and the qi has no love and floats over the outside

"The Golden Strategy" "Women leaked half-births, and men lost blood and sperm"

"On Typhoid Fever" "The pulse of the string is large, the string is subtracted, the subtraction is cold, the qian is virtual, the cold and the void fight, this is called leather"

Aplastic anemia is often such a vein, with a broad vein shape and hollow pressure, which is a sign of high anemia. In addition, tumors, cirrhosis, etc. can also be seen.

Comparison of the veins of the veins and the veins of the leather

Both veins are hollow outer strong veins, and the main void yang has nothing to attach

Veins: Soft and hollow skin, predominantly blood loss or precursor to blood loss

Leather vein: the skin is hard and hollow, and the main essence is weak and cold

20. Firm pulse

【Pulse characteristics】 The real big string is long, the sinking begins, and it is firm and unswerving

Li Zhongzi: "There is a two-sense righteousness, a firm and solid righteousness, and a deep inner righteousness"

"Pulse Saying": "Heavy and powerful, strong and not moving, really big strings long, the body of the prison is also"

【Clinical significance】Yin cold inner sheng, hernia fistula

Pulse: Yin and cold internal accumulation, Yang Qi sinks in the bottom, so the pulse is heavy and the string length is real.

21. Weak pulse

【Pulse characteristics】 Extremely soft and deep

"Pulse Sutra": "Weak veins are extremely soft and delicate, and they are desperately pointed down according to their desires"

"Seeking Truth in the Pulse": "Thin and weak, if it is nothing, according to it"

Pulse force classifies weak veins

Main disease: the main Yang Qi is weak or the Qi and blood are weak

Yang deficiency can not be warm luck, agitation is weak

It is more common in people whose vitality is wasted and whose yang qi is weak. Symptoms meet white limbs cold

Shortness of breath, panic and sweating, weak muscles and bones, sperm and diarrhea, etc.

"The Doctor's Right Eye": "Weak is Yang, True Qi is weak"

"Golden Essentials": "Men are flat, weak and delicate, and like night sweats." ”

22. Pulse

【Pulse characteristics】 Floating and soft, such as flocculent floating water

The Pulse Sutra is "extremely soft and floating"

Slippery Bo Ren "weak also, weak and weak, should be scattered, such as the floating water of cotton wool, light hands, heavy hands will go"

"The Doctor's Right Eye" "Will be in the floating, see its softness, if the middle of the waiting, can not be seen and see"

[Clinical significance]: The lord is vain, and the main wet

Where qi deficiency, self-sweating, fatigue and fatigue, shortness of breath and so on can be seen

"Diagnosis Of the Essentials": "For the waiting of qi and blood, for less blood, for no blood, for fatigue, for self-sweating, for cold, for paralysis"

"A little talk about the color pulse diagnosis": "The pulse is mostly a reflection of the wet evil, just because the main wet evil of the vein, so where the body is sleepy, the skin is puffy, and the sores are scabies, etc., the pulse comes more and more, pressing like mud and not being happy"

23. Volta

【Pulse characteristics】 Deeper than the sinking vein, it needs to be obtained by pressing the bone hard, and even does not appear

"The Doctor's Right Eye" "Pushes the bones and bones, gets the shape"

【Clinical Significance】Evil closure, seizure disease, pain pole (volt and powerful)

Most of them are caused by the internal depression of evil qi, and the pulse qi cannot be publicized

Such as gas closure, cold closure, heat closure, fire closure, pain pole, cholera and so on can be seen

Weakness and weakness - loss of qi and blood, yin and yang exhaustion, "heart failure pulse volt"

24. Arteries

【Pulse characteristics】Pulsating like a bean, found in the customs department

"The Pulse Sutra" "Arteries are seen in the closed, no head and tail, as big as beans, and shaken"

【Clinical significance】It is more common in panic and pain

25. Promote pulse

【Pulse characteristics】 Number and stop, stop without a definite number

"Pulse Sutra" "Promote the pulse to come and go, and stop and come back"

