
Parents do evil, children suffer

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For thousands of years, the retribution in the world has never been pleasant, either in the times, or in the postponement; or in the present world, or in the afterlife; or in oneself, or in one's children. Therefore, as the old saying goes, parents must accumulate virtue for their children, otherwise not only will their children suffer, but the extremists will destroy their families.

"Notes on Reading Wei Caotang" was written by Ji Xiaolan in his later years. What is recorded is the real thing that he himself has heard and witnessed, and has a name and a surname. Some of them are his own family or his own experiences. Credibility is high. His articles are simple and simple, natural and far-reaching; rich in content and very informative, and they are interesting to read and surprising. And look at the following three stories.

Parents do evil, children suffer

The mother killed the maid, and the daughter had no ears or nose

During the Zhenguan period of the Tang Dynasty, Puyang Fan Luo's wife Ren Shi was jealous of a maid that Fan Luo had previously liked. One day, Ren used a knife to cut off the maid's ears and nose, and Fan Luo didn't have time to stop them.

Soon after, Ren became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter. To everyone's surprise, the daughter was born without ears and nose. Ren was sad.

As her daughter grew older, she happened to see the maid whose ears and nose had been cut off, and asked her why she had become like this. The maid told her about the past. Ren's daughter listened, understood that it was her mother who had inflicted the sins on her, and was therefore bitter and hated her mother very much from then on. Ren shi was also ashamed, but it was too late to regret it.

The county ordered the embezzled son to hunt and die

During the Tang Dynasty, Raoyang County in Yingzhou (present-day Hebei) made Dou Zhifan greedy. One day, Li Zheng died in a village in the county, and Dou Zhifan ordered his two hundred clan members to be statued as Li Zheng, and each family paid the same money. After the money was collected, Dou Zhifan actually took the money for himself, with the excuse that he was: "This Li Zheng was guilty before his death, and the money for building the statue was used urgently first, and the county ordered that a statue should be built first, so let's use this money." ”

Therefore, Dou Zhifan used 200,000 yuan to build a five-and-a-half-inch statue. Dou Zhifan's greed and shamelessness were all like this.

Dou Zhifan had only one son, and once his son let the eagle hunt, and the horse he rode was frightened and ran wildly, and during the run, he was broken by the mulberry branch and died. When the common people heard about it, they all said happily: "The county grandfather's thousand-gold son has only changed the life of a hare!" ”

Prison officials shielded prisoners' daughters from prostitution

In Xianxian County, the Qing Dynasty, there was a prison official who often danced and inked to shield prisoners, so that the grievances of the bitter lord could not be truly justified. Despite this, his life was smooth and smooth, and he died a few years later. After his death, all three of his daughters were soon reduced to prostitutes. The reason why there is no retribution for him should be that the virtue accumulated in his previous life has made his life stable, but the sins he has created have to be repaid, so the retribution is paid to his daughter.

Once, his second daughter committed a transgression and was condemned according to the law. Before the execution, the officer in charge told his subordinates that this was someone's daughter and not to beat her again. The second daughter returned to the brothel after receiving the cane and said to the mother bustard, "Fortunately, my father was once an officer in the execution chamber, otherwise I would have died today." "However, if she hadn't had this father, she wouldn't have been beaten."

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