
Punch in these delicious Yantai delicacies

author:Quit coffee

Yantai City in Qilu Region is the birthplace of Lu cuisine, the first of the eight major cuisines in China, and is known as the "hometown of cooking". The origin of Lu cuisine can be traced back to the Spring and Autumn Warring States period, the rapid development of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, through the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties is recognized as a major genre. Yantai snacks have a lot, today Xiaobian will introduce you to yantai snacks with representative nature, and then you will take a look at it with me.

Yantai stew is a unique flavor snack. Legend has it that more than a hundred years ago, there were two brothers of the Men clan to Yantai to dry vermicelli, once just made the powder embryo good, encountered a cloudy day, the vermicelli dried, the embryo to be sour, in a hurry, the Men brothers will be invited by the villagers to fry the flour embryo in oil, add garlic to eat, after eating in one voice said delicious, flavorful. So he helped the Men brothers to set up a pot to fry the powder embryos, people said it was delicious, but when asked what the name of this food was, no one could say it. One of the wise men thought that this product was created by the Men brothers, and then fried and stewed in oil, so he blurted out "stew". Yantai stew used to operate in street stalls, but in 1998 it began to move into Daya Hall and was recognized as Yantai famous food by the Famous Food Association.

Punch in these delicious Yantai delicacies

Fukuyama ramen (also known as Fukuyama noodles), with a history of 200 to 300 years, is known as one of the four major noodles in China. Fukuyama ramen is divided into three types: solid noodles, hollow noodles, and dragon's whisker noodles. Solid noodles are divided into round, flat, three prismatic three kinds of more than 20 specifications, noodle brine is divided into large brine, warm brine, fried sauce, three fresh, clear soup, braised spoon and other more than a dozen varieties, strips and noodle brine preparation has a certain exquisite, general thick juice with coarse strips, clear juice with thin strips, fried sauce with flat strips. Hollow noodles are noodles that use a special craftsmanship to pull out the hollow in the middle and breathe at both ends of the noodles. Dragon's whisker noodles are made into 2048 noodles as thin as hair using superb ramen technology, which is really exquisite and ingenious. Fukuyama ramen noodles, due to their strong craftsmanship, good taste and variety, are not only famous in China, but also enjoy a high reputation overseas, and Chinese restaurants in Korea, Japan, the United States and other Chinese restaurants still hang fukuyama noodles.

Punch in these delicious Yantai delicacies

The Penglai noodles, which correspond to Fukuyama noodles, are also a prestigious flavor snack. It uses the same ramen technology as Fukuyama ramen, pulls out uniform strips, uses Yantai famous gargi fish as a brine, is different from Fukuyama noodles with its small number of dough embryos and more marinades, and is also unique in its fresh and delicious taste and unique flavor. The noodles are artificially pulled (noodles, locally known as "falling noodles"), thin and tough, marinated for real silk (commonly known as gargie fish) boiled soup mixed, plus an appropriate amount of mung bean starch, with soy sauce, fungus, sesame oil, star anise, pepper and other condiments, one or two per bowl, with a unique seafood flavor. During the Republic of China period, the Penglai small noodles made by yifutang were famous (commonly known as "Yifutang small noodles"). Originally from Qixia, Yifutang learned to cook at the age of 13, ran his own pick ramen noodles, co-founded a restaurant that also operated small noodles, and in 1945 he operated his own "Yiji" restaurant. The materials and workmanship of the small noodles he made are extremely elaborate, so the supply is not large, only 100 bowls are sold every morning, and they are famous for their exquisite workmanship and delicious taste, and there are often foreign merchants who are sorry because they can't eat the small noodles of Yifutang. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Penglai large and small hotels have operated breakfasts, and medium-to-high-end hotels have also treated guests, with sales of more than 30,000 bowls per morning.

