
Radio Corbé: Villa coach Gerrard personally called to invite Coutinho to join

Radio Corbé: Villa coach Gerrard personally called to invite Coutinho to join

According to The "Corbé Radio" reported that Villa coach Gerrard personally called to invite Coutinho to join. With the winter transfer window open, Premier League teams are working to strengthen their squads, and Villa is clearly one of them, especially after they sold Glalish to Manchester City for £100 million last summer.

After succeeding Dean Smith as Villa manager, Gerrard led the team to a good record, but his team still lacked creativity in midfield. Gerrard is said to be using his personal connections to broker coutinho's loan deal, for which he has contacted some of his friends as well as Liverpool's former team-mates.

If Coutinho leaves, Barca could register for new signing Ferran Torres, who are now anxiously awaiting the progress of the deal.

(Two monsters)

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