"Endangered Lake Pulse Science" "Comes and goes, stops and turns, like a hobby, Xu is not often"

The uniformity of the veins promotes the pulses

【Clinical significance】The main yang is full of heat

Evil heat is flourishing, the veins are stagnant, and the pulse is unfavorable

"Cui's Pulse Recipe" "Yang Sheng is promoted, lung carbuncle Yang poison"

"Endangered Lake Pulse Science" "The only way to promote the pulse is to heal the fire, because there are five fine pushes, and the wheezing and coughing are all sputum accumulation, or crazy spots and poisonous gangrene"

26. Knots

【Pulse characteristics】 Slow and stop, stop without a fixed number

"On Typhoid Fever" "The pulse comes slowly, and the name of the person who comes back is called the knot vein"

"Pulse Tips Mistaken" "Pulse slows down, sometimes stops, impermanent numbers"

"The Doctor's Right Eye" "In the retardation, see the time to stop"

The uniformity of the veins is knotted

【Clinical significance】The main yin is full of qi knots

The yin and cold are stagnant, and the heart and yang are suppressed

It is more common in gas knots, blood stasis, cold phlegm, dietary stagnation, and accumulation of fistula

"Cui's Pulse Recipe" "Yin Sheng is knotted, hernia accumulates"

"The Epistle of the Examiner" "Knot... Yin alone and yang can not enter into each other,

For the crux of the matter, for the seven emotions"

27. Generational vein

【Pulse characteristics】Pulse comes and goes, stops have a fixed number, and a long time comes

"Pulse Sutra" "Generation of pulses to number of suspension, can not return themselves, so the recurrence"

The Book of the Living Man "Slowly moves and stops, unable to return to itself, so it is repeated, and the name is also known as the Generation"

【Clinical significance】The main visceral qi is weak

1) The dirty qi is weak and unable to continue, so it is difficult to stop the pulse

"The Doctor's Right Eye" "The Substitute Lord is dirty and decaying, and the waiting for danger" "The heartache grabs the food, the pulse moves three times and stops, and it can't be repaid for a long time"

2) Also the main pain, seven emotions of panic, fall and injury

"Shocked and angry"

28. Pulse disease

【Pulse characteristics】Seven to more than one breath

【Clinical significance】It is more common in impotence and uncontrolled, true yin and desperation. For weakness, yang qi will be extinguished

Note: "Supraventricular tachycardia", the heart rate can reach more than 160 / min, but it is not a critical illness and death

Identification of nodal veins

All three veins are irregular veins, but

1. The pulse and the nodal pulse are irregular stops; the generation pulse is a regular stop

2. The nodal pulse and the generation pulse are slow and intermittent; the pulse is numbered and stopped

Seventy-eight pulse diagnosis techniques

1. The qi in the blood of the left hand and the blood in the qi of the right hand.

Second, the left hand inch heart pulse is strong, the right hand ruler life gate pulse is also wang, is the heart of the lord is not the main order, and the life door is replaced by fire, it is advisable to be the master of the six flavors of the yellow pill.

If the single left inch is strong, the heart fire is generated for the liver, and the pulse is scattered with the god, yuanzhi, and sour jujube kernel. It is advisable to strengthen the water and make fire in the heart of the fire. The heart is full of fire, pure and contained; the heart is full of fire, and it is down; the fire is strong, and it is nourished and peaceful.

Third, the right hand inch lung pulse is strong, the left hand ulnar kidney pulse is also strong, the clear lungs are the mainstay, and the raw pulse is scattered with angelica. Such as single left ruler Wang, six flavor yellow pills. If the single right inch is strong, when the lungs are cleared, the gold can not be used to make water, and the water will dry up and burn.

Fourth, the two-foot pulse kidney and the life gate are prosperous, the raw vein is scattered with angelica, the wood and the water are also, and the six flavors are nourished.

5. Left ruler Wang, six flavors of yellow soup. Left and right rulers are prosperous, but also six flavors of yellow soup.

Sixth, the right ruler is fine, eight flavor yellow pills. The left and right rulers are fine, and there are also eight flavor yellow pills.