Punch in these delicious Yantai delicacies

Pan silk cake is a kind of fine noodle food developed on the basis of noodles, which is a traditional noodle food in Shandong. In Xue Baochen's "Vegetarian DietAry Strategy" at the end of the Qing Dynasty, there is a detailed description of the pan silk cake made from Fukuyama ramen. Place the flour in a basin and add water, alkali, salt and a soft and hard dough. Pull the noodles into 11 button noodles by the method of rolling the noodles, place the silk on the board, brush the noodles with sesame oil, and cut the noodles into small blanks every 7.5 cm. Take a piece of noodle blank, roll it up from one end, plate it into a round cake shape, about 4.5 cm in diameter, press the tail end underneath, and gently flatten it by hand. Place in a pan and simmer until golden brown on both sides is ripe. When eating, lift the noodles in the center of the cake, shake the silk open, and then scatter it in the basin and sprinkle with sugar. Flavor characteristics: golden and translucent, crispy and sweet.

Punch in these delicious Yantai delicacies

Flowering steamed buns, also known as "silver ruyi", refers to the steamed steamed buns resembling white peonies, so the name "flowering steamed buns", which is a traditional noodle food species in Yantai. According to legend, the flowering steamed bun was invented by the yuan dynasty Luoyang Dongxiang Ma family member outside the family cook. At that time, Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang was still working as a handyman in the Ma family and had eaten this kind of steamed bun. Later, when he became emperor, he wanted the imperial kitchen to make it, but the imperial kitchen would not, and it was made under the guidance of Zhu Yuanzhang's wife, Empress Majia Miss. Later, Chef Fukuyama entered the palace, learned this method, and passed it back to his hometown and passed it on to the world. Flour with yeast noodles and an appropriate amount of warm water kneaded into a dough, fermented to 100% open, mixed with dry flour and kneaded well, then fermented to 100% open, and then mixed with dry flour to knead well, fermentation to 100% open. Add an appropriate amount of alkali to knead the yeast noodles, remove the sour taste, add sugar and knead well, knead into long strips, pinch into a blank, pinch the mouth upwards, and put it into the drawer. Bring the water to a boil in the pot, quickly draw it up, and steam it over high heat.

Punch in these delicious Yantai delicacies

Huangxian meat box, came out in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, has a history of more than 300 years, known for meat more dishes, golden color, juicy stuffing, crispy skin and non-sticky teeth famous for Qilu. Flour and lard are kneaded into puff pastry, the flour is blanched with 80 °C hot water to form a hot dough, and then the flour is mixed with cool water to form a cool water surface. Put the hot dough and the cold water noodles together and knead well, roll out into a thin rectangular cake, the puff pastry dough is also rolled into the same size long pancakes stacked on top of the water cake, and then rolled into long strips, pinched into a dough blank, rolled into a thin skin bun filling, kneaded into a chrysanthemum top-shaped round bun, put into a hot and polished pan, fried golden brown, and then the meat box was fried vertically into a six-sided square circle, take out the meat box, add a large amount of clear oil to the pan and heat it, and then put the meat box into a half-fried and half-fried until it is cooked through. Flavor characteristics: golden color, juicy filling, crispy skin and fragrant.

Punch in these delicious Yantai delicacies

Fish pot slices, fish pot slices are a traditional Han chinese dish in the Jiaodong region of Shandong Province. Fish pot seems to be well understood, fish stewed in the pot can be called fish pot; slices are gum oriental dialect, that is, a flat staple food processed mainly from cornmeal, and some places call it cakes.

Punch in these delicious Yantai delicacies

Ninghai (now Muping District) brain rice was founded in 1927, for its fine production, delicious and delicious famous in Jiaodong, so Jiaodong circulated "Wenden buns, Fushan noodles, Ninghai Prefecture drink brain rice" folk song. Scoop the millet and rinse it, soak it in water to soften it, grind it into a pulp in the water mill, cover it with a clean cloth and filter it, and boil it in a pot until it is viscous and set aside. Wash the soybeans, soak them in water to soften, grind them into a pulp in a small mill, add salt to the pot to save them into a tender tofu brain, peel off the tofu skin, pour them into a millet porridge basin into a brain rice, and hold several bowls. Spinach is washed and cut into sections, sautéed with sesame oil with tofu skin, placed on top of brain rice, and mixed with salt, chili sauce, and pickled snow red when eating. The flavor is characterized by fresh and spicy, delicious and delicious.

Punch in these delicious Yantai delicacies