Seven, inch pulse Wang, two feet fine, six flavor yellow pills. Yin water does not rise, yang fire does not fall.

Eight, two inches of pulse floating and weak, it is advisable to make up for the coke, with the supplement of the qi. On the scorched yuan qi foot, its fire fell.

Nine, two feet floating and weak, it is advisable to make up for the coke, with six flavors of yellow pills. The lower focus is full of qi, and its qi rises.

10. The inch belongs to the upper focus, and the powerlessness belongs to the void; the floating person is weak and cannot be lowered.

Eleven, the ruler is scorched, powerless and yin; floating yin is weak, can not rise also.

Twelve, two inches of flood and powerful, for the fire on the scorch, it is advisable to lower the fire, cool diaphragm scattering, skullcap peony soup, guide red scattering.

Thirteen, two feet of flood and powerful, fire under the scorch, should nourish the yin, yellow cedar, zhimu and so on.

Fourteen, two inches of open-minded weakness, it is advisable to make up for it.

Fifteen, two feet of great weakness, it is advisable to raise the sun and scatter the fire soup.

Sixteen, the inch pulse is fine, warm supplement.

Seventeen, ulnar veins are fine, warm.

Eighteen, the ulnar vein is floating and sinking, it is appropriate to go down; weak is illusory, it is appropriate to make up.

Nineteen, the pulse is floating and sinking, it is appropriate to sweat; weakness is illusory, it is appropriate to rise.

20. The veins are fine, the yang is insufficient, the yin is multiplied, and the qi is replenished and the qiang is alive and windproof.

Two one, two feet of flood, yin is insufficient, yang multiplied, tonic qi soup plus yellow cedar.

Second, the left vein string is smooth and powerful, the heat does not retreat, and the four things are tongo yellow cedar, zhimu, chaihu and the like.

Second, the number of right vein strings is weak, and the soup is replenished. Or to supplement the lack of spleen and yin, the four gentlemen add yam to the Lord.

Left disease right take, right disease left take, upper disease down to seek, lower disease up to seek.

Second, the left ruler is floating tight and powerful, typhoid fever should be dissolved, sweat out is healed; but the strength is not tight, pure heart lotus seed drink or five ling scattered to benefit; weak is virtual, six flavors of the yellow pill; shen is cold and warm; sinking is suitable for the void, so paper, cistanche, suoyang, fennel, etc., when the news is used; the weak is not suitable for direct supplementation, the so-called kidney supplement is not as good as the spleen, it is the same. Or the ten complete tonic soup with the taste of the kidneys; the number of yin in the sun without yang, the eight flavors of the yellow pill.

Second, the right ruler is floating and powerful, and it is an evil vein, and it will die after wheezing and diarrhea. Floating and vain, to supplement the soup of qi; heavy and weak and weak, life gate without fire, it is advisable to replenish yang qi in a big way; the number is a false loss, which is difficult to cure.

26. The right ruler is hong and powerful, six flavor yellow pills; powerless ten full tonic soup; deep eight flavor yellow soup.

Twenty-seven, the left ruler is deep and fine, and the six-flavor yellow pill is also used. Two feet floating, lung qi first, gold does not produce water, so the ruler floats large.

28, the left ruler is fine, the right ruler is numbered or floating, the name of the disease is false, and it will take two or three years to heal.

29. Where the pulse of the floating is found in the right ruler, it is a false fire, and it is treated according to the internal wounds.

30. All hypochondriasis is seen in the right ulnar, and the external sensation of cold is found in the left ulnar. The sun is not seen on the left foot, and there is no doubt about internal injuries and labor.

Trinity, the pulse is deep and powerful, constipated, use the gas soup; sinking and powerless, constipation, the soup of the citrus shell.

32. Where the pulse is heavy and there are numbers, the fire in the yin is also the fire, the fire in the yin is suitable, the yellow pill of the six flavors is the like; the open is powerless, the yin qi is still not exhausted; if the open is great and powerful, after three months it will die and will not be cured, and those who see this vein will not be cured.

33. All the elderly with miscellaneous diseases and typhoid fever, who see the rest of the pulse, will be cured. But he who vomits and sees the stopping of the pulse die.

Three or four, the stomach pulse is wide open, Baoyuan Tongjia Mai Dong, Schisandra. Seen in the spleen vein, Baoyuan tang plus dried ginger, bai shu. Found in the large intestine vein, eight treasures of the soup plus yellow cedar, Zhimu. Seen in pulmonary veins, Bawei Dihuang Pills. Seen in small intestines, six one scatter or psyllium, wood tong and other medicines. Seen in heart pulses, large yin pills. Seen in the liver, tetrachostem Tonga. Seen in biliary, yellow laxative soup.

35. Where there is a great pulse, it must be calm and treatable, and if it is heavy, the stomach is endless, and if it is slow, the spleen is not endless; if it is not slow, the medicine will not be effective.

36. Where the veins are wide open, there is fire outside; and there is fire in the depths. Those who have fire in the six veins should be eight treasures of soup and it.

All veins are not big, not small, not long, not short, countless short, tight, open-minded, easy to treat.

38. Floating and sinking and counting the strings are tight, powerful is real, powerless and weak; wild talk is deep and dead, and there is no word and no doubt.

39. Where there is a disease, it is advisable to reconcile and return to the spleen before the appearance, and then adjust the qi, blood and phlegm. Arbitrary treatment, no external ginseng, and then added to the grass peony land, should be used by tangerine peel leaning on the eight treasures.

Forty, where the pulse floats a large number, or two hands float a large number, or lightly press the float, heavy press is small, or the kidney pulse is weak and unclear, all are insufficient in qi. Micro-tight, micro-string, micro-number, all of which are spleen and stomach deficiencies.

April 1, where the pulse is deep and cold sweat out, dangerous; deep cold sweat out, death; Hong Da cold sweat out, immediate death.

Fourth, if the spleen pulse is numbered, the kidney pulse is weak and unclear, and there is no external evidence, it is advisable to supplement the qi. The ulnar pulse is larger than the inch pulse, yin and yang deficiency, suitable for sweating. The inch pulse is greater than the ulnar pulse, and the yang is full of yin and yin, and it is advisable to go down. The ulnar pulse is floating and powerful, and it is unable to make up for it; it is heavy and powerful to nourish the yin and lower the fire, and it is powerless to yellow pills and the like.

Fourth and third, where the pulse is flooded and slippery is the Yang vein, without phlegm is the rich vein, and the Hongda and Floating Are diseased pulses. The deep and thin yin veins, the sinking and the cold, the sinking number is hot, and if the heavy, thin, and numerical are all sick veins.

Fourth, the left vein is weak, the right vein is open and powerful, and the party uses six flavors of yellow pills plus schisandra, dried ginger, and puzzles.

Fourth and fifth, the right ruler is large, the king does not order, and the fire is replaced. Evil fire does not kill the valley, it is advisable to warm the fire to raw soil, six flavor yellow pills plus schisandra, dried ginger, puzzles.

Fourth, the blood evidence pulse can be extended by opening up and powerless; short numbers, fine numbers, tight numbers, and large and powerful ominous.

47. Whoever is hot and sweaty is bloody. If the pulse is floating and weak, it will not be effective to cure the yin and void.

48, only the pulse is floating and powerful, six flavors of yellow pills plus ginseng, or as a soup.

Forty-nine, the lower part of the number, not to use dried ginger, should be attached to the rise; the upper part of the number, should use dried ginger, with its temperature in the lower reaches also.

Fifty, the heart pulse is large, the life gate pulse is not up, it is the positive pulse of the heart, the lord is rich; even, the lord is noble; the sinking is small, it is also the right pulse; the heart is large, the heart envelope is less bloody, and it is advisable to return to the spleen soup and the like. The pulse is short and astringent, and the heart envelope is insufficient.

May 1, the liver pulse string long spleen pulse slow, not only disease-free, but also rich and expensive.

52, liver vein string long spleen pulse short, is for the spleen and yin deficiency, suitable for yam, lotus seeds, schisandra and the like; with a number, insufficient qi, should supplement the soup of the middle qi.

Fifth three, the spleen pulse is slow, but the liver pulse or string, or tight, or string tight flood number, all from the liver to cure.

May fourth, short lung pulse, heart pulse floating flood, Yili urination. The pulmonary pulse is large, or open, or microscopic, although the heart pulse is uneven, it should also be treated from the lungs.

Five-five, floating and powerful, the appearance of the real sweat; weak, yang and weak as warm. Heavy and powerful, stagnant dry feces, the present; powerless, yin deficiency should be made up.

Fifth and sixth, all the veins that are open-minded are yang and void.

Five seven, heavy and tight number is hot, spleen and yin deficiency also, four things Tonga Zhibai and the like. Sinking and short numbers, small numbers are treated from within.

58. If the pulse is seen in those whose right hand is uneven, there is no residual treatment for external sensations; the pulse is seen in those whose left hand is uneven, and it is not enough to treat internal injuries.

Fifty-nine, the left is more than enough, the right is insufficient.

60. If the pulse is floating in large numbers, it is advisable to accompany the blood medicine in the qi point; if the vein is deep, it is appropriate to use the qi medicine in the blood.

Sixth, man is sick, although he knows the four things of emptiness, reality, cold, and heat, but many of them are both seen and seen.

Sixth two, heat is circulating, and all floating, large, and number are also hot.

Sixth three, the cold is solid, and everything that is heavy, small, late, and short is also cold.

Sixth fourth, the actual shape is rigid, slippery, string, tight are also real.

Sixth five, the virtual is soft, astringent, wet, slow are also virtual.

Six six, floating for the table, sinking for the inside, the major number for the hot, the small delay for the cold, the long for the hot circulation, the short for the cold condensation, the real evil qi real, the void for the positive qi void, the string tightness for pain, the short firm for accumulation, the slow for wet, the slow for the damp heat, the slippery for the blood solid, for the phlegm, the astringent for the blood deficiency and depression.

67, where the right pass is slow and powerful, the stomach is strong and the spleen is weak, the white art is one dollar, the white cardamom kernel is three points, the licorice root is five points, the tangerine peel is five points, a total of the end, the broth is mixed.

68. All fine veins should be deep and thin, for the sake of yang and emptiness. Turn to sink and count, the evidence of the incurable tuberculosis, the pulse is in the middle, not dead.

69, string pulse, glycyrrhitic acid agents are available, astragalus Jianzhong soup and the like, licorice peony soup.

Seventy, Hong pulse, sweet and cold agents are available, heat and evil hurt, three yellow pills, stomach tonic soup can also be.

Qiyi, spleen and stomach brady pulse, if the sutra is too much, wet evil hurt, dehumidifying and light infiltration agent can be used, flat stomach plus white technique, poria and five lings scattered.

Seventy-two, astringent pulse, dry heat wounds, sweet and warm and sweet agents are available, different works of dispersion plus angelica, four gentlemen plus cooked land.

Seventy-three, deep fine veins, cold and evil wounds, sweet and hot agents can be used, rational soup, four reverse soup. Even if it is cold, add appendages, yihuang scatter, and stomach pills.

Seven-four, six-veined strings, fingers down and weak, spleen and stomach weakness of the evidence.

The seven five and six veins are tight, according to it, the drum is not drummed, the bladder is better than the small intestine, this fire is thrown into the water, the evidence of the great cold, it should be warm.

Seventy-six, the pulse is deep, tight and astringent, pressing the emptiness. If the flood is large and astringent, and it is powerless to press, it is like a proof of the cold, and the emptiness of the tight pressing is the yin and cold inside, and the middle and lower scorching and the cold are extreme.

Seventy-seven, the pulse comes slowly and the strings are urgent, and according to the fingers of the hongda, all are obtained in the middle, and the spleen and soil are evil.

Seven or eight, the pulse is large, there is no fire, and the pulse rules are waterless.